Hair Washing

"Explain to me how this happened." Riley looked at Lucas, somehow he was covered in Jelly and melted cheese after he'd been watching Auggie and Ava.

"I don't want to talk about it." Lucas pouted, "I've never had a problem with Auggie when I've watched him before."

"It's Ava, she's the troublemaker." Riley shook her head, "I can't let you go on the subway like that, come with me to the bathroom."

"What are you going to do?" Lucas followed like a sad puppy dog.

Riley set a chair up near the bathtub, thankful for the shower head being moveable. "Take off your shirt Friar, you don't want it to get wet." She tossed him a towel.

Lucas finally smiled, "You sure this isn't just a plot to get me shirtless."

"No, it probably was, but not my plot." Riley giggled, "Ava thinks you're HOT."

"I've noticed." Lucas pulled off his blue t-shirt, suddenly realizing this was the first time he was shirtless in front of Riley.

She was blushing as she tried to look away as she checked the temperature of the water. "Sit down, lay your head back, let's get this stuff out of your hair."

Lucas did as he was told, holding the towel up over his chest as Riley sprayed the cheese and jelly out of his hair. He heard the water turn of for a moment and then got a whiff of something he could only describe as the ocean just before he felt Riley's fingers massaging his head. "Riles, what are you doing?"

"Washing your hair, my brother and his wife did this to you. It's the least I can do." She flashed him a smile, "I might have used a little too much shampoo, I forgot your hair is much shorter than mine."

Lucas laughed, "Well hopefully its gets anything left on my hair off."

"Hopefully." She turned the water on again, rinsing the suds from his head and then pulled out the conditioner, quickly massaging his head again, before giving him a final rinse. "Feeling better?"

"Yeah, I'm feeling a lot better, thanks Riley."

"You're welcome." She went on instinct and kissed his cheek before pulling away. "You should dry off, put your shirt on. My parents are going to be home soon."

"Good thinking." He watched her leave the room, he would have to remember later to thank Ava for pouring the jelly and cheese in his hair if it got him alone time like that with Riley.