
"So what do you reckon?", a tall blond haired man with a pale pointed face asked quietly.

"So, you lot have no clues do you?", Harry Potter asked as he crouched down on the pavement.

"Nope", Draco Malfoy replied.

"Huh", Harry muttered as he examined the body carefully. The victim was a female, rich by the looks of it. His hands carefully checked the woman's pockets and came up empty. Crouching down, Harry sniffed lightly but came up empty.

"Victim looks to be in her forties", Malfoy commented as he scrutinized the body.

"She is", Harry confirmed. He got to his feet and continued, "Another thing I noticed that she is not a witch."

"What?", Malfoy yelped at the statement. "Why do you say that?"

"Easy enough", Harry shrugged. "The wizarding society is a very insular world. And almost everyone knows everyone because of that. Since, neither you nor I could recognize her, I first took her for a muggleborn. But then I thought that the any rich woman whether muggleborn or pureblood, would be well known in our society."

"And since none of us recognized her, she must be a muggle", Malfoy completed his statement.

"Indeed", Harry nodded but hesitated before speaking again, "I am not sure but the woman does seem familiar to me. Like a long forgotten acquaintance or something like that."

"Right", Malfoy said dubiously. "Well, if you remember your long lost aunt, do tell me."

"Hmm", Harry said, ignoring Malfoy's blatant sarcasm.

"Alright, lads wrap it up", Malfoy indicated to a couple of Aurors who were standing non descriptively away. The two Aurors started waving their wands and Harry watched as the body was covered in a sheet and inserted into a body bag. With a final wave, the bag vanished, presumably to the morgue for further analysis.

"So where are you going now?", Malfoy asked as the two men started walking around aimlessly.

Harry shrugged, "To my office, I guess. After all, I don't think there is much more to be done here. The victim was killed by an Avada Kedavra. She is a muggle. As much as I would like it to count for something, this case is a dead end. Plenty of people are present in our society who still harbor hatred for muggles and many others don't give a damn about a muggle getting killed. Unless I remember where I saw this woman, there is not a lot I can do for her except for giving her a proper burial."

"Once, there was a time when you would have done anything to find this woman's killer", Malfoy mused.

Harry gave a mirthless laugh, "Times were different then. I was a mindless Gryffindor then. I did some growing up after the war."

"Didn't think you would become such a cynic though", Malfoy commented. The two stopped and Harry turned to Malfoy.

"As I said, I did some growing up", Harry replied sardonically to Malfoy. "Anything interesting happening in the DMLE?"

"Don't know what you would consider interesting", Malfoy glibly replied. "There has been a rash of robberies in the seedier alleys of Diagon Alley if you are interested."

"And what is so strange about them?", Harry asked pointedly as he took out a silver plated cigarette and lit it with a twitch of his finger. Breathing in the smoke deeply, Harry smiled rather grimly at himself. His past self would never have thought about indulging in such vices but as he told Malfoy, he had changed a lot after the war.

"Don't know how you can breathe in that muggle stench", Malfoy remarked, wrinkling his nose at the fumes emerging from Harry's mouth as he drew on another deep breath from the cigarette.

"What is so strange about these robberies?", Harry repeated his question.

"What's so strange?", Malfoy gave a sharp laugh before continuing. "Each of the shops that were robbed were part of the Aegis corporation banner. The break ins were during the night and nothing was taken from the shops."

"Oh?", Harry said as he tapped the cigarette to drop some of the ash. He didn't know anything about the Aegis corporation but it looked like Malfoy was about to produce some details.

"Yup", Malfoy nodded before he continued. "Though nothing was taken, the place was completely ransacked. The proprietors of the shops were completely stunned by the level of destruction. Took the ministry three days to set the shops to their previous state."

"I suppose the Daily Prophet hasn't got a wind of it yet?"

"Nah, no need to cause heedless panic among citizens, Minister Sholto told me", Malfoy replied with a trace of his old sneer.

"Right", Harry said drily. "Keep the public in the dark, eh? Aren't you breaking protocol by telling me all this?"

"And what will they do? Send me to Azkaban? I still have enough influence in the ministry to make decisions go my way when I want them to, Potter."

"Good for you then", Harry took one last puff of his cigarette before stubbing out the end with his boot. "I have to go now, Malfoy. I will see you if I have any leads on the dead woman though don't expect on it."

"Right", Malfoy nodded before shaking hands with Harry. "And you are coming to dinner this weekend."

"What for?", Harry exasperatedly tried to protest before Malfoy cut him off.

"Because Astoria and Scorpius have taken a liking to you and we are friends, that's why. Now are you going to come or do I drag you there myself on Friday evening?"

"I will be there", Harry finally replied before giving a wave and disapparating with a silent twist.

"Show-off", Malfoy muttered before disappearing with a crack.

Harry reappeared on the porch of Grimmauld Place with nary a whisper. Scanning the neighborhood carefully before taking out his wand, Harry waved his wand in a triangle and whispered, "Ascendo". The front door opened slowly and Harry took one last look at the empty neighborhood before going inside and shutting the door behind him.

Harry had made Grimmauld Place his home after the great war. People had expected him to take shelter with the Weasleys as usual but Harry had chosen to live alone. With Kreacher to take care of his needs, Harry didn't have to worry about looking after the old mansion. He had simply pursued one of his old dreams when he had lived with the Dursleys, go travelling around the world. After settling his debt with the goblins, Harry had taken out all of his gold from Gringotts and had converted it into gold bullion before transferring it into three parts. One part had been sent to the gnomes of Switzerland who were offering better interest rates than the goblins, the second part had been transferred to the Coutts & Co. of London from where he took out the money when he required. The last and the largest part was buried in the basement of Black Chateau in Havana.

He had travelled through many places during his sabbatical from England and had learned many things, both about himself and about the world. The idealistic Harry of his seventeen-year self-had been replaced by a cynical war veteran. All of his innocence was gone and was now replaced by a grim outlook of the world. He had looked at his life and had seen it lacking something. He had also been disgusted by his attitude during his Hogwarts years. He had skived off all the time and had barely come out of his escapades alive. Looking back, Harry had always felt that he had been extremely lucky during his Hogwarts years.

A sharp crack broke Harry from his thoughts and he looked up to see Kreacher bowing in front of him. Harry smiled at the sight of the old elf. After the battle of Hogwarts, when Harry had made Grimmauld Place his home, it had been Kreacher's company which helped him tide over the war's aftereffects. The old elf had tidied up Sirius' old house for Harry and now Harry had almost started to consider it his home.

"Master is back from work", Kreacher began in his bullfrog voice. "May Kreacher hope that it was a productive day for Master?"

"As productive it could be, thank you, Kreacher", Harry replied before taking off his coat and hat which vanished and hung itself on the coat hanger. Harry walked through the hall where old Walburga Black's portrait used to be without any fear of being shouted at. Harry had adopted an old maxim to get rid of the old black portrait. He had simply destroyed the whole wall with an overpowered reductor curse. The scream that Mrs. Black let out before her portrait was demolished still brought a smile on his face. He went straight to the kitchen where Kreacher had laid down a simple meal of onion soup and garlic bread and quickly wolfed it down. After belching comfortably, Harry finally made his way to the library where he knew he would find his answers to the questions that had been plaguing about the robberies.

Taking out a dusty volume from the shelf, Harry quickly cleared the dust before he opened the book. The book was a list of private corporations that had been setup after the death of Voldemort in order to build up England's economy again. Not many knew it but Voldemort's bloody reign had completely ruined England's economy with all import and export stopped on the British Isles. Due to that, many of Britain's wealthier families had come together to sponsor the funding of a business completely separate from the Ministry of Magic with the aim of rebuilding the economy from ground up. The members who held autonomy over the group were the Greengrasses, McMillians, the Boots and the Abbot families. Several other families had made smaller contributions to the corporation and it had been named Aegis.

"Aegis Corporation is like a helpful organization", Harry muttered to himself as he closed the book and replaced it on the shelf. "No profits, no acquisitions, just lending of money to ailing shops in order to prop them back up on their feet. Why would anyone attack the shops under their banner?"

Harry was broken from his musings as Kreacher popped into the library with a crack.

"Master has a visitor", Kreacher reported with a bow. Harry grunted in annoyance, now who could be visiting him now. He didn't have many friends, not any close ones anyhow.

"Who is it?"

"It is the former Miss Granger. Kreacher has asked her to sit in the lounge", Kreacher informed his master before popping away. Harry's annoyance turned up another notch as he frowned. His relationship with the Weasleys bar George, Bill and Charlie had been less than cordial and that was in the politest terms. Hermione being attached to Ron at that time had broken off most ties with Harry. The two had married two months ago and as far he knew, both were very happy with their relationship.

"Hermione", Harry casually greeted one of his oldest friends as he entered the lounge. Hermione had been admiring the paintings that Harry had put in the room, an eclectic mixture of both magical and muggle ones. He had picked up a few of them during his travels around the world and the rest were from his family vault.

"Harry!", Hermione whipped around from a painting and started to move towards Harry but seemed to think better of it as she stopped midway. There was an awkward pause at that gesture which Harry broke with a "Long time no see."

"Well, whose fault is that?", Hermione retorted with a flourish as she took a seat on one of the divans.

"I see that marriage suits you", Harry replied, completely ignoring the taunt sent his way by Hermione. Hermione had always been a very ambitious and hardworking which had led Harry to believe that she would one day have a breakdown because of the excessive load she always took on herself. It seemed her marriage to Ron had cured her of her workaholic tendencies at least. She looked more relaxed and carefree than Harry had ever seen her before.

"What can I do for you, Hermione?", Harry asked, seating himself in his favorite armchair and pouring himself a scotch from the decanter kept on his side. He felt he would need the drink for the meeting and neither did he miss the disapproving look that flashed on the new Weasley's face.

"You shouldn't drink, Harry", Hermione admonished with the same disapproving glare in his direction. "I don't think it's good for your health."

"I guess it is a good thing then seeing that you and I are no longer the best of friends, are we?"

"No, I guess that would be you and Draco Malfoy" Hermione snapped back.

"Jealous much, Mrs. Weasley", Harry asked with a grin.

"I don't have time for chit-chat", Hermione said impatiently, letting Harry's jibe slide past. "I am here to talk about one of your one to one meetings with Mr. Malfoy."

"What about them?", Harry remarked flippantly. "He was on a case, he wanted some input so he called me. After all, I do have quite a reputation for problem solving in the wizarding world after all."

"The case of the muggle lady, isn't it?", Hermione said, taking out a sheaf of parchment from her ever present beaded bag. "Let me see, a blond woman in her thirties, well clothed, first impressions of a muggle. Is that all there is?"

"Yes, aside from the fact that the woman most probably had the knowledge of the existence of the wizarding world and actively lived in our world."


"Indeed. I suppose I have one upped your notes, Attorney General", Harry said lazily before pouring himself another glass of scotch. "So, what about my friendship with Malfoy?"

"He is not up to anything good, Harry", Hermione said, taking out another sheaf of parchment from her bag. "He has been meeting with some of his 'old crowd' if you know what I mean by that rather frequently these days. My informants dragged down Mundungus back from hiding who told him that Malfoy has been purchasing a lot of shady artifacts from Knockturn Alley these days. His house wards have under gone an extra layer of protection recently from what the goblins could tell me. It will take a full-fledged wizard of Dumbledore's caliber to even make a dent in those wards. I come to you because of your budding friendship with him. All of his activities suggest that he is preparing for something. Most probably war."

"Remind me, will you that what is your job these days? Oh wait, these days you are the first attorney general of Wizarding Britain. In short terms, you are a lawyer. You need hard evidence to go after someone. And from what you tell me, all you have is the word of a drunken thief who spent about a year of his life in Chateau de Azkaban for lying during times of war. You will not even get a warrant for searching the manor. Your case will be laughed out of court, attorney general or not."

"That's why I need your help, Harry."

"Hmm, oh, you have got to be kidding me, Hermione. Me, the pariah of Britain to go after Draco Malfoy. What have you been sniffing these days, huh?"

"You need to take me seriously, Harry", Hermione said angrily, sitting bolt upright on her chair. "There is something wrong about this whole matter, something bad. I thought that you of all people would jump on to this opportunity."

"We are not at school anymore and I am not a reckless teenager with a prophecy on my head, Hermione", Harry sharply retorted and standing up. "I know why you are here. Things at the ministry aren't going your way are they? Your ideas are being blocked by the Wizengamot. Kingsley is helpless against them. So, you need someone with enough political power to make the Wizengamot back up and promote you. And the only way you can get me to back you up is by dragging me back into the political scenes. My answer as it was before remains no."

"The wizarding world needs you, Harry", Hermione appealed. "What happened to you? We could have made this world a brighter place, you and I. But you are only interested in your own well-being. You have become selfish."

"I do recall that I help people for a living, you know. Now, if you have nothing else to say, I recommend you leave. You are giving me a headache."

"You will regret this, Harry", Hermione said, standing outside the front door. "Malfoy is up to something and you are being buddy buddy with him. And when you do need help, I will be there for you."

"Right, like you helped me when the Weasleys went after me."

Harry took a deep breath as he strode through the manor. Hermione's visit had unsettled him. Even though he had told Hermione to basically fuck off, he still intended to keep an eye on the Malfoys. After all, it wasn't like he had a lot to do these days.


The old elf snapped out of thin air in front of Harry.

"Master called for Kreacher."

"I did. I am going out for a while. Keep the manor on lockout, understand?"

"As master wishes", Kreacher replied with a deep bow. Harry nodded in satisfaction before disapparating.

Harry reappeared in a back alley of London's East End. Due to years of living in London now, his knowledge of London roads and alleys was surpassed by no one. He had made it a point to know the place where he lived. Walking up to a hulking black man in his forties who stood leaning on a wall, Harry simply remarked, "Fortuna"

The man shrugged before pressing a brick behind him. There was a whirring noise and wind enveloped Harry and blocked his vision for a second with flying dirt. When the dirt vanished from around Harry, a highly polished mahogany door had appeared in the wall. Where there had been a black guard, there stood a well-dressed, beautiful woman in her thirties.

"Welcome to the Chinese Whisperer, Mr. Potter."

"Thank You", Harry said as the woman opened the door and ushered him inside. The door opened into large casino cum restaurant cum party hall. Mostly exclusive to those who could find out its location, Harry liked the place because of its solitude and the privacy it provided to all of its patrons.

"I suppose it is not your first time here, Mr. Potter?", the woman asked Harry who shook his head with a smile.

"No, thank you. I am a regular here, Madam. I can manage it from here."

The woman nodded with a smile and walked off without another word. Harry took out a few galleons and handed it to the croupier who exchanged it for chips. With a nod of thanks to the man, Harry collected his chips and wandered idly through the casino tables and finally approached the poker table where a game was in progress. Harry waited until the hand was over before he addressed the chef de partie.

"Room for one more?"

"If you have the money, Mr. Potter", the man replied with a smile. In response, Harry took out all of his chips and set them on the table.

"One million credits adequate enough?"

"Welcome to the table, Mr. Potter"

Harry smiled as he took the chair beside an old woman in her sixties who looked disapprovingly at him before shifting her chair to the side. A Chinese man with a blank look on his face stared at him. The last participant on the table, a handsome blond man smirked at Harry.

"Come to lose your money, Mr. Potter?"

"Have we met before, Mr….", Harry replied with a puzzled look on his face. He knew about the man's identity but he wanted the man angry. He wanted to defeat the man after all. And rich men often took offence to the fact that a person didn't know their name and worship them.

"Abbot Abbot, Potter. Lord Abbot to you", the man replied with a sneer.

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Abbot", Harry replied, internally smirking at Abbot's face turning a blotchy red. "Well, shall we begin?"

"Let's begin. I wish to make some quick money", Abbot said, shooting Harry a quick glare.

The dealer once shuffled the cards and then the cards were distributed to the players over the green baize table in a circle. Harry heaved a huge breath and lifted his cards. It had started.

Harry discreetly looked at his cards from the shadow of his cupped hands. He had an eight and nine of spades. He looked at the table and noticed Abbot Abbot looking at the other players' faces with an intense look on his face, all the while his own cards untouched. Harry smiled despite himself, the long game had begun and the sequence of these gestures and announcements would continue till the end came and the players dispersed. The cards would later be burned and a cover would be placed over the smooth green surface of the table which would soak up the blood of his victims and then refresh itself for the next game.

Three hours later, Harry and Abbot were still going at it. While more players had joined and left the game after getting cleared out, Harry and Abbot had kept on crossing swords drawing blood every now and then.

Finally, after another hand which Harry lost, the chief usher announced, "We have now been playing for nearly three hours. We will now take a short break and will resume in one hour." The two players got up from their chairs and separately made their way to the bar where Harry ordered a stiff whiskey. Looking around, he started when he saw a familiar face as the bartender.

"Fleur? What the hell are you doing here?"

The beautiful former triwizard champion smiled flirtatiously at Harry as she poured Harry his drink. "Well, look who has come out of hiding. The Man Who Won."

"Bloody funny", Harry grimaced as he nodded his thanks for the drink and sipped it. "Don't avoid my question."

"Well, there weren't too many options after the war. My William was killed by those death eaters and the Weasleys never truly took me in as one of their own. Gabrielle still had to finish her education and I was the only who could provide money for her studies seeing that my parents died at my wedding. After you broke into Gringotts, the goblins refused to hire any human to let them work for them."

"Ah", Harry muttered as he looked down.

"The Harry I knew would have been beating himself up by now", Fleur said, smiling. Harry was entranced by her smile before he shook himself out of it. Her English was better now, her French accent almost unidentifiable.

"I worked through my guilt complex", Harry replied. "I have changed, Fleur."

"So I see", Fleur said, pouring a drink to another customer. "I just can't decide whether it is good or bad."

"Why don't we meet up sometime? It has been too long since we, you know, talked."

"That's a good idea, Harry", Fleur said, before scribbling something on a piece of parchment and passing it to Harry. "Why don't you come over after looting that prick Abbot, huh?"

"Maybe I will", Harry said with a grin, slipping the piece of parchment into his pocket. "They are calling us back, Fleur. I will see you later." Fleur nodded and waved him away.

Harry settled back into his chair and this time, Abbot acknowledged him with a nod to which Harry nodded back. 'Looks like the man has finally taken me as a threat', Harry thought and started settling his money on the table. Four more players had bought in during the break.

"Bet. Fifty Thousand credits", Abbot began after the cards were distributed. Harry leaned in, his arms folded like a judo wrestler and quietly whispered, "Call. Fifty Thousand", and threw the money on the table. The dealer collected the money and put it into the pot as the other players folded once more though another player, Abel Casein entered the betting and checked. It seemed that the players had sensed the tension between Harry and Abbot.

The man glanced at his cards and then growled, "Raise. Five Million credits."

Harry was taken aback by the enormous raise in the bet. Abbot must believe that he would surely win this round, Harry mused as he stared at his cards, a seven and ten of clubs. He internally debated what to do. He could either not take any risk and fold which would profit Abbot by fifty thousand credits. Or, he could take the plunge with him and see where it led to.

Harry took a deep breath and said, "Call. Five Million credits."

There was a sudden hush at the table as people stared at Harry, not believing that he was about to go through. Abbot had shown a look of surprise on his face for a second before it was wiped away in a second.

The dealer placed three cards at the table face up- an eight of clubs, an ace of diamond and a queen of spades as the flop. Abbot once again looked at his cards and announced, "All in" and shoved all of his thirteen million, five hundred thousand credits on to table. The Dealer nodded and placed another card- a three of clubs with the flop.

Abel Casein glanced at his cards and then looked at Harry and Abbot before he announced, "All in. Ten million credits." The dealer quickly counted the money and then placed another card on the table- a jack of clubs.

Harry leaned forward on his seat and locked eyes with Abbot's grey ones. He then shoved all his money to the dealer and announced, "All in. Twenty-six million eight hundred thousand credits."

The dealer nodded and placed the collective amount at the pot before announcing, "Fifty million three hundred thousand credits in the pot. Well, showdown gentlemen."

Abbot looked at his cards and then threw them on the table- two aces.

The dealer announced, "Three of a kind. Mr. Casein, if you would."

Casein licked his lips as the others watched with bated breath and then passed his cards to the dealer who looked at them and announced, "Two of nines. Mr. Potter, it's your turn."

Harry took his time, savoring the tension in the air as he passed his cards to the dealer who looked at them unemotionally and then placed them at the table for all to see- a seven and ten of clubs. There was a huge collective gasp as they saw Harry's cards being rearranged with the other cards at the table to form what was called the undefeatable poker hand- the straight flush, a series that contained five cards in sequence, all of the same suit.

"Mr. Potter wins", the dealer announced as he rearranged the cards and passed the huge stack of chips to Harry. Harry, on the other hand had his eyes locked on Karl Abbot's face. The man looked shell-shocked at his turn of fortune. Clearly, he hadn't anticipated that he might be cleared out.

Harry quietly stood up from the table, sliding a ten thousand credit mark to the dealer who nodded in appreciation. Collecting his chips, he made his way to the cashier who exchanged his credits for galleons and slipped them into a moakskin pouch. Harry nodded his thanks and quietly exited the Chinese Whisperer. The huge black man was once again standing before the door.

Karl Abbot burst out of the casino, followed by three men in black robes with wands out. "Find him", Abbot barked to the men. "He can't apparated or portkeyed out because of the wards. I want my money back."

"Looking for me?"

Abbot whirled around and pointed his wand at the approaching Harry Potter. "Potter, you are going to give me my money back."

"And why would I do that? I wo the won, clean and fair. Don't see any issue with that", Harry drawled, stepping closer to the men, all four had drawn out their wands and were pointing them at Harry who himself was disarmed.

"That's because I have a wand pointed at you, you son of a mudblood", Abbot snarled, sparks emitting from his wand. "I have three men and you are alone. Why, you haven't even drawn your wand. So much for the vaunted Man Who Won."

Harry smiled before yawning half-heartedly before he said, "No" and vanished.

"Wha- ", one of Abbot's men started to move forward before he was grabbed from behind and both of his shoulders were snapped. A quick blow to the head rendered the man unconscious. A second man was kicked in the shins before a haymaker dropped him. The third man tried to run but was hurled back with an invisible force and was slammed into a wall.

Harry reappeared in front of Abbot and batted away the man's wand, smiling, "So much for your vaunted men. Now, we are alone."

"Help", Karl Abbot cried out looking for anyone. "Where is that black guy?"

"He is just a projection, Abbot. Acts as intimidation", Harry said, before smashing his head at Abbot.

Karl Abbot slowly opened his eyes slowly and tried to regain his bearings before he nearly lost his dinner. He was hanging upside down in the air. A dark chasm opened out below him.

"I am glad you are awake" a voice shook Abbot out of his panic. Abbot looked around and saw Harry Potter floating in thin air before him.

"What do you want, Potter?", the man said with some bravado.

"What I want is information on the Aegis Corporation and the robberies that have been plaguing the companies that come under its protection. You can tell me straight me or I can simply drop you down the Reichenbach Falls. I am told that no one ever has ever survived a fall that deep."

"Wait, we are in Switzerland?", the man enquired, his eyes bulging and his face turning red due to the flow of blood into his head.

"Yup, we are", Harry replied cheerfully. "And I would give you five minutes for life because the blood rushing to your head definitely isn't good for your health, you know. So, I would hurry on speaking. After all, clock is ticking."

"Aegis Corporation was created by the Abbots, Boots—", Abbot began but was cut off by Harry. "I don't want the bookish, edited version, Abbot. Four minutes, by the way."

"Alright, alright. The corporation is just a front. It was started in the sixties by the families looking to make some profit. It was a front for all the activities perpetrated by the Dark Lord. Smoke and mirrors. Create distractions and all that. Smuggling, kidnapping, murder, extortion, everything bad was decided by the corporation and put into operation. It was like the Death Eaters of Voldemort or Knights of Walpurgis. The families took advantage of the chaos of the destruction perpetrated by the Dark Lord and operated under the Ministry's nose the whole time. Of course, when you defeated the dark lord in nineteen eighty-one, the corporation went into ground. We couldn't operate in open air."

"After the Dark Lord came back, the corporation was up and running again", Abbot spoke quickly as Harry continued to listen. "But this time, we operated through the ministry as well. We used the Wizengamot to push through amendments that would slowly but surely bring profit for us. Low taxes on imports, shutting down of gambling etc. Dolores Umbridge was one of our recruits in the ministry. Of course, she was too extreme in her methods so we had let her take the fall for her actions during the war. I joined in nineteen ninety-six. That is all, I swear."

"Huh, and what about the robberies?", Harry curiously asked.

"The corporation is as puzzled as you are, Potter", Abbot admitted. "Nothing gets stolen but there is utter destruction at the shops."

"Hmm, you have been helpful, Abbot", Harry remarked as he floated closer to the upside down man. "I have a proposition for you, Abbot. You act as my spy within this corporation and help me take it down."

"They would kill me, Potter", Abbot exclaimed.

"I would kill you now", Harry said, with a cold gleam in his eyes. Abbot hesitated for a second before he nodded.

"Good", Harry exclaimed. "Oh, and don't tell anyone about your little heart to heart. If you do, I know where to find you. Got that? Good. Now I think that you need a dip as a punishment for calling my mother a mudblood. So, see you later."

"Wai-", but Abbot vanished from sight as Harry snapped his fingers.

There was a loud splash followed by a lot of yelling. Harry grinned to himself as the darkness around him was replaced by a cloudless London street. He had dropped Abbot in the River Thames.

Harry appeared on the doorstep of the address Fleur had given him. He quietly turned the knob and entered the apartment, internally impressed with the grandeur of the place. Fleur had been working hard.

"Fleur", Harry called out but there was no answer, just the sound of water. Following it, Harry found the bathroom where Fleur seemed to be taking a bath. Harry was once again mesmerized by Fleur, her beauty, her grace. He was broken out of his thoughts by an amused voice.

"Come on in, Harry. I think there is enough space for both of us", Fleur said with a smile. Harry flushed as Fleur's naked body walked towards him.

"You sure?", Harry asked evenly, discreetly ogling her.

"I think I am", Fleur smirked as Harry walked towards her and his clothes vanished in thin air, leaving Harry naked as the day he was born. Harry approached her and kissed her, pushing Fleur into the shower and against the wall.

"Mmm, you have changed, 'arry", Fleur said with a trace of her old accent.

"Told you so", Harry said before Fleur smashed her lips to him.

Author's Notes: Well, I am back. Those who don't remember me will perhaps remember the rewrite of Knowledge is power that I was writing before it was taken down by . MInd you, it angered me a lot as the reason for that was the presence of songs in the fic. I debated for a long time whether to write again before I came up with this new plot. I hope it is an original one and an enjoyable one. Updates will be once a month as I am going through college life these days... As before, reviews are appreciated and welcome, flames can be washed away for all I care. Thoughtful criticism is awesome, by the way.
