AN: I know I'm horrible at updating. I have no excuse other than waiting for inspiration to strike. Sorry dudes.

Chapter IV

With a flash of green, Harry and Lucius emerged from one of the fireplaces just outside of the ballroom. Hands clasped, the couple shared a look before making their way forward and into the room. Before they even made it through the doors, let alone the room, they were attracting a crowd. Heads held high, the lovers walked on, paying no mind to the flashes of cameras and the questions thrown at them. A comforting squeeze was given to Harry's hand, causing him to look up at Lucius, giving the blond a small smile, which the latter happily returned. Seeing his friends, Harry waved, smiling and tugging Lucius over with him.

"Hey you lot! It's been awhile since we've all been together!" He exclaimed, hugging his surprised friends. Draco was looking at his father with something akin to disbelief mixed with confusion. Luna just smiled knowingly and waved to the couple with a dreamy smile. Hermione had a light of understanding shining behind her eyes, opposed to Neville's bewilderment and Ron's blank look.

"As always, a pleasure to see you Miss Lovegood, Mr Longbottom. Draco is there something you'd like to ask." Lucius asked, a trace of an amused smirk on his face. Draco, sputtering, seemed to come back into himself.

"Father, why didn't you tell me about this, and Harry, what the hell? You never thought to mention this?"

"Well, in my defense, I didn't want to trouble you, nor upset you." Lucius started.

"And I was worried about prematurely revealing our relationship." Harry added.

"Alright, but it's not as though we wouldn't support you, you can trust us with anything." Ron jumped in, Hermione and Neville nodding along.

"How long has this been going on?" The question from his Son caused Lucius to internally wince. This was what he had been worried about.

"A little under 3 years."

"That long? And you never mentioned it!" Draco exclaimed, Neville and Luna placing calming hands on his shoulders.

"Draco, it's mostly my fault, I am guilty of wanting to keep your father to myself. And We both didn't want to risk the ramifications of our relationship coming to light too early. It wasn't a matter of not trusting all of you, but just being paranoid and overly cautious." Harry explained, smiling when Lucius wrapped an arm around his waist. Hermione looked ready to squeal at they display.

"Are you both happy?" Neville asked, looking between the both of them.

"I cannot speak for Harry, but I myself am happier than I've been in a very long time." Lucius smiled, placing a soft kiss to the top of his lover's head, only to be whacked in the chest by the latter. "What was that for?" The blond whined indignantly.

"You wanker, of course I'm happy with you. The sheer audacity of you, come here you." Harry snarked, pulling gently on the man's tie, leading him down into a proper kiss. This caused a smile to break onto Draco's face, relief showing in his eyes.

"I'm happy for you both, you deserve happiness after all this shit. I wish you would've told me, obviously, but I am relieved you two have found deserving partners for yourselves." Draco said, rolling his eyes at the surprised look he got from Ron.

"I know what won you over, we're just too cute to stay mad at." Harry said, puffing out his chest.

"Adorable even." Lucius added, a grin tugging at his lips.

"Disgustingly so, yes. But go ahead, laugh it up you two, you just wait. I'll bet you 100 galleons that Ginny pitches the fit of the century when she finds out why you're off the market, Harry." Draco shot back, smirking at the exasperated look on the brunette's face.

"Don't worry, she'll have to go through me first, darling." Lucius assured, making Ron bark out a laugh.

"Oh, that'll be a right site. Can you lot imagine the look on her face! She's gonna go right barmy at that." Ron laughed, getting a shake of the head from his wife.

"Honestly Ron, she's your sister." Hermione admonished, tutting.

"Yeah, but she's a pain in the arse." Ron griped, ducking a swipe at his head. "No, honestly woman, she has even started harassing me about what 'my sweet Harry' is up to, 'oh how I miss him so,' 'come one Ron, won't you check for your little sister?'" Ron whined in falsetto, mimicking his sister. "How the bloody hell am I supposed to put up with that?" The redhead cried indignantly, causing snickers to resonate through the group.

"Well imagine what it's like to have her sending you barmy owls all day, practically hurling their letters at you." Harry huffed, pouting when Lucius patted his head.

"I know darling, but worry not, I've come to protect you from the big bad ginger."

"Good. I'm tired of being the hero, time for my knight in shining armor to take care of my every whim." Harry said in a falsely haughty voice, nose stuck up in the air.

"Oh now I see, you just want me for my body and bad boy status." Lucius joked, feigning hurt.

"Well, that and your mansion, one day I'll get the houselves to join my revolution, they like me better anyway."

"Ah, it's all so clear now, I see you play the long game, three years to get my house." Lucius said, amusement gleaming in his eyes.

"And a piece of that hot arse." Harry murmured, apparently a little too loudly, considering the faint blush and lust on Lucius's face and the choking noise coming from Draco's direction.

"Harry, please!" Hermione cried out, shooting glances between her traumatised friend and her laughing husband.

"Hey, that's my line." Lucius whispered in Harry's ear, causing a shiver to run down his spine.

"I heard that!" Neville shouted, covering Draco's ears, Luna watching on in amusement, unfazed by the events.