Author Note: This story is a major work in progress, so it's no wonder that I had to update the first chapter. During my last brainstorming endeavor for my other story (The Law of Three) I was hit by the idea to dump a post-war Harry into the Jurassic World movie after thinking "I bet a dragon could defeat the Indominus Rex!" and thus this story is the product of my imagination.

Disclaimer: I do not own any character or idea that is recognizable in this story, it is purely a work of fiction created by the insane and sometimes dirty mind of a novice writer. I give credit to J. K. Rowling and Universal Pictures for the characters and ideas from the Harry Potter franchise and Jurassic Park franchise, respectfully.

Indominus Rex, Meet Draconis Rex

Chapter 1 – A second chance? (Or what happens when you make an angel mad.)

In the darkness the sound of rapid breathing stirred the air as a figure moved in the small bedroom. The inhabitant of the room quickly turned on the lamp next to the bed.

Recalling the nightmare, Harry sighed, it was never good to dwell in the past; he just really wished whatever part of his mind came up with his dreams would figure that out already.

"Damn it," he cursed under his breath, then glanced at the patch of fur lying beside him; his familiar, a magical jackal pup named Semat was resting peacefully. He loved her and doubted he would have survived this long without Semat; she was fiercely loyal, smart, and had followed her wizard into dangerous situations that would make even the most seasoned wizard think twice.

Still, he hadn't expected the jackal to be able to follow him "beyond" death, but apparently showing up in the afterlife with the power of the Deathly Hallows in your soul is cause for special treatment and also pisses off the Angel of Death; who knew? But did that holier-than-thou git have to be so rude? It's not like it was his idea after all; the Hallows had started acting funny after the War ended. First the Resurrection Stone wasn't as easy to lose as he had thought, and then the Elder Wand somehow magically repaired itself; finally, the Invisibility Cloak unexpectedly developed the habit of morphing into an undershirt and appearing under his clothes without him knowing it. He thought he had finally gotten rid of them after an accident where they had disappeared, but instead the objects had merged with his magical core and soul.

So, here he was in another dimension after being thrown out of the Afterlife and told; "Don't call me unless it's an emergency, and it better be the Apocalypse or else!" He couldn't work out the whole logic of the Hallows being the reason he had to be sent to another world since he was already in the afterlife; there was something to do with 'balance' and only needing 'one man for the job'; but when you're facing an angry angel waving a flaming sword you really don't feel like arguing logic. Still the Angel of Death was reasonable and decided that since Harry would have his magic in this new dimension, the angel would provide the wizard with the knowledge to use magic in a world without; instantly, the promised knowledge was crammed into his brain and he had a headache the likes of which he had never experienced for a month after that.

Harry's thoughts were interrupted when his alarm went off. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Semat raise her head and look at him with tired eyes that begged him to go back to sleep. He understood how she felt; they had arrived at the island late last night on board a supply ship that had been carrying new personnel and equipment. He had been tired after the long trip, but since he had chosen not to live in the employee quarters he had to wait for his jeep to be unloaded from the ship so he could take it to where they would be staying.

He had gotten enough looks from people when they found out he had brought a pet with him to the island, and even more looks when his personal vehicle was unloaded from its container. The black jeep was an old, rough and tuff, hunk of junk that had been with him for twelve out of the fourteen years he had been in this world, and it was still running. Which was a wonder after all of the car chases and explosions it had been through, but that's what had convinced Harry to keep it after all this time. So, he made sure that part of his contract stated that he could bring his "personal equipment" with him. His new employer had tried to tell him that he would be provided with newer and better equipment, but he simply stated; "I've never heard of a rider going into battle with a horse he didn't know, so you can have your shiny new car. I'm keeping my jeep." When his employer commented how horses are sent to the glue factory when they get too old, "and your jeep is already over a decade old. Don't you think it's at least time to put it out to pasture?" Harry just smiled and answered, "Not even close."

Once his jeep and belongings had been checked by security he was allowed to leave the shipping docks and head over to his personal trailer that had been flown over to the island ahead of him. Their trailer had been parked next to a lake a quarter of a mile away from the bungalow of another onsite employee. Harry decided to leave the unpacking for in the morning so he and Semat had gone to sleep as soon as they were inside the mobile dwelling.

The wizard swung his legs over the edge of the small bed and grabbed his phone to turn off the alarm. When Harry didn't lay back down Semat let out a gripe, because she knew they weren't going to get anymore sleep. His back popped as he got out of bed and Harry commiserated, "Sorry girl, we need to get an early start so we make it to the orientation before we have to report for work today. Come on, if you get up now, I'll get you the good stuff for breakfast this morning."

The jackal perked up, and jumped from the bed to follow him. He pulled out two plastic ware containers from the refrigerator he had magically expanded, and pulling off the lid from one he set it on the ground before opening the other and pulling out a rare piece of meat. He had found that his body needed large amounts of protein after a botched animagus transformation that had left him uninterested in breakfast foods that weren't meat, thankfully he still loved chocolate and could enjoy fruits and vegetables.


Harry loved watching George come up with elaborate traps to spring on people, only for Semat to come along and either trip the traps without getting caught in them, or warn Harry that they were there so he could avoid them. It had frustrated George at first but then it became a game between the wizard and jackal. After the game had started, George had improved drastically at trap making and Harry had to refine his knowledge of the art or risk unknowingly walking into one.

"I wish she wasn't so bloody smart," George remarked as he stalked into his kitchen.

Harry snickered as he followed his friend into the room trying to avoid the color changing potion that was still dripping from George's clothes and had turned the other wizard completely yellow; both men knew it would wear off in a few hours but Harry had avoided getting any on him and preferred to remain that way. "She's definitely smart," the brunette acknowledged, "but it's your fault that this keeps happening. Semat and I spent years avoiding ancient booby-traps, but she only started to think of it as fun after you decided to have a prank war."

The petulant look on the redhead's face, made Harry roll his eyes, "I didn't count on you bringing a genius mastermind disguised as an animal back from your trip."

The younger wizard smiled softly, "Then you two should call a truce for now. I'm sure there is plenty of mischief for you to get up to some other way. Now go change and I'll see what I can find us for dinner."

"You're staying?" George questioned eagerly.

"I don't have any plans for tomorrow, besides I'll stay and help you brainstorm ideas on what else to do, to keep you from getting caught in your own pranks."

Later that night, Harry brought up the idea of forming a new group of Marauders. After George agreed, Harry searched the Potter and Black libraries and found a book on the animagus transformation. Like the previous generation they would have codenames based on their animagus forms, so they got to work secretly brewing the potion needed and practicing the necessary spells. Finally after six months of preparing they were ready to begin.

Naturally, things didn't turn out the way they should have. The potion had revealed his animal form to be a black eagle, so they went into the nearby forest where he could fly without anyone thinking twice. The text had recommended that a witch or wizard performing the spell for the first time would want to use more power to produce a full transformation; because anything less could be dangerous. After pulling out the Elder Wand, which had shown up again, he cast the transformation spell and poured more power into the spell than he thought was necessary (in hindsight he realized that it was a bad idea to overpower a spell when casting it from the legendary Death Stick, but he was a Gryffindor). Shortly after, Harry could feel his body changing, but instead of things getting bigger, like he thought it would, the world around him seemed to get smaller. Something was wrong…but it felt so right; he instinctively knew that he wasn't a black eagle like he should have been but whatever form he had taken seemed even better, like he wasn't just a wizard in the form of an animal. His focus shifted as he was distracted by his suddenly heightened senses; he could hear George's heartbeat and he was sure it was faster than it should have been, the sound of small animals scurrying away under the shrubs surprised him before he registered the noise of cars in the nearby town; everything seemed brighter and sharper to his eyes and he could see the beads of sweet forming on George's face as easily as the individual feathers of the birds that had taken flight all at once; thousands of smells registered at the same time and almost overwhelmed him. He could feel appendages protruding from his back, but he knew he was standing on all fours he could feel the ground under his hands. He stared down at what where once his hands and saw that they had become giant, scaled, reptilian limbs. Once he saw the leathery wings on his back, it didn't take long for Harry to understand that he had somehow become a dragon, which was supposed to be impossible since a wizard couldn't become a magical creature.

After George witnessed a dragon having a panic attack, he helped coach Harry through the transformation back into a human. George moved to cradle Harry in his arms, which was when the redhead realized the change in the other man's body; Harry had been affected by his relative's treatment when he was younger, but now he was slightly taller and filled out with a healthy physique. The younger boy's eye sight, hearing and sense of smell were still enhanced but less than when in his dragon form. When he changed back there was one more surprise for Harry; he couldn't find the Resurrection Stone, Cloak of Invisibility or the Elder Wand.

Some research later, they had found out that a wizard could accidentally put too much power into the spell and wind up with traits of the animal they transformed into. He was glad he didn't have horns, but it took a while to get used to his heightened senses. After a diagnostic spell George confirmed that the transformation had given Harry the biological and genetic traits of a dragon in his human body. Not only were his senses better; but his skin was as tough as dragon scales, he now had the strength and speed of a dragon, and was impervious to most magic spells and fire. His instincts were also more dragon-like he noticed when he caught himself salivating at the idea of a raw rack of lamb. The biggest shock was when they discovered that some species of dragons had evolved into hermaphrodites, due to centuries of near extinction and low population numbers, he sort of freaked out (read: flipped his lid) when he discovered that he was one of those species of dragons. Harry had been so distraught that he didn't realize he had created a nest out of blankets while he was wallowing in his bed. George made a joke that Harry was more like a dragon that had turned into a man, and he had become worried that George was right because even his mind had changed.

George put his hand on Harry's shoulder in comfort, "It'll be alright. Everything's fine, mate, we'll figure this out together."

[End Flashback]

After breakfast, Harry got dressed in a grey t-shirt, green button up work-shirt with breast-pockets, blue jeans and boots before he went outside. He tucked in his shirt and buckled his belt as he exited the trailer in the pre-dawn darkness. Semat went about her morning ritual by taking in all of the scents in the area while wondering around to the other side of the trailer.

When they had first been dumped in this new world Harry had no idea what he was going to do. He searched for a version of the Magical World but he didn't find anything, though he did come across stories of people creating dinosaurs. He had thought that it was a joke or some paranoid delusion that had caught on in the world of crackpot conspiracy theorists; but a little more digging un-earthed a book by Dr. Ian Malcom who mentioned another man, Dr. Alan Grant, who was a well-known paleontologist. It wasn't until he watched a documentary on the president of Masrani Global and a new theme park, that Harry was in awe of what one man could accomplish with a vision and the simple mantra 'spare no expense'.

The information had sparked his interest and being 21 he could still pass for college age. Faking a few documents was easy, and after ingesting copious amounts of memory potions and some evaluation exams he was accepted into a college with a scholarship that could help him get a degree in Zoology. He also got a grant to study Behavioral and Cognitive Psychology at a second college, while working at businesses around Campus to pay his living expenses; but then he went a step farther by joined the college soccer and cross-country teams. The physical training on top of his studies had been a lot to handle sometimes but Harry knew how his luck ran; there was no doubt in his mind that he would need to stay in shape, even if his new physiology made sure he was always healthy and fit.

After eight years he graduated both colleges summa cum laude. Unfortunately, it had taken that long for Harry to realize he was aging extremely slowly, or not at all. He quickly bought a travel trailer and planned out a trip to Australia where he was able to get a job working at a well-known reptile sanctuary. Over the next five years he worked for three different zoos around the world, each one had begged him to stay, but the thought of what would happen when people realized his lack of aging always made him refuse.

It was a miracle that he was able to keep his picture from being taken for so long and the photos from his employee I.D.'s had "mysteriously" vanished, he was almost 35 and he looked the same as he did when he left his old world. He was even considering faking his own death and creating a new identity before someone could recognize him. But then he got a call from a zoo/theme park that was working with large animals of the once extinct variety. As much as he tried to convince himself that it was a bad idea, he couldn't say no, and that's how he wound up working on an island full of dinosaurs.

Harry scoffed when he thought about the name; "Jurassic World" was a little ostentatious after all, not to mention scientifically inaccurate but it had been open for nine years so who was he to argue. He pulled out one of the containers from the back of the black jeep and took it inside before pulling out the large multi-purpose knife, and collapsible metal batons that he always kept with him but had put in the container before going through security. After putting the knife and batons in the holsters he kept on his belt Harry reached for what was at the bottom of the container. The rusted red tool box he pulled from the bottom revealed a second compartment that had previously been hidden by magic. Setting the tool box aside he unfastened the inner latch and opened the second part where he kept all of his personal journals and took out the new one he had purchased before the trip. He always labeled them by year and location, so he had already written "Isla Nublar-2014" on the spine.

It didn't take long to load the tool box into the back of the jeep and make sure that the last container, which was full of his own "herbal" remedies, was securely fastened down. A sharp whistle let Semat know that he was ready to go, and the jeep was already running when she hopped inside. A quarter mile away from his trailer Harry drove past the small building next to the dock and caught a glimpse of a brunette man who was just stepping outside.