Tyler made his way into the museum, taking a quick tour before he started his day. He still wasn't too happy with his father for suggesting they just abandon the team. Even more, Tyler wasn't happy that his father couldn't see him as being able to look after himself. The red Ranger had been caring after himself and his mother for the last ten years, acting as the man of the house because his father had taken off. On top of that, he was a Ranger, the red Ranger. Not only could he take care of himself, but he was responsible for defending the planet. With a team behind him, he had the fate of the world in his hand and he wasn't going to let them down.

He couldn't leave them. Not a chance. His father was wrong to ask him to take off.

As he wandered mindlessly, he ended up in the kids' section of the museum. He only noticed when a little girl bumped into him and looked up to apologize, only to get excited. When Tyler looked down, he noticed the girl who had bumped into him was Cammy. He smiled to see her. She had suffered a long time because of Heckyl and he was glad to see she was finally getting back to her normal life.

"How is that head of yours doing?" he asked her, knowing that her concussion had been injury that had kept her down the longest. Cammy smiled.

"I don't get headaches as much anymore," she said. "My parents say I can go back to school next week!"

"Next week? Already?"

"Yeah, I'm excited! Ms. Patterson got the whole class to make me a card and they all said they missed me. I want to see my friends again."

"I'm sure they're looking forward to seeing you again too," Tyler said with a smile before letting Cammy rush off to play in the sandpit. Meanwhile, he looked around and saw Kendall sitting on one of the benches. She was watching Cammy closely, keeping her eye on the young girl. Tyler made his way over and sat next to her.

"So, Cammy's going back to school, huh?"

Kendall gave a nervous nod. Tyler noticed she had her tablet in her hand, but unlike other times, she didn't seem to have much work done on it. Clearly, her main focus was Cammy. When the little girl tried to reach for one of the shovels, and another kid who wasn't looking where he was running tripped over her, Kendall winced and seemed ready to get up. But when Cammy didn't appear hurt, she let out a deep breath and settled into her seat.

"It's too soon if you ask me," Kendall told Tyler. "But her pediatrician is sure she'll be fine and Cammy's eager to go back. If she thinks she's ready and we've got the okay, I can't really stop her."

"She's a tough kid," Tyler nodded his head. "She's had to look out for herself up until now. I'm sure if she wasn't ready, she'd have let you know."

"Of course," Kendall answered, pausing slightly when another kid tripped a little too close to Cammy. Tyler saw this and chuckled.

"Ms. Morgan, she's going to be fine. You can relax."

Kendall gave a little nod, mostly to acknowledge that she had heard Tyler while still keeping her eyes on Cammy. Tyler chuckled again.

"There's a point where you've got to let go. Her doctor said she's fine..."

"God himself could tell me she was fine and I'd still worry," Kendall muttered as she looked down at her tablet for a moment, then back at Cammy. It seemed the little girl was speaking with another boy and were making plans to dig up the world's biggest dinosaur fossil. She was having fun. Her past injuries seemed to be the furthest thing from her mind. After a moment, Kendall turned to Tyler, "I know, it's a bit ridiculous."

"She will be fine," the red Ranger insisted.

"And I know that. I know she'll go to school and everything will work out, but it's just... It's Cammy. I worry all the time."

"She's a good kid."

"She's great," Kendall nodded her head. "She does what she's told, she's careful, she's a smart kid. But at any time, anything could happen and if it did... I don't know what I'd do."

Tyler looked to Kendall, then back to Cammy. He saw the little girl playing in the sand with the new friend she had made. She seemed happy. It appeared she was having a good time. At the same time, he noticed the way she seemed to be straining her eyes and as time went on she was rubbing them and putting her hand to her head more and more. He knew Kendall noticed this too, as the purple Ranger set her tablet in her purse before making her way over and telling Cammy they were going to get some ice-cream. Tyler followed them to the cafe and stayed with Cammy at the booth while Kendall made the sundae. While they waited, Cammy rested her head on the table. Tyler leaned over.

"You okay?"

"Sometimes my headaches come back," Cammy whispered.

"Ms. Morgan's pretty worried about you going back to school, you know."

"Yeah," Cammy nodded. "All day she told me I could wait another week. But I'm fine, I promise. I wanna see my friends."

Tyler gave a little nod, but he checked the time and saw it was barely noon. Cammy had made it through the morning, but it seemed just the stress of living could still take its toll on her. He doubted, even after a weekend of rest, she would be able to make it a full day back at school.

Maybe, Kendall wasn't completely paranoid. Maybe she was right to worry a little bit.

"She's just trying to make sure you're really ready when you go back. She was really worried when you were hurt."

"Yeah. But I am ready. I can do it."

"If you're sure," Tyler agreed. He got up and started to make his way to the kitchen when Kendall came back to sit with Cammy with a sundae. As the red Ranger put on his apron, he saw his father walking in. Tyler turned his back to the aqua Ranger, but his father called after him. He turned around. "What?"

"Can we talk? Please?"


"Son, I'm sorry," Mr. Navarro interrupted and looked to his son sympathetically. Tyler sighed and nodded, allowing his father to continue. Mr. Navarro smiled softly, "Your team needs you. I get that."

"I have to stay here, dad. I have to help them," he said.

"And I understand that..."

"I can't leave. We can find the last energem as a team. That's for the best."

"I don't think so, Tyler," Mr. Navarro shook his head. "Son, if I'm honest, I really think it's for the best if we split up. If we focus Fury and that Heckyl's forces one way while we go another. We take their sights off the energem to give us a head start on obtaining the last one."

"Dad, I can't go with you."

"And I understand," Mr. Navarro said. "I talked with Koda. He helped me understand you were needed here. And I trust you'll be safe here. But I do worry, son."

"You don't have to. I'm eighteen, dad. I can take care of myself."

"You could be eighty, Tyler, and I would still worry. You are my son. It's my honour and my burden."

"Dad..." Tyler breathed softly, just before catching a glance at Kendall at Cammy. Kendall had mentioned how it felt a bit ridiculous to worry after Cammy in spite of hearing from a professional that Cammy was cleared to return to school soon. Yet, even if she knew she worried too much, she couldn't seem to help herself. He knew her love for Cammy. He had seen the way it had torn her apart when they found her after Heckyl's attacks. Perhaps, it was just a parent's burden to worry far more than necessary.

"I want to keep you safe, Tyler. I always will. And the best way I know how to do that is to keep you close. But I've come to realize that might not be for the best. Koda assured me that as long as you're part of the team, you'll be okay. Is that true?"

"They look out for me, just like I do them. We protect each other."

"Then it might be best if I go alone," Mr. Navarro said and Tyler frowned in response. He shook his head.

"What? Dad, no. We're a team..."

"I've spoken to Koda and I've spoken to the Keeper..."

"Keeper. Just Keeper."

"Right. Anyways, he agreed it was best if I use my knowledge to track down the final energems while you Rangers focus on stopping Fury and Heckyl and Snide. You are more than welcome to come with me, but I will trust you to stay safe if you choose to remain with your friends."

Tyler shook his head. This wasn't what he wanted at all.

"No, dad, we're a team. We're all Rangers. If we work together, we can do it all."

"Finding the energems is a priority," Mr. Navarro said. "Until we have all ten and they are out of Fury and Heckyl's reach, we're not safe. Once I find the tenth energem, we can be together."

"We can be together now, dad," Tyler frowned. "I mean, you're here. You're finally back. You don't have to worry about Fury coming after me anymore because I'm a Ranger! I can look after myself..."

"And I believe you can. But the sooner we find that energem, the better for everyone. Fury and Heckyl are a distraction to finding the final energem, and finding the energem keeps your focus away from defeating those aliens. Tyler, I truly do believe it will be for the best if, for now, I leave."


"I'll see you again soon, son. I promise," Mr. Navarro placed his hand on his son's shoulder and gave him a firm, reassuring squeeze while he looked to him lovingly. "You make sure those friends of yours really do take care of you."

Tyler shook his head, but Mr. Navarro didn't seem to want to change his mind. It was clear to Tyler his father truly thought that splitting up was for the best, no matter how much it hurt. So he followed the aqua Ranger out to the dining room and watched as his father stole Kendall's attention away from Cammy.

"Ms. Morgan, I do thank you greatly for looking after my son," he said, shaking his head. "Unfortunately, I'm going to have to ask you keep your eye on him a little longer. Keeper has asked that I use my knowledge of geology and fossils to track down the final energem. I feel it is for the best I do so out of sight."

"You... you're leaving?" Kendall asked and glanced quickly over to Tyler. "But you were just reunited with your son. I don't understand..."

"I'm afraid we won't truly be reunited until the danger to our lives has passed, "Mr. Navarro said. "Will you promise me you'll look after him?"

"You're sure you have to go?"

Mr. Navarro nodded his head. Kendall sighed deeply.

"Then I promise. He'll be safe with us."

"Thank you," Mr. Navarro looked back at Tyler one more time. "I'll see you soon, son."

Tyler shook his head, turned his back to his father and stormed off into the kitchen. Mr. Navarro gave a little nod of acceptance before he took off. Kendall was torn between fighting for the aqua Ranger to stay or just letting him leave.

She decided she had already tried and failed to convince a father to stay for his child. Twice. She left Cammy with her ice-cream, quickly calling on Riley who was at the register to keep an eye on the little girl before rushing after Tyler. When he wasn't in the kitchen she made her way down to the lab and found him angrily beating up Riley's training bag.


"What?" he snapped, turning to her angrily.

"I'm sorry."

Tyler hit the bag once more, "All these years, I thought, if he was still alive, he was looking for me and mom. Trying to reach us again. Not only do I find out he's been keeping his distance on purpose, but now he just wants to leave again? How can he just... do that?"

"I don't know," Kendall answered honestly. Tyler shook his head, walked to the wall and leaned against it, slowly slipping down to the floor. Kendall sat next to him. "I'm sorry," she said again.

Tyler covered his face with his hands. Before he did, Kendall could see around his eyes was turning red and his eyes were watering up. Hesitantly, she reached out and put her arm around his shoulders.

"I'm really sorry, Tyler," she said and then let the silence consume the room after that.