A/N: Hello readers, this is a story that came to mind after seeing an episode of SPN and I wondered where I could take it. It was going to be a one shot, but it has grown since I wrote chapter one. I don't think it will be very long, but we'll see. I hope you enjoy this slightly different SPN story. Reviews are welcome and interest makes me want to post more quickly for you to read. I do like to know your thoughts. NC

Disclaimer: Don't own SPN and this is a work of fiction that I created.

Chapter 1

She never really felt any pain as the angel blade was thrust into her body destroying her demon soul. She looked in surprised shock at her attacker, still not believing he had done it. Everything went dark for a time and the next sensation she felt was cold, damp soil on her cheek. She woke up slowly moving her body carefully to access any damage before trying to get up. Seeing that the wound she had before was not present now, she pushed herself from the ground to look around at her surroundings.

The world was void of color except for grays, blacks and dirty white. It was like looking at old black and white photos, them not really able to capture the real essence of the subject, but a grainy rendition that make you wonder what was missing. But yet, there was a sharpness to it all too. Edges were to prominent and the contrast too deep to allow any softness in this world. It took away your hope and desire for something more, leaving you with doubt and only one thing that you focused your entire thoughts on, staying alive, keeping one step ahead of the one that wanted to see you dead. There was a strange sensation in the air, like it was slightly charged and nothing seemed to really be alive. The bleakness of the land was down right unsettling. Even the smell of the air was off, even for her.

"Awe hell, this is just great." Meg mumbled to herself when she realized where she was. "Welcome to your one way ticket to freakin' Purgatory."

Deciding she was too exposed, Meg headed into the trees and the shadows listening for any sounds that would tell her she had company. She knew she needed to find a safe place for the night that was starting to draw near casting the colorless landscape into hues of ebony. The going was hampered by the broken limbs and twisting and climbing vines that seemed to be everywhere. After walking for nearly an hour, Meg found a suitable tree that would suit her needs for the night. She jumped and caught a lower branch to boost herself up into its branches. When she found a comfortable fork that would meet her needs, she settled in for the night. Being a demon meant she didn't need to sleep, but she wanted to rest and devise a plan to stay alive in this foreign land.


Meg listened to the eerie noises of the night, trying to discern the type of creatures that were making them. Her knowledge about Purgatory was limited, but she knew when creatures were killed, this is where they ended up. So besides being along in the god forsaken land, she needed to figure out how to avoid its inhabitants so she could stay alive. She was pretty sure if you got killed here there was no coming back from it. Where else could you go? Hell? Shaking her head of all the weirdness floating around, she settled back against the tree trunk and surveyed what she could see that came out at night.

She didn't have long to wait before twigs could be heard snapping underfoot. Meg stilled narrowing her eyes as she tried to tell what the creature was. The male vampire eased through the trees, stopping every few feet to listen before moving again. She didn't know if he was tracking something or just on the prowl. She let out the breath she was holding after he moved on past the tree and disappeared into the night. Time passed by slowly as others slunk by the tree. Once she could hear fighting just out of her sight range and then an agonizing, short cry of pain only to fall into complete silence. Movement around her stopped and the cry of pain echoed into the trees and die away. It was like everyone knew a kill had been made and preferred not to be next on the list.


The sky began to lighten as a new day moved to take over night, if you could call it that. The day was just as dreary and nondescript as the previous. Meg waited in the tree until after the sun came up so she could get some bearings. She climbed higher into the tree to take a three hundred and sixty degree look around. One way all she saw was more forest. Another direction showed a range of mountains that the forest butted up to. Off in another direction, she thought she could see the sparkle of water through the branches of trees and the last looked like the forest stopped and a vast openness spread out with an occasional tree dotting the rocky, desert like terrain. Meg contemplated what would be the best course she should take. She knew the inhabitations of this cruel world would probably stay in the forest for better protection. Deciding she had hung out enough in the tree, Meg began to make her way down and to the forest floor.

After jumping to the ground and getting her bearings, Meg headed for the mountains thinking it might be a good idea to be above those who would probably kill her without hesitation. She still had a knife in her boot and another on her belt, so she didn't feel as naked. As she made her way through the trees, she kept an eye out for anything that she could use as a weapon or make into one.

The quietness that surrounded her made her jumpy and on edge. After trying several times, she found she couldn't transport herself like she could before. She still had her strength, but there was something about this place that seemed to hamper some of her demon powers. That sucked, but if that was the case, then maybe it also affected some of the other monsters here too. That being the case, maybe she had a better chance at defending herself here.


The day wore on as Meg continued moving in the direction of the mountains. She saw several other creatures roaming the woods, but kept well away from them not wanting a conformation. They never sensed she was there and continued deeper into the woods behind her. She was sure one was a werewolf and the other was a shape shifter. They didn't seem to be working together, just heading the same way. After they were well away from her, Meg continued on her way. She ran across a stream and stopped to cool her sweaty face. She didn't need to eat or drink, but took a couple of swallows anyway just to wet her dry throat.

As she stood, a cluster of slim trees caught her eye. Making her way to the stand, Meg realized it was bamboo and would make a decent strong weapon. She kicked around some of the broken bamboo looking for suitable pieces. Deciding on a couple of pieces, she took her knife and lobbed off the end of the smaller piece into a sharp point. Satisfied with the results, she stuck it into her belt and picked up the longer of the two. She tested the balance and hefted it once before twirling it expertly in her hands. Deciding these would do for now, she skirted around the stand of bamboo and headed along the bank of the stream. She wanted to try and get a few more miles behind her before looking for a place for the night.


The first attack came about an hour later after she left the bank of the stream. He wasn't very quiet about it and she was able to take him down fairly easy with her makeshift bamboo spear. She was almost certain it was a rougarou, though she had not seen one in person. She searched him but didn't find anything worth scavenging and hurried away from the body before it attracted unwelcome guest.

The shadows were lengthening fast as Meg slipped from one clump of trees to the next listening intently to the sounds around her. The vampire came out of no where knocking her to the ground. She rolled away from him and was on her feet immediately pulling the shorter bamboo weapon from her belt and brandishing it in front of her. He attacked again in a frenzy and she side stepped driving the bamboo into his back sending him to the ground with a howl. She kept him down with a knee in the back before pulling her knife and with several strong hacks, took his head off. Meg wiped the blood off on his shirt and stood looking around to see if there were any others nearby. She back away and faded into the shadows heading away looking for a suitable tree to use for the night. It seems that was a pretty good place to rest up and away from anything that might be hunting on the ground. Most of the monsters never bothered looking up into the trees not thinking anyone would be climbing in them. Meg let her mind cycle down as she thought about her situation and the life she was now faced with alone. So far none of the others here seemed to be friendly in any way, which was a bummer 'cause it would be better to have someone watch your back. And to have a little company too, though she would never tell anyone that.