Moon Slayer: Chapter 2: The End of the Beginning!

Hey Guys, Dark here with the second chapter of my story, Moon Slayer.

Disclaimer: I own nothing except the strangest imagination ever.


Ichigo stared at the letter in his hands with suspicion, who wouldn't. It had his exact location on it. He then blinked as he heard a voice shout "NO!". He was then pulled into his Inner World.

When he looked in front of him, he blinked to see if he was hallucinating.

In front of him was a tall, and lean-built, teenage male. He had pale skin, high cheekbones, blue eyes, and long ragged black hair with brown highlights, his attire consisted of black pants, low-heeled boots, and a long, amorphous black robe with a burgundy highlight that flares out into ragged ends, with white lining and a hood. In his hand was a sword that resembles an oversized khyber knife. It had no tsuba and no proper hilt; what he held was the cloth-wrapped tang. The sword is as long as he was tall, and has a black blade with a silver edge.

Behind the black haired teen was what Ichigo knew to be his inner Hollow, pretty much a bleached white version of himself, with black and yellow eyes, and his blade was Zangetsu, except the colours were reversed.

"Ichigo," said the black haired teen, "It's been a while." He said.

"Zangetsu?" Asked Ichigo, confused as hell.

The teen shook his head. "What is the name of your Bankai, Ichigo?"

Ichigo's eyes widened, "Tensa... Zangetsu?"

Tensa nodded before saying, "Well, actually I am Zangetsu as well, I made myself look like how I'd look at the age of 45, to see if you'd trust me more."

"It doesn't matter how old you look, you are still my Partner, and you always will be." Ichigo said.

Tensa smiled, "Thank you, Ichigo."

"Aww, how adorable, Kingy. You're finally developing emotions other than 'Pissed Off', 'Overprotective Brother', and 'Grumpy Asshole'." Shirosaki playfully mocked.

Ichigo flipped him off, "Why are you even here? Aren't you supposed to be trying to take over my body?"

Shiro scoffed, "That was only so you'd get your ass in gear, and get stronger! Technically, I am still apart of your soul, King."

Ichigo rose an eyebrow, "King?"

"You're the King of this body and soul, and I am your Noble Steed, taking you on my back into, battle! I am also your Instincts, and Tensa-kun is your sword, and Logic!"

Ichigo snorted at the Noble steed pert, as did Tensa, but nodded, "Cool. Wait, why am I even here right now?"

"I pulled you in here because of the letter that you got." Tensa then explained his Origins.

Ichigo stared, before nodding. "Now, I will let you go to Hogwarts if you want to, but under one condition."

"What's the condition?"

"That me and Shiro-kun go with you, as students."

Ichigo stared at the representation of Half of his Shinigami Powers, and Magic Powers(1).

He then sighed, "Fine, but Shiro has to be on his best behavior."

Shiro cackled, "Sure~, Kingy! I'll be on my Best~ Behavior!" Shiro said in a deceivingly innocent voice.

Ichigo scowled, before saying, "I'm going to go tell my family about the school and Letter. But, shouldn't I write a letter to them, telling them that I'm taking you guy's with me?"

"Yeah, just write the letter, then you open your window, and lightly wave it in the air. An owl should come."

Ichigo nodded, before leaving to do so.

'Dear Whomever it may concern at Hogwarts,

My name is Ichigo Kurosaki, I live in Karakura Town, Japan. I just received a letter to your school. I agree to go to this school, under the condition that I can bring my'

Ichigo hesitated, before continuing,

'brother, Shiro Kurosaki, and his boyfriend, Tensa Zangetsu. I am sure that they would also be Magical people, as I have seen them perform, what I understand you call, 'Accidental Magic'. If the condition is met, I will attend your school.

From, Ichigo Kurosaki, age 15.'

Ichigo heard Tensa stating that the letter was good enough for a first try, before telling Ichigo to seal it in an envelope, and opened the window, lightly waving the letter in the air, before an owl appeared, snatching the letter from Ichigo's grasp.

Ichigo heard Tensa scoff, "How Rude." He had commented.

Ichigo then grabbed the original letter, before going downstairs, to have what one would normally conceive as, a strange conversation.

(15 minutes later)

"...So... You plan on going to a School in England... That teaches Magic?..." Deadpanned Karin.

Ichigo nodded, before deflecting his father's kick.


Ichigo threw his father off of him, before blinking. "What do you mean by that?"

"Your mother went to that school when she was young! She even had 2 sister if I remember right. Their names were Petunia, and Lily Evans." Isshin said, relatively calm for a change.

Inside Ichigo's Soul, Tensa spat out the Coffee he was drinking onto Shiro.



Ichigo had to bite his lip to refrain from laughing at that.

He then felt something wrap around him, "I'll miss you, Ichi-nii! Please make sure to call us every week, tell us if you're Okay!" Yuzu cried into Ichigo's shirt.

Ichigo awkwardly wrapped his arms around his sister, "Ummm, There there, Yuzu? I will send a letter every week."

Ichigo then said, "I sent them a letter already, accepting under the condition that two of my friend's may come with me, but I called one of them my brother in the letter. So treat those two friends as though you would treat me."

Yuzu and Karin nodded, while Isshin shouted, "OH MASAKI! OUR SON IS BRINGING HOME A SECOND AND THRID SON! OH HOW YOU WOULD BE PROUD OF OUR DELINQUENT SON!" As he hit his hands against the wall that 'Poster Masaki' was on.

Ichigo then went outside, and went to Urahara's, to see if he could make a Gigai for a Zanpakutou spirit, and an Inner Hollow.

(3 day's later)

Ichigo sighed, as Shiro complained about it being cold.

After explaining the situation to him, Urahara was very willing to create a Gigai for the two. It might of helped that Ichigo was relaying various threats of what his Inner Hollow was threatening to do to the Mad Scientist if he didn't comply.

He had finished the Gigai's 2 hour's prior to now. Ichigo and his spirits were now walking home after a full, hour and a half of Shiro having trouble deciding on clothes.

He decided on a pure white hoodie, with a black, long-sleeved T-Shirt underneath. He also chose gray jeans that were slightly withered at the ends of the pant legs, and black sneakers. He also wore Aviator Sunglasses.

Tensa had decided on a white t-shirt, with a tattered black cloak that reached his ankles, stating that "It reminded him of what he wore in Ichigo's inner world, and was comfy". He had also gotten black and gray cargo pants, with a Camouflage pattern on it, and the same black sneakers as Shiro, except in his size.

The trio had also met Orihime at Urahara's shop that morning. She had also gotten a letter to Hogwarts, shocking Ichigo and Tensa, while Shiro laughed at the expression on their faces.

The trio stood before the door to Kurosaki Clinic, before Ichigo opened the door, wanting to get this over with.

(Chapter end)

Hey guy's, I'm back! So, I have a question, who do you guy's want to meet the Trio, and take them for school supplies?

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

Minerva McGonagall

Severus Snape

Who should do it? Tell me in a review, and I'll do the one with the most votes.

See Ya!