Disclaimer: I do not own FFXIV nor Heavensward, or several of the characters mentioned in this story, or the FC featured.


We are the wrecked.

A/N: So I decided to write a fan fic about my guild, all of these players are on the server Behemoth. This is more of a personal project but if you're really curious as to what they look like specifically, message me

"Hold on!"

"He's coming right for us!"

"Just one more go and it'll be over with!"


The roar was deafening, the tiny isle shook from the vibrations, he could see the others barely holding on from sheer force that jarred their world. In the purple hues came Bismark once again, slamming his back into the platform. They all staggered, but the worst of all was Aisling- he was trying to correct his balance as he was jostled from his spot.

But what made Ragnar's heart shoot to his throat was the Vanu that had turned and faced the Elezen, fists ready to pound the ground.

Aisling was positioned at the very edge trying to get the position to thrust his lance but now he was on his knees.


Rhel'ir let out a shriek, casting at the Vanu, shouting rather than chanting as he neglected the Warrior that was focusing on said Vanu.

"Stun it!" Disco shouted in anger at the Warrior, her draws were hastier than earlier- she was exhausted, just like everyone there. Ragnar swore he could see her fingers bleeding from the strain of her bow. "What are you doing, you idiot!?"

Just as the Vanu had brought its fists down, a cloak of red managed to break through, his balanced returned already as the red threw itself at Aisling. Hands grappled at Aisling's waist, throwing him to the side and away from the the Vanu's line of sight. The red cloaked savior got up and offered a hand to Aisling on the ground.

"...thanks, Pax," Aisling uttered though his voice was drowned away, he seemed unharmed but then again, not all of them were in top shape. "Damn whale..."

A sense of relief came over as Cid announced the dragonkiller's were ready.

Ragnar's hands shook, the book trembled as he uttered out healing spells- Succor, that should hold everyone together. He sprinted to one side of the island, hands stowing away his book as another person did the same on the opposite end. He flung his hands against the contraptions of the dragonkillers, the slick from the rain made it much more difficult to pull the levers.

"Pull it, Ragnar!" Disco goaded him from somewhere. He turned for a moment to see that she already released the chains- his hands flailed for a moment, then he found the correct levers. He pulled them until he fell back, he watched as the chains were let loose and the hook launched.

He scrambled onto his feet, the rain was definitely not helping him keep a good footing.

Deep breaths.

In. Out.

Of the three Vanu that had descended from their Lanners only one was left. Bach and Pax were working together, bringing it down as fast as possible until their already bloodied blades and lance were coated in blood, a perfect sheen. The last squawk from the enemy was heard as he fell upon his fat stomach-

Bismark's roar shook them once more.

Within moments, the island was jarred again, the back of the damnable creature presented to them, gaping with purple flesh protruding like a bubble.

Their group yearned for the end of the battle, so much so that they stood at the edge and simply jumped upon Bismark's back.

The carnage began once more, Ragnar forced himself to move as he hopped on.

Shadow Flare, Miasma, Bio, Virus, everything he could think of was thrown at the open wound. Steel edges and spells, arrows and lightning, it all accumulated, just like against any other Primal they had faced together. Their attacks grew in earnest when Disco's voice sung through the earsplitting roars from the beast below them.

"Kill it!" Ragnar bellowed, he cast Broil onto the wound once, twice, three times.

It was Pax who landed the killing blow, a great sword of gold drawn from his power, arching like the claws of a dragon- they were all launched off of Bismark as the Primal let out a final wail into the skies.

Ragnar landed on his back, barely seeing the Primal burst into Aether crystals, back into the Echo they went as the air around them cleared. He coughed a bit and tried to wipe the sweat and rain upon his forehead with his drenched sleeve. One moment, clear skies, then the next, Aisling's head popped up into his view.

"You alright, Ragnar?" He asked, he gave a hand to him.

"Yeah, just tired is all," Ragnar managed to get out, that fall did a number to him. He was still clutching his book as he uttered a spell to heal himself, feeling his own power drift bit by bit as he felt rejuvenated. "It's dead, right?"

"It's over," Pax assured him, Disco blew passed him as she rushed to the bodies of the fallen Vanu. "What in the seven-"

"You saw the birds those Vanu flew here on, I want one of them!" She declared, rushing from body to body. Her hands dug into the bags tied around the bodies' belts. "C'mon..."

From the exhaustion came curiosity as they crowded her slowly, watching intently before she shot up, kicking the corpse.

"Damn it!"

"Even if you did find the whistle to call them, you'd need the song to get them," Bach finally spoke, she drank from a canteen to whet her throat. "If the Vanu raise Bismark again, you can try to find it once more."

"This is the third time I've fought him! It should have been on one of these things by now!" Disco groaned, she collapsed onto her knees. "Ugh, just take me home..."

Bodies were dumped off the edge as they each collapsed, their energy spent for what felt like hours of never ending fighting. His throat burned as Rhel'r went around, passing out water and potions for anyone who needed it.

Ragnar managed to sit up and glanced around the group that had came with him, his back ached even further until Eos Embraced him. He let out a puff and brought himself to his feet, brushing his hands away at his white robe.

It had been a long day and the most he could ever think of was returning home to where no danger was, no enemy to attack, Primal to slay.

"I'm never doing this again," swore Aisling as he sat down on a boulder, he rested his head upon his hand, closing his eyes.

"It wasn't that bad," came Max's voice, Ragnar looked over at the blue haired Mi'qote, glad that he, like the rest of them, made it out of this alive. "At least you aren't as sore as the healers. They were casting the entire time."

"...take me home," Disco groaned again, her throat seemed hoarse,"I'm done."

"I'll let Cid know," Rhel'ir said.

"Ragnar, can you wrap Disco's hand?" Asked Pax. "She's still bleeding a bit here."

"On it," he sighed, kneeling down and getting wraps out for her.

He poured water to cleanse her wound.

He didn't care that some of the crimson got onto his robes, they were a testament to being a healer.


Returning home took only a matter of weeks, their mounts barely reaching the stables.

It was just another day back home, Ragnar was first greeted by Valenica, her arms wrapping around him in earnest. "I heard the news! I'm glad to see you all alive!" She went and hugged Disco and Aisling, then Rhel'ir. "Did you bring anything back?"

"Nothing dropped from the Vanu or the whale," Disco grumbled, she was still bitter about not receiving anything.

None of them did as it was an obligation from the Scions to fight the Primal.

While they received tomes for their services, they were few in number given how many times they must fight the beast tribes' gods. They were useless considering how much they had accumulated.

Guild servants went to gather their mounts, each parting to care for themselves.

Valenica held to Ragnar's elbow as she led him into the house. "It was quiet without you guys."

"The fight was harder than the last," he muttered, he was never as boisterous as Disco or energetic as Aisling or Rhel'ir. He was a silent person who merely joined the group in whatever they did. "Though for our troubles, we do deserve something. I should have brought my axe rather than book for this one."

"Regardless, you returned, and all is well."

"At least we saved Eorzea..."


Ragnar spent the night laying in bed, exhausted, not wanting to join in on the revelry that the Free Company always threw after a fight with a "god". He was almost like a stone whenever he slept, immobile save for his mouth that hung open.

He had taken off his robes, only wearing a simple white tunic and brown slacks. They were comfortable for him, just as the bed was until his mind overflowed with terror.

He dreamed he was in the skies once more, fighting the damnable whale that let out those horrid bellows over and over. Left and right, he watched his comrades fall, his mind overpowered by the thoughts of forgetting to heal one person.

That one person.

The Warrior seemed familiar but he was just a hand for hire.

Who was he-?

Ragnar shot up, his mind in a daze, confused as to where he was.

The dark, cold skies were replaced by the dark, warmth of his room.

He sighed, relieved, though worry seemed to wash over him.

Ragnar slowly got up, letting the blood flood back down, letting the dizziness ebb away. He staggered a bit as he headed for the door.

Though he paused for a moment, turning back to see the sleeping form of Valencia curled up in her usual spot, sleeping peacefully. He gave a slight smile and yawned, quiet, then proceeded.

Out in the halls, he could hear the revelry still going on. Disco's voice the loudest as she sang, Pax's roaring laughter, the clangs of grog, even at this hour they were still awake.

He ventured into the main hall to find the scene just as he had seen it before. Bach had seemingly passed out on the floor, her face marred by ink as some misfit decided to draw upon her face lewd pictures. Disco was the center of the activity as members who didn't partake in the fight gathered to listen, Pax was laughing at Bach's small form.

Ragnar's tail flickered, he went to the bar and poured himself a drink to wake himself up.

As he drank, someone tugged on his sleeve. He glanced over to see Rhel'ir and twitched his ears, giving him full attention. "Hm?"

"Aisling and I need to speak with you," he said, leaning in so as to not interrupt Disco.

Ragnar nodded and followed, still holding his ale.

They ventured into Aisling's room where books were piled high, a warm hearth was build to provide heat.

Aisling was a tall Elezen, his hair black as the night, glasses resting on his face. "I need to make sure of something, Ragnar, you and Rhel pay attention to detail more than any of us considering your jobs."

"What about us?" Ragnar questioned.

"Remember Disco? She searched the corpses for the whistle, I think she found it," Rhel'ir said lowly, he put down a sketchbook, one that he carried, always. He was an artist like Aisling, though not of the same race. Just as Ragnar, he was a Mi'qote, though unlike him he hair and tail were as white as a cloud.

"I remember that, she said she didn't find it," Ragnar recalled.

"Said," Aisling said, concerned,"you know the rules, we have to distribute according to the number we roll on our dice."

"I don't think she would do that," he reasoned, he frowned. "What proof do you have? You wanted that whistle as much as her."

Ragnar remained quiet, he didn't like to speak ill of anyone.

Rhel'ir sniffled a bit. "I don't-"

"Trust me, she didn't do it," Ragnar tried to defend her, he remembered watching her, she spent the rest of the time bemoaning the lack of loot. "I spent the rest of the time next to her."

"Suppose you're right," Aisling said, he looked away. The pair were always a good duo, though their thoughts were the same as any adventurer who starved for treasure. He wouldn't blame them for wondering where said treasure would go if it never appeared. However, he knew the two never caused upset so why would they ask him of this sort of thing?

"Rarely do those things fall from their owners," he emphasized, he drank from his mug and shook his head. "Just join the next hunt again."

"Not me," Aisling shook his head. "Not again for me."

He got up as he felt the alcohol move through his system like burning fire. He wanted to go to sleep once more. "I believe more rest is needed for me. You two ought to head to bed as well."

Rhel'ir scratched his neck. "Sorry about that, Ragnar, we just wanted to know if she really did find it."

"Well, if she searches the corpses again on the next hunt, it means she was telling the truth. Knowing her luck, she didn't find it," he reasoned, he patted Aisling's shoulder.

That was that.

He wandered out into the hallway once more.

It was strange of those two being suspicious, he tried to wrap his mind around why they would speak of such things. His feet padded against the wooden floors, each step adding to his thoughts as he thought back to that day. Disco did try looting the corpses. He would have seen something, as would everyone, why would Aisling and Rhel'ir think of-

Ragnar slipped, falling down to the floor upon his back.

He groaned when his head slammed against the wood. He heaved himself to sit, wondering what happened.

How did he slip?

His hand touched the floor, feeling liquid, warm.

The smell of metal reached his nose, he cringed as he sniffed his hand some more.


He looked down and saw that there was a pool of it. His own blood ran cold as he scrambled up to his feet- he was at a corner, the liquid seeped from around the edges. His ears pinned back out of fear for the worst.

Slowly, he edged around, careful to not fall again.

Just around the corner, he found him.


The Hyur was propped up against the wall, dead and still. His throat slashed open like a hunted animal, the blood so profuse that it leaked like a fountain. How did he not see this?

Ragnar's breathing became shallow, he backed away slowly, then ran to the living area to where the crowd had died down in their celebration at the sight of him.

Disco ceased her singing as Ragnar stood there, hands shaking. "Ragnar...?"

Ragnar's voice wavered,"Ham's dead, someone killed him."