So it looks like while I can write the chapters pretty quick, getting them typed is a different story. Surgery, special needs kids starting a new school year and life in general. It's been CRAZY!

New Earth, New, New Doctor is a shorter chapter than the others. Since everything is from Rayne's point of view some chapters will be shorter than others. I hope yall liked the last chapter. I don't get many reviews but I did get more followers so I will take comfort in that. Thanks for the follows everyone. So without further ado, on to the chapter. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who. If I did I wouldn't be writing a fanfiction.

Chapter 4: New Earth, New, New Doctor

Dad and I are in the TARDIS while Rose tells her mom and Mickey bye. "Come on Rose, hurry up!" I yell at her.

"Hey, give her time to say bye. You'd want the same chance." My father says to me. I look away hurt. Yeah I'd love to have the chance but I never got a chance to tell my mother bye. She wasn't even there when I was taken. Rose finally walks in and sets her stuff down the jump seat. Dad and I are fiddling with the console. She walks over, pushes a few buttons and looks at him.

"So where are we going?" She asks.

"Further than we've ever gone before." He says twisting more dials. With a nod to me, I send the TARDIS into the vortex and onto our destination. The ride is very bumpy. I don't remember travel by like TARDIS being so rough. We finally land and my father and Rose step out. I check the environment first to see if I want a jacket or not. I decide to grab my jacket and step closer to the door. I can hear them talking.

"It's the year 5,000,000,023. We are in the galaxy M87, and this? This is new Earth." My father says.

"That's just. That's just." Rose says laughing. I silently laugh I've never heard my mum laugh this way before.

"Not bad. Not bad at all." My father says laughing as well.

"That's amazing. I'll never get used to this. Never. Different ground beneath my feet, a different sky. What's that smell?"

"Apple grass."

"Apple grass." Rose repeats. Hmm… apple grass? Sounds yummy.

"Yeah, yeah."

"It's beautiful, oh, I love this." She says. She then wraps her hands around my father's arm. "Can I just say, traveling with you, I love it." I chose this moment to walk out.

"I'm ready!" I announce. Rose turns back to look at me. She rolls her eyes as if annoyed with me. She then turns back to the Doctor.

"One trip with us right?" she asks him. He looks to me. What do you want me to say? He says across our link. I smile.

"Yes one trip. I say out loud. I need to get back to school anyways. Thanks Doctor for bringing me. I wouldn't want stay for too long. Don't want to feel like the third wheel." I walk past them and stop. I'm sorry little one, he sends me.

It's okay daddy. I understand. She doesn't want anyone tagging along. I'm a child and children tend to cramp style or whatever.

Are you sure you're okay? He asks.

Yes, daddy. I send rolling my eyes.

"Let's go already." I say aloud. I see him grab Rose's hand.

"Come on!" He says as they run off. I laugh and run after them. We finally stop and dad lays out his trench coat for him and Rose to lay on. I sit just off to the side. The breeze is wonderful, as is the smell.

I wonder if the grass tastes like apples? I pick up a few blades and take a bite. Ylech! I spit it out.

"Doesn't taste like apples does it Rayne?" My father asks through his laughter.

"Um… no it doesn't." I just sit there staring off towards the city listening to them talk.

"So the year 5 billion, the sun expands, the earth gets roasted." I hear my dad say. Rose smiles at this with her tongue between her teeth.

"That was our first date." I smile.

"We had chips." My mother sure does love chips. Mmm…chips. Greasy chips. I love them too. I wonder if the TARDIS will let me make some? I'm lost in my own thoughts when I feel as if I'm being watched. I look around and only see the cars flying and my parents talking.

"Oh come on." Rose says.

"It is." My dad says. "It's the city of New New York. Strictly speaking, it's the 15th New York since the original, so that makes it New New New New New New New New New New New New New New New York. What?" He asks when he sees Rose looking at him.

"You're so different."

"New New Doctor."

"Actually, strictly speaking," I start copying my father's tone, "new new new new new new new new new new Doctor." He throws a hand full of grass at me and I gave him my tongue in the teeth smile that I'm sure matches my mum's. He looks between Rose and I a few times. I know what he's thinking. But in this regeneration I don't look much like them like before. As a child I was a perfect mix of the two. Brown hair, light brown eyes, fair skin and my father's smile. Now my hair is lighter but my eyes are green and my smiles is all my mum's. Is Rose… he starts to ask mentally.

"Can we go and visit New New York, so good they named it twice? Rose asks interrupting my father's train of thought.

"Well," he starts as they get up. He comes over to me and offers me his hand. I stand up and brush my pants off. "I thought we might go there first." He points to a tall, white building with a medical symbol on it.

"Why, what is that? Rose asks.

"It's a hospital," I say, "see the green moon on the side? It's a universal symbol." Rose stares at me and the Doctor smiles. Oops, I forgot I wasn't supposed to know this stuff. Oh well I shrug.

"Right, Rayne." He pulls out his psychic paper. "I got this." We read it Ward 26. Please come. "Someone wants to see me."

"Hmm and I thought we were just sightseeing." Rose hooks her arm through his again. "Come on then let's go buy some grapes." They start to walk off and I follow. I still feel as though I am being watch. I tune them out again as I tried to search for the person or thing.

As we walk into the building I hear my dad, "I can't help it. I don't like hospitals. They give me the creeps."

Don't worry daddy, I don't like them either. I send to him with waves of comfort. I see my dad looking around.

"No shop. I like the little shop." Rose stops walking and turns in a circle making me sidestep to miss her.

"I thought this far in the future they would have cured everything."

"The human race moves on, but so do the viruses. It's an on-going war." He says to her.

"Yeah, super viruses compared to what you've had. Better be careful, Rose, you could get sick and die and then where would I be?" I say as I spin to look at her while walking backwards to the lifts.

"Jadzia Rayne Tyler," my dad says sternly, "you will not talk to Rose that way. If you do it again, I will ground you to the TARDIS."

Oh, I'm shivering in my shoes. I send to him.

What was that young lady? He sends to me.

"Ward 26, right Doctor?" I ask as I reach the lift and go in. I never heard his reply as the doors slid shut. I don't know what has come over me. I'm so rebellious feeling all of a sudden. Normally I wouldn't treat my parents with such disrespect. Maybe it was just the way Rose acted when I came out of the TARDIS earlier. The lift doors open and I walk over to reception to wait on my father and Rose.

"That was rude. What you said to Rose downstairs. I don't ever want to hear you talk like that again. Understand?"

"Yes sir." I reply looking down at my feet. I feel a finger under my chin and slight pressure making me look up.

"Hey cheer up. We have a friend to see." I smile at him and he smiled back.

"Where is Rose?" I ask him.

"Other lift. She'll be along soon." One of the cat nuns walks over to us. "Nice place. No shop downstairs. I'd have a shop. Not a big one. Just a shop, so people can shop." The nurse removes her veil.

"This is a place of healing."

"A shop does some people a world of good. Not me. Other people." I could understand that. My father looks at me, I'm not mad at you little one. I was just disappointed in you. I would expect that out of a time-tot, not a time lady.

Sorry daddy. Sometimes I forget that I'm actually 520 years old. When you have the mind and body of a child it's hard to remember that I'm older then I look sometimes. Forgive me? I ask him through the link.


"The sisters of Plentitude take a vow to help and mend." The nurse replies. Dad pauses at an open cubicle. There is a man lying on the bed who looks like stone. A lady with him walks over to us.

"Excuse me! Members of the public may gaze upon the Duke of Manhattan with the written permission from the senate New New York." I raise my eyebrows at that.

"That's Petrifold Regression, right?" The Duke looks at us.

"I'm dying sir. A lifetime of charity and abstinence, and it ends like this."

I look around the ward as my father talks. I feel a tickle in my mind and look for the source. My eyes fall on a big head in a tank.

Come here Wolf Cub. I hear my mind. I walk over to him.

Who are you? No one calls me Wolf Cub except the TARDIS.

I know who you are Rayne Tyler. I have known you for a very long time. I am called the Face of Boe. I had another name many years ago.

So you are from my future then?

Yes. You'll be meeting me soon.

I can't wait. The nurse beside him stands up. I look up and see my father.

"I am afraid the Face of Boe is asleep." Really? I was just talking to him, but he does look asleep. "That's all he tends to do these days. Are you a friend?"

"Yes." I say. My father looks at me questioningly.

"We met just the once on platform one. What's wrong with him?" my father asks.

"I'm sorry, I thought you knew. The Face of Boe is dying." I look back at the Face of Boe.

No you can't die! I put my hand on the glass.

"Of what?" my father asks.

"Of old age. The one thing we can't cure. He's thousands of years old. Some say millions, although that's impossible."

"Oh, I don't know. I like impossible." He kneels down beside me and addresses the Face of Boe. "I'm here. I look a bit different, but I'm here." After a few minutes my father gets up he comes back with cups of water. The hands one to Novice Hame and one to me.

"That's very kind. There's no need." She tells him.

"Well you're the one working." He tells her.

"There's not much to do, just maintain his smoke. And I suppose I'm company. I can hear him singing, sometimes, in my mind, such ancient songs."

"Are we his only visitors?" dad asks.

"The rest of Boe-kind became extinct long ago. He is the only one left. Legend says that the Face of Boe has watched the universe grow old. There's all sorts of superstitions around him. One story says that just before his death, the Face of Boe will impart his great secret, that he will speak those words only to one like himself." I look up at my father. He looks to Novice Hame.

"What does that mean?"

"It's only a story." She says.

"Tell us the rest."

"It's said he will talk to a wonderer. To the man without a home. The lonely God."

Could that mean you, daddy? I ask him.

No idea. He replies.

Where is Rose? Shouldn't she be here by now? Dad looks at Novice Hame.

"Could I use your phone? I need to find my friend." Novice Hame leads him over to a phone. He calls Rose. "Rose where are you?" He listens to her response. "Where've you been? How long does it take to get to ward 26?" He smiles. "You'll never guess. I'm with the Face of Boe. Remember him?" Dad looks off to another part of the room. "I'd better go. See you in a minute." He hangs up and immediately walks over to the Duke.

Wow! He looks normal. I send to my dad. I see him grab at his ear. I turn back to the Face of Boe. I can hear my father's thoughts as he tries to figure things out. I watch his walking around looking at the IV bags and I notice I am a lot like him in that I always walk around thinking about things when trying to figure them out. Sometimes I forget to pay attention to my surroundings and get myself into trouble. I look toward the entrance to the ward and see Rose enter. She looks straight at him. To me it seems that she is a little off. She is standing differently and I wonder what has gotten into her. My dad sees her and starts showing her everything. They walk out of the ward to go investigate. I'm not sure what they are investigating or why they need to.

Stay here Little One and keep your eyes open. Something isn't right around here. Through the glass I see Rose grab my dad and kiss him.

Woah! I think at the same time my dad projects it. I hear a few other words before I tell him to block me and I block him. I see his dazed face before he walks off. I turn back to the Face of Boe and see him watching me.

Sometimes I wish my parents would get a room. He chuckles in my head.

That's how they got you, cub.

I know how it works. Thanks. I may look like a kid, But I am 520 years old. We continue talking. He tells me stories. Some I already know and some I don't. I suddenly hear an alarm go off. No one seems alarmed yet so I try not to worry. I try to reach my father but he is still blocking me. I hope they're okay.

They will be cub, don't worry. All of a sudden we hear a voice say the building is under quarantine. Shutters slam down across the windows. The lady with the Duke runs in screaming about sick people with pus pocket on their skin. We start barricading the doors as they try to get in the ward. I keep trying to reach my father but he is not responding to my pleas. Suddenly my dad and Rose burst through a back door. Clovis runs up two them with a metal stand. They both throw up their hands.

"We're safe! We're safe! We're clean! Look, look!"

"Show me your skin." Clovis yells. They show her.

"Look, clean. Look, if we'd been touched we'd be dead. So how is it going up here? What's the status?" he asks them. Looking to me he asks, "You alright?"

"Yes." I say.

"There is nothing but silence from the other ward." Clovis tells him. "I think we are the only ones left. I have been trying to override the quarantine. If I can trip a signal over to New New York, they can send a private executive squad." Dad looks to her angrily.

"You can't do that. If they force entry, then they would break quarantine."

"I'm not dying here," She yells.

"We can't let a single particle of disease get out. There are 10 million people in that city. They would all be at risk. Now, turn that off!"

"Not if it gets me out."

"Alright fine. So I have to stop you lot as well. Suits me. Rose, Novice Hame, everyone! Excuse me, your grace. Get me intravenous solutions for every single disease. Move it!" he yells. He grabs a yellow silk rope. "Rayne, come here." I walk over to my father and help him. "I need you to stay here."

"No I want to…"

"No. Stay here with the Face of Boe. If one of them touches you, you will die. I can't lose you."

"But daddy…"

"No buts, I don't want to lose you."

"I will still be born." He glares at me. "Fine." I cross my arms over my chest and stomp off. Rose helps him get the IV bags hooked to the rope and they are off to the lifts.

I sit with the Face of Boe listening to his song in my head. It is very comforting to hear. I sit on the floor and lean up against the glass. Next thing I know I'm being woken up by my dad talking to the Face of Boe.

Bye Wolf Cub, the Face of Boe says before the disappears. Had I not been supporting myself, I would have fallen over.

"Why did he call you Wolf cub?" My father asks me. I shrug my shoulders.

"I don't know. Maybe because of bad wolf." I start walking away. "Meet you at the TARDIS."

"Alright Rayne, go straight there." I wave and take the lift down.

I walk into the TARDIS and she greets me with her gentle hum. I shake my head. I can't believe I just mentioned Bad Wolf to my father. He is going to figure things out now. Oh, well. I'm not that worried. The TARDIS send me a comforting hum.

"I am going to shower." I say out loud as I walk to my room.

While in the shower I feel the TARDIS go into the Vortex. Finished with my shower, I dry off and get dressed. Then I sit on the edge of my bed to brush my hair. As I am brushing my hair there is a knock on my door. "Come in." I say. The door opens and Rose walks in. She sits behind me, takes the brush from me and starts brushing my hair.

"So, Jadzia Rayne Tyler, is it?"

"Yep." I reply popping the 'P'.

"That's what I have always wanted to name my daughter if I ever have one."

"Really?" I decide to play stupid. She can't find me out yet.

"Yep. I have also learned that you are someone very special and important from our future."

"Really?" How did she figure that out? She finishes brushing my hair and pulls me up against her front so my back is to her front. I relax against her.

"So until I figure you out, Rayne, where you fit into everything, I want to get to know you better. I feel I need to get to know you. If you're here, at this point in your life, then where are your parents? Your current for you parents. Not your past before you were ever born parents." I shrug my shoulders.

"I can't tell you that yet. I have to keep to the timeline." I tell her.

"Ok. Well until you can tell us, I would like you to stay here and go on adventures with us. Also, I am sorry for the way I acted earlier. I've had a few eye opening, stray thoughts from the Doctor concerning you when Cassandra was going back and forth between us. He cares about you."

"Thanks. But I am still going to go back so I can get some more classes in. Let the two of you have some alone time." I turn in her arms to look at her and wink. She laughs and lightly pushes me away.

"Alright missy, it's time for bed. We will take you back when you wake up." She tucks me into my bed. I snuggle under the covers. This is nice. I have missed this from her. "I will send your father in to tell you goodnight." I stare at her in disbelief. How did she know? I never said anything. "Yes, I figured it out thanks to Cassandra. I'm ok with it. Sweet dreams." She turns off the light and leaves my room. My father walks in a few minutes later.

"She knows I am your daughter." I tell him when he sits down next to me on the bed. "Something about finding out because of Cassandra. She says she isn't mad or upset. She just wants to get to know me better."

"That's good." He says to me as he tucks the blankets around me. "Get some sleep and we will talk about it later after I find out exactly what she knows. I love you."

"I don't want to sleep." He kisses me on the head and starts singing a Gallifreyan lullaby to me. Between him and the TARDIS singing to me, I didn't stand a chance. I drift into a deep sleep and never hear him leave my room.

AN: That is all for chapter 4. I hope you enjoyed it. I am not sure when the next update will be. I am participating in the NaNoWriMo for November. So I will probably have another story to upload on . Thanks for sticking around and don't forget to read and review