I don't own FF7 or its characters and make no profit from writing these stories.

Roll 'em

Tifa was cleaning up after a Friday night when she heard a noise outside as if someone was spying on her. With the skill born of a martial artist, she crept to the side entrance and noiselessly let herself out. She blended into the night and noticed a tall figure lurking deep in the shadows and not having thought to bring a weapon with her, she picked up a log from the wood pile and swung it with all her strength, knowing that someone spying on her bar would not have harmless intentions. The log hit the person in back of their head with an audible thunk and the person crumpled nerveless to the ground like a puppet with its strings suddenly snipped from it. This caused the cloak to fall back to reveal a fall of long silver hair and Tifa quickly deduced who she had just rendered unconscious, she turned him over to reveal the face of her greatest enemy, Sephiroth and smiled at what had placed into her hands as she dragged him inside.

Sephiroth blinked open his eyes and wondered where he was and tried to move his arms but couldn't and the same with his legs and then lunged up when he realized that he was bound to a bed by materia treated ropes, with a gag in his mouth. "Are you awake?" he heard a soft, feminine voice ask him and looked over to find Tifa Lockhart playing with his uniform and hefting his Masamune as if to test it for balance, from where they both lay on a table and he grunted furiously when he realized he was naked. He quickly deduced she had stripped him to shame him, but he'd grown up having little to no privacy, so he had no body shame; he thought in triumph.

"So I guess that someone must like me to deliver into my own hands, my greatest enemy for me to personally punish" she said moving close to the helpless and exposed general, he watched her with eyes as wary and enraged as those of a cornered alley cat. "So what form shall my revenge take? Should I shave you bald before I begin?" she asked him, tugging a strand of his long platinum hair and he just glared back at her. "Shall I mark you as you did me, cut pieces off of you or just kill you?" she asked him, placing Masamune at the adam's apple of his throat and he just glared back as if daring her to do her worst.

She stepped back and said, "no, that wouldn't fit your crimes. When a village is captured and the inhabitants are rendered helpless, the men are normally killed and the women raped. I think that is perfect revenge on you" she purred and watched the normally unflappable general's eyes go wide with shock at what she was implying.

Sephiroth's normally logical mind was in turmoil, rape? But how? He was a man and she was a woman. He simply couldn't fathom what she meant and gasped in outrage as she put his Masamune back onto the table and slipped off her robe and his eyes went even wider to be looking at a naked female of the first time in his life. His fearfully eyes skimmed over a sculpted torso with large firm upstanding breasts, a neat triangle of hair at the juncture of her thighs and long legs. He grunted in protest, Sephiroth had always thought himself above the need for sexual relations, he had better things to do with his time while his fellow SOLDIERS debased themselves by doing what he had always considered beneath him. He didn't even touch himself if truth be told, even the concept of sex was foreign to him. All of that having to rub up against another body for a brief release sounded messy and repulsive to him. He tried to cringe back from her as she moved purposely towards him.

"You are quite well made for a freak of nature, almost pretty in fact. I'm sure that you prefer males, so I'll just have to work a little harder to get you ready" she said. He gasped as she ran her hand down his body as if to sample him.

Tifa reminded herself that she wasn't to take any pleasure from the act as it was only meant to degrade him, but couldn't help admiring his sculpted paleness, it was like he was devoid of pigment itself. She nicked him with a small knife she carried and noticed that he didn't heal right away. "Why Sephy" she said, using a nickname as a way to further humiliate him, "it appears that you are just a common human at the moment. How exciting" she said as she stroked a finger down the length of his still soft cock and he flinched at this. She took him in her hand and pumped him slightly to raise him as he squirmed uncomfortably at her administrations as tingles shot through him.

"Did you like that?" she cooed at him as she got out a bottle of massage oil and proceeded to coat his chest with it and she explored each dip and valley of the planes of his chest until he was squirming under her touches, as they stimulated the now hardened points of his nipples, as if they were straining into her caresses. He wondered at the feelings stealing over him when she did little more than touch his chest and stifled his moans as her slick hands slipped lower and he forced himself to remain still. He almost moaned in disappointment as she stopped just shy of his engorged tool.

"I'll get there" she said as if sensing his disappointment, "but I need some stimulation from you" she said straddling him so she herself draped over his waist and could have sworn that he tried to shrink from her. "Kiss me" she commanded him as she removed his gag and took a hold of his balls.

"I will not, get off of me" he cooly said with sneer and then squealed when she gave them a hard squeeze and her mouth came against his own as he cried out and she released them when his unwilling mouth moved in an highly inexperienced way against her own. She wondered if he was just used to kissing men. After all he never in the past, seemed to really be in the company of women, ergo she assumed that he was gay.

"Let me go" he commanded her as she mouth moved from his lips so kiss his neck and lightly nipped at the pulse point there as he moved his head about, trying to dodge her lips as her heavy breasts moved on his chest, arousing him further and he fought that off. Suddenly she slipped lower and he looked sharply downward.

Tifa kneeled between his splayed feet where the ropes held him spread eagle. "What are you doing?" he demanded. Smiling, she leaned forward and took his weapon in her hand and licked it, her tongue circling on his bulbous head, feeling him twitch in her hand. This encouraged his precum to flow. He jumped and bit off a moan as she lightly nipped the juncture of his thigh, having now deduced what she aimed to do to him. He knew of oral sex, had even serendipitously watched a friend of his receiving it one night when he had snuck her girlfriend into the bunker, he just could never imagine enjoying it. Yet he was forcing himself to remain still as his cock bobbed in the air as the woman's slippery tongue explored its length and laved his writhing balls with almost like kitten licks, causing shivers along his skin. Her movements were slow as if enjoying his calm stillness, to be broken once in a while with an involuntarily movement from him. Breathless, he waited for the touch of her tongue that seemed to electrify his nerves. He felt her hair touch his thigh as she leaned in, pulling up his cock a bit to give herself room to suck him. Then her breath hit his skin and goose bumps popped up everywhere on his body, causing another involuntarily gasp from the aroused General.

Leaning over, she took finally his cock in her mouth and he arched up in surprise, pushing his unwilling cock deeper into her mouth. He cried out as she suckled in earnest as if hungry for him as her one small hands circled the base of him that her mouth to could not reach and pumped him in time with her lips, to deepen his sensation as her own saliva and his free flowing precum provided her mouth and hand with a slippery ride as her other hand toyed with his clenching balls.

Sephiroth was attempting to distance himself from the insulting act as his mind seemed to unravel like gossamer strands slipping away as each suck and lick drew him further from his reason. He couldn't help but groan, pumping his hips into the sweet decadent grip of her mouth, finally knowing why people enjoyed sex so much. He moaned with disappointment as she leaned back from him.

"Well, you have passion in you after all. Here I thought that the only thing that got you off was killing people" she taunted him and examined his dick at the same time, she almost shivered at the size of him. He was wide in girth and easily looked to be ten inches long. Tifa wasn't a virgin, but she had never taken anyone as big as him before. However she was determined to complete what she started.

Sephiroth was panting at her assault on his and felt dizzy with what he realized was sexual passion and seemed to long for something more as the girl examined him. "You must cease this..." he insisted as she climbed on top of him again took a hold of his arousal. "Stop" he cried as with a lunge of her hips, she was impaled on his hardness. He cried out more in shock than pleasure to be suddenly gripped for the first time in the clenching sheath of a female; tight, she was so tight...and wet, his brain registered as she twitched around his erection.

Tifa cried out at the same time in a mixture of pleasure and pain to be so widely stretched, it was like he was touching every nerve ending in her at the same time, she moved experimentally and gasped as hot pleasure shot through her body. She bit her lips, determined not to enjoy it. She set a medium pace for them both as he pumped her back wildly as each stroke rasped along her stuffed inner walls so her hood was tugged, massaging her sensitive nub and she fought against her orgasm.

Sephiroth himself felt like he was slipping into madness as her movements on him drew forth sensations of his own body that he didn't know could possibly exist and gasped out loud she was suddenly wildly pulsating around his hardness and caterwauling to beat the band. He realize she must have achieved her climax and then suddenly her lips were back on his again and something broke in him as he wildly kissed her back and he quickly learned how to move his lips against her own and even let her tongue guide his so it danced against her own.

"Faster" he cried, deep into their thrall as they moved together and Tifa, without thinking and forgetting how their coupling was just for his punishment, she used her small knife to cut his bonds and gasped as she was suddenly slammed against the headboard with his hands at her throat as he moved them so he was on top of her.

He looked like a god about to punish her and she was certain she was going to die, when he grabbed her hip and a leg to spread her wider and started hammering into her hot sheath until she shook in orgasm again and cried out as it washed over her. He prolonged it by fucking her lightening quick and his pubic bone battered the tight pearl of her arousal until she shattered apart again, only to be propped up by the hands at her throat and forced to spend again until it felt like she had him in a velvety grip and milked him to the shattering point of no return. One final orgasm made her sob out and drew him into her flow as his first bodily orgasm flooded her and he leaned his head onto her shoulder as his hands fell from her throat and he surprised her by kissing her.

"Are you satisfied with your revenge?" he asked her sarcastically when he had recovered.

"I guess it was a pretty stupid way to take it" she commented, not feeling fearful of him for some reason. "Did you enjoy it. I guess it feels different with a guy" she said.

"I wouldn't know" he said, getting up to dress.

"Oh I thought you were gay" she said.

"The need for sex has always seemed ridiculous to me. Until now, I didn't understand its appeal" he replied.

"You are a virgin? she asked him in an incredulous voice.

"I was" he reminded her.

"So now what?" she asked him.

"I'm not here to fight anyone. I found myself back here and am trying to figure out why that is. I came this way only to see if Cloud was still in residence with you, before you decided to attempt to bash my head in. I was merely monitoring where my enemies were before attempting a journey. I shall cause you no harm" he assured her.

"How can I believe you?" she asked him.

"You saw for yourself that I retain no healing abilities. For some reason I am almost purely human. I shall take my leave of here and be on my way" he explained. "But again, you haven't answered my question. Why are you and Cloud not together?" he asked her.

"He left" Tifa said, feeling the hurt part of her buried heart weep a bit at this.

"He never got over the flower girl" Sephiroth guessed.

"I guess not" Tifa agreed.

"His loss" Sephiroth said in a surprisingly supportive way.

"You do seem more human" she commented.

"But I am not. From what you know of my upbringing, a kind loving nature, a need for sexual intimacy or needing to love another human; are pretty much foreign to me. That being said, if our paths should cross again and you need another encounter like this; I shall oblige you" he said now dressed and picked up his sword.

"Why should I wish this from you" she asked him, crossing her arms at this, having long since donned her own bathrobe.

"Because you enjoyed it" he said, cocky as ever. "Now I shall depart and ask that you wait until morning to contact your colleagues, I doubt they would like to learn of our little transgression" he said threateningly.

"I could have killed you when I had the chance" she pointed out.

"But you didn't. I think what actually transpired was a lot more stimulating. Until next time, Ms. Lockhart" he said and vanished into the night.