Crossover: Supernatural and NCIS

Tony needs a safe house, luckily, for him, two of his friends have one of the 'safest' houses in the world.

AN: I just wanted Tony to be able to see the Bunker. I think he would be blown away. Sam and Dean will probably have to kick him out when it's all said and done. He won't want to leave. The title, of course, came from 'The Wizard of Oz.' I loved the episode with Dorothy and Charlie. (SPN—Season 8?)

Sam and Dean managed to get Tony down the stairs and into the bunker. They were not looking forward to the other big set of stairs they had to get him down to get to the main floor.

Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo had been injured in the line of duty. Shot by Juan Carlo Garcia, son Miguel Enrique Garcia, head of one of D.C.s biggest and worst crime families of recent history. They were into everything from stock markets speculations to gun running and the drug trade in Puerto Rico. During, then Detective DiNozzo's time at the Baltimore PD, he had been instrumental in taking down the Don, Miquel. Tony had shot the man, leaving the, then 6 year old Juan, without a father. Juan had grown up vowing revenge. If Juan knew that Tony was still alive…. He needed to be transported somewhere safe. And it had to be immediately. Juan was still on the loose. Team Gibbs needed to spend all their time tracking the criminal down. They needed to know that Tony was somewhere far away and safe. Then they would be able to concentrate on their job.

Sam and Dean got Tony into one of their spare bedrooms. It was between Sam's and Dean's room, so that they both could hear him if he needed help.

Their normally talkative friend had not said much. That told the two hunters that he was in a lot of pain. Dean went and raided their stash of pain pills while Sam help get Tony settled and brought him some water.

"I'm loving your bat cave." Tony said. He had not had a tour, just what he had seen from coming in to into the bedroom that they had put him in.

Sam grinned. "That's what Dean called it, for about 3 months."

"We have that awesome control panel thing there under the stairs." Dean replied. "…very bat-cave-esk." He shook two pills into the agent's hand. To their surprise Tony downed the water and pills without complaint.

"We'll wait for the pills to take affect before we try to take the bullet out." Sam told Tony. "We…we had to get you out of D.C. so fast." The younger hunter shook his head. "We would have rather taken it out there."

"I would have liked that, too." Tony admitted. "But with Juan Carlo out there…." He leaned back against the pillow as he waited for the medicine to take effect. "Gibbs can't be happy about this."

Dean sighed. "Trust me, he's not. He has no idea where you are. But, right now, it's…it's just better this way. He told us to get you as far away from D.C. as we could."

"How did…how did it happen? I mean….how did you get past the director, the FBI?" Tony reasoned. "This couldn't be government sanctioned."

"Gibbs thought that there were too many wagging tongues in D.C. The Garcia family has too many people in too many important places." Dean said. He and Gibbs had had a very similar discussion before he and Sam had left with Tony.

"You…how did Gibbs even know you two were in town?" Tony asked. "I never told him."

"We…went to see him at home." Sam said. He knew that Tony didn't know and they were not sure how he would take it. The two had come to really like Gibbs. And it bugged the hell out of Dean that the agent wouldn't tell him how he got the boats out of the basement. "And we had told him about the bunker, so…."

"That boat thing…." Dean shook his head. "I'm gonna find out one of these days." He vowed.

"Why did you…I mean Gibbs is not…." Tony shook his head. He didn't understand.

Dean nodded. "We showed up there on one other visit. I told him that he shouldn't leave his doors unlocked like that, anyone could just walk in. And he said it was a good thing that he liked us, otherwise, he would have shot us."

"Yep," The agent replied. "That sounds like Gibbs, makin' friends everywhere he goes."

Sam and Dean chuckled.

Tony looked around him a little. "So, what does it feel like, having a home and all?" He asked. "Living in motels had to suck."

"Big time!" Dean admitted.

"Oh, don't let him fool ya, Tony." Sam said as he grinned at Dean. "He's become all domesticated. He's Deanna Homemaker."

Dean scowled as Sam continued.

"I'm still looking for the pink lace apron to complete the picture."

"Shut up." Dean hissed.

Sam laughed heartily. "We'll give you a few more minutes. We have a few more things we need to get. And we'll be back."

Tony looked at them both and swallowed. "Just try to make it as painless as possible, guys."

Both Sam and Dean nodded. But they, all three, knew how incredibly painful it would be for Tony. And, in a way, the brothers hoped he passed out before they finished. At least, that way, he wouldn't feel anything.

About 30 minutes and one bloody bullet later it was all over. Sam had taken the bullet out. But he had had to go a little deeper than he thought he would have to. It caused Tony tremendous pain and then, by the time he had finished and was sewing up the wound, Tony was unconscious.

DiNozzo had managed to stay conscious for about 15 minutes. But as Sam went deeper, in search for the bullet lodged in the agent's gut, he passed out.

Tony let out a breath and his eyes slid closed. His head fell to one side and his death grip on Dean's arm and the bedsheets loosened. He went limp so suddenly that Dean thought he had passed, that he had died. He checked the agent's pulse, pressing his fingers to Tony's neck. He was very relieved when he found it. Then they cleaned up their patient and the scene, they had finished. Sam kept the bullet, in case Tony wanted a souvenir.

Dean decided he would sit with the agent for a while. Tony had passing out quickly. So quickly that it had scared the elder Winchester, much more than he would admit. It worked out well because they would have to keep an eye on the agent to check for any signs of infection, since Sam had had to do an extensive search of Tony's gut to find the bullet. Luckily, there had been no major organ damage. And, hopefully, that all meant no peritonitis. But, they could not chance it.

Tony started to sweat profusely about two hours after the surgery. Then he became restless, and he started talking. It was not anything they could understand. It sounded like he was repeating the same thing over and over again. They had to do something. But leaving the bunker and seeking conventional medical help just was not an option.

Dean stood and stretched. He stepped outside to the room just as Sam returned with more ice water. They had been using it to bath Tony's face and chest, in an attempt to bring down his temperature.

"How is he?" Sam asked. But he knew the answer from the look on his brother's face.

"I need to call…." Dean started to say when Castiel appeared before him. The elder Winchester stood, startled, for just a second. "What now you read minds? I didn't even call you."

Castiel seemed a little disturbed. He acted as if he had not heard Dean. "Where is he?" The angel asked, looking around. "Where's Anthony?"


FYI: THE Garcia Family is my creation. Cas's connection to Tony will be revealed in the next chapter.