To find a mate

Standard disclaimer I own nothing but my own perverted ideas.

Chapter Five

The journey was slow but the pup was making excellent progress, his instincts were becoming like second nature he wasn't focusing on finding scents they just seemed to come to him now. The smell of salt and fish had the pup looking at him with apprehension, had he never smelt the ocean before? Continuing to walk towards the peak of the hill he watched the pup out of the corner of his eye, when the pup spotted the endless blue his jaw dropped and he imitated the fish swimming in it. Sesshomaru did not laugh and if anyone had been there to see they would have noticed the sparkle in his eyes, the pup went to step forward before stopping and looking up at his alpha.

"it is fine pup I will catch up" needing no more encouragement the pup launched down the hill and dashed across the sand laughing and giggling as all young pups should looking along the beach he spotted the sand dune he had confronted and last spoken to his father, he let the sadness take over his mind for a moment when a small whine came from below himself he pulled himself together and put a hand on the pup's head.

"This was the place I last saw father "the pup nodded and stood watching the waves wash along the beach. Looking at the horizon he searched for the island he knew to be there, the pup stayed silent seeming to know that he had no answers to his questions. Walking along the beach keeping an eye on the water he felt more than saw the pup following, when a small tug on his sleeve stopped his walking he looked down to see the pup pointing at a spot on the horizon. Looking closely he spotted what looked like a heat mirage over the water, the enchantment over the island was so strong he hadn't been able to see until the pup had pointed it out. It seemed only half demons and their parents could see it with ease, walking towards the water he held his hand out to the pup. Taking hold tightly he began floating into the air, the squeals of joy made the flight over enjoyable. When they were close to the beach of the island he floated down letting the pup fall a couple feet to the soft sand below, his delighted scream made him smile but it fell as fast as it came. Standing straight and alert watching the tree line he let slip the growl that had been building, the pup was behind his leg in an instant growling at the threat alpha had noticed. Watching the tree line until the tall black haired inu stepped into the moon light, not letting his guard down but stopping the growl he waited for the strange inu to speak.

"my lord I had not expected you to come here, I wish to be polite but if you are here with ill intentions I will try to stop you" the fellow inu stood loosely but with an air of readiness, with a light hand on his head the pup stepped out from the protection of his leg and the black inu gasped.

"My lord you had a hanyou?" there was no insult in the way he had said it only confusion, he shook his head in answer. The other inu nodded and bowed towards the pup.

"young one may I know your name?" looking up for approval not speaking till he had it, a small sigh that only the pup was close enough to hear escaped him as he gave his approval.

"I am Inuyasha, son of Toga and pack to Lord Sesshomaru" pride swelled within him at the sight of the young inu puffing his chest out and displaying his mark for all to see, he had expected the shock and confusion to cross the others face but was a little insulted when the other inu seemed to not drop into a more respectful stance with the two royal bloods of his kind before him. A small glare and the other seemed to realise that he was in fact being rude to his lords, bowing slightly and addressing them he still didn't stand down from his protective stance. With the change in breeze he understood, this inu was the protector of this end of island. He was strong and by the looks of things if it was anyone other than Sesshomaru himself they wouldn't have made it past, inclining his head slightly enough to show he meant no harm but not in a form of submission. Watching the black inu nodded and turn towards what smelled like a small village filled with humans, demons and the young hanyous. Walking forward with the pup close on his heels they approached a decent sized hut on the edge of the rather large village, it smelled empty but faintly of a horse demon.

"we usually don't allow full demons onto the island before we have checked that they seek help not to destroy us, my mate and pups live here so i will fight for what I have. "He finished with a side-glance at Sesshomaru a slight show of teeth had him showing he didn't appreciate thee jab. By the time the y made it to the hut and village the sun had set and the village was mostly asleep, nodding far well at the door to what they assumed was the guest hut. Settling in for the night Sesshomaru sat by the door and watched as the pup settled close to the fire but close enough to put a small clawed hand on mokomoko, watching the stars through the small gap in the doorway he waited for the pup breath to settle before he closed his eyes and let the smells swirl around him.


I must apologise for the late update I was writing this on my phone which my child decided needed a bath. I lost everything I had saved and I had to start most over again :( Thanks for the follows and reviews. you all make my day. 3