Chapter 3: Dates and dances pt.1

KCL: Squee! Yes Rainbow! It's meeeeeeee! *dances around goofily* I am so excited to finally be able to write! And what better way to start than... Kittystair! *dances again* hehehe! :P well, here is the next chapter! I really hope you guys like it! It will be a bit longer, I noticed my chapters are really short, it feels like hours cause my thumbs hurt xD

Also, thanks to Ben's advice, I hope this is a lot clearer and easier to read!

Cerise's POV:

Wow! Kitty and Alistair! I already ship it! Anything to make Kitty happen, I guess I don't understand her very well, my parents basically raised me a rebel, to appear to follow my destiny, but really, to follow my heart. Kitty's mom wanted Kitty to be just like her, while Kitty wanted to be her own person. I really hope Kitty doesn't ask who I crushing on, I can't lie to Kitty...

"So Cerise... I told you my crush, now its your turn" Kitty winked. I sighed, I knew she would ask, and she had every right to. Now, what will I tell her?

"We all know there is someone" Kitty continued.

"That's none of your business!" I managed to get out.

"Well, that's a funny name" Kitty innocently said. That sent us both into a fit of giggles.

"Come on Cece, tell me!" Kitty pleaded, she knew I absolutely hated that nickname!

"Well..." I began, I knew I had to tell someone, and I trusted Kitty now

"There is this one guy..." I shyly said.

"Spill!" Kitty ordered, bringing me to sit down on her bed.

"Well... You know I always like the 'leader of the pack'.." Kitty jumped to a conclusion.

"Omg you like Daring! I knew it!" She teleported all over the room, doing some weird wonderlandian dance. I giggled, but sobered up when I realized Kitty had guessed correctly. I quickly attempted to hide my face, as I was blushing, but nothing escapes the watchful eye of Kitty Cheshire.

"Ohmigosh! Its true! Gah! I knew it, Darise lives!" Kitty seemed so excited, wait...

"Darise lives?!" I questioned

"Well, you see, um.." Kitty stuttered and tried over her words when she was trying to hide something. Hey, nothing escapes my watchful eye either! Time for some more questioning...

"Kitty cat, spill, now" I ordered

"Hehe, you see, the wonderlandians have this ship thing going on.. We might have... Shipped you with Daring" she gave me her trademark Cheshire grin, though this one was more nervous than mischievous. I sighed and looked at the time.

"Shoot, Kitty! We only have 20 minutes left until we have to go to the party! We can't be late, that would be the ultimate fairy fail!" I stressed. We could not be late to this party!

"Meow! Calm down! We have plenty of time!" Kitty didn't seem to care as much as me, but I know she wouldn't make me late. She finished my hair quickly, I had decided to change it into an updo last minute, thinking it would go better with my outfit, don't worry, Raven cast a little bit of magic to hide my ears for the night, that way, people might story bugging me about my hood, but it would only work for tonight, its the wolf version of Cinderella.

"OK, now for the dresses! Those boys are gonna regret not asking us!" Kitty squealed.

I went into the bathroom with my dress and slipped it on. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a black hood with red lace and the hood down, a slim short sleeved red top with a black gingham bow at the waist, and a black skirt that faded to grey at the bottom. I had black ankle boots and completed the look with a blood red rose headband and blood red lipstick with a smokey eye.

"Your turn!" I told Kitty as I came out of the bathroom, she smirked when she saw me and mumbled

"Regret it indeed" she grabbed her dress and went in. After some rustling, she came out sporting a Royal blue short sleeve button up shirt with fur neck and fur around the sleeves. She had a knee length high-low purple skirt, with layers of royal blue tulle inside. She had white wedges and royal blue rose headband, and only had purple lipstick and a bit of glitter eye-shadow. She smirked at me very evily, and announced

"We are gonna crash this party!" We both giggled, Kitty had managed to convince me to tag along to the party, and I am glad I did. I absolutely loved this dress! I smirked along with Kitty, and we linked arms, heading to Briar's party. Kitty was right, the boys were gonna regret it, starting with Daring Charming and Alistair Wonderland.

OK guys! That's the end of this chapter, I hoped you enjoyed it! Please drop a review! I have finals next week and need to study, so I probably won't be updating until I take them, wish me luck :(