Hey there... Just a little update for you...
Geeze, I've been active with the writing today... Haven't gotten anything else done though...

Hope you enjoy!

Mick paced the hall as Len was under for surgery. He knew Snart had survived a lot during his years as a criminal, but he never knew when that luck would run out.

He cracked his knuckles, a sign of stress. His stomach turned, he was so stressed out right now that he became nauseous.

He paced faster.

He heard the beeping of monitors from inside the med bay. It was beeping steadily, but he knew all too well how quickly that could change. That was how his older brother had died, about two years after their parents' fatal car accident.

He shook with fear… He couldn't lose another brother. Not like this, not the same way…


Rip watched as Gideon's instruments worked quickly. Right now, the machine was busy digging out the bullet of his shoulder. It only took a few seconds to locate it and pull it out.

The hard part seemed to be stopping the bleed. But within a five minute span, the wound had stopped bleeding profoundly.

"How is he doing, Gideon?"

"83% chance of full recovery." the AI stated.

"And his chance of survival? You know… Worst case scenario…"


"6% chance he doesn't make it?" Rip asked, his voice a little more shaky than the liked.

"That won't happen…" the AI did its best to calm the captain down. "We both know Mr. Snart won't let that happen."

"I hope you're right Gideon…"

"Just wait and see, Captain Hunter…"


Sara kicked the bag, and gave it a few quick jabs. It was her way to blow off some steam.

Sweat covered her fit body, and clung to her sports bra and shorts. Her blonde hair was pulled back in a tight ponytail.

She punched the bag repeatedly, and delivered a high roundhouse kick.

"Sara… I would advise you to go take a shower…" the AI came over the radio, "Mr. Snart it almost done with his surgery, if you shower now… You'll be there when he comes out of surgery."

"Thanks Gideon!" she answered and finished off with a hardcore combination.


He looked so fragile where he laid. A big, clumpy, bandage on his shoulder, and a sling securing his arm.

He was still out of it, but he was breathing… Slow and steady, a comforting rhythm.

She gripped his uninjured hand, and gave it a soft squeeze. She continued to hold his hand, and after ten more minutes she felt him squeeze back.

It was weak, he barely had the force to squeeze her hand.

She blinked away a few tears, and wiped them away before Len could open his eyes and see her cry.

A few more minutes passed, and Leonard was able to get his eyelids up to half-mast.

"Hey… Beautiful…" he slurred, still more than a little fazed by the drugs.

Sara let out a short laugh, "Nah… You're the pretty one…"

He smiled, and tried to get a better look over his body. He was still unable to feel anything, and he couldn't remember exactly what had happened. But the sight of the med bay told him something had happened. Especially from his point of view, after all he was in the bed.

He saw the big white bandage, and the sling.

He furrowed his brows as he focused harder on the thick bandage.

"What…?" he croaked out, his voice was a little off.

"You got shot on out last mission." Sara answered him, "You lost a lot of blood, the bullet also shattered something inside your shoulder…"

"Collar bone and scapula…" Gideon informed.


"Are you hurting?"

Len lazily shook his head, "No… But it's going to hurt when these meds wear off…"

Sara smiled, "You're probably right…"

"It'll be a bitch while it heals… Won't it?"

"Probably…" Sara agreed as she rubbed the back of his hand with her thumb.

He looked back down at his injured shoulder. "Shot, huh…?"

Sara nodded again.

"Hopefully you won't hate the scar…"

"I won't… I love you. Remember?"

"I love you too…" he smiled.

"Besides, I once heard chicks dig scars…"

"Is that true?"

"True enough…" she smiled and stood up to kiss his forehead.

"I love you, darling…"

"I know that… And I love you too…"

Okay... Hope you enjoyed... Bye for now...