So, I'm somewhat depressed with the crappy quality of my other story 'Pumpkin Island' don't worry I don't abandon it, I have written the first chapter, but yes, the quality is so...*Insert distress scream here*

Yes, So I'm venting my questionable writing skill in this drabble-ish story.

Yes, Disclaimer: NOT MINE!

WARNING: FEM!ACE (haha, surprise!), Language, typo, cussing, poor grammar, Drabble, Irregular update, sometimes I'll suddenly jump into AU.

Oh, English is not my first language...


Portgas D. Ann

"Hello everyone! My name is Portgas D. Ann. I'm sorry for all trouble I caused. I am looking forward to meet all of you!"

"Gurararara. Welcome to our family, my daughter!"




Of Family Mark

Portgas D. Ann by no means is an average girl. After all, not many average girl set sail to the Grand Line and becomes pirate, a (Former) captain even more, and super rookie with fire-type Logia devil fruit user at that. And even if there are some average girl who set sail and becomes a captain for her own crew and have some sort of devil fruit strength, there is certainly no girl out there who had challenged Whitebeard; the strongest man alive, attempting assassinations on the living legend's own ship, and keep the attempt persistent for 100 days.

And there is obviously no one, girls or boys, sane or insane (Even insane or stupid enough to attempt an assassination on Whitebeard), who after those 100 days, happily (Even if after some hard thinking, speculating, and worrying) joined the crew and becomes one of their siblings.

So yes; Portgas D. Ann is not an average girl.

After a party night to celebrate her answer to their captain's offer for become his daughter, Ann is grinning ear to ear, face-splitting-brighter-than-the-sun grin her former crew is familiar with, and her new sibling is shocked with; when she first arrives, she always angry and send them those 'talk-to-me-and-you'll-get-burned' glares. And it will be lying if these grins didn't make her prettier.

"Hey, Ann!"

An arm sling to her shoulder, the fourth division commander, Thatch, is also grinning ear to ear.

"Glad to see this decision is finally out of that thick skull of yours! So where will you put your mark?"

Feeling somewhat irritated with the man's insult of her intelligence, (That was just stating the truth really, who the heck stupid enough to challenge Whitebeard anyway? Oh, right. Ann.) Ann shoves the man away from her, "What mark?" she asked.

"The Whitebeard pirate's mark of course, yoi." The reply came from the first division commander, Marco 'The Phoenix' who appeared from nowhere.

"Oh, come think of it you guys have those huh?"

"Yep, it's an official sign that you're part of family." The head chef butted in, "It should be in place where the whole world can see it so normally it's on our hands, legs, or clothes and accessories. So where will you put your mark Ann?"

The teenage pirate seems in deep thought, "Hmm... it will be pain in the ass to make my entire shirt have the mark..."

Marco lifted one of his eyebrows. "Your shirt, yoi?"

"Yes, you said it should be able to be seen by the world isn't it? It will be easier to be seen if I put it on my face, but I don't want to be tattooed on face, the hat is out of question, so the other 'easy-to-be-seen' position is that it covers my middle-body."

Thatch and Marco smiled, maybe their littlest (She is the youngest by age, honestly! She's only what? 18?) Sister didn't realize what she had said, but that one sentence told both men that she is happy to become one of their siblings and proud to let the world sees that she is.

"Yeah, Izo would be PMS-ing if you put him to draw the mark in every single shirt you have."

"What you mean by that Thatch?"

Marco is the one who answer her, "Izo is the one who gives the new member their mark, whether it is a tattoo or some pic in their clothes. But I get my mark before he joins yoi."

"Is that so?"

Some minutes passed in silence as the freckled pirate trying to figure out where to put the so called 'family mark' while her new older brothers watching her in silence (They can't stop smiling tough). She eyed Marco's mark that is on his chest, and then back in her thought.

Suddenly a fist meet with a palm, "I KNOW!" she yelled.

"So, where?" Thatch pressed.

Ann is grinning, "I want it to be tattooed on my back!"

...A silence...

"Ann." Thatch said in surprisingly stern voice, "You do realize that with the mark tattooed to your back, it will be covered by your shirt?"

The young D. carrier just lifted her eyebrow, "I just don't have to wear a shirt then."

"Ann. If you don't wear any shirt, your back will be exposed, yoi." Marco piped expression unreadable.

"So what? Isn't that the whole point of having mark on your back and not wearing a shirt?" the female pirate said.

"Well it is but—"


The two commanders just stare while sweat-dropping. '...That wasn't the problem Ann.'

Two weeks later Ann is showing off her new tattoo, clad in her usual black-cargo pants but without a shirt; in replacement she wear an orange bikini top that had nothing but strings to be attached on her body so the mark is not covered. So practically, aside from the tattoo, she is showing off her fucking hot body curve too.

"Why you complied with her stupid idea, yoi?"

"You asked as if I had any choice, Marco. She keeps pestering me when I refuse for one week straight, and she reject all of my suggestion of where she should put her mark. And remember that she was the one that had attempted to kills our father for 100 days straight; she's hot-headed, insanely stupid, stupidly insane, annoyingly persistent, and stubborn as hell."

"Well... shit."


To be honest, I don't know about the whole 'the mark should be seen' thing, (Hehe~) and any criticism is welcomed, and this story will be updated when I feel like it, and I have more than one of this... thing already, so I may choose to update sooner than later~


Thank you for reading, please leave some review in your way out.