My grandfather and I live in a small cottage that is severely run down, and has a few holes in the roof. We used spare materials to patch up the roof so the cottage is somewhat livable, every other day something breaks in the cottage. Money is extremely tight with us lately, it seems to get worse and worse every day especially with my grandfather being so sick. He was diagnosed with heart disease a few years ago but he was able to stay well with the right medications. Recently the medications have gotten really expensive, we haven't been able to buy them for the last two months but he has gotten sicker since then. Last week he had a heart attack so I had no choice but to take him to the hospital, when he woke up he was spitting mad. Now we had another bill that we couldn't pay.

Today I was going job hunting, same as always. No one ever actually gave me a job, most people in town just saw me as some dirty runt who wouldn't be able to hold down a job, and who was too stupid to actually attend college. Most of the kids in town went to college but I wasn't one of them, we didn't have enough money for that. We couldn't even get loans, no one was stupid enough to consider giving us a loan. They knew we could never pay it back. My grandfather wasn't able to hold down a job anymore, he used to own a dojo and teach martial arts but he was injured. His back is no good anymore, he can't be on his feet to teach any longer.

I washed a pair of my ratty old jeans and put on my faded out yellow t-shirt with a sunflower on it. I was really hoping this time that someone would give me a job, I really need to buy my grandfather's medication and pay off that nasty hospital bill. I walked into town and started to hit up the boutique shops. The sales ladies turned there nose's up at me, once I left the shop I could hear them laughing at me. It made my cheeks burn, but then I walked over to a few restaurants who also turned me down since I had no experience. How are you supposed to get experience if no one will hire you?

I finally walked over to the bookstore, which was my favorite place in town. I might not be able to buy any of the books but the manger knew me and he let me sit in the store for as long as I wanted and just read, even though he knew I couldn't afford to buy any of them. Once in a while he would let me take a few. Unfortunately there wasn't a library so the book store was the only place I could read.

"Hello Levy, how are you today?" The manager said smiling at me.

"I'm alright Freed, how are you?"

"I'm great, so have you come today to read some more books? We just got a new shipment in of all the new releases." He said smiling at me.

"Actually I didn't come here to read." He raised a curious brow, "I was wondering if you would hire me?" He smiled sadly at me. Oh no I know that look, he was going to turn me down, "Wait!" I said quickly, "Before you turn me down just here me out! I would be a great employee, I am great with people, and I've been in this store so many times I know where everything is! I'm also a fast learner."

"Levy I'd would love to hire you." I smiled brightly, I felt my heart flutter with excitement, "But I can't. My store isn't doing the best right now, I'm actually going to have to make some tough cuts and let a few of my employee's go. I'm so sorry." I felt my stomach clench up tightly and I nodded.

"I understand." I said softly, I felt my eyes water so I quickly left the store before he could see me break down. I sat down on the curb of one of the streets. I felt so hopeless at this point. I had tried to get a job countless times now and I've applied to every place in town and I have been turned down. No one was going to hire me. I was officially screwed. What am I going to do? My grandfather needs money for his medicine and if I didn't get him some in the next month or so he was going to be facing some serious consequences. Consequences I didn't even want to think about right now. All I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and cry, but I can't give up. There has to be another way….

"Levy!" I heard two voices yell. I turned and saw my two best friends Jet and Droy. They ran over to me and sat down next to me; one on each side of me. They must be back in town for the weekend, they are attending college like every other student.

"Hey guys." I said trying to smile but my smile turned into more a grimace.

They looked at me with concern, "Still no luck with the job hunt?" Jet asked.

I shook my head, "No one will hire me…"

"Then it's their lost!" Droy said, "Anyone would be lucky to have you."

I gave him a fake smile, trying to make him feel a little better, "Thanks Droy." I spaced out as Jet and Droy started to talk about college. I saw the Redfox mansion, it was visible even though it was like three miles away. The mansion was huge. The biggest I've ever seen; I wonder who lives there.

"Oh…don't you know? Gajeel Redfox lives in there…"

I blinked and looked at Jet, "What did you just say?"

"I said Gajeel Redfox lives in there…you were asking who lived there." Oh I didn't even realize I said that part out loud.

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"Everyone knows that Levy, his family own this huge business empire." Jet said.

"I heard that if you go into that house…you never come out." Droy said.

Jet nodded, "Yeah I heard that if you enter his house he'll eat you!"

I looked at them skeptically, "You can't be serious!" I started to giggle.

"We are!" They said together then finally Jet said, "The last person who went in there…never came out. He is supposedly some kind of cannibal, he cuts you into little pieces. Drains your blood so he'll have something to drink while he eats your internal organs and flesh. Then he picks his teeth with your bones." That sent shivers down my spine, but I refused to let them scare me. Bullshit. That couldn't be true…could it? Well despite that, he seems to have a lot of money. Money he probably wouldn't even know is missing if I were to take it…

I got up and headed down the street, "I'll see you guys later!" I waved them goodbye and headed towards the Redfox mansion. As I walked towards the mansion it got dark, I shook out any cannibal thoughts that entered my head. There is no way he is a cannibal! I did feel guilty for wanting to steal from him but I'm desperate right now. My grandfather needs his medication and since I can't get a job, this is the only way to get the money. Once I reached the Redfox Mansion I sighed when I saw the ten foot tall gate that kept intruders out. I knew I wouldn't be able to climb it so I started to dig a hole under the gate until I could crawl through it. I finally squeezed my body through it and I was in his front yard. The yard was beautiful it had a gazebo and a gorgeous fountain. I quietly walked through the yard until I saw a window cracked open. There wasn't any lights on in the mansion, none that I could see; I took that as a good sign that no one was home. I crawled through the window and all I could see was darkness. I need to find his safe somehow. So I walked through the dark not brave enough to turn on the lights. I used what little light I could from the moon to try and find my way around, but I suddenly heard loud footsteps coming from the stairs. Someone was coming downstairs. Oh my god!

I dove behind the couch, and waited and prayed that I wouldn't be spotted. The dark figure walked through the house not even bothering to turn on the lights. Once I was sure the figure left the room I darted towards the stars and run up them. I'm sure if there was a safe in this house it would be upstairs. My eyes adjusted to the darkness so it made it a little easier to find my way around the huge house. I slowly opened a door and saw that the room was personal study. Yes! The safe has to be in here somewhere. I tapped the wall softly trying to find it, then when I heard a mental clink come from the wall I realized that I found the safe. I pressed my ear against the safe while fiddling with the dial, I needed the combination to get in.

Suddenly the room was filled with light and I could see, "Better?" I heard a chilling voice say. "Or do you need the combination too?" I looked and saw a very tall man with long wavy black hair, he had piercings all over his face. I gasped realizing that he had caught me red handed. He was glaring at me fiercely.

"I…um…I should go…"I stammered. I tried to head to the door quickly but he had blocked it and there was no way to get past him.

"Haven't you heard the rumors?" He said smirking evilly.


"Once you come in here, you never come out." He walked towards me and I kept backing away. He finally backed me into a corner and placed his hands on the wall above my head, "And sweetheart you're never leaving."

Authors Note: Alright so I'm finally writing fanfiction again! Yaaaay! I'm sorry I disappeared hopefully I will be able to keep up with this story. I'm sorry for some of you who were reading Fairy Tail University but that one is currently on hold, hopefully I'll start it up again later on. Anyways I hope you liked this one, please read and review!