Author Note: This lives in the same universe as my other story, We Were On a Break, but I don't think you have to read it to follow along here. This is Logan's point of view during Bridesmaids Revisited and beyond, told over 5 chapters. Logan's inner thoughts are in italics.

I do not own any characters, and title borrows from Friends.

Logan takes a deep breath and offers his arm to Walker. He smiles at her tentatively. Things have been awkward between them since he turned her down on New Year's Eve. They have hardly spoken since.

Well, all we have to do here is walk, not talk.

As Walker stumbles toward him, he realizes this may be easier said than done.

"Are you drunk?" he whispers.

"Pschaa… no…." she slurs back.

"Jesus, Walker. Let's just make it down the aisle, okay?"

"I'm good, I'm good… So your girlfriend's cute." Her tone seems a little off.

"Yeah, thanks. Okay, we're up," he says as the doors open in front of him. "You got this?"

"You know it," she answers and puts on her biggest smile.

They start down the aisle toward Josh and his brother Charlie who are waiting down front with the minister.

Holy shit. There must be 400 people here. I'll never find Rory in this crowd.

He and Walker separate, and he walks past Josh and Charlie toward the end of the row. He scans the bride's side, hoping to catch her eye.

Claudia and Tripp move through. His eyes flit over his mother, knowing Rory won't be sitting close to her.

Alexandra and Grant. He sees Colin with his dad and step-mom. Wow, she's young.

Megan, the maid of honor, is solo. I just cannot find her.

Everyone stands and turns to face Honor and Mitchum. He has never actually seen his father smile so big.

And Honor looks, well beautiful, but not like Honor. Logan tries to imagine Rory in a poufy dress with that much hair and make-up. He smiles, knowing that would never happen.

He looks back through the crowd one last time, before rotating to look at Josh and Honor.

As the ceremony begins, his mind wanders. I don't want a wedding this big. Smaller, more intimate. No tux. Shira will die.

He listens to Josh and Honor recite the traditional vows.

I want to write my own vows. Rory loves my writing.

He thinks about what he would say to Rory, then shakes his head to clear the crazy.

We are nowhere near getting married.

He glances again through the crowd, but still no sign of her.

As the audience cheers, he snaps his head forward and realizes it is over. He follows Tripp toward the center of the aisle, where he picks up Walker.

"Hey," he whispers. "Have you seen Rory?"

"Not for a while," she whispers back as they start up the aisle.

On the walk up, he checks the groom's side just in case she wanted to avoid Shira that much. No luck.

They exit the sanctuary and move down the hall to allow the other guests to leave. He watches the entire crowd filter out.

I just want to see her face.

He finally taps Walker on the shoulder and asks her "Where was she last?"

"Rory? Um… Probably the dressing room? I don't know… I've had a lot of champagne."

"I'm going to go check. Would you mind looking in the restroom for me?"

"Really, Logan? Just meet her at the reception."

From her tone, we are definitely not okay.

"Never mind. I'll do it myself."

He weaves through the guests who are milling about and starts down the hallway toward the room where the girls got ready.

Once in the doorway, he spots her in a chair facing the wall.

How did she slip past me?

"Here you are."

"Here I am," she replies monotone.

"I was looking all over for you. I didn't see you when I was walking down the aisle. Looked for you during the ceremony. Where were you?" he says as he crosses the room to stand in front of her.

"Here." She does not look up at him.

"Here? You missed the wedding?" Did she drink too much champagne, too?

Still not looking up, she answers. "I'll apologize to Honor later."

"Forget Honor. What's going on?"

At no answer, he leans in. "Rory?"

She finally looks up and raises her hand to stop him. "You didn't say a word. You just let me walk into a room full of girls you've had sex with."


"Oh, no wait. You only had sex with two of them. One of them you just fooled around with, whatever that means."


Her eyes are accusatory as she continues. "She spared me the exact parameters of the fooling around. You wanna fill me in?"

"Rory…" How can I explain this?

"You know what? Never mind. I've got a good imagination. I can figure it out."

"Okay, look-"

"I can't believe it," she interrupts him. "You didn't just cheat on me. You really cheated on me."

What? No. "I didn't cheat on you." I would never…

She rises and looks him straight in the eye. "Oh, so you didn't sleep with-"

Fuck. "No, I did. But we were broken up."

"No. You were broken up, not me. I thought we were just taking some time."

"Apart. Not seeing each other." We have already belabored the semantics to death.

"Yes," Rory says. "Taking some time. Not seeing each other for a while. That doesn't mean 'broken up.'"

How many times do we have to relive my stupidity? "Oh, come on-"

"No. To break up, you have to tell the other person. You can't just decide that you're broken up and then go off and…"

She knows I thought she was the one who decided we were broken up. How is she forgetting all the times we have discussed this?

Rory continues, "God. I can't believe I fell for all of your stupid tricks." Her voice is filled with hurt. "The coffee cart and going to my mother. You went to my mother. Why would you bother going through all that?"

Those were not tricks. That was hard. And humiliating.

"You've got plenty of back-up. What do you need me for?"

Is she serious?

"Because I love you." I would have thought that was perfectly obvious by now.

"No. Don't."

"Rory," he begs. "I didn't cheat on you. I didn't lie to you."

"You didn't tell me."

I'm a chickenshit, and I hate the thought of you being angry with me.

"Of course not. Why would I tell you? Why would I want you to be hurt and upset and angry?" I know how I felt when I thought you were sleeping with Jess.

"Blondie. Dizzy. I love the cover. Pretending all those girls were worthless idiots."

"They are worthless idiots. Shooting their mouths off in front of you like that."

"It's not their fault!" Her voice is rising.

"It is their fault. They love doing crap like this- causing trouble." I am going to kill Walker.

"We were only apart for like two seconds, and you managed to sleep with every one of your sister's friends. How did you even do that? I mean, did you work them in shifts? Were there charts, signals, B12 shots?"


"I was depressed. I was lonely. I was upset. I've known those girls forever. It was companionship, okay? It meant nothing."

"Don't be at the apartment between 10 and 1 tomorrow so I can get my stuff." She stalks out of the room.

No. No. I can't go through this again.

He watches her leave, then slowly sinks down into the closest chair. His head falls into his hands.

I should have told her.

No, there was no way. "Hey Rory, I slept around over winter break because Mitchum told me that would be the best way to get over you. We cool?" That would have gone over swell.

God. How am I going to explain this to her? I've already told her I thought she dumped me for Jess so she knows where my head was. She's just too mad to remember… But I would feel the same way…

"Okay, you owe me one."

Logan looks up to find Walker entering the room.

"I looked in the bathrooms for your little girlfriend. She's not here, and we missed the limo to the reception. Unfortunately, I'm still kinda buzzed. Are you okay to drive?"

He just stares at her. Is she really this dense?

"What? You can't drive either? I mean, I guess I could try…"

"How could you tell her?"

"Tell who what?"

"Rory! Why would you tell her we slept together?"

"Because… we did. She knows who she's dating, right? I mean what's the big deal? You just started seeing her. You're allowed to have a past."

"No, Walker. We've been together for a year. I'm in love with her, and she's going to leave me after this. She just told me she's moving out."

Walker's mouth drops open. "You live together?" Her surprise is evident. "If you love her, you shouldn't cheat on her."

"I didn't. We were on a break."

"Really? I take it she doesn't see it that way?"

He puts his head back in his hands. I will not cry in front of her.

"Oh my God. You're Ross, and I'm the copy girl!" she exclaims.


"Nothing. So… I get that you're mad at me, but are you okay to drive us to the reception? Because I need to get to Tripp before Claudia does."

"Fuck my life," he mutters under his breath. "Fine. Let's go."

"Or, I mean… if you're single now, maybe I don't need Tripp."

He keeps walking, ignoring her.

"So… that's a no? Alright. Tripp, it is."

They do not speak on the ride to the reception. He pulls up to the entrance and puts the Porsche in park.

"Tell Honor I'm sorry I missed it," he finally addresses her.

"You're not coming in? Honestly, Logan. Maybe you should just admit that people like us are not cut out for monogamy."

He studies her face. She seems earnest, not catty. Is she right? Maybe I'm not capable of being a good guy in a relationship.

But I love her so much. I have to try.

Walker gets out of the car with a flippant "Bye."

He is finally alone to plan his next move. Not talking after our last fight is how we ended up here. So I have to find her tonight. She's probably in Star's Hollow, trashing me to Lorelei. That bridge is definitely burned.

He pulls away from the reception, trying to determine the quickest way to the interstate.

Thirty minutes later, he exits for Stars Hollow and tries to remember how to get to Rory's house from that drunken night in the limo. He ends up driving by practically every house in town before coming to what he is sure is Lorelei's house.

Parking the car, he takes a deep breath, preparing for the humiliation to come. He walks up the steps and is about to knock, when he sees Lorelei through the window. She is on her hands and knees scrubbing the floor, singing Cyndi Lauper at the top of her lungs. There is no sign of Rory. He quickly turns around and heads back to the car.

Maybe she isn't telling her mom. This is embarrassing for both of us. Maybe she's with Lane. How do I figure out where Lane lives?

He drives through the town hoping to just magically run into her. He sees the signs for Luke's Diner, slows down, and peers in. She doesn't seem to be there.

Where else can she be? She and Paris are still fighting. Would she call Finn? Maybe Sheila? Or Joni?

On a whim, he drives to Rory's old apartment. He passes the "doo-wop group" in the alcove. Why not? Saturday midnight is the obvious time for an impromptu concert. Even if she won't forgive me, Rory cannot move back here.

He trudges up the stairs, ready to grovel. She already knows she owns me. No reason to try and have balls here.

He knocks on the door sharply. After a minute, he hears Paris call out "Who is it?"

"It's Logan," he responds.

Paris opens the door and addresses him through the chain. "Well, well, well. If it isn't New Haven's favorite whore hound."

She knows. Rory must be here.

"Is Rory here?"


"Can I talk to her?"

"No. You can talk to me." Paris closes the door, opens the chain, and opens the door wide. Over her shoulder, he can see Rory sitting on the couch, sadness evident on her face.

"What do you want to talk about? Life? Love? Symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases?

Jesus Christ. Seriously?

He ignores her and fixes his gaze on the girl he loves.


"Rashes? Sores? Insanity?" Paris continues.

"Five minutes! Please!" he begs.

"You know," Paris rambles on, "There's something I've always wanted to say to you, but out of respect for my friend Rory here, I've refrained. However, the circumstances seem to have changed."

Your friend? Didn't you throw her out on the street two months ago?

Instead, he says "You don't know what you're talking about."

"I know you cheated on Rory!"

"I did not cheat on Rory." We were on a break!

"Are you going to deny it? Are you serious?" Paris shouts back.

"We were apart!" His voice is rising to match hers.

"Oh, please."

"We were. We weren't together. Why the hell am I even arguing with you? I don't want you back!" Paris still has her arm up blocking his way into the apartment.

"You, Logan Huntzberger, are nothing but a two-bit, spoiled waste of a trust fund. You offer nothing to women or to the world in general. If you were to disappear from the face of the world tomorrow, the only person that would miss you is your Porsche dealer."

Hopefully someone else would miss me. He looks at Rory. "Wanna chime in here?"

"No, I think Paris has got it covered," Rory snorts.

Shit. This cannot happen again.

"Okay, that's it," he says, pushing past Paris. "Rory, I just need 60 seconds." He finally reaches her.

Paris is back at it. "No one invited you in. Get out right now before I go Bonaduce on your ass."

"I'm not going away. I'm not going anywhere. We're gonna talk." He looks into Rory's eyes, pleading. Remember, we agreed to talk through our issues.

Doyle bursts into the apartment. "What the hell is this door doing unlocked?"

"What are you doing here?" Paris says in response.

At least she has someone else to yell at.

"I wanna talk to you," Doyle says quietly.

"I told you to go!" Paris shouts.

"You did, and I did. I left, and I went out, and I got drunk, and…"

What a clusterfuck. I have got to get her away from these lunatics.

He turns to Rory. "Can we go in the other room?" His voice is close to begging.

She is not listening, but instead intently watching the fight in front of her.

"Paris, listen to me. I am the best thing that ever happened to you," Doyle says.

"Well, if that's true, it's all uphill from here," Paris sasses back.

"You know, I didn't have to come back here begging you to talk to me. I have options. I do."

Strong move, Doyle.

Wait, why am I listening to these lunatics?

"In fact," Doyle continues, "I almost hooked up with a really hot chick tonight."

Rory chimes in. "I don't see how that is going to help your case, Doyle. At all. You know what? Fine. Let's take this out in the hall."

She stalks past him, and Logan follows her out of the apartment.

Rory slams the door and says "Two minutes. Go."

Once again, I am standing in her hallway, begging for a chance. Honest. Sincere. Contrite.

"Look, I understand that you're upset, and I really wish you hadn't found out like that, but Rory, I love you. You know that I love you. When I said that I was your boyfriend, I agreed to be faithful to you, which was a first for me. I thought it was gonna be hard, but it wasn't. Then I asked you to move in with me, and I thought that was gonna be hard, but it wasn't. I have been completely faithful to you, Rory. I have not been with another girl. I have not looked at another girl. I have not even thought about another girl."

"Except for Walker, Alexandra-"


"We were broken up Rory."

"No, you were."

"I thought we were broken up. I thought that's what the fight was. I thought that's what the separation was. Do you believe me? Do you believe that I honestly thought that we weren't together?" He feels borderline hysterical at this point.

"I guess," Rory concedes, rolling her eyes.

"So if you believe that I thought we weren't together, then do you believe, in my mind, I was not cheating on you?"

She shrugs, "I guess."

"So then," he pushes through, "if you believe that in my mind, I was not cheating on you, do you think you can forget what those vipers said today, put it behind you, and just come home with me?"

Please. Please.

"Come on, Rory. Just come home with me. Let's just forget this crappy day ever happened. Just go home."

What else does she need to believe me?

"You wanna make a pro/con list?"

"Do not mock my pro/con list!" she shouts.

"I am not mocking your pro/con list. I actually think the list will come out in my favor."

Because we love each other too much to end here.

Rory sighs deeply. Her face is defeated. "Well, I'd have to tell Paris I'm going."

Yes, please. "Absolutely. Tell Paris you're going."

Rory turns around, opens the door, and immediately stumbles back out. "Whoa. Oh."


"They made up. Either that or Krav Maga is way kinkier than I thought it was."

Finally. A smile.

"Well, you can tell her tomorrow. After all, it is tomorrow."

"Yeah, yeah. I can just call her from home."


He feels as exhausted as Rory looks, but as she walks past him, he has to ask. "Hey. We okay?"

"Yeah," she says simply.

She is lying. We are not okay.

He puts his arm around her shoulders stiffly, unsure of what to say or do.

They are down the stairs before he asks, "Why is Doyle wearing your coat?" He touches her bare arm.

"Oh, it's a long story for another day."

"Do you want my jacket?" he asks as he opens the car door for her.

"No," she says curtly as she climbs in.

He shuts the door after her and walks around to his side.

"How was the reception?" she asks him as he puts his seatbelt on.

"I didn't go. I've been driving all over Connecticut looking for you."

Rory sighs and looks out her window.

The ride home is filled with deafening silence. He pulls into his parking spot and cuts the engine. Turning to her, he says, "Rory, you know I love you more than anything, right? And… we promised each other that we would be better about talking things out. Remember?"

She nods and gets out of the car, slamming the door behind her.

He silently follows her into the elevator, bracing himself for the fight he knows they have to have.

"What can I say?" he asks as trails her into the apartment.

She sits down on the couch, not responding.

"Baby, I am so sorry. I should have told you, but… we have been so happy since we got back together, and… I was scared." He paces in front of her.

"How did it happen?" Rory finally asks him.

"Like… how did… I don't know what you want to know."

"I don't either. But my imagination is killing me."

This is such a land mine. Careful.

"Okay. Um, well… Walker. Umm…"

"When?" she demands.

"The weekend after Thanksgiving," he answers sheepishly.

"Wow. One week."

"Rory, I was so depressed. I kept imagining you screwing Jess, and I was hurt and pissed off all at the same time. We got high, and it just happened."

"Well, I wasn't fucking Jess, so…"

This is bad. She never says "Fuck" unless it's dirty talk.

"I know that now, but then… I thought it might help me get over losing you. It obviously didn't."

She sighs loudly. "And Claudia?"

"Actually, um, I dated her a little during my gap year, and we were drunk at her family's Christmas party, and…" he trails off.

Rory finishes for him. "It just happened. Again."

"Look, Rory. I didn't think us getting back together was even a possibility. It didn't feel like cheating. I was just trying to get on with my life. And I don't know what Alexandra said, but it's not true. She kissed me under the mistletoe at my parents' house, but I did not reciprocate. I swear. There were like five people there who could vouch for me."

She doesn't look up.

"What else can I say? They meant nothing to me, and I'm really sorry."

"Is that all? Are there any others?"

"No, that's all. Well, actually…"

"Are you fucking kidding me?" she shouts.

He cringes. "Robert is probably dying to tell you that I took a girl home from a party at his apartment, but, honest to God, nothing happened. I drunkenly rambled about you and my broken heart all night."

She is quiet for a few moments.

"I feel sick, Logan. I just can't… Is Paris right? I mean, do I need to get tested for STDs? Walker seems a little… I don't want to judge her, but she said… Ugh! How could you?"

"We were on a break, Rory!"

"Are you seriously quoting Friends right now?"

"What? Oh, like the show. No… Not on purpose anyway. I guess it does apply. And of course I was careful, Rory. I always wear a condom."

"Not with me, you don't. Not every time."

"Well that's… because it's you. Ace, please," he begs, crouching down in front of her. "Just don't leave me again. I will work so hard to make this up to you."

She finally looks into his eyes, and just when he thinks they are getting somewhere-

"I'm going to take a shower," she says, getting up from the couch and walking around him.

He stands, then sits down in the seat she just vacated. She heads toward the bed removing her earrings and shoes. He watches her struggle to reach the zipper on her dress. Wordlessly, he walks over and unzips it for her. The dress falls to the floor, revealing the pink bra and thong that were certainly chosen with him in mind. She heads into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. He hears the lock flip.

Okay, she's pissed. Very pissed. Rightfully so. But we will get past this. We have to.

He hangs up Rory's dress, and then takes his tux off and puts it away. He pulls on a pair of pajama bottoms and sits on the bed to wait. After a few minutes, he picks up his book off his nightstand and starts to read. Anything to clear my mind.

Twenty minutes later, Rory comes out of the bathroom completely naked. She goes to his dresser and pulls out one of his t-shirts. Slipping it over her head, she climbs into bed and turns off her light.

"Rory?" he whispers.

"Tomorrow, okay? I just want to sleep."

"Yeah, okay," he says and turns off his light. He scrunches down under the covers, knowing it will be a while before he sleeps.

A few moments later, he hears a sniffle, and looks over at Rory. She is facing away from him, and her shoulders are shaking with silent sobs.

I am the world's biggest jackass.

He scoots closer and puts his arms around her. "Please don't cry."

She stiffens under his arms. "Logan, don't touch me right now. I'm really…Just don't."

He rolls back over to his side of the bed. He thinks he may start crying himself. He grabs his pillow and takes it over to the couch. She shouldn't have to share her bed with me.

He wraps a blanket around himself and listens to Rory cry.