Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural, nor the characters.

He was a Winchester. He lost everything he loved, except for the job. On some days that's all there was it seemed. There was only the next hunt, the next monster, the next kill. He would never deny, though, that there was a sense of pride and joy in what he did. Saving people, hunting things, the family business. He fought for it, for family. And at the end of the day, he knew it wasn't just the next hunt anymore. It was fighting alongside his big brother, the only family he had left. They would fight till the end.

He was a Winchester. He fought the monsters in the dark, the creatures under the bed, and the demons in the closet. A Winchester, strong and noble, he grew up in the dangerous life so that others wouldn't have to. He was a soldier, trained to destroy the evils of the world, his very name bringing fear into their black hearts. The righteous man who went to Hell and saved the world. By him the world was protected. But that was never his first reason for doing the job. He did it for him. He did it all for the little boy that looked up to him. He did it all for Sammy.

Though not by blood, he had proven himself a Winchester long ago. He was a Winchester from the second he raised the eldest from the depths of Hell. After that, he was a Winchester when he went against all of Heaven, went against everything he knew to be true and "right". He risked everything, gave up everything. And it was all for them. He fought for the two brothers who had come to be the most important people in his life. He fought for the brothers he called his first friends, and his first real family.

They were Winchesters. They were Team Free Will. "One ex blood-junkie, a drop out with six bucks to his name, and Mr. Comatose." Yes, they were broken. Yes, they were battered people. But they fought for what they loved. They fought for each other, and to them, that was the world.
