Miraculous Story: Not as Expected

After spending practically the entire night fighting an akuma, Ladybug landed in her attic bedroom and after de-transforming, she threw herself onto her bed, and shut her eyes. Five minutes later, her six-thirty alarm rang through her ears. She hit the snooze button, and once more, closed her eyes.

"Time for my morning cleanup, first in Marinette's bedroom, all that stray fabric and thread…" came a voice from just below the trap door. "My word, Marinette! You were supposed to leave almost an hour ago!"

"What?! Why didn't you do something?" Marinette asked, suddenly alert when she saw that it was quarter to nine. She quickly dressed, and ran down the stairs. Grabbing up a croissant, and stuffing it in her mouth, she practically flew across the street to her high school, when she smacked into someone, both knocking to the hard concrete ground below.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I…" she paused after she moved her hair across from her eyes, and saw that it was her lifetime crush, Adrien Agreste. "Oh, I am really sorry Adrien, I didn't see you."

"It's okay, we're both late anyway," he said, helping her off the ground, and looked at her in a way that made her blush. "You look even more beautiful when your hair is down."

She colored like a ripe tomato. "Thank you, I didn't get time to comb it this morning, so I just left it how it was," she said.

"I was busy last night," they both said at the same time.

"You know what? We will be even later for class if we continue like this," he said and held her hand. "Let's be late together, maybe she might spare us."

Marinette didn't know if there was any other shade of red to turn. She woke up late, fell over Adrien, he told her that she looked beautiful, and he was holding her hand.

Luckily, Ms. Bustier was in a great mood, and just let the pair off with a warning.

"Girl, what is up with you today? You woke up late again, didn't you," Alya whispered into her ear.

"Yes, but if I didn't, I wouldn't have bumped into Adrien, he wouldn't have told me that I look even more beautiful with my hair down, and he wouldn't have held my hand!" she whispered in return, excitedly.

"Tell me about it after class," Alya said when she noticed the teacher looking her dead in the eyes.

Marinette's P.O.V.

This so far the bestest day of my entire life! What if Adrien likes me? We can get married, and have children, and live happily ever after! Aww snap, I forgot my homework on my desk!

"Excuse me Ms. Bustier, but I forgot my homework in my locker, may I go and get it?" I asked.

"Me too, miss, I'm very sorry, I'll be back," Adrien said and walked out the door.

Why would someone like Adrien forget his books, he's perfect.

Normal P.O.V

Marinette ran straight past Adrien and down to the lockers.

"Okay, I won't be able to leave the school now, so you know what that means Tikki; Spots on!" she transformed to her alter ego, and swinging her yo-yo until it wrapped around something firm and sturdy, she pulled herself up, and was off the compound.

Although, unknown to her, someone saw her, and was very happy with what he saw. Taking the books out of his locker, he waited for about a minute, and Marinette returned hugging her books to her chest, and looking out of breath.

"Adrien, how long have you been there?" she asked nervously, and he went up to her ear.

"I know your secret," he whispered with a smile.

"What secret? I don't have any secret," Marinette said, eyes wide.

"You're Ladybug, and I have something to tell you, it's only fair that you know this, but I'm Chat Noir," he said, turning red.

"No way, you can't be!" she dropped her books.

"Look," he opened the side of his jacket, and allowed Plagg to fly out.

"Adrien, no, this isn't true!" she said.

"Honest, My Lady," Adrien winked.

"No, no, no, no, no! It's just all wrong! I mean I like Chat Noir and all, but Adrien, I mean you, are the one I love, I don't know what to do!" Marinette said with her voice shaking, and then ran back up the stairs. She put her head down on the desk, and started to cry.

"Psst, what's up with you? Didn't you do the homework?" Alya asked her friend. She nodded. A few moments after, Adrien walked into the classroom, looking heartbroken. Neither of them was able to focus, and neither spoke to one another that afternoon. Alya followed Marinette all the way up to her bedroom, but her friend ignored her altogether.

"Girl, what's up with you? For the entire day, you refuse to talk to anyone; you didn't even ramble about Adrien!" Alya said, and at the mention of his name, Marinette's lips began to quiver.

"Don't talk about him please, can you help me take these down?" she asked, tearing the dozens of photos of Adrien off of her wall, and pulling down the daily schedule she had made to keep track of where he would be and at what times.

"Marinette, cool down, what's the matter?!" Alya asked while following Marinette up to the balcony where she threw down the shreds of paper.

Adrien's P.O.V.

I can't believe she reacted like that! I thought that she would like me more because I'm Adrien, but now she hates me. Maybe I should go and apologize.

As I was approaching her parent's bakery, I noticed bits and pieces of colored papers flying around. I picked one up, and it had my face on it! That's not good. I opened the door, and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng was setting out some cakes for display.

"Excuse me, may I see Marinette please?" I asked politely.

"I'm sorry, but she doesn't want to see anyone right now. Can I take the message?" she asked kindly.

"I'm sorry, but you can't. Just tell her that it's Adrien."

"Oh, Adrien Agreste; Marinette constantly tells us about you! Go on up, she might be happy to know that her crush wants to comfort her," Sabine said with a sudden glow on her face. She reminded me of her daughter with that smile…