A.N. Hey guys, sorry for the four-year wait. A LOT has happened...mostly my procrastinating, but I'm a freshman in college now! Anyway, you may want to read over the previous chapters, I added/changed a few things. Also, to answer your Periwinkle questions, my plan is to bring her in right before Secret of the Wings and have an interlude chapter where she's watching the movies and everyone (including me) hangs out. Anyway, on with the chapter!


Moving on...

(EXT. FLOWER MEADOW – DAY. Bobble pulled Cheese to a stop as the wagon rolled into Flower Meadow. Bobble consulted his leaf-scroll list)

BOBBLE: Right! Here we are. A pretty large order of pollen pots for the…

(He flinched as a purple blur zipped past them with a whoosh!)

"Ah, finally!" smirked Vidia.

(The blur slowed for a moment. It was Vidia. She twirled around and around, whipping the air into a funnel of wind. The funnel hovered over a flower, sucking up the pollen. Then it moved to another flower and repeated the trick)

(Tink was mesmerized as she watched the pollen-yellow whirlwind gather more and more dust out of the flowers. Neither Clank nor Bobble seemed to pay much attention. She guessed they had seen all this before. But Tink was fascinated, and she wanted to learn more about this fairy)

Most of the fairies shook their heads in pity for the new Arrival.

Vidia just rolled her eyes and scoffed.

(Clank unloaded some pollen pots, and Bobble looked at his leaf scroll, figuring out their next stop)

Bobble: Last thing is berry bushels to deliver to the glen…

(Tink interrupted)

Tinker Bell: Is it okay if I just catch up with you later?

(Bobble shrugged)

Bobble: Oh, I suppose.

Clank: Can you find your way back?

(He put down the last of the pots and took up the axle again)

(Tinker Bell's eyes were still glued on Vidia)

Tinker Bell: Yeah, yeah. Sure I can.

BOBBLE: Well, I… All right, then.

Clank: Just be careful!

(As the wagon rumbled off, Tinker Bell flew over the flowers and followed behind Vidia, who was busy guiding the whirlwind toward the pollen pots)

Tink turned to Vidia.

"What's the pollen even for, anyway?"

Vidia shot an unamused look at her.

"What do YOU think it's for?" she drawled.


"That's what I thought..."

Rosetta tapped on Tink's shoulder.

"We need it to help seeds begin to grow; or in other words, to fertilize them," she whispered.

Tinker Bell: Hi, there!

(Her voice startled Vidia so much that she lost control of the pollen-filled whirlwind. The stray wind spun away from the two fairies, throwing pollen everywhere and knocking over the carefully stacked pots)

Tinker Bell: Sorry.

(Vidia glared at her, pollen was swirling in the air between them. This wasn't going at all the way Tink had hoped. She smiled sheepishly and tried again)

Tinker Bell: Vidia, right?

Vidia: (violently) (SNEEZES)

All the fast flyers shoot a surprised look at Vidia.

"You have hay fever?" asked Zephyr.

Vidia quickly silences the group with a death glare.

"Mention it again, and I'll MURDER you!" she hissed.

(Her black ponytail momentarily flipped forward. Then, without a word, she flew away to continue her work)

(But Tink was determined to make friends)

Tinker Bell: We didn't officially meet. I'm Tinker Bell.

(Vidia came to a stop and gave her a long look)

Vidia: Oh, yes. The new girl.

Tinker Bell: That's right! So, what's your talent?

(Vidia began spinning again, until she was nothing but a blur. When she slowed down enough to be visible, she fixed Tink with a cocky glare)

Vidia: What do you think it is?

Vidia smirked again, glad that she hasn't changed in the future.

Kaitlin smiles knowingly.

(Tink bit her lips)

Tinker Bell: You're a pollen-izer? Pollen-ator?

(Vidia's eyes narrowed)

Tinker Bell: Pollen-picker? Pollen-plucker?

(Vidia looked at Tinker Bell)

Vidia: I am a fast-flying fairy, a true rare talent. And this is but a small part of what I do. I make breezes in the summer, blow down leaves in the fall. My winds even brought you here, dear. Fairies of every talent depend on me.

"What about us?" asked Clank.

(Tinker Bell smiled)

Tinker Bell: Hey, that's just like what I do.

Vidia: (SNORTS) Excuse me?

Tinker Bell: I mean, tinkers help fairies of every talent, too. So we're kind of the same, you know?

(Vidia's wings fanned slowly. She draped an arm over Tink's shoulders and leaned closer)

Vidia: Sweetie, I make forces of nature. You make pots and kettles. I work up in the sky, and you work down in a ditch.

Tinker Bell: Hey!

Vidia: Don't get me wrong, sunshine. Being a tinker is really swell and all, but I wouldn't go around bragging about your talent. It's not like spring depends on you.

"HEY!" fumed Fairy Mary.

She buzzed out of her seat and gets in Vidia's face.

She presses a finger against her chest.

"Why, I ought to-"

Queen Clarion goes over to her and puts a hand on her shoulder.

"Mary, go back to your seat," she says calmly.

"But she insulted my talent guild!"

"Please...I'll handle it."

Mary starts counting to ten, and does as her best friend says.

Clarion, on the other hand, cocks a displeased eyebrow at the fastest of the fast-fliers.

"You would do well to remember, Vidia, that all talents are important. ESPECIALLY the Tinkers. I expect a full apology from you in Tinker's Nook...or else, you won't be going to the Mainland for Spring."

Vidia gasps and stands up.


"Vidia, that may be true, but remember: a talent is what you're best at. Humans all have their own talents, and while they may not be as magical as ours, they are still valuable. In the meantime, I want you to sit down, and we'll discuss this once we are back in Pixie Hollow."

Queen Clarion gracefully flies back to her seat and sits.

Vidia, still fuming, does the same.

(Tinker Bell refused to be put down)

Tinker Bell: Of course it does! And when I go to the mainland, I'll prove just how important we are.

Every fairy (ESPECIALLY the tinkers) shoot a surprised look at Tinker Bell that she doesn't see.

(Vidia looked confused)

Vidia: When who goes to the mainland?

(Tink almost rolled her eyes)

Tinker Bell: Me, of course! For spring!

(Vidia smiled. It wasn't a very nice smile)

Vidia: Oh, of course. You'll prove it, huh?

Tinker Bell: Yes, I will.

(Vidia's nasty smile got bigger)

Vidia: Well, I, for one, am looking forward to that. Excuse me.

(She flew off so fast, Tink could hardly see her go)

Tinker Bell: No. Excuse me.

(Okay. So it wasn't much of a comeback–but at least Tink had the last word)

"True," admitted Snowflake, the most plain-spoken of the Ministers.

(EXT. BEACH, NEVER LAND – DUSK. Tinker Bell flew over Pixie Hollow, replaying in her mind the exchange with Vidia)

Tinker Bell: (mimicking Vidia's sarcastic voice) "Mine is a rare talent." Ugh.

(Tink snorted in disgust)

Tinker Bell: Try and tell me tinkers don't matter. I'll show her what a rare talent really is, when I…

(She broke off as a glint of light caught her eye. It was coming through the trees below)

"What's that?" Tink asks to herself curiously.

Fairy Mary frowns, having a good idea what it is.

(Curious, Tink flew down to investigate. She followed the glint to a sandy cove near where the ocean's waves lapped gently against Never Land's shore. She landed where she thought she'd seen the glint and began digging with her hands)

(Before long, Tinker Bell uncovered a silver coin. She turned the coin from side to side, watching it catch and reflect the fading rays of the sun. It sparkled so beautifully!)

Fairy Mary rolls her eyes at the sight of that "junk."

(Are there any more of these? she wondered. She began to dig again)

(The sand yielded treasure after treasure)

(First she unearthed a huge brass screw. She spun it on her finger)

(Then Tink found a spring. She loved the way she could push and pull it and then watch it snap back into shape with a defiant sproing!)

(But the most fascinating thing she found was an eyeglass lens about the size of a fairy's window. Tink put her hand behind it and watched the lens magnify and distort her fingers. She laughed out loud)

"Wow..." Tink whispers.

Even some of the other fairies (the tinkers included) seem fascinated.

While everyone HAS seen Lost Things before, they are curious as to what's going on in that new Arrival's head as she interacts with them on screen.

(Tinker Bell hurried to gather up all her treasures, piling them into a wobbly stack in her arms)

(Tink smiled happily. She wasn't just a tinker fairy–she was a treasure-finding fairy! Here she was, brand-new to Pixie Hollow, and already she had discovered these amazing things. Tink wasn't sure just how, but she knew that with these treasures, she would surely find a way to prove herself)

(Then Vidia would see how important a tinker fairy could be!)

(INT. TINKER WORKSHOP – EVENING. Bobble looked up from his bench when Tink flew into the workshop with her armful of treasures)

Bobble: Hey, Tink, what you got there?

Tinker Bell: Oh, hi. I don't know. I just found them.

(She plopped the treasures down on her worktable. Clank and Bobble hurried to examine them)

Clank: (SNIFFS) Lost things.

(Tinker Bell frowned)

Tinker Bell: Lost things.

(Bobble nodded)

BOBBLE: Aye. Stuff gets lost and washes up on Neverland from time to time. You know, from the mainland.

Tinker Bell: These come from the mainland? That place sounds more fascinating all the time.

Gliss nods her head excitedly.

"Oh, it IS exciting! Especially all those inventions that the-"

Kaitlin interrupts.

"AGAIN, no mentioning of that word until the third movie! You know, how about I do this?"

She snaps her fingers.

"What d'you do this time?" asked Dewey.

Kaitlin smiles mysteriously.

"Try saying that word and you'll find out..."

"What word? You mean -?" Siilvermist asks.

Fawn gasps.

"Cool! -...-!...-! Cool, it even works without the S at the end!" she cheers.

Everyone else tests it out at once before Kaitlin restores order.

"Okay, guys, that's enough! Everyone focus back on the movie!

(Before Clank could answer, Fairy mary came bustling by with her seed abacus and checklist, busily taking note of the items and supplies)

Fairy Mary: Berry bushels, check. Pollen pots, check.

(She absently glanced at Tink's worktable)

Fairy Mary: Lost things, check.

(Fairy Mary broke off with a frown)

Fairy Mary: Lost things? Why are you fiddling with that junk?

"Hey, that's not junk! It's fascinating!" Tink quips.

(Tinker Bell shrank under Fairy Mary's disapproving glare)

Tinker Bell: Oh, um… Well, they were just so unusual.

Fairy Mary: You mustn't be wasting your time with that rubbish. And I won't have it cluttering up my workshop.

(She shot a stern look at Clank and Bobble)

Fairy Mary: And as for you two, no more dilly-dallying around. And don't forget about the Queen's review tonight. Goodness, there's still so much to be done! Thank you.

(Fairy Mary started to gather up the Lost Things and flew away with her arms full)

(Clank noticed Tink's disappointed look)

Clank: Sorry about your trinkets, Miss Bell.

Bobble: Well, we'd best be getting ready for the review, anyway.

(Tink lifted her head)

Tinker Bell: What is the Queen's review?

(Bobble rubbed his hands in anticipation)

Bobble: You see, the Queen is going to review all the preparations for spring!

"Makes sense. Lord Milori and Snowflake here do the same for us winter fairies when autumn ends," admits Sled.

(Clank smiled)

Clank: Yeah, it's a good time for us tinkers to show what we can do, eh?

Bobble: Oh, indeed.

(Tink's spirits brightened considerably)

Tinker Bell: Really?

(Clank jerked his head toward the wagon)

CLANK: Like me. I can be a wheel.

(He joked as he and Bobble headed back to their worktables)

(Tink didn't laugh. Her mind was already racing ahead, making plans)

Tinker Bell: Perfect. That's my chance.

(Tink dove into action. She gathered twigs, sap, walnut shells–even silk from a surprised but good-natured spider)

(Her moment was coming, and she had to be ready)

Everyone looks curiously at one another, wondering what Tinker Bell is planning.

A.N. Here you are! Again, I am REALLY sorry for the wait!