The last chapter is here! Thanks for reading, I hope my not the best translation didn't spoil the story much for you, and that you enjoyed it as much as me.

He looked at Jenna, who returned his gaze in horror.
"How do we get there?"
Owen took a breath, but she ignored him.
"How do we get... the main tour route leads to the crossing, we have to go through it, how do we get there? There's a Tyrannosaurus, Tyrannos... he'll kill us, we can't go there, how are we going there?!"
"We're not going."
"We're not going? We don't go? We'll be here and wait until they find us themselves?! Until they eat us?!" she exclaimed half angry and half terrified.
"Tyrannosaurus won't go here. You stay in the cabin with Ty. I'll take the bike and I'll go to them, just to know-"
"NO! You can't go there, we can't part, he'd kill us!" she screamed so loudly, that now Ty finally noticed that something was happening and ran into the cabin.
"What's going on?"
But Jenna ignored him and continued to raise her voice with growing nervousness.

"You don't know at all... you... it's like then! They told me! Pieces of people, blood, scream, what do we do?!"
"Calm down. We are safe here yet. It's just a Tyrannosaurus, right? He will not go into the territory of foreign predators and there are almost no paddocks in this end of the island. I'll just check this out, find out by what how were they attacked, I have to see it and then-"
"Owen? What are you talking about? What about Tyrannosaurus?" Ty finally started to demand a proper attention. He didn't understand yet what happened, but he sensed that it's bad. Very bad.
"Electricity failed. We have to get out of here because they have problems with fences and probably can't fix it right now. But keep calm, Ty, we'll get out of here."
"But..." it seemed that even Ty shared Jenna's concerns, moreover, mixed with his children's imagination.
Owen put his hands on brother's shoulders and knelt to him.

"No, no but, I'm going to check whether they are injured, someone has to get to them, and then we'll get out of here!" he said emphatically.
"You're not normal. You're a complete moron, but I'll not let you go there, it's... it's suicide!" Jenna interjected again. But Owen wasn't listening. He let Ty, straightened and headed for the door.
"Wait here. Nothing happens, I'll be right back."
"You let us here just to blow? Unarmed?"Jenna gasped, almost tearfully. She felt that her fear was too big to just scream and keep herself. Therefore, she was a step from crying.
That stopped him.

"Tyrannosaurus won't come here. I swear. I let you my taser. It's not much, but it'll be only a while."
He hesitated a moment, thought whether he rather should let his rifle to Jenna and Ty, but then decided that he would be more in danger on the road and he was also the one who could get them out, so he put it over his shoulder.
"That's not enough!" Jenna ran after him and grabbed his arm. So tightly that it was clear that she didn't intend to let him go.
"We can handle it," but he jerked her and turned, grabbed her face in his hands and kissed her. Then, before she could fully collect herself and respond, ran out of the door and got on the bike in front of the cabin. Behind him, he heard only her swearing like that if he yearned to be ripped alive so much, she could do it alone, and Ty's whistle.

"Grady! Hey, Grady! "
But before he could start and go out, a jeep rolled out of the forest into the clearing and assistant Sorkin wildly waved at him from the front seat.
"Halt! Stop! We have an emergency situation! What the hell were you doing, I tried to reach you! Animals!" he shouted at him and tried to stop him.
"I know, Tyrannosaurus. Probably attacked several technicians, I'm going to go there," Owen nodded and even didn't get down.
"Crap, it's no longer true, far more of them disappeared, Dilophosaurus and some of the runners and who knows what else," Sorkin waved his hand as if it was his last charge.
"Damn, so quickly?" that already made Owen slow and start thinking more. If not only Tyrannosaurus was out, it was probably much bigger stupidity to go. But he couldn't leave possibly injured survivors out there.
"They haven't food when deliveries don't work. So they're looking! The evacuation is organizing, they called military to ensure safety during the transfer, that bitch Dearing stole some samples and a helicopter, Director already packed his ass too, and if we're not leaving immediately and don't catch the first damn boat, we can be in a proper trouble because-" Sorkin interrupted his half-frightened, half desperately "everything escalated over my head" disordered speech, when he heard the echo of another animal roar.

He imagined what could just happen. He imagined Tyrannosaurus ran into some other vulnerable groups and made a bloody feast. But he had no idea that the reality was far worse. A pair of Allosaurus didn't only crash through the fence of their paddock, but also over the wall and ran into the cordon of armed men.

Those terrified soldiers immediately began to shoot the animals by live ammunition, although assistant director originally sharply ordered tranquilizer darts. But the more help was needed, and the more men arrived on the island, the less regulation was someone obeying. None of them was going to prioritize life of hungry genetic experiments before their own and management soon realized that the loss of several million would be much less painful for them than court about billions in compensation. Though, even that was impossible to avoid.
Because Allosaurus didn't respond on shooting as exercised soldiers were used to from enemies. Few nifty shots slowed one of the females and she probably was about to succumb to them, but the second one just ran with a greater vigor and ferocity and snapped after the closest men. Successfully. The next moment she lifted one of them into the air for a bitten leg.

"So what the hell are you saying? That I'm not going anywhere because we have to go? A bit of an oxymoron, isn't it?" Owen snapped angrily to Sorkin.
"If you responded, I wouldn't be here at all! Now I don't know what was happening for half an hour when I had to go here, so... if we want to get out alive, we have to try it! But all at once! If your monsters are really outside, so..." Sorkin shrugged in all-saying gesture. Large animals? Yes, it could be handled. Their presence was recognizable from afar and because of the huge number of visitors, there should be enough time to arrive at the port or heliport on time even if they had to hide and evade. But the raptors? Too stealthy, too smart, too many to rely on the avoiding. Let alone with the rest of the predators.

"I'll see how they stand. If I see them safely in the paddock, I'm going to look after those technicians. If I don't find them on the cameras..." he stopped and turned to the cabin.
"Ty! Pack everything, now!"
"We are already packing, otherwise, I'd have to go and grab your head!" Jenna said instead his brother. She was absolutely desperate. Convinced that they were trapped and that this time the curious raptor would definitely get one's money's worth and it still would remain enough for all his friends. Or for anything else what would arrive here sooner or later after it got tired of fresh supplies at the Center and port.

"Come on, come on," Sorkin urged Owen into the cabin, where scared Jenna and timid Ty were. Not that he wasn't afraid, but he couldn't imagine as vividly as she how a dinosaur massacre could look like. No one told him what he was passing through while he himself was in a blissful ignorance at home and made a puzzle with grinning Albertosaurus. Because he had never been in such situation.
"Sorkin, what's happening, how does it look?" therefore, she snapped at the technician.
"Bad, it's enough?" he wasn't in a mood to repeat from where he didn't get the message, how many animals probably fled, how it was with cessation of supplies of food and how many people he heard to bring out the last scream in their life. Additionally, he looked at the little boy and decided that he definitely didn't need to hear any of it.

Jenna began nervously move her fingers over her forehead, maybe rather rub it. It occurred to her that if she didn't go for Owen because of such stupid thing like sex, if they didn't jump on each other like out of their senses, if they immediately responded, they would already be halfway away from the island. Or at least, Ty could. Instead, they now stood here helplessly and entire wild island divided them from a rescue.

"And what are you doing here? We have to leave now, haven't we?!"
"I wanna check where the raptors are, just to be sure," Owen replied.
"Fuck, Owen! We are fighting for our necks and the only thing you are thinking about, are still your stupid raptors?!"
"I wanna know if they're far enough, you are really going to be hysterical again?!" he said in the same tone, and just like upon the first blackout, looked hard into her eyes. But this time, he didn't stand it. He stepped back from the laptop and his look softened when he saw the tears on her cheeks.
"Sorry, I just... I need to know how much time we have. I'll get you out of here."
Jenna bit her lip and nodded. She didn't want to let them know how much she was on the edge but couldn't hold it.
Owen finally hit on shots from self-powered cameras and quickly inspected everything he could. But he didn't see them. He breathed little shaky.

"What? Do you see them?" Sorkin, who stood behind Ty at the door, asked.
"That one... but he knows the way here..." Jenna stared at him. How long were they out of the paddock? How long was he undoubtedly on the way again? And was he going to take the rest of the pack?
"We're going. Right now. Ty, take a bag. Sorkin, all from your jeep. Jenn, from yours," Owen left with no choice. If raptors weren't on the scene, they weren't in their paddock. They knew the way to escape and no matter how anxious he was about leaving technicians without help, he would certainly expose all the three people here to the same fate. And it couldn't happen.
"Wait, we aren't going to the port, or what?" Jenna said, and looked at him like he was crazy. Like Sorkin did.
"You'll see why I live here on the coast," Owen winked, grinned, walked out of the cabin and over to where the trailer without wheels with a hidden generator stood. But he didn't go inside, just continued on behind it.

Jenna ran after him and her jaw almost dropped with surprise when she saw him pulling out gas cans and put them on the bottom of the hidden anchored motor boat. And then she hysterically but merrily laughed.
"You have a boat!"
"Sure," he replied with a smile, too, "I said that I like fishing. We have enough gasoline to the territorial waters of Costa Rica. There we can manage to connect with the mainland. And if we're lucky, we sail up to the coast."
"I hate you. And love so much!" she exclaimed and immediately ran to the jeep, to pull out everything they could possibly need. Although it would be hard to reconcile with the fact that all her beloved things were staying in the hotel and if they'd fail to cope somehow with the situation, at the mercy, and she'd probably never see them again, but she understood that life was more important. And her laptop was on the seat of her jeep at least. Sorkin then added his own rifle, radio, knife, two blankets and a bottle of water to this, while Owen quickly threw his own blankets, clothing and equipment into the barrel as he did before the storm, except for the fact that not as neatly because they rushed.

Meanwhile, Jenna with Ty, once they put the bag and few things she bore, remained to wait in the boat. She felt much more hopeful. Her heart pounded with adrenaline and also quite optimism, but she was still worried, especially when the other two didn't finish yet.
"Wow. This is crazy, huh?"
"But we are safe now. They... they... we'll be gone before they find us. And sea animals can't get away, it's good," Jenna calmed herself rather than the boy.
"But what about other people?"
"They'll take care of them... you heard, the army arrives. But the important thing is, we'll get away."
"Do you think that Tyrannosaurus... ate someone?" Ty asked cautiously.
"I don't..." she wanted to lie but realized that she couldn't. That there was no longer a place for something like that. "Yes. I think... it ended very badly. You know... once it's happened and people died. My parents were here and barely escaped. I didn't think that it'll happen again..." she took a deep breath and looked out to the sea before the boat. Apparently, they were safe. Every minute, they would be heading off. But the others? How many people would die this time? Wasn't it possible to avoid this? Really avoid? Was the second attempt just another huge crap?

"We can handle it with Owen."
"Yeah. With Owen, yeah. "
"Do you really love him?" he asked innocently.
Jenna bowed her head and had to smile. Then she looked at Ty again, but instead of answering she heard a thud next to her, as Sorkin stood the barrel at the bottom, and interrupted them.

"So, it's all here? Grady, shall we?" he shouted at Owen, who still stood on the shore and watched. He just breathed to answer, when suddenly, in silence unbreaked by any animal roar for a while, they heard a familiar sharp hiss and rustle of leaves.
At the same place as last time, slender animal with a long tail appeared. Raptor number six. But this time, not alone. Beside him one more emerged and one more a few meters further.
Owen didn't wait for the other tree, immediately triggered the boat and began to push it farther from shore.
Raptors ran.

"Come on! Come on!" panic returned into Jenna and she was ready to jump out and help him, but Owen already pulled himself to the others on board, and without saying a word, with a determined expression, jerked the starter. The engine roared, Owen jumped behind the control panel and the boat set off. At the same time, raptors ran to the shore.

Their prey escaped even for the last time.

Jenna leaned against the side of the boat with a huge relief and put an arm around Ty's shoulders. They were rescued. They really did it. It no longer mattered, how would the island end, it didn't matter how many soldiers would arrive and if helicopters and ships would land on time. They headed off, the only things left behind were choppy waves and an angry call of raptor whose upright, sunlit silhouette on the shore quickly disappeared from their sight.