When Quinn regained consciousness the first thing he realised was that he was lying in a white room; was he in a hospital? Slowly his memories returned. Yes, Ai had tried to read his mind and then… He must've passed out. Quinn dimly registered that there were several tubes inserted in him. He carefully sat up and grabbed his holocomm device that lay conveniently on the bedside table and checked the time and the date. It seemed that he had been in the hospital for about a week. Just as he was about to ring for the med droid the door to his room opened and Vette and Ai stepped in.

"Mal! You're awake!" Vette rushed over to him and hugged him. Quinn slowly returned the hug, he felt dizzy.

Vette let go of him and Quinn looked at Ai, she was still standing next to the door and bit her lower lip. Her eyes were brown again. "Hi," she said shyly.

"Hi," replied Quinn. He wasn't sure how to interpret Ai's behaviour – was she still mad at him? At least she was visiting him, it had to be a good sign…

"I talked with the med droid a few days ago, you don't have to worry. Everything is alright in your noggin," said Vette. "How do you feel?"

"A little vertiginous and thirsty," Quinn mumbled and rubbed his temple.

Vette poured a glass of water and handed it to him. Quinn took a gulp and felt immediately better.

"Thank you. Am I allowed to leave the hospital?"

"I guess so, but I'll call the med droid to be sure," replied Vette. She rang and after a few moments the droid appeared.

"You readings indicate that you can go home, Agent Quinn," said the med droid after a few quick scans. "I'll arrange your discharge."

Vette and Ai waited outside while Quinn got dressed, after signing his release papers they headed for the taxi station and flew home.

Quinn had of course registered that Ai hadn't said a word since her greeting. He assumed that she was still upset about him.

"Sibock has gone to a meeting with the Dark Council, but he will back in a couple of hours," Vette remarked as soon as the stepped into the apartment.

"Thank you, I think I will lay down for a moment," said Quinn quietly. He had planned to read up on intelligence activities, but on the short trip home he had gotten sick again.

"Alright," replied Vette. "Take it easy."


Just as Quinn was about to lay down in his bed he heard a soft knock on his door.

"Come in," he said loudly.

A moment later Ai stepped into the room, she held a steaming cup of tea in her hands.

"Uh… do you want tea?" she timidly asked.

Quinn wasn't in the mood for it, but he didn't want to turn her down. "Yes please."

Ai put the cup on bedside cabinet and took care to put it on a doily. Then she took a step back and nervously brushed her lekkus.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled.

"Ai… you…"

"I didn't mean to hurt you!" Ai finally blurted out. "I didn't know that non-force-sensitives are more sensible…"

Quinn took a deep breath and shook his head. "It's alright, it's your prerogative…"

"Don't say that." Ai kneaded her hands together. "It's not my prerogative to invade other people's minds, I was just… confused. And all I got were bits and pieces."

"Oh," was all Quinn could say.

"I'm sorry that I tried… I was scared when you collapsed on the floor, and when the med droids took you into the hospital I thought that…" Ai blinked at few times. "I started to read your reports and watched some holovids… It was strange, you were different at the beginning. But you really changed, didn't you?"

Quinn smiled despite the headache, a heavy weight fell off his chest. "Then you forgive me?"

Ai stared at him disbelievingly. "Shouldn't you be the one to forgive me?"

He made an effort to sit up straighter than before. "Of course not, my little Sith. I'm just glad that you don't think less of me."

Ai sat down next to Quinn and put her head on his shoulder. "I promise I will never do anything like that to you ever again."

He put his arm around her and squeezed her lightly.


Time passed and the day came when Ai was about to leave for Korriban, it was shortly after her sixteenth birthday. Sibock, Vette and Quinn seemed to be more nervous than Ai, they constantly asked her if she had thought about taking this item or that item with her.

Quinn caught himself asking about the same things twice, the prospect that Ai would literally disappear for three years into the Sith Academy where the acolytes weren't allowed contact to their families disquieted him more that he had thought.

Finally they all gathered in front of the lift out of the apartment to say good-bye to Ai, she had only a middle-sized duffle bag with her – more baggage wasn't allowed.

"I know you will prevail," said Sibock. "Trust in your own strength."

Vette had tears in her eyes as she kissed her good-bye. "I love you, Ai."

"Don't worry, mom, I've got your pendant with me – what could go wrong?" Ai smiled and bent down to hug her mother since she was taller than Vette.

Now it was Quinn's turn, he gave her a data pad and cleared his throat and said in his most professional voice: "I compiled all my knowledge as combat medic on the weak spots of the physiology of humans and aliens on this pad; I added schematics. Your father told me once that a force-user can sense the internal workings of a body. If the internal carotid artery for example is interrupted abruptly for about one second the subject loses consciousness. Another example is the hyoid, all that is required is a pressure about three to four kilograms until it breaks and the subject will asphyxiate if not stabilized immediately. This could be especially efficient when…"

Ai pulled him into a hug and Quinn fell silent. "I will miss you, Malavai."

Quinn gulped. "I will miss you too, my little Sith."

She shoved the data pad into her bag. "And thank you for your tips, I'm certain that they will come in handy."

Ai threw her duffle bag over her shoulder and pressed the lift button. She waved when the lift doors closed and in matter of moments she was gone.

Sibock and Vette quietly left, Quinn stood a few moments longer in front of the lift until he returned into his room and tried to work. After a few attempts to read reports he gave up and watched a couple of old holovids of Ai.


On the same day, exactly three years later the newly appointed apprentices of Ai's age group were supposed to return to Dromund Kaas according to Sith tradition. As Quinn left the citadel after work he took the route via the spaceport – he was antsy, perhaps he would see Ai returning? Sibock had assured him and Vette that he felt that Ai was alive and well, but Quinn wanted to see her with his own eyes as soon as possible.

Just when he was walking into the spaceport a group of Sith crossed his path. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw a tall blue-skinned twi'lek woman in a metal armour with red cloth crafted into it. Quinn began to beam, it was Ai! She looked as powerful and majestic as a full-grown Sith Lord. He felt joy, pride and love and took several steps towards her. In this moment she turned her head and looked at him with her golden eyes.

Quinn drew breath to greet her, but before he could say anything she simply averted her gaze and turned her attention to a smaller Sith pure-blood who was talking to her. Quinn stopped dead in his tracks and felt as if the floor had been pulled out from under his feet. At first he couldn't move but then he stumbled to a bench near him and let himself fall on it. Ai had seen him, there was no doubt – and he hadn't changed apart from his slightly greying hair. Quinn tried to control his erratic breathing. She had decided to ignore him…

It seemed that she had understood what he had told her years ago: She was a Sith and imperial personnel was beneath her, wasn't worth her attention. He should be proud, he told himself – if she had learned this lesson then she would've learned the other lessons as well and would go far in the Empire. Quinn watched how the apprentices vanished out of his sight. Ai had become what she was meant to be. But why did it hurt so much?

After several minutes he slowly got up and took the tram to his apartment in the outskirts of Kaas City.


Quinn had moved out of Sibock's and Vette's apartment a few weeks after Ai had left – they had assured him that he was still welcome, but Quinn felt that he had to move on. It was their home, and once Ai wasn't there anymore he saw no reason to tax their hospitality any further.

Once he arrived in his flat he slowly hung his coat up. He took a brush from a small cabinet and began to clean the coat. It was already in perfect condition, but he still brushed it almost angrily.

He couldn't help picturing how Ai returned home. Sibock would pretend that he wasn't crying tears of joy and would ask about Ai's trials on Korriban and her new master. Vette would beam at her daughter and hug her every ten minutes. Quinn took a deep breath and tried to calm down. He stared at the brush in his hand. Perhaps he should've stayed in the penthouse? Then he could've at least hear Ai tell her parents what had happened on Korriban.

Quinn put the brush back in the cupboard and grabbed the shoe cream. He sat down on the bench next to the wardrobe and pulled his boots from his feet. Perhaps he could call Vette later and ask about Ai's new master?

Quinn took one of his boots and applied shoe cream on it, he started to rub it with a rag. Had Ai used his notes about the weak point of human and alien bodies? Vette would know; he just had to make sure that he didn't sound too eager and desperate. Just a few questions… perhaps he could visit Vette and Sibock and see Ai. Even if she was ignoring him he still could see her again – make sure that she was well.

He picked up the other boot began to polish it as well. Or should he wait? Was he intruding by calling Vette so soon? Quinn recalled Ai's golden eyes and the way she had averted her gaze and stopped polishing. He carelessly finished his task and strode into his office. Quickly he pulled his files about Ai out and stared at them without reading a report or watching a holovid.

Suddenly the door bell rang. Quinn glanced wearily at his chronometer, it was probably a delivery droid of some sort. He walked to the door while running his hand through his hair. But it wasn't a delivery droid – it was Ai who stood in front of him. She was still wearing her Sith armour and eradicated power and authority. Quinn's heart leaped up to his throat.

"A… my Lord," he quickly corrected himself. Quinn had to fight back a smile and his urge to immediately pull her into an embrace. No, she was a Sith, he had to behave accordingly. "You honour me with your presence."

"Don't you want to ask me in?" Ai's voice sounded a little deeper than he remembered.

"Yes, of course. Please." Quinn stepped back and allowed her into his apartment.

As soon as the door was closed Ai rushed to Quinn and pulled him into her arms. Quinn was taken aback, but he quickly returned the hug.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to ignore you at the spaceport, but I had to keep up appearances with the other apprentices. And I honestly thought that I would see you at home."

"My lord I…"

"Please don't call me that." Ai loosened her grip on him and looked him straight in the eye. "Not when we're in private." Then she beamed at him. "I really missed you!"

Quinn let her words sink in and had to blink tears away. "You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you say that."

Ai smiled and put her hand on his chest. "I do, I can sense it… dad."

The last word rang through the air while they looked at each other. Quinn pulled her into another hug and for the first time he didn't correct her.