Weiss did not give Ruby enough time to react before she was no demanding answers to her questions like if Sora was sent there to spy on the students for the Vytal Tournament and how on earth Ruby had found him before they did even though they had been looking for hours. Blake managed to calm Weiss down enough and then just gently asked Ruby to explain who decided to tell them that she was there when Sora explained to Ozpin and Ironwood that he was just a visitor without a way home at the moment so Ozpin let him stay at Beacon as well as attend classes.

"...I said he could stay here so Ozpin got him his own uniform and may I introduce to you the honorary fifth member of Team RWBY or as I guess it should now be called Team RWBYS, Sora" Ruby told them and while Yang looked fine with it Weiss still looked suspicious but a look from Blake told her to drop it for now. "Sora these are my teammates: Weiss, Blake and my big sister Yang." Ruby smiled introducing Sora to his friends and Sora greeted them with a smile.

"Nice to meet you, I always like making friends." Sora told them with a warm smile looking at the expressions they had on their faces; Weiss's suspicious mood did not change, Yang looked happy enough with him there and Blake looked calm and accepting. "Yeah if you heard about yesterday, I was kind of doing my job when I kind of ended up here without a way back so without explaining everything, I am glad that I can meet you." Sora told them trying to warm himself to them as best as he could.

Sora got out and found a closest to change into his pyjamas and went back after they all got changed. Sora waved to everyone as he went to sleep in the sleeping bag that Ruby helped him set up. Ruby and Blake went to sleep on their own beds as well and Weiss whispered to Yang "I will be watching him closely in case he tries something..." Yang just rolled her eyes making Weiss sigh in agitation when she realised Yang was not taking her concerns that seriously. They went to sleep themselves.

The next morning Sora yawned as he went to get changed into the provided Beacon school uniform so that he could blend in a little bit better, he got back to see Team RWBY had gotten changed as well. "Okay Sora, first we go for breakfast in the cafeteria then we have history with Doctor Oobleck." Ruby told him of the day's starting timetable motioning him to follow her so she could show him the way to the cafeteria.

Sora followed her and the rest of the Team and from the looks and whispering that everyone was sending their way it seems that people recognised him from yesterday. Sora ignored them as he sat down with Team RWBY at the table and starting tucking in at the food.

Then came a boy followed by his own team who asked Weiss "hey guys, they might have told you Ruby but Weiss, Yang and Blake were trying to find that boy that everyone is talking about. The one who vanquished an Ursa single handily with a sword so did you find him..." Weiss to the boy's surprised humphed and pointed to the seat next to where Ruby was sitting. The boy looked to where she was pointing and his eyes widened when he saw Sora sitting there.

"That's Jaune one of our friends, you will like him." Ruby told Sora as Jaune was still frozen in place and then pointed to his teammates and said "and the rest are Pyrrha, Ren and Nora who makes up Team JNPR." The big girl Pyrrha waved at him cheerfully while Ren looked calm and Nora looked excited.

"I am meeting a lot of friendly faces since I got here, my name is Sora." Sora said introducing himself and Pyrrha took his hand to shake. "I welcome you to Beacon and I hope Weiss did not scare you too much when you met her, yesterday when she learned about you she seemed like you would be a threat against Beacon in the Vytal Festival." Pyrrha told him with Weiss looking annoyed. Sora looked puzzled at the statement of a Vytal Festival but decided to just save that sort of question for later.

"I have been meaning to ask Ruby but what kind of school is Beacon actually is, since they don't seem to think too much of me fighting a monster here with a weapon." Sora asked Ruby who quickly told him that Beacon was one of the main academies in the world that teaches people to be Hunters and Huntresses, who protect the kingdoms by hunting down the Grimm so Sora thought that it was not that much different from those who wield the Keyblade.

Ruby then told him that in history they were studying more of the human and Faunus conflict and at his confusion she had to explain about the Faunus who made Sora look a bit upset. "So just because people here have animal parts they are hated and looked down upon?" Sora asked looking a little angry taken Ruby aback since she had yet to see him other than cheerful yet except for the time he looked a bit serous fighting that Heartless monster.

"Sounds a lot stupid, there are real monsters out there who want to end humanity and yet you pick on other for no real reason..." Sora muttered with most of the people hearing him causing some whispering since they gathered it sounded like Sora had only now knew about Faunus.

Ruby patted him on the back and Blake told him "the world doesn't share your view Sora; it's a dark world out there." but he gave a look that said he was brushing off that statement. She did however give a small smile when she heard his words.

"All the more reason to make it better, if you are not trying to make the world better then that is the point in fighting for it?" Sora told them earning some nods from Team JNPR and RWBY, Ruby as well since she made some similar worlds to Blake when they had first met. Sora felt someone pat on his shoulder and saw it was a taller girl pass him by with a smile and rabbit ears so Sora figured she must be a Faunus.

The staff along with visiting General Ironwood were listening closely his words, "Well James he does seem to have the spirit of a Huntsman." Ozpin told Ironwood who gave agreed but could not help but think there might a sinister purpose of Sora being sent here.


"Are you sure this is a good idea?"

"We were promised power if you eliminate this brat, we will wait until these creatures give us the perfect opportunity and then the White Fang shall strike..."