In French the meaning of the name Oliver is: The olive tree. Extending an olive branch signifies an offer of peace.

Felicity is an English feminine given name meaning "happiness".

Felicity Smoak had only negative feelings associated with men for most of her life. Abandonment, inadequacy and disappointment were the three words that summed it up pretty well for her. Her father had been her whole world until the day he walked out of her life and left her to wonder, at only six years old, what it was that was wrong with her that would make him want to leave her. Could it be that she wasn't smart enough? She fixed that problem by always working hard in school and reading every book she could get her hands on. She felt like Matilda—maybe if she read enough she too could gain magic powers and then maybe he'd love her again. She graduated as valedictorian from high school and top of her class at MIT. Still, he did not come back. Maybe she wasn't good enough. She learned to hold her tongue, put everyone else's wishes and feelings first and keep herself out of trouble. Still, he did not come back. Could it be, perhaps, that she wasn't pretty enough? She dyed her hair blonde and dressed up every single day but still, he did not come back.

And then, one day, a man waltzed into her cubical with a crazy story about a latte being spilled on a computer that also happened to be riddled with bullet holes. When she expressed her skepticism he smiled at her as though they were sharing an inside joke and she felt a warmth spread to the tips of her fingers and toes. Several weeks later he presented her with a syringe full of a mystery liquid and insisted it was an energy drink to cure his hangover and again they shared a look that said she knew, but she'd play along if it made him feel better. She never expected to care so much that she'd stick by his side all night when she found him shot and bleeding all over her car a short while later.

He accepted her exactly as she was. He laughed at her corny jokes and called her remarkable. Nobody else had ever used that world for her before. He seemed enthralled and awestruck by her powerful mind and by her beauty and he made sure she knew it. Even before they fell in love he made her feel special, like she mattered. And she did, to him. He promised her he'd always be there and for the most part, he never broke that promise. For the first time in her life, Felicity felt at home in her own skin and confident about who she was. And that is how Oliver brought peace to Felicity.

Oliver Queen had returned from the island after five years of darkness, anger and despair. After so many years and so many events had conditioned him to be numb to the pain, he expected to always feel that way by the time he returned home. Try as they might, nobody could get him to open up and be his old self again. The spoiled, selfish party boy had died on that island. That Oliver Queen was long gone. His mother, sister and friends struggled with how to help him find normal again and, to Oliver, it seemed he would always be shrouded in darkness.

And then, one day, there she was with her thick-rimmed glasses and blonde ponytail. She was awkward and prone to completely inappropriate, yet hilarious word-vomit. She was by far the most intelligent person he'd ever met and her wit was razor-sharp. Unlike most people who pandered to the billionaire playboy as he lied and schemed, she saw right through him as though he was made of glass and never let him get away with anything, even if she pretended to play along sometimes. All it took was a tilt of her head and a raised eyebrow for him to know he'd been caught. And it brought a smile to his lips for the first time in a long time. And that is how Felicity brought happiness to Oliver.