And I am back! Apologises it has taken so long for me to update. I ended up re-writing this chapter more than I thought because I was not happy with it. Hopefully you all enjoy!

Chapter Twelve: Preparation

It was the morning two days after Halloween, and the students and Professors' were sat in The Great Hall. The tables and benches have been returned to their usual positions, the tables filled with an array of breakfast items. The Hall was filled with the sound of students' chatter, discussions of essays they were currently working on, but mainly on the up and coming Quidditch match. The coming weekend the Quidditch stands will be filled as they watch Gryfindor vs. Slytherin battle it out. Even being a couple of days away, the tension within the school was reaching an all time high, as the rivalry between the two houses remain. On the other side of the Great Hall, the Professors were sat at the head table once again discussing what further protection can be added to the castle.

A noise sounded from the Great Hall windows, when suddenly an influx of owls poured into the hall and headed straight to the Headmaster. And so, it begins, the multiple letters from angry and disgruntled parents' regarding the Halloween debacle. In unison, everyone in the hall stopped eating and the chatter died down until all that could be heard is the fluttering of the owl's wings and the sound of paper hitting paper as the pile increased in front of the mighty Albus Dumbledore. The Headmaster sighed as he rose from his feet levitating the letters behind him as he glided out of the hall, eyes following his movements. Paige on the other hand grabbed a slice of toast before orbing discreetly out of the hall to the Headmaster's office to help with answering the parents' obvious concerns.

"If you have all finished eating, you can make your way to your first lessons," McGonagall took the opportunity to speak breaking the silence. The sounds of grumbling echoed around the hall as the students finished their breakfast and grabbed their bookbags before heading to their lessons.

The hallways were filled with students heading to their lessons as Piper and Phoebe walked alongside Professor McGonagall as they headed towards their apartment, and the Professor towards her transfiguration classroom. Due to recent issues, the sisters decided to take the day off from teaching to help with the protection of the castle, when all of a sudden they heard the sound of raised voices. The sisters locked eyes and sighed as they moved quickly through the crowds of students, Professor McGonagall close on their tail. There in the middle of the crowd stood Draco Malfoy flanked by his goons; Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle. Opposite them, standing their ground is The Golden Trio.

"This school is going down the dumps. I'm surprised it hasn't been closed down. Bringing in "witches" that walk amongst the mudbloods. And to think that they are here to help bring down The Dark Lord. As if they have the power to." Malfoy drawled.

"Yes Malfoy, because your opinion is so important. I doubt anyone is going to take into consideration the word of a sixteen-year-old student." Hermione responded rather diplomatically. After six years living amongst the Slytherin students, the word mudblood has been overused that it no longer offends the Gryffindor muggleborn.

"And you aren't worth the dirt on the dirt on the bottom of my shoe. Just wait until my –"

"'Father hears about this?'" Harry interrupted in a bored fashion finishing the blond boy's famously overused catchphrase. The phrase he uses when he is about to throw his toys out of the pram. "What are you going to do? Send an owl to your father in Azkaban? Please, we all remember that he ended up there after he was caught in The Ministry before summer aiding Voldemort – sorry you're precious Dark Lord – who coincidently is not as pure as you all believe him to be." Harry finished talking a step towards his school nemesis. Malfoy's mouth twitched from anger as he draw out his wand and pointed it at The-Boy-Who-Lived, or The-Boy-Who-Currently-Showed-No-Fear.

"You. Better. Take. That. Back. Potter."

"Make me."

At this point the Professor, Piper and Phoebe finally made it through the throng of students.

"That is enough!" A Scottish accent filled the hallway, and the noise from the students ceased immediately. "Mr Malfoy and Mr Potter this behaviour is not acceptable. And especially from Sixth year students, you should know better."

"And don't think that your friends are innocent in all of this." Piper added on from the Transfiguration Professor.

"And why should I listen to a witch like you? You are not from around here. You live amongst dirty mudbloods," Malfoy sneered in disgust his eyes darting between the American witches. Phoebe chose that moment to throw a vial at the student. A loud bang was heard with smoke forming around the student. When the smoke finally dissipated, all that remained was a turkey. The hallway filled with laughter as the students witnessed the Slytherin Prince being changed into yet another animal.

"Ms. Halliwell, we do not use transfiguration on a student as punishment!"

"What?" Phoebe glanced at the Transfiguration Professor with a look of innocence across her face. "I have warned him multiple times that I would change him into a turkey if he misbehaved. You don't maintain authority if you make empty promises. Besides it will wear off in an hour or so. I didn't brother to make the counter potion," Phoebe said innocently. Piper scoffed whilst covering her mouth to prevent herself from laughing out loud. Ron Weasley and Harry Potter roared with laughter whilst Hermione held a smirk, trying not to laugh at the situation. A loud whistle pierced vibrated off the walls within the corridor.

"Now hurry off to your lessons there is nothing to see here." Piper scolded after checking the time. "It would not do you good to be late to your classes." The students groaned as they continued their journey to their classroom. Goyle picked up the Malfoy Turkey and took him to potions with him. As the hall dispersed Phoebe turned to her sister.

"What was that all about?"

"Do you realise how hard it is to navigate a busy hallway whilst pregnant? Now it's so much easier," Piper stated as she walked down the hall, Phoebe giggling beside her.

"Mum can I talk to you?" A voice whispered from behind a suit of armour scaring the two sisters. Piper turned and saw her youngest son Chris standing looking pensive.

"What's up Peanut?"

"It's about Wyatt. I think we are looking at this all wrong. I think the whole Witch War show was to lure you back to San Fransisco, and not just The Manor because they honestly do not know where you are." Chris started to point out.

"Chris we are all fully aware of what they were trying to do. Most likely kill us then steal out powers and raise Wyatt." Piper said bluntly not understanding what Chris was insinuating.

"Piper would you just listen to me!" Chris snapped sounding agitated and stressed.

"Oh so we are back to Piper, what happened to Mum?"

"Piper I don't think now is the right time to bring that up. Chris is obviously really stressed? Isn't that right?" Phoebe was doing her best to defuse the situation. Piper was know to have a short fuse, and add pregnancy hormones to it, and the only way to describe the outcome would be close to a nuclear explosion.

"Thanks Aunt Phoebe. What I was trying to say is that the attacks were happening at home. Suddenly Barbas finds us here and tried to attack Wyatt. I've been back to the States over the last couple of days, and the Witch Wars show has stopped and there haven't been any attacks. I don't believe they were the ones to turn Wyatt evil. I think they were just a pawn in this. And I think Barbas is as well. There is someone else out there that is pulling the strings, and that's what we need to find out." Piper and Phoebe exchanged a quick glance which conveyed a whole conversation; something close siblings were able to do. They could see in each other's eyes that Chris is right. Someone powerful is controlling this from behind the scenes. They know that Wyatt is not safe. They needed to go Demon hunting, try and locate Barbas and find out who he is working for.

"Right this is what we are going to do. Chris go speak to Leo tell him to get a Wyatt a babysitter, maybe someone from Magic School because they know how to look after him. Leo is with the Paige and Albus. Tell Paige that we will be down in the Potions classroom creating a heavy arsenal as this is Barbas and you don't know who he has joined forces with. Tell her to join us when she's free, because all of us are going demon hunting, this has been going on for long enough." Piper finished. They all agreed as Chris orbed to the headmasters' office and the sisters headed down the stairs to the Potions classroom.

Piper and Phoebe burst into the Potions classroom, startling Professor Slughorn from whatever he was demonstrating. The Professor suddenly became serious as he noted the two sisters' expressions. "What can I do?"

"We need cauldrons and lots of them. Now. Can you make this a theory lesson because we are going to need to borrow the students as well." Phoebe demanded, as Piper made her way towards where the Gryffindor's had set up. Neville jumped from his seat and let the pregnant sister take his seat like a gentleman before he looked at Hermione. She waved her wand and the cauldrons at their station was empty.

Slughorn finally caught on to what was happening. "Students, I want you to use the desks at the front, and I want you to research the benefits of using knotgrass and flux weed in various Potions. And please empty out your cauldrons." Everyone did as they were told, the Slytherin students moaning the entire time about what a waste of time this is. "Is there anything I can do to help? I do have a mastery in Potions."

"Thank you for the offer Horace, we will be quicker doing it ourselves. We know what we need from memory." Piper replied as she turned the flame on low. On the other hand. Phoebe rushed around getting all the relevant ingredients from the storeroom. The quite classroom was disturbed with the sound of tinkling and lit up from the blue orbs which disbanded into three figures.

"Chris filled us in briefly, apparently we are going demon hunting?" Paige questioned as she headed over to a free cauldron. Leo headed over to his wife wrapping his arm around her shoulders in a comforting gesture.

"If that son of a bitch thinks he can put a finger on my son and live, he has clearly lost it." Piper growled as she started making a general upper level vanquishing potion.

"Shame we didn't managed to take a bit of his flesh because we could have finished this for good," Phoebe replied, her attention mainly on the stunning potion that she was creating. The chatter between the sisters' ceased as they focused on their goal. This was it. Almost at their end game. Chris can finally then return to his time after finding out who turns his brother evil. He can finally go to a future where the world is good and no longer has to fear for his life.

As the sisters and co were working hard at the back of the classroom, the student were whispering quietly to themselves, essays abandoned.

"What do you think is going to happen?" Ron whispered.

" I think that they are going after that demon that appeared here a couple of nights ago." Hermione replied.

"Bloody hell, that's crazy!" Ron exclaimed in shock. He clearly hadn't been listening close enough to The Charmed Ones when they were talking.

"It's Piper and Leo's son. Phoebe and Paige's nephew. This is personal to them, obviously they would do everything that they can to save him."

"If it was my parents in danger I would do everything I could to save them. No matter the consequences," Harry muttered. He was positively sure that if his parents were alive he would do whatever he could. Even as a baby unaware of his surroundings, he instinctively used the magic that his mother had bestowed on him to protect himself from The Dark Lord's magic. That sort of self sacrifice brought upon an ancient magic that The Dark Lord under estimated, as he is a being that is unable to comprehend love.

"I guess you have a point, but still it's a stupid or incredibly brave," Ron muttered quietly.

"Honestly Ronald, you view things in such a simple manner. This is not stupid or brave. This is a family protecting their child. Not everything in this world is black and white as you think it is. There will always be shades of grey as to which you are so swift overlook." Hermione stated diplomatically.

"Come on Hermione, there are good guys and then there are bad guys. It is pretty self-explanatory."

"Narrow minded and naïve is what it is. That is one of the most notable difference between the magical and muggle communities. If you were to come into the muggle world some time, you will see there is no way to categorise every individual under those two labels."

Harry rolled his eyes, well aware not to get involved with his two best friends fighting. Instead his eyes darted back to his piece of parchment trying to focus on his essay. However his mind was slowly drifting back to the family working behind him. He just hopes what happens ends in their favour.

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