Hey guys! I know it's been an awfully long time since I've updated, but I figured I'd drop another chapter so there's proof that I'm still alive lol. It's taken awhile for me to get some motivation up my butt to write some more…but here I am! Enjoy! ;)

P.S. I try to respond to any PM's and reviews pretty quickly, so let me know if you guys have any ideas or thoughts you'd like to add for future filler chapters! (Also, peep my new username!)

-CaelahRae ;)


"Hey Britt…"


Brittany shot straight up from under the blanket, however, not realizing how tangled up it had gotten, accidentally launched herself sideways onto the carpeted floor beside her bed, dropping her phone in the process.

"Alvin, w-where the hell have you been?!" Brittany winced, breathed heavily as she stood up. Dusting herself off and carefully sitting down on the edge of her bed, she glared at the red blanket she had gotten stuck under, shoving it off onto the floor with her foot.

Eleanor, coming up the stairs and hearing the loud noise from her sister's room, padded her way up to the door and peeked in. She laughed upon seeing Brittany getting up off of the floor looking irritated. "Wow, you're as bad as Jeanette!"

Alvin laughed. "Hey Ellie!"

The green-clad chipette looked surprised as she recognized the voice. "Hey Alvin!"

Brittany rolled her eyes at her sister, pointing a finger towards the bedroom door. Eleanor took the hint, wiggling her eyebrows as she backed out of the room.

Alvin chuckled again as he heard her door close. "Are you okay?" He relaxed back onto the bean bag, resting his uninjured arm behind his head.

Brittany laughed. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I got tangled up in your stupid blanket and dropped my phone. "

"Oh, so that's what that terrifying noise was…" His words faded into laughter.

The chipette smiled and rolled her eyes. "Oh shut up, it wasn't THAT bad…"

He continued to laugh. "It must've been if the noise was that loud!"

"Ha…ha…" She glared at the wall in front of her as a solemn look returned to her eyes. "Seriously though, Alvin, are you…like, I don't know, still alive? I haven't gotten anything from you, no letters, no phone call, NOTHING! Do you know how long it's been since we last talked? Do you…do you know how tired I am of crying over you?" Brittany's face contorted. Did I REALLY just say that out loud?

Alvin glanced up at the Sergeant with a smirk on his face, mouthing the words, "I think she misses me." The man smiled back at him, nodding his head as he put a stack of paper in his desk drawer. "Okay, first off, Britt, if I wasn't alive, we wouldn't be talking right now…and second, I haven't had the freaking time to even write you a letter! Boot camp is a lot harder than both of us thought it would be ya know…" The young chipmunk sighed. "I do wish we had more time to talk, though. I think I miss you just as much as you miss me…"

Brittany smiled. "Wow, who are you and what have you done with Alvin? You actually miss me?! Awww…"

Alvin rolled his eyes and laughed. "Hey, don't make me regret this phone call, Brittany! I'm using precious minutes that Dave is sooo graciously paying for…"

Brittany rolled her eyes, giggling. Aaaand there's the sarcasm. Gosh, I sure missed hearing him say that stupid stuff.

She shook her head, feigning sympathy. "Awww…Dave's poor wallet!"

Alvin shrugged his shoulders, looking around. "Eh, it's the least he could do. He's not the one out here getting freakin' sunburnt in the desert or sleeping with some stupid mosquitos!" He glanced at the now bandaged gash on his arm with a sigh. Or getting hurt.

Brittany, hearing the small noise, asked, "Hey…is there something you're not telling me? You sound really tired…"

Alvin looked out the window, fumbling with the velcro strap on his cargo pants pocket. "Not really…I mean nothing major…uh, I-I, uhm…mean nothing too serious…" Nah, you know that's a lie… "Okay. Yeah, so…we were working on a really intense training exercise, and…" He hesitated, wincing. "…I messed up my arm pretty bad…b-but wait, before you freak out, I promise you it's not that bad! Don't worry about me, Britt, I'm fine!" He grimaced, waiting for her response.

The chipette was quiet. "How bad is it?" She quietly asked.

Alvin let go of the breath he was holding. "It'll heal soon. It burns like hell, but it probably hurts worse than it actually is. I'm honestly more surprised that you're so calm about this…" Oh, if only he knew...

Brittany took a deep breath. "Well, just so ya know, every part of me wants to freak out, but that wouldn't help at all…so I'm not. I'd probably be more concerned if you were laying in a hospital bed with an amputated limb or something…"

Alvin's eyes widened. "I sure hope that's not the case! I really hope it wouldn't have to be that bad before…ugh, nevermind, I don't even wanna imagine that…"

Brittany laughed. "Yeah, me neither…I'd rather have you come home in one piece, NOT two!"

Alvin smiled. "Yeah, me too."

There was a comfortable silence between the two munks for a short time. Brittany finally sighed. "I really miss you, Alvin…"

Alvin nodded. "I really miss you, too, Britt…oh, hey, I forgot to ask, what've you guys been up to?"

Brittany thought for a minute, resting her chin in her hand. "Well, it's actually been super quiet…we've all just kinda been doing our own thing. The only thing we really do together anymore is go down to the kitchen to grab our food at the same time. Other than that, it's been a little awkward around here lately."

Alvin nodded. "Awww that sucks." Then he grinned. "Nice to know I'm a favorite!"

Brittany smirked. "Yeah, but only because you're gone…when you get back we'll probably all get tired of you again!"

The chipmunk laughed. "Hey! Way to make me feel loved! What kind of family is this?"

The chipette giggled. "I didn't want to inflate your ego anymore! It might pop!"

Alvin rolled his eyes. "Oh, whatever! You know you guys love me…"

"Yeah, yeah, sure." She said as she took a deep breath. "Okay, so I answered your question…but what about you? What goes on over there? It's gotta be pretty crazy, cuz whatever that is I'm hearing in the background sounds like a lot…"

Alvin nodded. "Well, you're not wrong…the first week was the hardest, I think. There was already a lot going on when our group got here, but it's still hard to get used to sleeping on these hard-ass beds around people that sound like bulldozers when they snore. Oh, and the food tastes like crap…you remember that one time when Dave burned the pasta and all the noodles turned black?"

Brittany laughed loudly. "Yeah, I don't think they were supposed to be that crunchy!"

Alvin snickered. "Exactly. That's what every single breakfast, lunch, and dinner tastes like…it's disgusting! You guys are lucky you have actual food! Oh, and you also don't have to get up at 4:30every morning…if nothing else is bad, THAT'S BAD. If I could curl up in a corner and hide from everyone just so I could sleep, I totally would!"

Brittany laughed. "Oh gosh, I don't blame you! Damn…we didn't even have to get up that early for concerts!"

Alvin raised his eyebrows. "Yeah, I know! It doesn't even make sense…like, I swear, the commanders wake us up that early just to piss us off…it's so annoying."

"Yeah, I bet! I'm sure glad I don't have to be in your position. Sounds like it would ruin my nails." Brittany said, looking at the perfectly manicured nails on her hand.

Alvin sniggered and rolled his eyes, knowing full well how to push her buttons. "Well, I'm sure they'd look as bad as they do now."

Brittany gasped. "How dare you?! My nails look absolutely perfe-" The chipette paused her rant as she heard Alvin start to laugh his head off in the background. She sighed, shaking her head. "Oh, Alvin, I hate you...you did that on purpose!"

Alvin laughed even harder. "I love you Britt-Britt!"

Brittany smirked. "You know what? You gotta prove it…so when you come home, you gotta really make me believe you!"

Alvin sighed. "Awww, dammit, I knew you were gonna make me do something stupid…"

The chipette laughed. "Nah, I'm just kidding." She looked up at the clock on the wall behind her. "Hey, wow, I just realized we've been talking for almost 2 hours!"

Alvin looked down at his bulletproof watch. "Oh, yeah, wow. Time really flies when we talk, huh?"

Brittany smiled. "Yeah. Dave's probably gonna kill you for using all your minutes, though…that would be funny!" She laughed. "We go to pick you up from the airport and he just sees you and yells 'ALLLVIIINN!' instead of hugging you."

Both chipmunks laughed, the two continuing to talk for a while longer.

"Oh, hey, so it rained out here…again. It was actually raining really hard earlier, but there was a really pretty rainbow after it stopped. I fell asleep, but I have no idea how, because the thunder was so damn loud!" Brittany explained as she walked around the bed to sit on her window seat. "It's nice out here now, there's little droplets hanging off the leaves and the grass is super wet, but other than that, it's all sunny now." She said as she looked out her window down at the street below.

Alvin crossed one of his legs over the other as he listened. His mind began to wander as he looked up out the window of the small office he was sitting in. This is so unnerving, he thought. The gunfire just keeps getting louder and closer. I don't like this at all…I'd rather be anywhere but here. I really want to go home... He was quickly broken out of his thoughts by the sound of Brittany's voice in his ear.

"Alvin? Alvin! You didn't answer my question!"

Alvin shook his head to clear his thoughts. "Sorry Britt, I got distracted. What'd you ask me?" He asked.

She sighed, adjusting her grip on her phone. "It's fine. I asked if you knew when you'd be able to come home, or at least visit for a while. Do you think it would be anytime soon?"

Alvin solemnly looked down at his boots, noticing one of the laces was untied. "I wish I did, Britt. The last time I heard anything about that was like last month when a couple of the guys were talking about the next place we're going after we finish death camp; I-I mean boot camp. We call it 'death camp' most of the time. But other than that, I don't know. We practically have to beg the commanders to tell us anything like that, so it's not exactly easy to tell when, or if I'll even be home this year!"

Brittany tried to swallow the forming lump in her throat. "Yeah, that makes sense." She said quietly. "I wish you could just jump through a portal or something and land in the living room."

Alvin smiled. "Yeah, that would be nice, but I think I'd rather land in the kitchen. I'm dying to eat some REAL food!"

Brittany shook her head and laughed. "We'd have to go shopping first…Theo ate almost all the snacks already!"

Alvin rolled his eyes. "Yep, that sounds normal! Nothing goes together better than food and my little brother." He chuckled as he added, "except maybe Simon and science; they make a pretty interesting pair of their own, don'tcha think?"

The pink-clad chipette nodded. "Yeah, they totally do. Kinda like Ellie and sports, Netta and her weird books, or me and fashion!"

"Yeah, nothing like being part of a weird family." He agreed.

Brittany blinked and smiled. "I know, right?"

As the two continued to catch up, Alvin saw something moving out of the corner of his eye, and as he looked up, his honey golden eyes widened. "Sarge, behind you!" The young chipmunk screamed as he dove off of the bean bag behind a small cabinet up against the wall.

The Sergeant immediately dropped to the floor, snatching his handgun off of his desk. The uniformed man aimed towards the large window, crouching as he pointed the weapon at the black shadow moving outside. Alvin, not hearing any noises, peeked around the cabinet just in time to watch a bullet fly through the window, shattering the glass and landing in the wall just beside the young chipmunk's head. The Sergeant fired his gun up at the shadow just barely missing the window frame. The shadow, firing back, hit the top of the desk, breaking a ceramic mug in the process. The Sergeant fired a few more rounds into the gaping hole in the window. Alvin, not knowing what to do, squeezed his eyes shut. Breathing heavily, the chipmunk covered his head with his hands. Not realizing that Brittany had heard everything, Alvin was startled by a small voice coming from the cell phone down by his foot.

"A-Alvin? WHAT WAS THAT?!" The chipette quietly whispered.

With shaking hands, Alvin quickly picked the phone up off the floor. He put the device up to his ear and whispered, "Somebody just shot through the window-" He didn't even get a chance to finish his sentence when another loud round of ammunitions ripped through the air. Alvin poked his head out from behind the cabinet just in time to see one of the bullets lodge in the Sergeant's shoulder, knocking the man to the floor. The chipmunk's pupils dilated, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. He dropped the phone, shaking harder than before.


I'm sorry guys, I couldn't help but leave you with another cliffhanger… R&R if you dare!