I actually started writing this some time ago but put it to one side while I concentrated on other stories but decided to pull it out of mothballs and put it up. There is another chapter ready but after that I'll be writing as it comes so here goes, enjoy!

Hetalia belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya!

Chapter 1 : Canadian Rage!

1949... World Meeting... New York City


The blonde man with the curling hair strand and violet eyes stood and slammed his hands on the table in front of him, surprising everybody who had not even realised that he was there. Canada AKA Matthew Williams had endured another round of everybody not seeing him or forgetting his existence. When World Meeting talks had turned to issues concerning him as Canada and he was still talked over and his presence ignored, his annoyance had turned to anger.

It was when Austria, the dark-haired, violet eyed Roderich Edelstein, said 'Shouldn't Canada be here to discuss these issues?' that Matthew finally snapped. His brother, America AKA Alfred F Jones, former caretakers Britain AKA Arthur Kirkland and France AKA Francis Bonnefoy were stunned that Matthew had actually shouted! Everyone else turned to stare at the irate Canadian Nation as he slammed his briefcase on the table and began shoving papers into it.

"If you're going to discuss me like I'm not here," he fumed as he slapped files into the case. "I might as well not be!" He slammed the briefcase shut, picked it up and stormed out of the Conference Room. Alfred stood up and chased after him.

"Hey Mattie!" the American Nation called out as he followed Matthew out the door. "Wait up, bro!" Silence reigned in the Conference Room and Francis turned to Arthur.

"I can't believe that was Matthew," the long blonde-haired, blue-eyed, French Nation was still shocked.

"I agree," the British Nation replied, too surprised to give his customary insult to Francis. "It was completely out of character for him. Do you think he's alright?" Francis immediately stood up and headed for the door, followed by Arthur, for once, united by concern for their former colony. They passed Russia was making his way over to Germany.

Germany AKA Ludwig Beilschmidt sighed as he watched Russia AKA Ivan Braginski come toward him. He knew why the silver-haired, violet-eyed Russian was coming over and he really did not want to have this discussion again but it looked like he had no choice.

"For the last time," he stated when Russia reached him. "I do not know where Gilbert is!" Ivan smiled his creepy childlike smile at the blonde-haired, blue-eyed German.

"As his brother," Ivan replied. "I am thinking that you would know better than anyone." Gilbert Beilschmidt, AKA the former Nation of Prussia, had disappeared after he was abolished two years earlier and had not been seen since. The German landmass that had been Prussia had been given to a few countries but the lion's share had been given to Russia. Russia's share had become East Germany and, because of that, Ivan believed he had some control over Ludwig and it came as a surprise when Ludwig revealed that he did not feel that part of the landmass which lead to only one conclusion. As East Germany used to be a part of Prussia, Gilbert still personified it. Only the name had changed.

When Gilbert disappeared, he had not expected to live much longer and left so his brother would not have to unawesomely witness that, not knowing what had happened and Ludwig had tried to find him to reveal this latest development but there was no sign of him in the places he would normally be found. Francis and Spain AKA Antonio had had no word from him. Neither had Hungary AKA Elizaveta Héderváry. Ludwig had even asked Roderich although the Austrian could barely tolerate Gilbert but there was no luck.

"When my bruder left," Ludwig growled. "He believed he was going to pass away. I think he left to spare his family and friends the pain. Therefore, he will not be found so easily. I know, I've tried!" With that, Ludwig turned and walked away.

"I am getting the feeling you would not tell me if you did find him." Ivan called after Ludwig in an innocent tone that was disturbing, like hearing a child sing a lullaby in a horror movie.

"Trust that feeling!" Ludwig muttered.

"When is this meeting going to get going again?" a Danish accent rang across the room from among the Nordics as the blonde, spiky-haired Denmark AKA Matthias Kohler made his presence known. "Not that I really care, I could just use a drink! Is anyone buying?" The other Nordics rolled their eyes.

"I believe we must wait for the other Nations to return, Matthias-san," Japan AKA Kiku Honda replied in his quiet, polite way, his black-haired, brown-eyed head looking toward the door where Arthur and Francis stood, talking to someone.

"Hey, Britain!" Matthias shouted across the room and Britain turned toward him. "Who was that guy and what was his problem?" A voice bellowed from the corridor beyond the door.


A few minutes earlier...

Alfred grabbed Matthew's arm a few steps into the corridor and Matthew pulled his arm away but Alfred grabbed it again and held on tighter but lightened his grip when Matthew winced at Alfred's strength.

"Go back, Alfred," Matthew said, angrily. "You might annoy people but at least they notice you." The American Nation was stunned. He annoyed people! No! Back to the problem at hand and he had an inkling that not being noticed irritated Mattie but not that it bothered him this badly. Arthur often accused the blonde, blue-eyed American Nation of being 'unable to read the atmosphere' and he was beginning to think that the British Nation had a point. Especially if he was annoying people without knowing.

"Come on, Mattie," he said, gently. He had to make Mattie feel better about all this, it was his duty as a hero. "Arthur, Francis and I notice you."

"Britain sometimes has to take a minute to remember my name," Matthew retorted. "And you're my brother." The door to the Conference Room opened and Francis stood in the doorway, Arthur at his shoulder.

"Alfred? Matthew? Is everything alright?" Arthur asked. Matthew looked into the green eyes of the blonde-haired, bushy-eyebrowed Brit, registering that he had called him by name and saw real concern for him. Francis looked worried too.

"Come back, Matt," Alfred plead. "After all that, I think you got their attention." Matthew gave a small smile at his brother's attempt at humour. Alfred gave Matthew his puppy dog eyes and even his cow-lick wagged back and forth, hopefully as Matthew felt his anger begin to ebb.

"Hey, Britain," an obnoxious Danish voice called from the Conference Room. "Who was that guy and what was his problem?" Matthew turned a shade of red and the curly strand of his hair practically quivered with rage.

"I'M CANADA!" he bellowed at the top of his voice. Arthur and Francis jumped in shock and Alfred was so surprised, he stumbled backwards and fell on his backside. Matthew turned on his heel and stormed from the building, French words spewing from his mouth as he went. Alfred did not understand what his brother was saying but judging by the looks on the faces of Francis and Arthur (who would never admit that he could speak and understand French), it could never be legally printed. Arthur turned back to the room.

"Oh, well done, Denmark!" As they returned to the meeting, Alfred asked a stupid question.

"Hey, guys," he said. "Do I annoy people?"


Everything seemed to conspire to keep Matthew angry.

He had intended to perhaps spend some time with Alfred after the World Meeting so he had only bought a one-way train ticket to New York and he had spent half-an-hour trying to get the ticket master's attention at Grand Central Station to buy a ticket back to Canada, all serving to remind him why he had stormed out of the World Meeting in the first place.

Thank God Kumajirou was not with him. Kuma had been feeling under the weather so Matthew had left him in the care of his house-keeper which meant Matthew did not have to make special travel arrangements for him. And if Kuma had asked him who he was the way Matthew was feeling right now, he just might have strangled the polar bear cub.

In between chasing the refreshment trolley which had rolled by his compartment without the hostess seeing him and checking in at the border where Passport Control had almost completely passed him by, a stupid oversight, Matthew had a lot of time to brood. Why was he so unmemorable and easy to overlook?

Okay! He was quiet (usually) and soft-spoken but so was Japan and everyone noticed him (when he wanted them to). If Matthew was not overlooked, he was mistaken for Alfred, usually by countries Alfred had irritated (which had been most of them at one point or another) so he became the target for their annoyance. Matthew loved his brother but, sometimes, he did not like him very much.

When the train pulled into Ottawa, Matthew retrieved his luggage and went to collect the truck he had left near the station as he still had quite a drive to his house a good distance outside the city and, as he drove, he continued to brood.

Everything was covered in snow and more was falling as he drove into the Canadian wilderness and it became heavier. He was on a forest road when it became a full-blown blizzard but Matthew was still too wound up to stop.

The only thing not ignoring me is the weather' he thought, darkly as flurry after flurry swept across his windscreen. Why am I so forgettable? If the world keeps forgetting me, maybe I should forget me too!

Suddenly, the dark shape of a moose shot through the snow in front of him and Matthew turned the steering wheel in panic as the truck fish-tailed, skidding in the snow. The truck left the road, slid down an embankment and began to roll, the monochrome world turning over.

Blinding snow. Blinding pain. Blinding darkness!

Canada's crashed! Prussia's missing and Russia's looking for him! Want to know what happened to Prussia? Catch the next chapter next week!

Hasta la Pasta!