Everest sighed as she fixed her glasses, before staring out the window where cheerleading practice took place. She knew she could never be part of that crowd, the In-crowd, although, a part of her wishes desperately, even for a second, just to get close to one person in particular.

"You're stalking her again." A voice said, causing Everest to jump and turn around to see her best friend, Marshall, standing there. Everest blushed and bit her lip.

"Am not, I just want to watch the cheerleaders." She huffed, dark blue eyes slowly finding their way back to the window.

"Cheerleaders or cheerleader? There's a difference, you know." Marshall said, smirking when Everest glared at him. "Anyway, Chase and I were thinking about going to the movies. You want to come?"

Everest rolled her eyes.

"I'm pretty sure Chase doesn't want me to come with you guys." She said. Marshall blinked and gave Everest a curious glance.

"What do you mean?" He asked. Everest, once again, sighed. She couldn't believe how clueless her best friend was, but then again, maybe she could. Marshall wasn't exactly the brightest star in the sky, especially when it came to feelings.

"I mean, I would totally be a third wheel on your date if you drag me along." She said. As expected, Marshall blushed and stuttered.

"I-it's not a date! Chase and I are just really good friends," He whined, pouting when Everest gave out a chuckle. "In any case, you won't be alone. Skye is coming too, so no, we aren't dating." At the mention of her crush, Everest blushed.

"S-Skye's coming?" She stuttered. Marshall leered.

"Yes, Skye. A.K.A the cheerleader you've been drooling about." He said, chuckling when Everest punched him in the arm.

"O-okay. I'll come." Everest said, and Marshall beamed.

"Good! Because I already told them you would!"

"You WHAT?!"

"Tell me again, you dragged me into this because...?" Skye asked, raising an eyebrow at her best friend. Chase gave her a look.

"I dragged you because I don't want to be alone with Marshall. I told you this." He said, fixing his hair. The bubblegum Skye had been chewing popped before she brought it back and began chewing on it again.

"Isn't he bringing his other friend? Everest?" Skye asked.

"Well, yeah, but I had figured she would have been bored of us since it would've been just her, Marshall, and I. And you already know how I feel about Marshall." Chase said, straighten up as he finished. "There. Perfect."

"I'll be the judge of that," Skye said, giving him a once-over before stopping in front of him. With a lick from her tongue, she began fixing Chase's hair, despite his protest. "There. Perfect."

Suddenly the doorbell ring, startling the two.

"That must be them. Let's go." Chase said as he walked out the door of his room. Skye rolled her eyes and began walking down a minute later, when Chase had open the door to let Marshall and Everest in. As soon as her eyes laid on Everest, Skye paused in her walking.

She had never really met Everest personally, but from what Chase had told her, who heard it from Marshall, Everest spends most of her time in the library, often helping out or just reading in general. She was a nice girl, had been friends with Marshall since they were in diapers, and never really caused any trouble. Skye had seen her once or twice around school, but never really paid attention to her.

I kind of wished I did. Skye thought, eyeing the girl.

She had long, light blue hair that faded into white at the tip of it, feathery bangs going across her forehead and was tied in a messy bun; her skin was mostly tan, but the tone reminded Skye of a peach; a shapely figure that was barely concealed despite the nerdy-ish clothing (a white, long-sleeved shirt that was covered by a grey sweater-like vest, a black plaid skirt with equally black stockings underneath, and some white and silver tennis shoes), cat-eyed like, black glasses, and a little bit of gloss which Skye could guess was strawberry, since she could smell it.

Everest was all kinds of adorable.

"So, are we ready?" Chase grinned, breaking Skye out of her thoughts. Everest nodded, a light blush on her face.

"Y-yeah." She stuttered, and Skye could feel her insides gush. She's so shy. She thought, looking over at the bookworm as they left. As Chase and Marshall began to talk, Skye continued to eye Everest, who, every once and while, would take a sneak peak at Skye, realize she was staring, blush and look down at the ground, causing Skye to giggle.

One of the good habits Skye has, in her own opinion, is that the curly haired girl was attracted to cute things.

And Everest just so happens to be one of them.

A/n: Writer's block. It's killing me. Hoping with this story I will be able to beat it, and I think I am, because I have the next chapter of Insanity in my mind right now. I'll probably post it sometime later.