They soon entered the Dragonbone Wastes and it was just as eerie as Faren describe it. Of course, then it was overrun by awakened darkspawn, so hopefully they should and had too much trouble this time.

"We're here. Keep your eye open for dragons. And mirrors," Finn whispered.

"Listen, Faren only came across one dragon here and he killed it I very much doubt will be meeting another one," said Daylen as they descended down the slope.

Of course, he was wrong. There were soon attacked by crazed cultists worshipping dragons and dragonlings. Fortunately, they were not too much trouble for them and they were quickly dispatched.

"Okay, so I was wrong," said Daylen.

"I've never met a dragon worshipper before," said Finn. "Not much the small talk, are they?"

"You should've seen the Disciples of Andraste, now they were crazy," said Daylen.

"Why do people even worship dragons?" Ariane asked.

"Dragons are big, powerful, and they breathe fire. Some people are easily impressed," Finn shrugged.

"He's not wrong," said Daylen.

They soon entered into a clearing and came to a sudden stop when they saw a large spiderlike creature standing on top of the ruins.

"What… is… that?" Finn gulped.

"A… a varterral!" Ariane gasped. "It can't be; they're only legends!" She gestured. "It is said they were rock and tree, wind and rain, given form and breathe by the elven gods to protect their people."

Finn stared at her. "To protect their people? Then why does it look like it's going to eat you?"

"Does it matter?" Daylen yelled held out his staff.

The varterral leaped down, and headed straight for them. Ariane's blade caught it across the face, and it jumped backwards. Daylen then fired a bolt of an electricity straight at it. It looked as if they could handle this thing, but naturally the problem got worse when two dragons appeared.

"Oh, come on!" Finn yelled as he blasted one of the dragons.

Daylen quickly transformed into a bear and tackled one of the dragons. He could feel the Dragon's claws digging into his skin and a bit hard on its neck. It scales were tough, but fortunately his teeth were even tougher and a pierced its neck.

Ariane was fending off the varterral, but she wouldn't be able to hold out for long. Finn then fired an ice spell freezing it in place. Daylen then slammed into the varterral and a wrestling match began.

While he handled the varterral, Ariane and Finn dealt with the second dragon. Daylen held the varterral as best he could, but it was too strong. Then Barkspawn appeared and doubtless bangs right into its neck. Wired roared in pain he took the opportunity and slashed his claws right across its face and it fell to the ground dead.

He soon returned to his normal form and found more than to dead dragons lying around. Apparently more dragons had appeared while he was fighting the varterral and he wondered how those two managed to kill that many of them.

"How did you do that?" Finn asked.

"Morrigan taught me," said Daylen slightly exhausted. "It comes in handy now and then."

"Well, with any luck she'll be inside," said Ariane.

"Then let's go," said Daylen.

Finding their way through the ruins was not an easy task, but eventually they reached the bottom of the catacombs and there they found the Eluvian and unlike the previous one this one was intact and standing there was Morrigan.

"The Eluvian! And it's… glowing? We should—"

Ariane put her hand on Finn's chest, checking the mage's forward motion. She glanced at him. "I think she's… expecting you."

Morrigan was there, in front of the Eluvian. She'd known where he was. Known he was coming. He walked towards her. He only barely heard Ariane's whispered request about the book.

Barkspawn at once rushed towards and barked excitedly. Morrgain happily rubbed his head and then turned and looked at Daylen as he approached.

She got up with her hands were wrapped around her upper arms as she watched him approach. He was twenty feet away when she spoke. "No further, please. One more step and I leave. For good, this time."

He stopped. "There's no need to run."

She hesitated, and then gestured at the eluvian. "I assume you know what this is. I have gone to great lengths to find and activate this portal. Give me a reason and I use it, and you will not be able to follow."

"Then why haven't you left yet, if that's true?" He took another step forward.

"I remained because I sensed your approach." She shook her head, and her voice softened. "You kept the ring. Tell me: why did you come?"

"I couldn't let it end like that." Another step forward.

Her smile held sorrow. "And you once argued with me that love is not weakness." She shifted her weight, and then shook her head again. "I will never understand you. And you will never understand me."

Another step. "I won't understand unless you help me to."

"I… would not even know where to begin explaining. Ask your questions then, since you have travelled so far."

He touched the ring. She'd been with him every step of the journey. "Tell me where the child is."

"He is safe, and beyond your reach. All you need to know is that the child is an innocent. He knows nothing of the destiny that lies before him."

A son. He had a son. "That's not good enough."

"Because the child is yours? I understand. I will not share my plan with you. If your trust is insufficient, then your anger will have to do."

She fiddled with a strap on her skirt. It brought a smile to his face. He took another step forward. "What is your plan? I want to know."

"My plan is to leave, and prepare the child for what is to come. Such preparation requires time. And power. I must have both if I am to be successful. More than this, I dare not say." She looked away. "Even to you."

"No more questions." He was only three steps from her now.

"Then allow me to provide you a warning. Tis Flemeth you should beware of, not me. Hunt her, if you hunt anyone."

He shook his head, and laughed softly. "I'm not here to talk about your mother."

"And yet talk we must. I thought I knew what Flemeth planned. I thought what she craved was immortality. And yet I was wrong. So very wrong. She is no blood mage, no abomination… She is not even truly human. The ritual was but a means to an end, a herald for what is to come."

"Why? What is going to happen?"

"Change is coming to the world. Many fear change and will fight it with every fiber of their being. But sometimes change is what they need most. Sometimes change is what sets them free."

"That's not an answer."

"It's all I have to give. I cannot tarry longer. The time has come for me to go."

The solution was simple. He didn't understand why she couldn't see it. "Take me with you."

"You… cannot know what you ask." Tears welled in her golden eyes. "'Twould be better if you stayed. For you, for us both."

His hand caressed her cheek. "I want to be with you. No matter what."

Her lips met his. "Then come, my love. We will face the future together."

Ariane had the books and the lanterns. She promised to see Finn to his destination safely before returning to her clan. Finn was still staring. Both at him, and at Morrigan. One would think he'd never seen a Witch of the Wild before.

Daylen then made his way down towards them. "I have a favour to ask of you," he said.

"What is it?" Ariane asked.

"I wish you to return Barkspawn to his rightful owner, the Queen of Ferelden just tell them I sent you," he said.

Ariane blinked at the request, but she had a feeling that this might have been the case. "I will."

"Also tell them that something is coming," he said grimly.

"What sort of something?" Finn asked.

Daylen shook his head. "I do not know, but I do know is expect that everything is about to change, but it's important that they know this."

He then made his way back to Morrigan and together they walked together to the mirror. Morrigan was smiling. Through the ring, he could sense her. Warm and loving. Open. He kissed her again.

His hand touched the surface of the Eluvian. Ripples spread across its surface. They shared another look, and then stepped through.

Ariane and Finn watched as they vanished and looked at each other in confusion. They both knew that they couldn't follow them and the only thing they could do was follow Daylen's instructions. So they left with Barkspawn at the heel wondering what was coming.