Clint knew fear. Even when you tried to hide it, your body often betrayed you. Natasha was a perfect example of someone who hid fear well; her face could be as cool and collected as she wanted it to be, even under stress. He only knew when she was afraid when she let him see…or he read her micro body language.

Today, Clint discovered that Tony Stark was not someone who hid fear well. He was like Cooper and Lila on a sugar rush – he talked excessively, fidgeted, paced and worked his jaw. His nostrils flared and his eyes kept darting around the house every now and again.

If Laura were at all perturbed from the sight of having the billionaire sitting rim rod straight on her couch, with an Iron Man suit sitting next to him, she masked it well. Placing a finger of scotch on the table in front of Stark, she lowered herself next to Clint and eyed him critically.

"Come on Tony, whatever it is, spit it out." She sighed in her patient mothering tone. He loved this woman.

Stark opened and closed his mouth like a goldfish a few times before snatching the finger of scotch and downing it with a shudder and a sigh. He then leaned back in the couch and cast his chocolate eyes on the archer.

"Tell me, Barton. How did you do…" he began airily, before gesturing to his wife and the house in one arm movement "All this."

Clint blinked once. Twice. Three times. After a sharp elbow in the ribs from Laura, he spoke "Uh, you mean a family?" he questioned slowly.

Tony jerked his head in the affirmative, his eyes dropping to his hands. Laura let out an "Ohhhh…" of understanding and smiled gently at the billionaire who seemed to shrink further under her gaze.

"Okay, you wanna catch me up, Honey?" He muttered.

Laura scoffed "If that's any indication to you, Tony, I made the first move." She said with a Natasha-esque smirk. Clint honestly couldn't remember who was the original owner of that smirk anymore.

Tony's eyes twinkled in amusement at that "Well, our archer failed to notice two of our favourite Avengers' very own re-enactment of Beauty and The Beast going on last time we were here…" he said smugly "I'm not surprised your wife had to put the moves on you."

Clint scowled, "Hey! She's like my sister, Stark. Therefore, I don't want her around any guys..." He huffed dramatically. Laura just rolled her eyes and patted her husband's chest in mock sympathy.

"It's okay sweetheart, you just don't shoot with Cupid's arrows."

Tony and Laura sniggered while Clint just pouted "Can we get back to Stark's problem and stop picking on me?" he drawled.

Stark's mischievous glint transformed into one of uncertainty again, his hands fidgeting "I uh. I want to ask Pepper to marry me." He blurted out.

Hawkeye threw the other man a shit-eating grin and rubbed his hands together "Ahhhh. Now that I can say was my move." He said, poking his tongue out at his wife who returned the child-like gesture.

Stark remained unnaturally silent. He startled when a high-pitched baby wail travelled down from upstairs. Sighing, Laura rose from her position and patted her husband's shoulder "I'll leave you boys to talk while I feed Nathaniel."

Once his wife was out of sight, the archer scurried into the kitchen and poured two more fingers of scotch. He handed one to the Iron Man dutifully and they disposed of the evidence quickly.

"Look man, I may be a bit oblivious, but I'm not that dumb. Pepper loves you." He said calmly.

Tony scrubbed at his face before frowning "How are you able to leave them for so long?" he questioned quietly.

Hawkeye looked at him thoughtfully "It's really shit. Every time I come home I'm ready to hang up my arrows," he admitted, ignoring Tony's joking gasp of "Language!"

"But they're my something to fight for. They keep me going." He continued before looking to the stairs, Laura had just stepped on the third creaky step from the top.

The woman re-appeared with an alert Nathaniel tucked in her arms. She resumed her position on the couch after passing the little parcel off to her reaching husband.

Glancing at Tony, she smiled sadly "I couldn't help but overhear the conversation on my way down," she said apologetically while Tony just waved it off "It does get hard, really hard. But we make do. I know he's got the other Avengers watching his back – that helps me sleep at night." She said, eyeing the Iron Man suit sat next to Tony.

"I've almost died on her so many times," Tony chuckled darkly.

Hawkeye glared at him "Okay, nuh uh. Hold the baby." He ordered, lowering the blinking child into his unsuspecting arms.

Tony looked at him like the archer had just handed him his bow and arrows and asked him to shoot him in the eyeball "Uh, okay. Why?"

Clint pointed to his offspring "If you can still brood with that little man smiling at you, I'll be impressed."

Tony Stark looked down at Nathaniel, who was indeed smiling at him gummily. Tony pulled a face at the baby, his face lighting up when he received a few baby giggles for his effort.

"Okay." Tony acquiesced, looking at the parents "Your kid is therapeutic."

"If you ever wanna babysit we've got three." Clint joked.

Tony wiggled his hand up and down as Nathaniel gripped his pinkie. Hardly noticing the shuttering noise from across the table. Laura's "Aww." Made the Iron Man glare "You can't publish that photo without my permission, Barton. I can sue you." He said sarcastically.

Clint flipped him off before passing him the phone "I was just going to send it to Pepper." He replied innocently.

Tony seemed to freeze at that, not even reacting when Nathaniel succeeded in his quest to drag the man's finger into his gummy mouth "You think…she'd want this?" he questioned lightly.

Laura chuckled "One thing at a time, Tony. Don't go down the rabbit hole too fast." Clint nodded in agreement.

The other man seemed to relax at that "Yeah. Good point. So, can you recommend any jewellers, Robin Hood?"

Two weeks passed quickly after Tony's visit to the farm, but neither Barton could say they were very surprised to get a call from a madly grinning Stark and teary Pepper announcing their engagement. When the man made up his mind, he didn't wait.