Chapter One: Platform 9 ¾

She looked around the platform full of excited students pushing trollies with owl cages perched on top, some with cats moving between the legs of their owners. Her parents had dropped her off at the station with her friend Severus. Severus' mother had explained she would assist Lily onto the platform as it was tricky for non-magical people to enter the platform. After a tearful goodbye with her little sister, Lily took Severus' hand and they walked through the barrier together.

As they walked with their trunks and owls, Severus' mum greeted several witches and wizards. They commented on how big Sev was and how proud she must be that he got in. He was a Prince after all did they really have a doubt about his magical prowess. No, they reckoned they had known all along he was going to be as gifted as his mother.

Severus for his part ignored the fawning conversations and focused on Lily. They came up to a group of boys and some older girls standing around in a circle. Lily look at the green and silver uniforms worn by the two older girls in the group.

"Hi ya Sev." Said the younger of the two uniformed girls.

Severus smiled at her, "Hi Andromeda." The older girl raised an eyebrow at him, "Bella." He replied to the girl who then smirked. "Who's this then? Get a girlfriend on the holidays?" She said looking Lily up and down. Her dark eyes taking in Lily's face and not looking away. Lily, a bit unsure of herself, finally dropped her eyes to the floor. Bella laughed and turned away having lost interest in the red head.

"Who is she?" Lily whispered when she was sure that the black eyed girl had put her interest elsewhere.

"Bellatrix. Best steer clear of her, even on a good day." Lily swallowed and nodded.

"Are they Slytherin?" Lily asked still looking at Andromeda's uniform.

Severus nodded, "That will be our house by tonight."

Lily nodded and smiled at him. The whistle sounded from overhead and Severus' mum appeared. "Right then, we'll get your things on the train and get you sorted." She snapped her fingers at a nearby luggage troll to put the trunks on the train in the nearest empty compartment.

"Goodbye Lily, good luck." She said with a nod to the young lady, she liked the girl and was glad that Severus finally had a friend who he could play with who was like him in their little hamlet of a village.

"Goodbye Ms. Prince. Thank you so much for your help." She shook Severus' mother's hand and boarded the train to wait for Severus.

"Goodbye Severus. I will see you at Christmas." She gave her son a stiff hug. Leaning over she whispered, "Remember who you are. You are my son." She planted a gentle kiss on his cheek before releasing him from the hug.

He nodded and said goodbye. He joined Lily in waving to her from the doorway as the train started to leave the station.

When they cleared the station he turned to her and grinned, "Hogwarts is the best place on Earth." He said breathlessly. Grabbing her hand, he led her down the train to find an empty compartment

Chapter 2: Aboard the Hogwarts Express

"Oi in here Sev." Called the dark haired girl from earlier.

"Thanks." He said pulling Lily behind him as they sat in the compartment. Lily was very shy, sitting in the compartment was a girl, obviously a first year with hair so blonde it almost appeared silver. She was talking quietly to the girl who had asked Severus earlier if Lily was his girlfriend. The older girl put her arm around the younger one and squeezed her close. Lily could see that the younger girl had been crying. Why had Severus warned her way from this girl, she seemed nice enough.

The one who seemed to know Severus quite well smiled at Lily.

"Andromeda." She said extending her hand, "And you are?"

"Lily, Lily Evans." She responded shaking Andromeda's hand.

"Evans…Evans." She looked at the girl next to her who was still cuddling the silver haired girl. "Bella, do we know any Evans."

Bellatrix, her attention finally pulled away from the silver hair girl looked thoughtful, "No, no Evans. Half-blood?"

Before Lily could answer the compartment door flew open and in came two rather rowdy looking boys, also first years as they were not in a distinguished uniform.

"Oi, Sirius, you bloody dog." Shouted Bella as she kicked out at him as he trod on her foot.

"S-sorry Bella-Bug." He said grinning at her.

"Who did you piss off now?" Andromeda asked looking down the hall as three fifth years were coming down the corridor.

"Might have said something rude to some fifth years"

Bella smirked and went to stand with Andromeda at the compartment door.

"Hiya Bells." Said the taller of the three boys.

"Ludo." She replied. "Fine day isn't it?"

"It is. Just want a word with those two blokes there."

"Oh I'm afraid I can't let you do that."

Ludo looked confused. "Why is that."

Bella put her arm up to block him from entering the compartment. "Because I'm pretty sure you're not seeking a word with them. I'm pretty sure your intention is to teach them a lesson."

The two boys pressed deeper into the compartment. Lily couldn't tear her eyes away from Bellatrix in the doorway with Andromeda.

"Come on Bells, just a little smack, won't hurt much."

"Not even a flick Ludo. I promised my sweet uncle Orion I'd look after this pup and I don't intend on breaking that promise. You do know my Uncle Orion don't you?" You could hear the smirk in her voice as she asked this.

"Aye." Said Ludo before looking at his friends, "Come on leave off, I ain't messin' with no Blacks on the first day."

Bella continued standing in the doorway until they had left. Once they were out of sight she turned to look at boys.

"Thanks Bella." Said the boy about to leave the compartment.

Bella pushed him back into the seat. "You stay right there dog. You've caused enough trouble."

The boy frowned but didn't challenge her. "Besides, what the hell did you two do anyway?" Andromeda asked sitting down again opposite the boy they kept calling 'dog' and 'pup'

"Sirius here thought it was a good idea to say that Ludo's girlfriend reminded him of a crumple horned snorkax."

Bella let out a sniff of a laugh, "Pup has a point Andy." She conceded, "that girl is downright horrid looking."

"Sorry where are my manners." Said Andromeda noticing Lily looking all the boys.

"Lily Evans, this is James Potter and the pup is our cousin Sirius."

Both boys nodded at Lily. "You both know Severus?" she asked pointing at her companion.

"Oh I thought that was you Snivellus. Got rid of that cold yet?" Lily took an instant disliking to the boy.

"Really James." Said Andromeda with an annoyed look at the bespeceled boy, "Lily this is Narcissa and Bellatrix."

Narcissa said nothing when Lily said hello. "Cissy is shy." Andy said to explain away the rudness.

Bellatrix was back to fussing over the smaller girl by pulling out a mirror and asking her how she should do her hair.

Lily's mouth hung open slightly when she watched Bella's hair go from black curls to straight with green and silver streaks. The three boys seemed unimpressed as Bella then changed her hair to a lumo green with flecks of black.

"I like the green and silver." Bella said after a few minutes showing Andromeda who nodded approval.

"Are you twins?" Lily ventured finally looking between the two older girls.

"Nope, just sisters." Andromeda replied with a wink before she instantly transformed into looking like the carbon copy of Bellatrix.


"They're metamorphs." Said Severus. Lily had read about metamorphs in her magical creatures and definitions book.

"So what houses are you wanting to be in?" Asked Andromeda as Bella went into the corridor to get some treats from the trolley taking Cissy with her. "Get me a whizbee please." She called after Bella.

"Slytherin." Said Severus with a smile, "I told Lily to go for Slytherin but she still isn't sure."

"Well none of us know for sure until we're there isn't it." Said Sirius with an eye roll.

"What about you pup?"


Bellatrix returned upon hearing this declaration. She tossed Andromeda her candy. "You want Gryffindor? What the fuck Siruis."

Lily's face went bright red; the older girl swore.

"It isn't bad to want Gryffindor."

"I should let Ludo kick every bloody inch of your whining ass for that pup."

"Shhhh Bella." Said Andy pressing Bellatrix's arm. Little sparks erupted from the end of Bellatrix's wand as Sirius stared at her. Lily was shocked that he was not backing down from the older girls' black stare.

"At least it isn't Hufflepuff." said Severus to Bellatrix.

"I don't need your help Snivellus." said Sirius in disgust.

"I want Slytherin." said Narcissa quickly. Bellatrix's attention turned to her youngest sister. "Of course you do. Even Cissy knows to go for Slytherin Sirius. Hell even the half-blood Prince is going for it."

"There are worse houses then Gryffindor Bells." Said Andy now gently pulling Bella to her seat and covering the end of her wand with her hand. Bella relaxed and put her wand away. She pressed a kiss to Andromeda's hand. "You really shouldn't cover my wand Andy." Andy laughed, "It always stops you."

The train ride lasted for hours, Lily chatted with Severus mostly but politely answered James and Sirius' questions. The sisters seemed to have lost all interest in the first years as their friends came and went out of the carriage. Once or twice they would leave to go see someone and come back. Narcissa only spoke to Severus and Sirius, she didn't appear to like James and wouldn't even look at Lily.

After lunch the train became quiet as compartments and their occupants took afternoon naps. Lily and the other first years were much too excited to sleep but Bellatrix and Andromeda leaned into each other and fell asleep for a good three hours. Little whispers between them as every now and then Bella would steal a glance at Lily. Once Lily swore she winked at her.