A.N. Hey guys! I know you've been thinking that I've been working on "The Sparrow Man with the Cuckoo Clock Heart," but uh...I've been procrastinating. Surprise! Anyway, right now I'm stuck in a car in the middle of nowhere with my mom and brother seeing as we WERE coming back from Athens, GA visiting some family when the oil pressure dropped. Seeing as there's nothing else to do, I'm starting a new story that just happens to be a watching the movie for the Tinkerbell fandom, mostly because I didn't see anything for this fandom. So here I go!


It was a regular evening in Pixie Hollow.

Well, ALMOST regular.

For somewhere far away, in London, (or the mainland as the fairies tend to call it) a baby girl laughed for the first time, and every fairy could sense it, from the tinkers to Queen Clarion.

Now this was a big deal for the parents, but it was an even BIGGER deal for the Never Fairies, for whenever that happened, a new fairy was born.

But before they could do anything when the instinctual knowledge went through them, a bright light consumed all the fairies and teleported them to a strange room, with sun on one side and snow on the other. (Yes, even the Winter fairies got teleported!)

Queen Clarion was shocked at seeing her lover again after three centuries, and her eyes blinked back tears.

Lord Milori stared at her with a look of equal longing.

As for all the other fairies, they just stood around in confusion.

Until a girl materialized in front of them.

She looked to be about 19-20 years old, with dirty blonde hair, glasses, a tee-shirt, some jeans, and a big smile on her face.

"WOW, I can't believe my spell actually worked!" She squealed.

"But enough of that, there's one more person I want you to meet," she said just before the waved her hand and a blonde fairy with a green dress appeared.

"Where am I? Who am I? Who are you people?" She glanced around frightened.

The girl made an attempt to calm her down.

"Don't worry, Tinker Bell, I am Kaitlin, and these are the fairies of Pixie Hollow."

Queen Clarion gracefully flew forward.

"Pardon me, Kaitlin, but may I ask why you've brought us here?"

"Ah, good question. You're here because I want to show you all your destiny, and how they intertwine with Tinker Bell here."

Kaitlin gestured to Tinker Bell, who appeared to calm down.

That calmness didn't last long, for Vidia zipped up and began to yell.

"And WHY should we listen to YOU? YOU brought us here, not of our own free will, might I add, to watch our DESTINIES? Well, I for one am not interested in it, and I say we should get out of here!"

Kaitlin calmly walked up.

"You should know, Vidia, that I'm more powerful than you are, and I can rip your wings off with one hand tied behind my back. If you don't sit down right this instant, I will do so, with no restrictions."

Vidia looked pale, and fluttered to her seat in the front row.

Iridessa, Fawn, Rosetta, and Silvermist sat next to her, as did Tinkerbell, since she felt an odd connection to them.

Queen Clarion, the Ministers, and the talent supervisors sat in the row behind them, while the rest of the fairies found a seat wherever they wished.

On the winter side, Gliss, Spike, Sled, Slush, Dewey, and Lord Milori sat in the front row, while the other winter fairies did much the same thing as their warm fairy counterparts.

Kaitlin stood in front of the seats with the movie screen behind her.

"Okay, this first destiny, known as a "movie" on the mainland, is called Tinkerbell, and before you ask, yes this is the same Tinker Bell you see here, and her arrival is what you were about to witness when I called you here. Any questions? No? Then let's begin!"

The "movie screen" flickered to life.

A.N. Pretty long prologue, eh? Well anyway, there's the first chapter! See you soon! And in case you were wondering, the car's fixed and we're driving home now.