This is basically a rewrite of RWBYS and I am reusing ideas I had originally saved for Kingdom Hearts: Stars of an Empire so basically this is a rewrite to that as well. This takes places in a time were Xehanort has been permanently dealt with and after Volume 2 of RWBY. I used an idea that ElectricNights15 gave me so they have my thanks.

Sixteen year old Sora was happy that Xehanort was defeated for good, the long fallen Keyblade Master's plans for the Kingdom Hearts was scrapped and he had managed to free Terra, Aqua and Ventus who with their help along with Riku and Kairi managed to stop Xehanort. To Sora's surprise even though he no longer had Ventus in his heart, he was still able to use his magic, call upon and use his Kingdom Key Keyblade. King Mickey and Yen Sid believed that Sora was worthy of wielding the Keyblade, it's just that Ventus in his heart helped which everyone agreed with. Not only that but after taking his Mastery exam again he managed to pass and was a Keyblade Master along with Aqua and Riku.

Right now things had been quiet but he was warned that things never stayed too quiet and there may still be Heartless out there but in between practicing he was playing with Riku and Kairi. Right now he was on Destiny Islands (while Riku and Terra were helping Kairi train since she was still a beginner as a Keyblade wielder) waiting for Aqua to turn up as they had a practice session scheduled, despite having fought by his side she still thought that he needed some practice due to his inexperience and young age.

"Even though we are now supposed to be on equal levels, she is still treating me like I am still the same kid she once met on the island..." Sora muttered to himself in annoyance while reading a book he had been given as a present for passing the Master's Exam, it was of the different |Keyblade Masters of legend including ones who had fought in the Keyblade Wars, Aqua seemed to be taking the protective older sister attitude that Ventus told him that she had done for him. Apparently even though it had been years since that happened she still thought of Sora like the same sweet kid who made the promise to her to look after Riku if he even went down a dark path (but to his irritation to Kairi, she said that Sora was still as sweet as he was when they first met, not losing the optimism that he usually had on life).

Then suddenly to his surprise he saw on the island's beach appearing a horde of Heartless monsters, "It's just like the day I first got my Keyblade but where are they coming from?" Sora asked alarmed, he knew the Heartless were still around but he did not think they would have appeared on his home world all that suddenly. Nonetheless he summoned his Keyblade and got ready into a battle stance.

He wasted no time in going into battle striking hard at the Heartless with his Keyblade, in little time the Heartless horde were gone but Sora had little time to rest as a strange boar like Heartless that he had never seen before had appeared. However this one seemed to have caused a large black circle on the ground that took up the entire beach and it along with Sora disappeared as some of the other kids on the island had saw from where they were standing off the bleach to their shock and surprise.


The next thing Sora knew he found himself in the outside of some sort of strange building with other people around dressed in some sort of school uniforms. Deciding he had no time to dwindle on this once he saw the Heartless monster, he then leapt to the monster striking it hard with the Keyblade before finishing it off with the Thundaga attack causing it to be destroyed.

He then looked to the young people around him who were now cheering and then he found in front of him a cute short haired girl that looked about the same age as him only a little bit shorter. "That was so cool how you fought like that, that weapon of yours must be kind of retro but what works will work just fine!" the girl said excitedly and Sora gave her a little thanks. "Luckily you were here to deal with that Ursa, wonder how it got here so close to Beacon without anyone knowing..." the girl thought and Sora just looked confused at the mention of the word Ursa.

"You know Ursa, big and scary!" the girl told him making a roar sound with her hands imitating the paws of a wild animal making Sora chuckle but he shook his head as well. "A type of Grimm?" the girl asked wondering how he did not know this.

"Sorry but I have never heard of this Grimm before." Sora told him with everyone around staring at him in shock once he uttered those words. "That monster was not a Grimm as you call it but a part of the Heartless." Sora told her to her confusion but he smiled and let out his hand. "My name is Sora, wielder of the Keyblade." Sora told her and the girl shook her hand as well with a smile.

"Ruby Rose, future Huntress and wielder of Crescent Rose but of course I don't have him with me..." the girl told him noticing Sora's Keyblade had disappeared but before she could ask where his weapon had gone, she then looked nervous as she was looking to the back of his head. Sora turned and saw two men walking towards them. One was a silver haired man wearing black and a green ascot with grey hair and black glasses while the other one was a black haired man with grey linings who was wearing a red tie and a white military like uniform. "That's Ozpin the Headmaster of this school and Ironwood the headmaster of Atlas who is also a general there..." Ruby whispered to Sora who was not sure what was going on.

"Ruby, you think you and this Sora fellow can come with us while we ask him a few questions of who he is, how he got there and what happened with that creature as it was unlike any Ursa I have heard of before." Ozpin told them and they both looked nervous. "Don't worry Ruby, I just want you to help us make Sora feel welcomed and we just want to know what is going on." Ozpin told her but Saw looked a bit scared.

"You will in good hands young man." Ironwood told them as Sora decided to follow the two headmasters along with Ruby. Ruby then whispered to them saying not to worry much as the two headmasters had been friendly enough to her the times she had met them face to face but Sora decided to give them the benefit of the doubt while being prepared for anything and wonder what world he was in now...