sorabhsorabh- This review made my day XD XD


They both decided to skip school the next day. They walked around the city all day talking. Talking about... whatever they could think of. They walked up and down streets, into shops and restaurants, museums, even parks. Rio even learned some more about the redhead, like about how his aunt and uncle taught him things.

"You're aunt taught you how to cook?" The blonde asked slowly walking beside Karma.

"Yeah," He said with ease, "She said it would be good for me in case we have any human guests over. That and she taught me how to cook human meat, in case we had any Gourmet ghouls come over or something..."

Rio chuckled. "That's clever."

"Yeah, of course, she was an Akabane."

The blonde rolled her eyes. "Oh yes, of course, we all know Akabane's are superior in so many ways."


They laughed.

And laughed.

And laughed.

That's pretty much how their conversations went all day. Even if the story didn't start out funny, they would always end up laughing their heads off somewhere in the city.

Rio liked this.

Everything was normal. (Or as normal as it can get)

They were calm.

They were happy.


Something was still wrong.

The blonde looked over at the redhead who was now staring up at the leaves of the tree above them. His eyes followed a few leaves that were floating to the ground. His eyes... Rio thought back to the classroom yesterday. His eyes changed so fast. "She won't tell me.."

She thought back to that conversation.

"Who won't tell you?"

What he said was just... Surprising.


That's what she wanted to talk about.

"Hey, Karma?" She turned to look at him. He had a smile on his face; he was catching a leave that was floating in the air. He looked adorable...

When he looked at her, his smile grew wider. He dropped the leave and scooted closer to her. "Yeah?"

She gulped. "Can I ask you something..?"

"Yeah, sure."

"About yesterday..."

Just then the smile on his face fell. He looked down at the ground and nodded. "Go ahead."

"One moment you attack me like a ghoul would attack it's prey, the next you care for me like a mother would a child. What's with that?"

He shook his head and turned away from her.


He tensed up.


He tensed up some more.

"Karma, please... Look at me..."

And he finally did. But when he did... His face was full of sadness.


His face was... Pale.

"Rio, I think there's something seriously wrong with me."

He chuckled. "I need help...

I know there's something wrong, though I don't know what it is..."

He looked at her with pleading eyes. "Rio... Help me... Please..."

"You've gotta kill me..."

The blonde's face filled with shock. "What?!"

"You could be killed helping me..."

She grabbed his shoulders and pulled him to her. "No! Not now, not ever! I'm not gonna kill you, Karma!"


"No, Karma! I'm not gonna turn you in, I'm not gonna have anyone kill you! I-I'd never do that..."


"You mean a lot to me, okay?"

The redhead's eyes went wide. "What?"

She looked at him with a grin on her face. "You're like an older brother to me."

Karma frowned, but he quickly covered it with smile. "Yeah... Sure..."

Next thing she knew, she had arms around her. Karma was hugging her. When he let her go, Karma was smiling at her. "Thanks, Rio."

He looked at the sky. "We should get back," He looked at her, the bangs of his hair covering his eyes, "Say, what do ya wanna eat tonight? I'll see if I can cook it up."

(Time Skip) [Karma's house] {Karma's P.O.V.}

"You're like an older brother to me."

When she said that... I swear I felt my whole world shatter.

"Hey, Karma?" She said, tapping on my shoulder, "Why don't you show me how you cook human meat? That way you'll be able to eat something since who knows when."

I chuckled. "Sure, why not? But still what do you wanna eat?"

She blushed. Why? I don't know.. But... It sure was cute. "How about you make that thing Korosensei got to eat for lunch yesterday? What was it called..." She put her hand on her chin and tapped her foot on the tile floor of my house. She snapped her fingers. "Scotch Eggs!"

I chuckled again. "Sure..."

As I began to grab the ingredients for Rio's dish, I kept stealing glances of her. She was standing right beside me. Watching my every move. So when I started cutting the eggs...


"Karma! Are you okay?"

The cut on my hand sealed slowly, disgusting the blonde next to me. "Gross..." She pulled a strand of stray hair on my head. "You had me worried!"

I laughed, rubbing my head. "Sorry, ha..."

I looked at her as she started to help me cut the eggs. I stared at her, taking in every detail of her...


Her flowing blonde hair...


Her ocean blue eyes...


Her rosy cheeks...





"You.. Zoned out for a minute there..."

I rewinded my thoughts, remembering what I was doing... I blushed and covered my face. "S-Sorry..."

She chuckled. "Weirdo.."

I uncovered my face and leaned my head on her shoulder. "Yep... That's me, alright..."

Then... She blushed.