Chapter Three

Bree's POV

I couldn't believe the events that had occurred in only in just a few hours. I found out that Hydra was planning to kill me, found out that my siblings and I were only clones, and then my sister, Stella, got stabbed by the woman who claimed to be our mother. Thank goodness the Avengers saved us. Currently, we're in the quinjet on the way to Avengers' Tower, where Stella can recover. I sat near Stella, her face pale. One of the Avengers sat down next to me.

"She'll be okay," he said. I nodded.

"You don't talk much, do you?" he asked.

"Not really," I said.

"You look a little rattled by what happened. You wanna talk about it?" he asked. I remained silent.

"If you keep your feelings bottled up, you're gonna explode. Trust me, I know that from experience," he said. I sighed.

"Well, these past few hours have been… devastating. Hydra had secretly planning to kill me, and I don't even know why. Then this happens… the world's falling down around me," I said, gesturing to Stella.

"I think I may know why. You don't happen to turn green when angry, do you?" he asked.

"Not that I know of," I said. What an odd question to ask.

"Well, I'm betting that when they cloned me, they wanted the… other guy. Since you don't have… him, they didn't find you useful," he said.

"Wait, you… are the… um," I said, grasping for words.

"I become the Hulk," he finished. I didn't reply.

"I'm Dr. Banner, but call me Bruce," he said.

"Bree," I replied.

"We're at Avengers' Tower," said a woman with bright red hair. She smiled at the sight of Bruce. She left the med bay.

"What was that about?" I asked.

"What was what about?" Bruce asked.

"The way she looked at you," I said.

"That- that was nothing," Bruce said. I dropped the subject. Captain America walked in, breaking the silence.

"I'll help transport her to the med bay in the tower," he said, picking up Stella. Bruce grabbed the IV and walked behind the Captain. I followed Bruce into the tower.

I walked inside the tower, and was instantly overwhelmed. The tower was massive, and it was filled with technology. In fact, there was a robotic man. I found myself staring at him.

"Is there something wrong?" he asked politely. He sounded very human for a robot.

"No, sorry, I've just never seen a…" I trailed off, not really sure what to call him.

"An android? I suppose that is rather odd. My name is Vision," he said.

"I'm Bree," I replied.

"Lovely to meet you Bree," Vision said. I didn't reply.

"This place is amazing!" Tia said in awe.

"It's pretty great, isn't it," Tony said. I nodded in agreement.

"Who are these lovely teenagers?" Vision asked as the rest of the group walked in.

"Well, let me introduce you. This is Bree, Thalia, Claire, Nate, and Tia, that's me," she said, gesturing to each of us in turn.

"Who was the girl that Captain Rogers brought in?" Vision asked.

"Stella," I said.

"Are you all related?" he asked. I exchanged glances with my siblings.

"We are, I think. I really don't have a clue," Tia answered.

"Well, allow me to provide some answers. Friday, pull up all the information we have on the Anti-Avengers," Tony said.

"Right away boss," a robotic female voice replied. A nearby holographic computer displayed information.

"Who is Friday?" I asked.

"I am a robotic assistant that helps Mr. Stark in place of Jarvis, who is now Vision," she replied. I noticed that she had a slight Irish accent.

"Anyway, all the lovely ladies here have the DNA of one of the Avengers, but also the DNA of Madame Hydra. Nate, you have the DNA of Widow and Baron Von Strucker, so technically, you are not actually related to your sisters," Tony explained.

"Oh, so if I happen to find one of these ladies cute, it wouldn't be weird to date them," Nate said, winking at me. I blushed. Tony laughed.

"Anyway, your original purpose was to was to act as an opposing force to us. You all were cloned to equally parallel the Avengers," he said.

"But we didn't turn out as expected," I finished.

"Yes," he said.

"So, when Stella and I were hacking into the Hydra mainframe, we found out that Hydra was using some kind of aging serum. Is that serum still in effect?" Tia asked.

"The use of the serum was stopped after you were all teenagers," Tony said.

"Why? Wouldn't adults work better?" I asked.

"I'm… honestly not a 100% sure, my theory is that they would train you for a while, then put you back into hypersleep until you were older," Tony said. The room was filled with silence. We had finally found out who we really were, but to find out that we were only created as weapons? It was unsettling. There was as the fact that we were supposed to be exact reflections of the Avengers, but we weren't even that. We were fractured. Suddenly, Bruce and the Captain walked in.

"Stella's gonna pull through, but it will take a couple months before she is fully recovered," Bruce said.

"Meanwhile, if you don't have anywhere else to stay, you can stay here in the tower," the Captain said.

"Thank you sir,"I said.

"Please, call me Steve," he said, extending out his hand.

"I'm Bree," I said, accepting his handshake.

"I'll show you where you all will be staying," Tony said. We all followed him down a flight of stairs, and stopped at a seemingly normal wall. Tony pressed his hand to the wall, and the wall slid out to reveal an elevator. We walked in, and the wall slid back into place. The elevator went down, and stopped seconds after it started. The doors opened to reveal a hallway with several doors. The doors were labeled with the names of the various Avengers. There were also several unmarked doors.

"Go ahead and pick a room without a name on it," Tony said. I picked an empty room next to Bruce's, and Tia's room was across from me. Nate's room was next to mine, Claire was across from him, and Thalia was next to Claire. I walked inside my room. The walls and ceiling were white, and there was a single bed in the center of the room.

"Cool, we're neighbors now!" Nate said as he was walking towards me.

"I guess so," I said.

"You okay Jade Eyes?" he asked.

"I am so not okay after everything that's happened today. Also, stop calling me Jade Eyes. It's rather annoying," I said.

"But your eyes are jade green, so it's true," he said. I rolled my eyes. Nate was one of the few people that could somehow make me feel better from his annoyance.

"Whatever Carrot Head," I said.

"Oh! She got you good!" Tia shouted.

"Tia, we're all in the same room hon," Claire said.

"I appreciate your enthusiasm," I said.

"Whatever you say Jade Eyes." Tia joked.

"Why do I even bother," I muttered. Tia was also one of the few people who could cheer me up as well.

"Alright ladies, and Nate, you guys need something different to wear than those Hydra suits. We're going shopping," Natasha said.

"Awesome!" Tia said. So Natasha and my four other siblings went over to a nearby mall. Tia bought a nerdy t-shirt and jeans, as well as a pair of red sneakers. Claire got a purple hoodie, black jeans, and a pair of combat boots. Thalia got a sleeveless red dress with a black belt and black flats. Nate bought a black sweatshirt with black jeans and black sneakers. I got a purple blouse with gray jeans and a pair of purple heels. Natasha approved of all of our outfits, saying that we finally looked like real teenagers. We went back to Avengers Tower, where we learned that Stella was in a stable condition.

"When do you think she's gonna wake up?" I asked.

"I'm not sure. It could be hours, days, or even weeks," Bruce replied. Suddenly, a cough was heard from Stella, and her eyelashes fluttered.

"Or right now," Bruce said. Stella's eyes opened, her eyes hazy.

"What's going on?" she asked sluggishly.

"You're in Avengers' Tower, you're going to be fine," Bruce said.

"Avengers' Tower? Is Bree okay?" she asked.

"I'm fine, the Avengers rescued us from the Hydra facility," I said. Stella sighed in relief, her eyes closing and she fell back to sleep.

"She's going to need rest, I suggest you all give her some space," Bruce said. We all left the room with silence.

"Now what?" Claire asked.

"If you're willing to, we want to train you to be Avengers," Steve said. I exchanged glances with my siblings. We were in for quite a ride.

A/N: Heyo! So… it's been awhile, I've been super busy lately, and I haven't been able to write. Just a reminder, this story takes place after Avengers: Age of Ultron, and before Ant-Man and Captain America: Civil War. However, this story's events will lead right up to the events of Civil War, and I possibly will write a sequel with the girls' and Nate's choices during Civil War and after. Anyway, please review/follow/favorite! It makes me smile!

~Hannah :)