I'm Korean.

Delivered Pizzas.

One way or another, we're doing what Rick does.

We told him where the prison was.

Our people go in that row over there

Daryl laid on the couch until Maggie came down the stairs after the kids left. She nudged his arm, far away from his shoulder with the bullet wound.
He grumbled and tried to swat at her until the pain restricted him.
"I need you to sit up," Maggie said quietly.
He complied and slipped off his shirt. She carefully unwrapped the bandaging and cleaned the wound out with antiseptic. Then she stared at it.
"What's wrong buttercup?" he asked.
"This could have been Glenn, but instead it's you."
"HE COULD HAVE BEEN THE ONE WHO JUST GOT SHOT IN THE SHOULDER! But instead it's you! It's you who's sitting next to me, whose wound I have to clean out, whose face I have to look at every goddamn day, as a constant reminder that HE IS DEAD!" She paused, before quietly continuing, "When I remember he's dead, I remember everyone else who is dead too."

"You think it's my fault he's dead?" Daryl reacted.
"No, it's just your fault that I never forget."
"Fair enough."
Maggie continued cleaning the wound, and Daryl said, "Every day that I see Carl with Judith, I think of the brother I could have had in Merle. We were getting closer to that, and then he died. Every time I see Carl hold Judith, every time I see the picture of those kids on Rick's nightstand, and then it gets worse, because then I start to think about Beth."
"Why the hell do you think about my sister?" Maggie asked accusingly.
"Not like that, farm girl. She kept me sane, I protected her. Carl and Judith do the same thing. Lil' Asskicker reminds the kid of his mom."
"I miss him."
"I know."
"I felt the baby move yesterday, and I rolled over to tell Glenn, and he wasn't there. He's not going to be there. My baby won't have a dad."
"Your kid can start a club with Asskicker."
Maggie couldn't help but laugh, her snot and tears spreading throughout her face, "You're terrible, Daryl Dixon."
"Made you laugh… Did I ever tell you about me and Beth out on the road?"
"Not much."
"I'll tell you this one day, she looks at me and goes, 'I need a drink.' So I toss the chick her water bottle and she goes 'A real drink.' I'm sitting there wondering if I'm imagining that water or something and she keeps going, 'As in alcohol.' So we spent the whole damn day looking for this 'drink' that she wants. The only thing we found was some peach schnapps." He wrinkled his nose at the drink. "I smacked it out of her hand, because no sister of Daryl Dixon is ever going to taste no damn peach schnapps. We hid out in this house in the woods and found moonshine, and at the end of it all, we burned the place to the ground."
"Beth? Beth Greene, helped you, Daryl Dixon, burn a house down… with moonshine?"
"I swear, it ain't a lie."
Maggie kept laughing and said, "God, I miss her."
"I do too."
"I don't know who I miss more, because whoever I say, I feel guilty about missing the other less."
"Glenn and I promised each other something."
"If I died, he'd look after Carol, but clearly that didn't happen, so here I am."
"You're here because of that shoulder."
"Yeah, not like Carol or Michonne or anyone else could clean this out. Only you," he answered somewhat sarcastically.
She smiled good-naturedly, "I was sure it had something to do with the food everyone brought to the widow."
"Well, that don't hurt, but I'm making sure you're not alone. Also, couch ain't half bad, better than the one that's at Tobin and Carol's, and this one don't come with Rick and Michonne moaning all night."
"Shut up," Maggie laughed. "They can't be that bad."
"I assure you they can."
He looked at her, "You can only ask that if you close my wound and give me a pill."
Maggie taped new gauze over the mark and took a pill out of the bottle in her pocket.
"Why you got those on you already?"
"They make it easy to sleep."
"Maggie, don't do that."
"Anyway, why haven't you picked a house yet?"
"Every town needs a freeloading bum, I'm getting society back to where it used to be. Since everyone's gotta do their part and all."
"You're not a free loader, Daryl Dixon."
"Let me think what I want."
"Fine, but I want to hear another story about Beth in the morning."
"Only if you don't take one of them pills."