Chapter 10 - Reuniting Lost Friends.

Sofia's POV

I opened the doors to the throne room to be faced with Ruby and Jade, well grown up versions of Ruby and Jade. Both girls look stunning! Ruby had grown alot taller because now she is my height, her frizzy brown hair was longer and pulled into a bun with a red bow pinned in, her dress was knee length and fully red with orange detailing. But something about her that didn't change was the sassy smile she always has, being the most fiesty one out of the group. Jade hasn't changed much, Her dark brown hair was i still in athe same short style from when we were kids but now she has a blue bow pinning her fringe back, she was still the tallest in the group probably just under 6ft, her skin was slightly more tanned then i remember and her blue dress was knee length, with lighter blue sleeves and dark embroidry on the bodice.

"SOFIA! YOU'RE BACK!" The girls yelled in unison before running towards me, i ran to them and gave them a giant hug.

"Ruby! Jade! I missed you both so much!" I said hugging them, tears of joy filled my eyes as I'm home again, back with my friends. I caught a glance at James and he was standing there smiling widely so i nodded my head to signal him to come over. He caught on and joined the group hug, with my two best friends since i can remember. We broke the hug and i wanted all the details of life since i have been gone.

"When the guards told us they had news for us at the palace we didn't know what to expect. We thought it would be bad news but we are so glad you're home Sofia." Jade rambled on, I guess she hasn't lost that trait. We all laughed at Jade's nature before i answered.

"To be honest, i thought you guys had all forgotten about me since i was gone so long. But I'm so happy that you guys didn't and I'm home." I said as i stood by James' side. The girls gave me a look of shock, ok so maybe my friends since i can remember wouldn't forget me. James placed his arm around my waist gently in a side hug, i looked up at him and smiled.

"Ok, whats going on here?" Ruby sassiled replied and before i could answer James jumped ahead and spoke up but not to the girls.

"Mother, Father can you excuse Sofia, Ruby, Jade and I please?" James asked and my parents both repleid with a yes. James took my arm and led us away with Ruby and Jade following behind us. He led us down some familar corridors before opening two sets of doors and stepped into the room. My eyes widen in shock, Its my old room. It looks exactly how i left it, it isn't dusty or spooky. It still has everything.

"Mother and I made sure your room was dusted and cleaned at least twice a week. We knew you would come back to us one day Sof." James spoke, obviously seeing the look of suprise written on my face. I went to the wardrobe and all my old dresses were there, it made me tear up slightly. I have been gone from this place far too long.

"What would I do without you James? Everything is like it use to be." I said turning away from the wardrobe and running up to give James probably the millionth hug for today. Obviously everything is slightly more childish due to the fact I was 9 when I was taken but I love all the childish things in my room. Makes me feel like I never left at all. Jade and Ruby were sitting on the bed and stared at James and I with a shocked look before Ruby cleared her throat and spoke scaring James and I

"Ok spill, what is going on between you two?" Jade gave a simple smirk, I guess she already figured out what was happening. I glanced up at James, asking him if I should tell them with my eyes to which he responded with a simple nod.

"James and I are in love, that's what's happening" I bluntly said. Joy was evident in my voice but I wanted to keep what I said simple. The girls will get full gossip and details later when James isn't in the room, as the girls and I still need a girl night to catch up and talk about anything and everything.

"WAIT!- FINALLY!" Both Jade and Ruby squealed. I giggled at my two friends while James full on busted out laughing at their reactions to the big news. Jade and Ruby hugged us both at once, the second group hug of the 10 minutes that they have been here.

"What do you mean finally?" James asked as I broke the group hug and went back to James' side. His arm immediately went to my waist so he could pull me into a hug. It felt perfect, like two pieces of the same puzzle finally found each other and fitted perfectly together. One completes the other. Jade and Ruby gave James a confused look before smirking. I knew that smirk, they were gonna tell him everything. I felt my face flush slightly and my heart drop to my stomach. Don't let this be too embarrassing and ruin the love he feels for me.

" Well Prince James, Miss Sofia over here has had a crush on you for years. Ever since she saw you at a festival before she became a princess. Now, with that said when she actually met you she fell more in love with you 'cause you are better than she dreamed you would be. Of course being the amazing friends we are we never told you but encouraged her to tell you herself. Then, everything happened and when we found out your going on endless missions and hunts to find Sofia we knew there was more than just simple sibling attraction from you as well. Which concludes on why we said finally." Ruby said and Jade simply nodding along to whatever Ruby was saying. James and I stood dumbfounded, years of observing and knowing about my life in the palace has lead them to be brilliant detectives. James smirked and looked down at me, my facing blushing even more then it did before.

"Well, its good to know we have two uprising detectives in the village. And, the love Sofia has for me is truly real if it started before she even properly knew me and kept on growing since." James said with a laugh which caused all of us to laugh as well. I just smiled wide and hugged James tightly, he hugged back lifting me off the floor slightly due to the height difference.

"You two are adorable together too." Jade added which caused us all the laugh more. There was a knock on the door and James and I instantly stopped hugging. Baileywick entered my room and bowed to James and I.

"Hello Baileywick." I greeted with a cheery tone. James said hello to him and Jade and Ruby just curtsied back.

"Hello Prince James, Princess Sofia, Maidens Ruby and Jade. All four of you are requested to make a presence in the throne room immediately." He said before turning around to leave but he paused before the door. "Its good to have you back Princess Sofia." before he walked out the room. We all shared a look before walking out of my room and towards the throne room. Ruby and Jade ranted about a few things that have happened in the village as we walked, the guards saw us and immediately opened the doors. We were faced with Mum and Dad with the biggest smiles on their faces possible, wonder what's going on?

And that's the 10th Chapter all wrapped up, I can't believe I have written 10 chapters of this story. To be honest I love this story, I might not watch the show a lot anymore cause of school and work but I still love this story to pieces. So chapter 11 will be out when I have to time to write it but I wanna say thanks to everyone who likes this and stayed to read the love story of James and Sofia. Love everyone, peace!
