Disclaimer: I do not own The Avengers or its characters. Unrecognized plot and, or characters are mine.

Summary: She never planned to be in a HYDRA base. He never planned to be an assassin, or to have mechanical arm. She never bargained for a former soldier turned assassin as an Alpha. He never bargained for an Omega. He didn't ask to have his memories and identity wiped after every mission. She didn't ask for an Alpha who wouldn't remember her half of the time and is absent another portion of the time. They received those things all the same.


Josephine Elizabeth Burrows walked as fast as she could down the Brooklyn street with her heels on. She was going to be late for the job interview. Mrs. Williams had made a lot of calls to secure her an interview with the owner of the clothes factory.

It wasn't as glamorous as being a pin up girl or a dancer in the shows, but it was a job.

She paused across the street from the factory building and took calming breaths. She smoothed her hands down the front of the modest sky blue dress to work out any wrinkles in the fabric and checked to make sure her hair was still pinned.

Okay, now she was ready.

Josephine began to cross the street when she was halted mid stride by hands grasping her arms and waist.

She struggled, attempting to scream, but another hand closed over her mouth.

Panic flooded her system and her struggles incensed. The skin of the hand on her mouth felt wrong, too smooth and soft.

Her vision blurred, then black creeped around the edges and spread rapidly until everything was completely dark.

She grew limp, and knew no more.

Josephine opened her heavy eyes, groaning as her head pounded.

What in the heck happened? She thought, lifting her lead limbs to rub her forehead.

Flashes of walking down a street and a building came first. Then the feeling of hands on her and panic.

She glanced around the unfamiliar settings. The room was similar to a cellar, bare crude walls and a cement floor. She was currently laying on a single dingy mattress pressed against the wall across from the metal door. There was nothing else in the room.

Where am I?

The door opened and a man in a uniform entered, a strange squid like figure with a skull on the breast pocket of it. He had his hands clasped behind his back like she'd seen soldiers in the neighborhood do. He turned to the partially opened door. "Tell the Master she had regained consciousness."

Her blood went cold at the sound of his speech.

His accent was German.

She was being held by Nazi's.