RUHLSAR000 Here! And this has been burning in my head since the season finally. I am sensing a pattern with season finale of this show and longer story. I worry for season 3. For those following Ner Vod, it will still be my primary story. However, I will be updating this when I can (Unless it break the site with how popular it is). And when I have multiple chapters (As I do right now) I will be switching back and forth between them each week. I DO NOT OWN STAR WARS REBELS! GIVE IT UP FOR THE MOUSE! I apologize for errors, delays and author's notes.

Ezra smirks, watching the new parents. They really are down right entertaining. They have yet to get over the new parent angst, something he found ironic, considering they practically raised him. They haven't even realized he is here yet.

"No, the diaper bag is by the door." Hera shifts the little baby on her hip. The baby lifts up her hands and pulls at her lekku. Hera gently pulls her hands away, "Ah, ah, sweetheart, don't pull at my lekku."

"Why is it by the door and not the changing table?" Kanan says, getting up with the guide of the side of the changing table.

"Because we don't need it at the changing table. We need it when we travel." Hera huffs.

"Right, right. Did we pack enough clothes?" Kanan asks, putting a hand on the wall to guide him to the dresser, having not yet memorized the layout of the nursery.

"I think so… We have a change of cloth for her nap. One for after her nap. One for when she makes a mess of Ezra's dinner. One for sleeping tonight. One for tomorrow morning. One for a spare. And then we should be back." Hera checks off

"What about when she spits up?" Kanan asks.

"Grab another two. And few changes of clothes for Ezra." Hera says, only half-joking on the last bit.

Ezra smirks, "You know, its not like I can't pop back over here if there is anything I need, right? It's not like we live in different buildings."

"Ezra," Hera turns and smiles. The baby reaches out her little arms. "Is it time already?"

"Yeah." Ezra smiles at the couple.

"I think we packed every thing." Kanan smile bring out two fuzzy textured onesies. Ezra bites back the guilt. It's because of him that Kanan will never be able to see his daughter. His younger self had been so stupid and put both of them through hell. And yet, both forgave him. It boggles the mind. Kanan frowns, clearly sensing Ezra's thoughts. "Clothes, formula, bottles, diapers, wipes, powder, toys… Anything else?"

Ezra raises an eyebrow, "Someplace for her to sleep. I don't have a crib, remember?"

Both Kanan and Hera's eyebrows shoot up. Both their heads pop over to the crib as if wondering how to move it to Ezra's apartment. Ezra shakes his head. "How about I borrow your couch for the night? Less moving around for Asha."

Both nod. Kanan shakes his head. "Why didn't I think of that?"

"Are you okay with that?" Hera asks.

"Whatever works best for Asha, I am fine with." Ezra smiles, taking Asha into his arms. Asha smacks her tannish hand against his cheek. Asha looks so much like her father. Sure, she has patches of Hera's green skins, especially on the top of her head where her lekku were developing and down he shoulders, and the shape of her face is a hundred percent her mother. But her eyes… They were a hundred percent her father's once water colored eyes. And her remaining skin is her fathers.

And she is so small. He's not sure where she got that from

Ezra shifts Asha so she is fully supported by one arm before giving her what she wants, his finger. Asha lets out a giggle as she grabs his finger. "You have your bags packed?" Ezra asks.

"We were the easy ones to pack for." Hera smiles, hugging Ezra and Asha. She gives Asha an extra kiss. Kanan comes over and kisses his daughter. He ruffles Ezra's hair. Ezra just laughs. They may be older now, and Ezra may have become a Jedi knight, after a agonizingly long bumpy road involving tip-toeing with the dark side and a brief fall, but he is still Kanan's padawan and brother. The group moves into the main room.

"Hera? Where did you put-" Kanan nearly trips over the bags, but catches himself. Ezra winces, blaming himself. Asha smacks his face. Ezra smiles at her, sending a calming happy feeling. Kanan gives a chuckle, "Found them."

Hera pauses, "Emergency numbers are-"

"On the fridge next to her schedule and both are memorized." Ezra rolls his eyes, then add "And I think I am even on that list as a primary emergency contact."

"Yes, you are." Kanan chuckles, lifting up the bags. "We should be back some time tomorrow."

"I know." Ezra smiles. He was in the room when they got assigned this mission. He even suspects Luke assigned them this mission to get them to get a babysitter and a little space away from the temple. They have gotten a little frazzled in the nine months since Asha was born. They've gotten the grove but they are still new parent, so it isn't surprising. "Get some good work done. I've got it covered."

"We know." Kanan smiles. "See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow." Hera sighs.

"We'll be fine. See you tomorrow." Ezra chuckles, as he senses their moods. It is amazing that no doubt exist in them, Ezra thinks. With what I did to everyone… But they welcomed me back. I can never pay them back.

Kanan frowns, patting his shoulder. Ezra looks at the band covering Kanan's eyes. "Sorry…" Ezra can't help but whisper.

"Ezra, you have apologize everyday for the past twelve years. What do I need to do to get it through that amazingly thick head of yours that I don't blame you." Kanan huffs.

"I know." Ezra sighs, adding silently, But I blame me… It is easier now than when he was younger and he is happy now, but the guilt is there. It is always there. It will always be there.

Kanan sighs. "Take care of yourself."

"Geez, you guys didn't worry this much when I went undercover as a cadet." Ezra shakes his head

"Are you kidding? I'm amazed I didn't need to replace the floor boards from Kanan's passing." Hera laughs, with a smirk. Her plan works.

Ezra burst into laughter. Asha smiles, leaning into Ezra's chest. "Go on. Get going."

"Right, Right." Hera smiles as they finally leave.

As the door closes, Ezra smiles at Asha. "Right, how about we put on one of those brightly color movies from that company that scars kids that don't have to go through painful childhood so they are some what normal?" Ezra lifts her up to her face. Asha giggles. Ezra spins around earning a giggle from her. He sets her against his chest and pops on one of those movies, the one about a talking animals, bright musical numbers, and politically intrigue involving murder.

Asha laughs and stares wide eyed at the flashing colors, not grasping anything but pretty colors as she sits in Ezra's lap, her favorite ring toy in hand. "Do me a favor, kid." Asha doesn't respond, instead sticking her ring in her mouth. Ezra chuckles lightly, tickling her belly. "Let this be the only trauma you face." Asha looks up at him, pushing her keys into his face. Ezra laughs.

The rest of the day passes calmly. Ezra keeping a firm read on Asha's emotions, using it to tell when she was hungry, need a change or anything else. She doesn't need to learn patience at under a year old. Ezra thinks to himself.

Finally, after somehow coaxing a lullaby out of him, something Ezra found very impressive, she falls asleep in his arms. He walks back into the nursery and sets her down on her stomach in her crib. He slides her tooka doll under her arm. And for a time, he just leans on the edge of the crib and watches his sudo-niece.

Thoughts without form flit through his head. He didn't deserve to be part of this family… He is grateful for each of them… He will do anything, sacrifice anything for them… But others' pain and suffering isn't on the plate, just his own… This is the only family he'll ever get…

Maybe Kanan suspects something… Maybe not… Children are off the plate for him… Can never be again after his stint with the dark side… No one knows… He can't sentence another to the same feeling… So, he'll just protect this one… and all the other little ones to pass through the temple…

He gently rubs her back. "Don't grow up to quickly. Kanan won't be able to take it. And… neither can I…" He quietly leaves cracking the door open so he can keep an ear out. He sits down in the middle of the living room area and meditates. He listens to the ebbs and flows and drifts of the Force.

The brightness nearly blinds him. So many pure Force signatures, glowing brightly and innocently. His is different, still light but… tempered… There is no innocence.

Finally, after a few hours he pulls out of it. He stands stretching out with a yawn. He goes to grab a pillow and blanket from the closet when his head snaps to the nursery…

Centering himself, he walks over to the door and slips in. His hand falls onto his cross-bladed lightsaber. The room is empty. Nothing is out of place.

He senses everything in the apartment. Only him and Asha are here. With a flick of his hand, he locks the main door. Asha groans in her sleep. Ezra ignores it, he has more important thing on his mind. He walks to the nursery's window, looking over everything out there. But…

He locks the window, not withdrawing his focus… Nothing…

He won't question the Force.

His eyes snap open. He slides the curtains closed. Silently, he picks up Asha, slips the diaper bag on to her shoulder and carries her to the main room. He grabs his comm off the counter. "Master Skywalker." He says calmly.

"Master Bridger?" Luke's voice comes through, though he is clearly sleepy.

"I just got a bad feeling," Ezra says.

"I'll be right there." Luke is awake, as if some one gave him a stim shot.

"Have the guards run a parameter search. Do not let them engage." Ezra says, worried.

"Right." Luke says. It only takes ten minutes for Luke to get there, but it is ten minutes too long for Ezra. Eventually, thought, he senses Luke knock on the door. Ezra opens the door. Luke looks at him, confused.

"I am not letting Asha stay here." Ezra says. "Grab the stroller. I'd like to have one hand free for my lightsaber if need be."

Luke nods, grabs the folded up stroller and gestures for them to follow. The three rush down the halls, Luke leading the way. They get to Luke's apartment, in the center of the new temple. Ezra peals off the diaper bag and opens the stroller in one hand. He locks the wheels and sets Asha in it. Asha yawns in her sleep. Ezra pauses, then straightens up. "Watch Asha for me."

"I need to lead the search." Luke protests.

"I will lead it. My feeling remember?" Ezra says. "We'll need someone to coordinate the movements."

Luke nods. Ezra gives on last look to Asha, before rushing out the door. He reaches the area outside Asha's nursery. Night is displaying itself in all its glory with an orchestra of croaks and chirps. Ezra closes his eyes, stretching out his sense to the hundreds of tiny animals in the vicinity. "Sorry for the intrusion." A mouse's memory of almost being stepped on not to long ago... There was a person looking into Asha's room, Ezra realizes, holding back bile.

The person left… That way…

Ezra sprints of in that direction, dodging trees, boulders and rocks, as he follows the animals' memories. Finally, he comes to a clearing with a man covered in a dark cloak. "Who are you? What were you doing outside my niece's room?" Ezra demands, hand hovering over his lightsaber.

The clocked figure pulls out a double lightsaber hilt. Two red blades activate. Ezra grabs his lightsaber and activates its.

The figure attacks, locking sabers with Ezra. The hood falls. "Maul!" Ezra yells in surprise and breaks the lock. "Didn't you fall into a volcano?"

Maul swings at his head. Ezra block. Maul swings back attacking Ezra's back. Ezra flicks his lightsaber behind him, blocking Maul's attack. Ezra throws a sidekick into Mauls gut, sending him back.

"I know, your moves, Maul. You've been using the same moves for over thirty years." Ezra taunts, readjusting his stance. It probably won't do much, but taunting can be used to distract an opponent. And given that it takes more concentration to actual stop him from doing it, he let it have free reign.

Maul isn't phased. He spins, striking at Ezra again. Ezra ducks the strike, counter striking his legs. Maul flips using the jump to put extra power into a downward strike. Ezra takes the opportunity to strike his opponent. Their lightsabers clash and locks.

"Why are you even here? Didn't you learn anything from our last fight?" Ezra says.

"I merely am looking for an apprentice. The halfling will do rather nicely." Maul smirks.

Ezra knows what Maul is playing at. Ezra releases his anger at the statement to the Force, letting it give him a calm clear mind. He sends out a Force pulse, moves faster than he ever has, blocking all of Maul's attack, pushing him back.

Maul , so distracted by the flurry of lightsaber stricks, trips on a root. Ezra points his lightsaber at his neck. The two glare at each other. In one move, Ezra deactivates his lightsaber and hits Maul hard enough with his hilt to knock him out. "You're lucky I took an oath never to kill again." Ezra says, pulling out his com. "Guards, I need you in section four-two. Bring restraints…" He glances down at Maul. "And Force-suppressers. Lots of Force surpres-" Ezra lets out a yell, as pain erupts in his side. Ezra spins around only to see Maul's back fleeing.

Ezra takes a step to follow, but his legs give out as the wound inflicks more pain. He holds pressure on his wound. A branch breaks. Ezra ignites his blade at the direction of the sound. He lowers his guard when he sees it is one of the non-Force-sensitive guards the new temple is currently employing.

"Master Bridger!" The guard shouts. Ezra winces, I don't deserve to be called master… I never will… "Where is the prisoner?"

"Gone." Ezra winces.

"Master Bridger, your injured!" The guard shouts. Ezra bites back a sarcastic remark. The guard pulls out a com, "We have an injured Jedi. Bring the stretcher!"

Ezra sweetdrops. "I'm good. I don't need a stretcher."

"Lie down! Stay with me! Don't go into the light!" The guard pushes him down. "Oh, I should do first aid. Oh, lift your hand."

"It's not bad. It is deep, but lightsaber wounds cauterize immediately." Ezra says, as the clearly very green or "Shiny" guard pries off his hand.

"Oh… Wow… That's…." The guard promptly faints at the sight of the wound. Ezra facepalms.

"Well, I guess we will be using that stretcher." He sighs, looking down at the wound. He grabs the guard's comm. "Yeah, you may need to bring a second stretcher…" He calls, looking at the depth and length of the wound and thinking, Yeah, don't want to break the cauterization.

It takes five minutes for the only biological medic, Marian Trop, a human with a short brown bob, and six guards to arrive with two stretchers. They quickly attach both to the stretchers, with a laugh at the poor guard who passed out.

It takes them twenty minutes to get to Medical Wing. The medic examines his wound the entire time. "It is deep enough to have hit your liver." Marian says. "Well, need to clean it before we close it which is going to need more than a few internal stitches, however, I am concerned about breaking the cauterization."

"I am going under, aren't I Doc?" Ezra shakes his head.

"Unfortunately, I do see that as the best option." Marian nods.

"Pass me a com." Ezra says. Marian passes him one. "Skywalker," He comms.

"Yeah," The master answers, to the sound of wailing in the background. "Sorry, she just started crying and I have no idea what to do."

Ezra pauses and listens to her cry. It is a very familiar one. "That's her 'I want someone' cry. Try various toy's in the bag, each represents someone to her and can stand in for them for a while."

"Thanks." Luke says, "You okay? I heard a call for an injured Jedi and with three trained Jedi…"

"I… It's not bad but I am going need surgery to close the wound. Please keep her safe until I am back in the land of the live." Ezra says.

"Of course." Luke says. "Looks like I'll be teaching doubles tomorrow…"

"Triples. In other words, everyone. See ya when I get out." Ezra says. "May the Force be with you."

"May the Force be with you." Luke says back worried for his friend and one of a few remaining Jedi.

They get to the Medical Wing shortly after that. The droids and Marian buzz around him like bees, one even stings him with an IV. Finally, the world starts to fade after one adds something to his IV. One… Two… Three… Fou…

Dark swarms around Ezra. Time doesn't matter. He knows it is passing, but Faster than normal.

Finally, after what feels like thirty minutes, but was longer than that he pulls out and back in a brightly lit room. Marian is fussing over the vitals displayed on some machine. "What's the prognosis, Doc?" Ezra whispers, hoarsely.

"At least a week of bed rest and no strenuous activity for a while." She turns to him. "You nearly bled out on the operating table and had to have thirty three external stitches."

"Don't worry. I don't feel like getting up." He jokes.

"You say that now." Marian rolls her eyes. "Just know I will have the guards stun your ass and drag you back here while I cackle maniacally, if and when you try to escape."

"We aren't that bad." Ezra protest weekly. Ezra looks at the clock. First period is done… Though right now all three classes are combined… Poor Luke… Thirty-six kids from five to seventeen…

"Don't even think about it." Marian orders getting up. "My office is right outside. And I would strongly advise against crawling through dust covered vents when you're on antibiotics."

"I know, I know. I lived on the street for eight years. I had to deal with thinking like that for years." Ezra sighs. "Can someone get me my datapad? I want to prep some future lessons."

"Sure, I'll see if Luke can spare a student." Marian nods. Ezra slips into a meditative state to pass the time. A knock comes from the door. Ezra blinks away the meditation. "Hello Addy." Ezra smiles at the seven year old. "How's your little sister?"

"She's good, Master. She is going to start preschool next month." Addy says. "Um... are you alright?"

"Oh yes," Ezra reassures. "I'll be back to teaching in like week, so don't forget about your homework."

"Yes, Master." Addy smiles, shifting the Data pad in her hand, before remembering it's there. "Right, here you go, Master." She rushes over and crawls onto the bed and hands him the datapad.

Ezra ruffles her hair, "Thank you, Young One. Now, back to class with you. Yes, I am fine. Go on."

"Yes Master." The girl says cheerfully and dashing out the door.

Ezra smiles, looking down at the datapads. These kids are amazing, Ezra thinks as he turns on the datapad.

He begins prepping the slides for his lecture on the Force Visions that was schedule for the day after tomorrow after lessons finished.

As he finishes typing, Should We Listen?, the title of his conclusion slides, a loud bang come from the door. Ezra's head snaps up. Kanan is trying to rush in, though failing due to not letting the door open all the way. "Hi?" Ezra says, a chuckle on his breath.

Kanan sighs in relief, letting the door open. He and Hera, with Asha in her arms, stream in. Asha reaches out towards Ezra with her tooka in her hand, far more desperately than normal and looking on the edge of tears. Ezra sets down his datapad and holds out his arms. "What happened?" Hera demands not handing over her baby until she knew her baby would accidentally hurt her injured baby. "We come back. Try and find you in your class room to take Asha, only to find Luke trying to teach triples in the courtyard while calming a shirking Asha shoving her tooka in his face." Asha burst into tears and began wailing, calling Hera's attention. "Sh… Hush…" Hera starts bouncing her. Asha waves her tooka again. Tooka? But that's… She's been worried about me all this time? Ezra thinks as he sends calming waves to the child. Asha calms almost immediately but still looks huffy.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Kanan asks.

"I had a bad feeling last night." Ezra says. Kanan and Hera pale at hearing that. A bad feeling for me is never just a bad feeling. Why did I have to be the most prophetic of the three of us? Ezra sighs. "Took Asha to Luke and went to investigate…" Ezra pauses.

"What is it?" Kanan gently puts his hand on his shoulder.

Ezra sighs, "Maul." Kanan tenses as Hera hugs Asha closer to her. It is only then reality hits Ezra, Maul had found the Jedi temple… Did that mean the remains of the Empire wouldn't be far behind? Would they need to up root everyone? All the students? All their families? The Church of the Force? The temple town has a hundred and fifty three inhabitance. Are they all going to have to move?

"Are you alright?" Kanan asks.

"Yeah, he just nicked me in the side while he was fleeing." Ezra reassures.

"If it were a nick, Luke wouldn't be teaching triples." Hera says, knowing Ezra.

Ezra begins trying to explain. "It was a little deep and a little long and with the blood lose during surgery-"

"Surgery!" Both Kanan and Hera shout as the start.

"Just to close and clean the wound. It was just thirty some odd stitches and I am going to stop talking now." Ezra decides as he sees their faces.

"Why is he back?" Hera asks worried.

"He said he was looking for an apprentice…" Ezra answers, looking at Asha.

Kanan feels his brother's anxiety. "Ezra?"

Hera follows his eyes. What Ezra said click in her eyes. Hera gasps follows almost immediately as she cradles Asha closer. The thought hits Kanan at the same moment. He wraps his arms around his wife and child.

Ezra looks over the family, "He won't get her. I promise… I promise…"

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