
Author: TheBlueMoonRose, SlytherinJess and Madhasahatter (all me)

Pairings: DracomalfoyxOC 'Slight' VoldemortxOX 'Main paring couple'

DracoMalfoyxHarryPotter 'Later on/main paring couple'

Warnings: "Contains Mature Content will not be shown on fanfiction only on Wattpadd" Alternated Universe 'AU' 'Not set in original time period, different time of 2015' Set in after before 6th year in the summer.

Rated: (T-Fanfiction) (T- DeviantArt) MA- Wattpadd

Disclaimer: We do not own ANY trademarks of 'Harry Potter'. They belong to J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros. I merely own this story which we make no money from.

Summary: What happens when Harry finds out all this time he has a twin sister. Even up by lily to raise Harry, it was the hardest thing Lily and James had to do after learning not a boy but a girl also born at the end of July that will destroy the dark lord, or not?

Chapter 9

Snuzzling into Tom's chest, she didn't wanna leave but she had too. Tom chuckled kissing her forehead "I would love to come with you, I think we both need have a chat with your brother"

Jess frowned "you promise not to try and kill him?" she said in his chest, Tom chuckled again "I promise, I swear on my magic" Jess smiled "Alright put your hood on" Tom put the hood over his head, he opened the door and they both walked out of the room together walking downstairs holding hands, no one noticed them at all has Tom moved right towards the door, leaving the Inn. They headed for Hogwarts.

Harry and Draco were now in the room of requirement with Elvira. She was laying down on her play mate on her tummy wiggling her little arms and legs, in front of her was her griffon plushie toy.

Harry and Draco were sitting next to her, cuddling next to a fireplace. Dobby was near them kneeling watching little Elvira. Harry smiled "Dobby you like Elvira, don't you?"

Dobby looked up at harry potter with a smile "Oh yes Dobby dose! Dobby thinks she is the cutest baby Dobby has ever seen!"

Harry chuckled "yeah she is, isn't she?" Draco smirked and kissed her temple "hope jess gets back soon so me and you can have our alone time" Harry flushed "Draco kept it in, would you?" Draco chuckled "no promises"

Suddenly Elvira started cry softly, Dobby blinked "little princess needs a change, dobby will change her! Can Dobby change the little princess?"

Harry smiled "Sure Dobby just be careful" Dobby smiled brightly and right away started to change her with using his magic.

Draco blinked "why is he calling her little princess…?" Harry shrugged "Dobby why do you keep calling her princess?" Dobby finishing up changing her, Elvira was giggling on her back has dobby made the griffon flush float and shake above her.

Dobby looked at them and smiled "Because Lord Salazar's portrait said she was the little princess of Slytherin, Dobby was told to call her it by lady Semila sirs…"

Harry sighs "So like him" Draco chuckled.

Tom was smirking "This is fun, sneaking into Hogwarts" he whispers has him and Jess turn the corner to the dungeons while him and Jess where holding hands.

Jess flushed "Shhh, this way" Tom chuckled "I know where the common room is love, I was in slytherin too" Jess shook her head.

While walking down in the dungeon's memories began to flow through his head when he use to attend school 'I wonder if the basilisk is still here….' He thought has Jess pulled him passed the slytherin common room, he blinked "Wait we just passed the common room" Jess didn't answer has they turned to the left where it was a dead end.

"Wait love this is a head end" he was confused, Jess smirked and walked right up to the wall and his eyes widen has they went right through the wall "What the hell…?" Jess chuckled "through all thoughs years you attending Hogwarts you never found Salazar's personal rooms have you?"

Tom's eyes widen "Wait, this the way to the room?" Jess nodded and pulled him through the hallway to a door, it was closed. Jess opened it, the lights were on, stepping in Tom looked around the room and was stunned the room looked so modern.

"Lady Jess you are back" a girl's voice, hissing, made him look to see a very large white snake on the couch. His eyes widen "such a beautiful snake…" Jess chuckled "Semila, I have a guest" she said

Semila's snake eyes blinked then turned her head to Salazar "It's him!" Tom's eyes widen and his head turned the painting above the fireplace "Salazar…"

Salazar's eyes looked right at him and narrowed slightly "Remove your hood boy" he said in a stern voice. Tom sighed and did remove his head showing his face.

Semila was shocked "my Lord… he looks just like when he did when he was young…." Tom blinked "wait what?" Semila slithered off the couch "I've watched you when you use to attend Hogwarts, Tom Riddle"

Tom frowned "I see…." Salazar cleared his throat making them look "know then, Jess why don't you check the pot roast that has in the slow cooker since this morning. I'm sure the boys will come with Elvira soon"

Jess smiled "Of course cuss!" she took off her jacket, has it floated over to the rack and rested on it. Jess taking off her arm warmers put them over the couch then taking off her shoes and walked right into the kitchen.

Tom chuckled "your home cooking! I can't wait to taste my wife's cooking" he can see her blushing. Then hearing hissing slightly, he turned his head to Semila "you are very pretty" he said to her in parseltongue.

Semila moved up to his level "just because you speak snake doesn't mean I will trust you! You may be soul-mated with Lady Jess but until Lord slytherin says he sees you has an heir I will see you has a threat!"

Tom was biting his lip, this was the first time a snake wanted to do harm to him "I see… well I swear my magic not to harm harry potter, I did come to talk to him that I wish not to kill him anymore"

Semila looked at Salazar "My lord?" Tom looked at him, Salazar sighed and sat back on his chair "come closer boy" Tom stepped him "Lord Slytherin it's on honor to finally meet you"

Salazar smiled slightly "Oh yes same also, Tom Riddle. But I'm not every much happy with you" tom frowned at him but Salazar kept talking "you opened the chamber of secrets twice got my snake killed, making horcruxes" Tom's eyes widen when he said that "not to mention turned dark and started a war, end up trying to kill a baby none the less, but I can see you are no longer that man anymore. Being soul bonded with Jess changed you Tom Riddle"

Tom nodded softly "yes…. I don't know why.. it scares me…." Salazar chuckled "I sense magic on you that I know it's ancient and it's that of Lady Deliora Meyers, so is she still alive"

Tom chuckled "so you did know her? Yes Deliora, she's been a thorn in my side to honest"

Salazar chuckled "yes she and Regina were good friends, tell me Tom Riddle do you believe in reincarnation? Not like the way you did it, threw thoughs horcruxes"

Tom blinked at him but nodded "Yeah of course why?" Salazar pointed behind him, tom turned and looked at Jess who was humming slightly while string the pot roast. Tom's eyes widen and turned back to Salazar "are you telling me…" Salazar chuckled "yes, Jess is the reincarnation of my wife, Regina Slytherin" he said has the wall opened next to the fireplace relieving Regina's painting.

Tom's eyes widen to see how identical Regina's painting looks of Jess "this is a shock.. So Regina's necklace… was meant to go to Jess I take it"

Salazar nodded "Very much, anyways, has lord Salazar Slytherin, I hear by recognize you, Tom Marvolo Riddle has my 2nd heir. Your new title will be has I shell name, Tom Marvolo Slytherin Riddle"

Tom felt magic around him, swirling. It felt warm "Thank you… Lord Slytherin"

Salazar smiled "know about your horcruxes you have created, how many did you made?" Tom blinked but tapped his chin "It was 6 but I feel like it's 3 now.. two are missing… my ring.. I can't feel it anymore and my dairy I can't feel it even the locket… your locket"

Salazar frowned "I see… well Harry has the destroy two, Dumbledore has your dairy and ring in his office, I can have Semila get them for you" Tom's eyes widen "Wait why?"

Salazar chuckled "because, they no longer hold your soul pieces, your soul was never really destroyed from the horcruxes. Their host was, which means they were returned to you, that's properly the reason why you are feeling your humanity back, you are no longer tainted, what others are left?"

Tom closed his eyes 'this is a lot to take in.. in the book it never mentions the host being destroy and the soul was still alive…' "Well 3 is left, my snake Nagini, Helga Hufflepuff's Cup and Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem"

"And Harry Potter" he heard Jess from behind him, this made his eyes widen turning to her "what did you just say…?" Jess frowned "My brother was the last horcrux"

Tom needed to sit down, he walked over to the couch and sat down on it "Harry is my last one… how is that possible…?"

"That night, you were so used of splitting your soul… when that killing curse backfired on the you. Your soul was split latching itself on Harry…. That's why he can speak parseltongue, the reason why he feels your emotions slightly and see into your mind…."

Tom frowned and his head in his hands "I didn't… know…" then he looked up at Jess "What how can you speak parseltongue?" Jess blinked and sighed "Because I think Dumbeldore put the language in my head from that downloading spell… last year before I started to school… to be honest I think he put more in my head then he was suppose too…"

Salazar nodded "yes, I agree and plus I also think that because the slytherin bloodline woke up that day when you kicked that Parkinson girl out of Hogwarts"

Jess chuckled "True" Tom blinked "So that's why Parkinson's daughter had return from school that year?" he smirked "you are brilliant my love"

Jess flushed but smiled at him "trying to butter me up are you?" Tom chuckled, then Semila started to light up making Tom's eyes widen has her snake body turned into a human, a beautiful white-haired girl "Lady Jess, your bother is back with Elvira. Draco is not with him, he's trying to get through the wall… strange…. I'll let him in lady Jess" she walked out of the room.

Jess sighs "well then I guess you should be ready" tom nodded "Yes love"

Semila had walked in with Elvira in her arm's, she was wide awake. Jess smiled and stepped over taking Elvira who smiled at her mother "Oh hello sweetie!"

Harry stepped in but quickly stopped in his tracks frozen looking at Tom with widen eyes, a quick gasp of shock ran through his body, his wand was drawn.

Jess frowned "Harry stop!"

Tom chuckled with a smirk "Hello harry Potter" Jess narrowed at him "Don't sounding creepy! Harry put your wand down now!"

Harry frowned and shook slightly "W-what is going ON?! WHY IS VOLDMEORT HERE?!" he literally screamed making Elvira get startled and cry. Jess growled at him and started to bounce Elvira "Shh sweetie it's okay, uncle harry didn't mean to scare you"

Tom sighed and stood up "Really Potter scaring your lovely little niece" he reached out to Elvira making Harry's eyes widen 'what's gonna do..!?' then what shocked him Tom smiled softly at Elvira rubbing her back "There, there little one calm down" Elvira had seem to calm down right away.

Jess giggled "wow, you calmed her down, she must like you" Tom smiled more "that makes me happy"

Harry standing there watching this was confusing "can someone please tell me what's going on…?" he softly asked putting down his wand.

Jess looked at her brother "Harry there's something I need to tell you, please come and sit, Tom love behave" Tom smirked "I'll try" he kissed her forehead, this made Harry bite his lip but walked over and sat down "okay tell me" Jess sighed "Semila can you go change her?"

Semila walked over taking her "Of course lady Jess" she walked away with Elvira.

Jess took Tom's hand and looked at her brother "Harry… me and Tom.. are soulmates…" Harry's eyes widen "What…?" Tom shook his head "Really potter are you that slow? She said we are soulmates"

Harry bite his lip "How is this possible…? The prophecy didn't say that…" Salazar cleared his throat making them look at him "ah yes that, I know what is. Can someone say it for me?"

Jess was the first one to say it "The ones with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark them as his equal, but they will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the others survives... the ones with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies..."

Tom's eyes widen "so that is the prophecy…"

Salazar closed his eyes "it's been half fulfilled" they blinked at him sitting up quickly "What do you mean cuss?" Harry asked "Jess and Tom Riddle's soulmate bond destroyed Voldemort with in Tom Riddle, I can sense he still calling himself 'the dark lord' which is already, this prophecy was meant for Voldemort, not tom riddle. The dark lord Voldemort is no more, Tom needs to restore his remaining soul pieces…"

Tom looked at harry "yes… but I don't know how" he reached out and grabbed Harry's head gently lifting up his hair making Harry's eyes widen from his touch.

"This scar is my soul piece in you… Lord Salazar I don't know how to regain it without killing him…" Harry's eyes widen "without killing me? So, you're not gonna kill me anymore?" Tom sighed "still dense has ever potter, of course not! Hurting you is like hurting my wife!"

Jess's eyes widen 'shit…' Harry gasped and turned to his sister "W-wife…?!" Jess sighs "it's hard to explain…"

Tom was getting annoyed "alright enough of this, when I first kidnapped your sister I half forced myself on her" Harry's eyes widen in shock but then went into a glaring anger look "you raped my sister?!"

"I said half, you imbecile! The other half was our bodies were in a trance!" Tom shouted back at him, Salazar nodded "it was their soulmate bond, it consummated their bond, their soulmate bond is called red strings of fate"

Harry collapsed on the couch with a heavy sigh "this is so much to take in… oh my god… tom riddle is my brother in law…?" Tom smirked "yes I'm" Harry groan "Oh merlin…. My sister is… married to Tom Riddle…"

Jess shook her head but smiled has Semila came out with a freshly dressed and changed Elvira. Elvira was being fussy "I think she is hungry" Jess smiled reaching for her wand, flicking it, out of and closet came highchair booster seat, the designs on the cover was light pink cute little details.

Walking over she placed Elvira in it making her blink looking around has Jess strapped her in, flicking her wand out of the cupboard came Gerber 2nd Foods Banana Mixed Berry baby food and a light mint green Silicone Spoon.

Tom was already over by her sitting down "she's ready for baby food?" Jess smiled "Yeah, she's four months so yeah" Jess said opening the food and dipping the spoon in it and bringing it up to Elvira who was staring it right away.

Jess giggled "Open up!" she really didn't open her mouth just looked confused, Tom chuckled making Elvira's shift to him and smiled at him. Tom smiled back and opened his mouth, Elvira copied him making Jess went forward slowly with the spoon and placed some food in her mouth making Elvira blinked but smacked her lips.

She giggled and opened her mouth again, Jess smiled brightly "see she likes it!"

Harry still on the couch was sighing "this is too much to take in… Is he staying for dinner?" "Yeah" Jess said feeding Elvira, Tom chuckled "she must like it, what kind is it?" Harry can hear them from the couch "It's from Gerber, it a muggle brand. It's mix of Banana, blueberry and raspberry"

"Ahh I see muggle baby food… I can see it would be better than the ones from here"

Harry was shocked to even hear this, getting up "I thought you hate muggles?" Tom looked back to him "I do.. but a little… I don't know it's hard to explain…"

Salazar chuckled "after connecting with your soulmate, it's changing you slightly. Muggles aren't all that bad, Regina made me see that"

After feeding Elvira, putting her to bed. Jess, Tom and Harry were sitting at the table. Jess flicking her wand has magically putting the three bowls them putting them down on the table.

Tom smelled it and smiled "Mhmm smells amazing love" Jess flushed "Thank you" she sat down, Harry nodded with a smile "amazing sis! I love your cooking" he said.

Jess chuckled and started to eat hers. Tom took his spoon and took a bite if his pot roast. His eyes widen "Wow this is better then the house elves at my manor… oh merlin… that's it, once you move in your cooking for the family"

Jess flushed "really…?" Harry frowned "Moving in… your manor…? Your taking her… away?" Jess looked at him "Harry… don't"

Tom took another bite of his pot roast "Harry, she's my wife. I want her to live with me" Harry bite her lip "where at the riddle manor where you torture people?! Where your death eaters are always at?! You are not bringing her there! Not near all the death!"

Tom was about to shout at him when Jess reached out and smacked Harry's head making him blink "Shut up right know or I swear I will put you the walls of Jericho!"

Harry's eyes widen and shook "O-okay…. I'll stop.." Tom looked confused "the walls of what?" Jess chuckled "It's a wrestling move" Tom hummed "ah it's that muggle sport, you know wrestling then? Anything else?" Jess smiled "don't make me show you, you wont like!" she giggled "harry learned the hard way"

Tom looked at him has Harry shook remembering some of her flips and even kicked "Riddle…. She can kick your ass without magic… I trust me on this, martial arts, she knows 7 types"

Tom looked stunned "I see, well maybe you can teach me" he smirked, Jess and harry looked shocked but Jess chuckled "I would love to, I've been teaching harry Jujitsu"


After dinner Harry had left promising to not tell anyone that Tom was here.

Jess and Tom where on the couch cuddling, with TV on, it was on low volume. Jess had put 'the crow' on. Jess was in a silk green night gown with black lace.

The movie was just about to be over, Jess had fell asleep awhile ago. Tom smiled down at her "she's asleep" he whispers. Salazar chuckled softly "after the movie, you can put her to bed, but I think…. You should leave don't want Deliora to worry why you haven't returned"

This was strange for him, sitting here on a couch cuddling watching a muggle movie. Before this he wouldn't even look at the TV 'why did I agree to watch this …. Movie? Muggle devise shouldn't even be working at Hogwarts…?'

Getting up, he gently picked up Jess bridal style and walked over to the bedroom, entering it he stepped to the bed placing Jess on. She hummed slightly still asleep. Tom smiled down at her, putting the blanket over her he leaned down and kissed her forehead "sweet dreams my love" he whispered.

Leaning back up, he heard a soft cry. He looked at the nursery 'mhmm Elvira must have woken up' he stepped over to the nursery, walking in he quickly by the crib. Looking down, Elvira was awake, she smiled up him.

Tom smiled down at her "you look so much like your mother" he reached down and rubbed her tummy, her smiled stayed on her face but yawned and rubbed her eyes. Tom chuckled "tired again? Go on go back to sleep" he rubbed her head softly, Elvira's eyes closed slowly and end up falling asleep.

Tom smiled and quietly moved out of the nursery and Jess's bedroom. Walking back to the couch he grabbed his coat putting it on, he looked at the TV and waved his hand turning it off.

"leaving?" he heard Salazar, Tom nodded "I'll be back next week" he said putting his hood over his head leaving.

Up in the Gryffindor tower, Harry was wide awake. He couldn't sleep, not with everything that had just had happen today. Sighing softly he looked around the room and everyone was soundly asleep.

He then looked at his pillow and reached under it taking out the map. Taking his wand, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." Harry chanted. He opened it and started to look at the map. He can see Snape taking his rounds, most likely to see if he can catch anyone out of bed.

Shaking his head, his eyes sifted near the clock tower were the court yard was, his eyes widen when he saw that name walking into the courtyard 'Tom Marvolo Riddle'

Harry frowned 'I'm surprised it doesn't say Voldemort…' he literally watched Tom's movements has it disappeared. He blinked "mhmm maybe he teleport-ed away…" sighing again he closed his closed canceling the map, taking off his glasses he placed them on the nightstand along with his wand.

The candle that was lit went out and it was pitch dark in the room, Harry leaned back and covered himself in his blanket, closing his eyes waiting for sleep to come.

Tom walked into Riddle Manor, it was dark in the corridors, with his wand he casted Lumos to see where he was going. Walking passed the drawing room "Voldemort" he stopped and turned back to the drawing room, he stepped over to the room looking inside to see the fireplace was lit and Deliora was sitting on one of the chairs wearing a long black silk nightgown and matching robe over her shoulders.

"Deliora, your still up?" he asked her softly, Deliora's blind eyes turned to him "so how did it go with Jess?" Tom smiled "good and please no more calling me Voldemort…" Deliora blinked at this 'no more calling him… it?' she stood up slowly "come here"

Tom sighed and stepped over to her, she gripped his chin gently looking at his magic aura. She smirked "My, my what is this? I since an intertwined bond"

Tom looked at her "me and Jess are tied with red strings of fate, that night we had sex it consummated the bond between us"

Deliora chuckled letting go of his chin "I see" she sat back down "So when are you gonna get her a ring?" Tom flushed "tomorrow I'm going shopping" he turned and walked away "Goodnight Deliora" Deliora smiled "Goodnight Tom"

It was 10 am in the morning, In the stand's a lot of the slytherin students were sitting in the stands watching the tryout. Draco and Harry say together, Semila was watching Elvira since it was too cold for her to outside.

Students were clearing softly for some of their members. They saw a glimpse of Jess up in the sky chasing the snitch with Harper. Harry can slightly see the snitch dive down fast, Jess saw it and quickly dove down, her hand reaching out, Harper behind her.

Harry and Draco's eyes widen has Jess's hand closed, Harry stood up clapping "GOOD CATCH SIS!" Draco stood up and clap "I knew she would" half the slytherin's were clapping and cheering.

Jess floated down to Blaise, who was named the new captain for this year "Oh Blaise!" Blaise looked to his left to see Jess floating there with the snitch in her hand. He smirked "very good Jess" Harper floated down on the right of him "she's fast like last year" he sighs, Blaise chuckled "well I know we are gonna win this year"

Wormtail feel to the groan gasping, Tom was above him "Did I ask for your opinion Wormtail?!" he glared down at him, Deliora was sitting on the chair near them with a smile on her face.

Wormtail shaking under his glare "N-no… my lord…." Tom looking down at him more "then never question me again when it comes to the potter twins, I'm I clear?!" he shouted.

Wormtail nodded cowing. Tom sighed and moved next to Deliora sitting down "leave us now before I kill you" Wormtail nodded and quickly left the room.

Deliora chuckled "did you have fun?" Tom frowned "I'm surrounded my fools, imbeciles, idiots!" he growled out "How dare that rat question on my rule over the potter twins"

Deliora chuckled "sooner or later they will end up betraying you, I can see it Tom, you are no longer that dark anymore"

Tom bite his lip "don't Deliora don't" Deliora just smiled "well then when are you going shopping?" Tom flushed and smirked softly "in a bit, I need to get my wife a proper ring something that speaks slytherin"

Deliora chuckled "maybe an emerald"

Tom smirked "Yes.. that sounds good"

After Quidditch practice, Harry and Jess were in her room. Elvira was on in her play pin taking her nap. Jess in the kitchen cleaning. The dishes were washing themselves, but Jess was washing the counter tops by hand. Semila was in her white snake form curled on the couch next to harry. Harry was on the couch watching Elvira sleep, Sirius and Dawn were sue any minute.

Semila perked her head up "they are here" she hissed at Harry. Harry smiled with a nod and go up and walked to the front door and left the room. Jess finishing up cleaning the counters walking over to living room area putting lotion on her hands.

Sitting down, she turned to see Harry, Sirius and Dawn walk in. Jess smiled "Uncle, mom" Dawn smiled brightly and walked over to her "hello hun, is baby Elvira sleeping?" Jess nodded.

Sirius chuckled and walked over to the play pen looking down at baby Elvira sound asleep "she is just too cute even sleeping"

Harry smiled sitting down "she sure is Padfoot" Sirius chuckled and sat down with dawn holding her hand "so we have some wonderful news" Sirius said with a grin. Harry and Jess blinked at them "Oh what is this wonderful news?" they had both said at the same time which this made Sirius shiver slightly 'god dam twin thing…'

Dawn smiled "the gender of the baby, it's a girl!" Jess and Harry's eyes widen "a girl?" harry asked, Jess's shocked face turned into a gleeful smile. She giggled "Oh my! A girl!"

Sirius grin more and rubbed Dawn's tummy "yeah, we are excited. We are naming her Celestia"

Harry frowned "What is up with purebloods and their babies constellation names?"

Sirius huffed "Celestia isn't a constellation, it means Heavenly, sky, Galaxy" Dawn giggled softly "I love that name, it sounds to mystic"

Jess giggled "I love it! Celestia! Beautiful name mom" Dawn smiled brightly "Thank my dear" Jess then frowned "there is something I need to tell you too… it's about Tom Riddle…..A.K.A Voldemort…."

Sirius frowned "Tell us what…?" Jess closed her eyes, Harry frowned and took her hand holding it "It's alright sis, tell them"

Jess nodded and opened her eyes "Well lets began the day I was taken…"

After explaining everything, from the day she taken, to a night ago. She had told everything, were she was soulmates with Tom Riddle, Voldemort.

Sirius bites his lip "How is this possible…? The prophecy…." "It's no more Mr. Black" Sirius and Dawn turned their heads to Salazar slytherin's painting "What do you mean Lord Slytherin…?" Sirius asked.

"Jess and Tom Riddle's soulmate bond destroyed Voldemort with in Tom Riddle, he still calling himself 'the dark lord' which this prophecy was meant for Voldemort, not for Tom Riddle. The dark lord Voldemort is no more, Tom needs to restore his remaining soul pieces…" Salazar said to them.

Dawn sighs with a frown "So Jess is magical married to this Tom Riddle….?" Jess nodded to her "Yeah… I am… " Dawn smiled soflty "So what is he like?" Jess blushed "handsome… more than anything… to be honest you have to meet him…"

Sirius frowned "How can you be alright with this? Being soulmates with a man that killed your parents!" he half shouted.

Jess bite her lip "I understand you are upset uncle but you can't change the red strings of fate, me and tome riddle are soul mates, our red string of fate is thick"

Harry sighs softly "I've come to deal with it, too be honest… he's changed since bonding with Jess… he's more.. gentle… he's even sworn on his magic that he won't be hunting me or Jess anymore… Sirius I know it's a lot to take in trust me, it was a lot for me when walking in here and seeing him…"

Sirius sighs "This is a lot to take in…" Dawn frowned and rubbed her thump on his hand "it's gonna be okay Sirius, we will get through this" Sirius smiles gently at her "Yeah I know we will, know what are we gonna do about Dumbledore….? That's what I'm worried about"

Jess and Harry both frowned at this 'yes… this is gonna be a problem…' Salazar deeply had a bad feeling about Dumbledore finding out.

please go to my DeviantArt, my username is SlytherinJess for the artwork.

Alright so i changed again the ending of the this chapter, Voldemort 'Tom' was reborn from when he was 19-20 years old, the fanart i found which i like more is the cover for this story on here, wattpadd and DevientArt.

If you all haven't noticed is that i went in and changed the main pairing! it's only slight DracxOC and Mainly VoldemortxOC! AND YES! XD DRACOxHARRY! HAHAHA! which will happen in the next chapter

how many Words achievement without notes- 4,961