NOTE: 4- 5 Chapters.

Beca was in the middle of finishing her graffiti art which consist of a headphone and her signature B when she heard someone speak.

"You know that's illegal right?" Beca looks behind her to see a redhead smiling at her.

"Sooo are you going to rat me out?" Beca narrowed her eyes at the girl. Beca grabs her stuff just in-case she needs to make a run for it.

Instead of responding the girl just walks over to the brick wall and picks up a red and a black spray can. Then she began to draw right below Beca's B.

"You better not be making it look ugly."

"I'm not. I'm Chloe by the way" Chloe stopped drawing to place her hand out.

"Beca" Beca said ignoring the hand that was held out for her to shake. Chloe just nods and goes back to drawing.

After five minutes Chloe finally finishes "You like?"

Beca looks at the new addition to her art and sees a well-drawn ladybug. "It's nice but it doesn't really go with my image."

"So" Chloe shrugs. "It doesn't matter if they go together or not. If you like it then draw it!" Chloe said smiling at Beca who just looks at her.

"Hey who's there?" It was from a stranger's voice.

"Oh shit I think that's a cop" Beca said gathering up her cans.

"What do we do?" Chloe starts to panic, she's never been in jail and she never wants to be in one.

"Run!" Beca said grabbing her stuff. Chloe followed Beca not knowing what to do.

The two ran across the street then through a small park before making a stop behind a big trashcan by an alleyway.

"I think we lost them" Beca said. Chloe takes a good look at Beca and sees how pretty she is with all the ear spikes and black eyeliner.

Beca notices Chloe staring and raises an eyebrow "What?"

"I think we're going to be really fast friends" Chloe said smiling widely at Beca.

"We might be if we end up going to jail together."

"Then jail will totes be fun."

"Ok I'm going to go now" Beca said as she stands up to leave. This girl was freaking her out.

"Where are you going? Can I come with?"

"The skate park and do whatever you want."

"Ok. I want to go with you" Chloe said taking Beca's hand on her own.

"Dude what the fuck" Beca said looking at their joined hands.

"I don't want to get lost" Chloe said not allowing Beca to let go. Beca just rolls her eyes and goes with it, Chloe's hand was soft and warm anyway.

Beca and Chloe walk to their destination with Chloe doing all the talking. Beca would answer but that was about it. When they reach their destination Chloe's eyes grows big in excitement as she sees a bunch of skaters doing tricks. "Oh wow this looks aca-awesome!"

"Oh no you're one of those aca-nerds" Beca said in disgust and horror. This girl was probably here to insult her like those stupid acapella boys Jesse always hangouts with.

"Yup we make music using only our mouths" Chloe said enthusiastically.

"Yikes" Beca grimaces.

"Oh come on don't be like that. Have you even heard it or seen it?"

"No" Beca said taking her board out of her bag.

"Then stop judging it. You never know you might love it."

"I doubt it" Beca said putting on her helmet before getting on her skateboard and riding over one of the bowls that was in the shape of the number 8. Chloe jogged along.

"No shoulder pads or knee pads?"

"It just gets in the way" Chloe looked at Beca with her eyes full of worry. Beca sigh she didn't even know the girl long enough for her to be worrying like that. But Beca had to admit it felt nice knowing someone cares about her well-being. "Don't worry about it Chloe I'm not going to hurt myself."

With that Chloe dropped the subject and started a new one.

"So how do you know acapella?"

"My friend is a treblemaker, Jesse"

"Oh! Your friends with Jesse! I know him he has a really good voice."

"Yeah we were good friends when we were little but then he turned into one of you guys and stopped hanging out with me. The only time we would hang out now is when it's in secrecy. He said it'll ruin his reputation or something" Beca sounded upset and Chloe noticed it.

"Well I'm not like that. I'll still hang out with you no matter what, Beca. I'm not ashamed to call you my friend" Chloe reached out for Beca's hand. Beca who was caught off guard tripped over her skateboard but caught herself.

"Oh geez, Beca! Are you ok?"

"Yeah, just don't surprise me like that" Beca said getting back on her board. This redhead was too touchy.

"Sorry. So can you teach me how to do that" Chloe pointed at the people doing tricks in mid-air.

"Can you even get on and ride a board without falling?"

"Probably not but that's why I'm asking you to teach me."

"Why?" Beca was getting curious as to why this girl would want to hang out with someone like her, a skater punk. Chloe could probably be with someone cooler.

"Because we're friends and I want us to do something together so we can get to know each other and this is perfect!"

Beca sigh it looks like she couldn't shake the redhead off "fine but can we start tomorrow or something because I just want to ride right now."

"Ok! Can I sit here and watch?" Chloe was already sitting on the edge of the bowl, her legs swinging freely.

"Sure" Beca said as she settles her board on the edge of the bowl, getting ready to go down.

Beca rolls down the hill and just does a bunch of different carves along the bowl not really doing any tricks yet. She just wanted to get a feel of going around the curves of the bowl. Also she was a little nervous that someone was watching her. No one really ever came to watch her well except for her fellow skaters but this was different. Also there was Jesse who rarely watches her skate anymore, he was too busy with acapella stuff.

Once Beca got the momentum down she began to grind on the edge of the bowl, a backside 50/50

"Wooo! Go Beca!" Chloe cheered from where she was sitting. Beca furrows her brow at Chloe, no one ever cheers for her too, and it felt nice. Beca smiles, her confidence rising so she begins to show off a little.

Beca goes to do the trick again but this time she grinded a bit longer.

"Yayyy Beca!" Chloe's cheer was louder this time and a crowd was beginning to gather around her to see what's the fuss was about.

Beca does a couple of more tricks, an Ally Oop Frontside , a 540 McTwist and then a indy grab before getting out the bowl and sitting next to Chloe.

"Oh my gosh Beca you were amazing!" Chloe said wrapping Beca in a hug. The crowd that formed began to drift away but congratulated Beca also. Beca didn't know why because everyone has seen her do those tricks before a bunch of times.

"Thanks?" Beca was taken surprised by the contact. Beca's attempt to hug back was awkward. She didn't know where to place her hands or if she should rub or pat Chloe on the back.

"You need to teach me how to do that" Chloe said pulling back but keeping her hands on Beca's shoulders. Beca stares at the hands on her shoulders then looks back at Chloe.

"Don't worry I will but what do I get in return? I feel like you're the only one benefiting from this friendship" Beca said taking off the hands on her.

Chloe beamed at the word friendship and hugs Beca again. Beca just rolls her eyes but she was secretly enjoying the hugs Chloe gives her. Chloe's hugs felt good it was just like the way her parents would hug her at the same time before they got divorced.

"Yes you are because you get to hang out with me and there are a lot of perks to being friends with Chloe Beale. For one you get free pizzas from Beale's Pizzeria."

"Your family owns that place?" Chloe nodded. Beale's Pizzeria has the best meat lover's pizza in the city. Beca's sly smile grew wide at the information.

"Oh now your just being my friend because of the pizza!" Chloe said playful hitting Beca.

"What nooo?" Beca said acting like she was offended by the accusation. The two laughed at Beca's horrible acting.

"You're not a very good actress, Beca."

"Well you are not a very good artist Beale, your lady bug looks like a beetle" Chloe gasped her lady bug was perfect.

"You take that back!"

"Nope!" Beca was already down the bowl by the time Chloe tried to hit her. All Chloe could do was watch the girl do her thing with her skateboard. So Chloe sat back down and admired Beca.

They stayed like that with Chloe watching Beca. Sometimes Beca would take breaks and sit down next to Chloe. Chloe would hand Beca a water to drink or wipe the sweat off Beca's face and back with a towel. Beca would protest but it was useless so after the second time Beca just let the girl do her thing. They would also talk about the things they like. Beca talked about how skateboarding made her feel free and happy. While Chloe talked about acapella and how she loves singing although her captain, which happened to be her best friend was kind of a bitch at times. Although the two were completely opposite and had nothing in common the conversation seems to flow.

The sun was beginning to set when the two called it quits.

"I had fun today, Beca" Chloe said dabbing Beca's face one final time with a towel.

"Yeah me too" Beca blushed for the first time when Chloe's hand 'accidentally' grazed her cheek. Although it wasn't noticeable because Beca's face was already red from skating.

"So I'll meet you here tomorrow?" Chloe asked

"Actually meet me at the corner of 5th and Green Avenue. We're going to get you a board."

Chloe gasp. "My own board. That sounds exciting I can't wait!"

"Yeah me too" Beca said without the same pep as Chloe "Um…bye I guess" Beca said not sure how to end it.

"Bye, Beca" Chloe pulled Beca in for a final hug before turning around to leave. Beca gave her that awkward hug again before getting on her board and riding home.

Chloe was halfway out the park when suddenly Beca came rolling in next to her.

"I'll walk you home" Beca said not looking at Chloe.

"Well will you look at that chivalry isn't dead."

"Shut up, Beale. To be honest I think you're the one that should be walking me home since I'm a year younger than you but I'll let it slide."

Chloe laughed and promised Beca that tomorrow she'll walk her home. As they walk to Chloe's house the two made casual conversation and this time Beca contributed to it and Beca didn't feel like holding herself back when it comes to sharing information about herself. Chloe made her feel comfortable in her own skin. They also stopped by for pizza when Beca's stomach started to growl.