Author's Note: It seems like such a long time since I originally posted this story, finished, and then started the editing process so I could write the two additional companion pieces. This is it, the final edited chapter. The final chapter of Travel Logs & Unsent Letters will be added shortly. It just needs beta and alpha read. I just want to thank each and every one of you for reading or rereading this story. All the love by reviews/comments and faves/kudos, and follows have been appreciated. I always feel so thankful when I open my email and see a notification for this story. I don't think that will ever get old. So thank you, from the bottom of my angsty heart. I hope this story never grows old for you!

I must also thank starrnobella who put so much into this story with me. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have thought to edit and write the companion pieces. Thank you to SquarePeg72 for alpha reading through this entire fic also. You two put a lot of time into this with me and I appreciate it! Much love, xxDustNight.

This story has been edited and revised as of 24 July 2018 in preparation for two companion pieces. This story still remains a part of the Wolves without Teeth series, but you may read it as a standalone if you wish. Trigger warnings are tagged and there for a reason. If any of those irritate you or cause you discomfort, please do not read this story. Thank you and enjoy! xxDustNight

Disclaimer: All non-original characters, plot points, and information belongs to J.K. Rowling. The cover photo is a mashup I created from photos found on Google. The story plot and dialogue belong to me. I do not write for profit.

Full Summary: Forced to end her relationship with Draco because of a betrothal contract, Hermione launches herself into her work. She spends the next four years traveling the world researching, interviewing, and working towards eradicating all the remaining Pureblood laws that still seem to dictate the Wizarding World even after all this time. In the process, Hermione battles inner demons and learns more about herself than she ever could have imagined. (Prequel to Wolves without Teeth but can technically be read as a standalone story!)

Teardrops and Teacups
Pairing: Hermione/Blaise
Rating: M
Mini-Fic/Prequel to
Wolves without Teeth
Part Four: 2009
Song Recommendations: "Right Now (Na Na Na)" by Akon, "Halo" by Beyonce, "Untouched" by The Veronicas, "Second Chance" by Shinedown, "She Wolf" by Shakira, "Her Diamonds" by Rob Thomas, and "Already Gone" by Kelly Clarkson

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"Love is forgiving, accepting, moving on, embracing, and all encompassing.

And if you're not doing that for yourself, you cannot do that with anyone else."
Steve Maraboli
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Teardrops and Teacups
Part Four: 2009

14 January 2009: 6:36pm

"To be honest, doctor; I'm really quite happy lately. I'm in a content relationship and work is fine. I think that maybe, this time, things are looking up for me." Hermione paused, crossing one leg over the other as she sat in her therapist's office. For once, she wasn't lying-she really did feel a lot better since deciding to let things go and embracing her relationship with Blaise. She watched as Dr. Leonard scribbled something down on her clipboard before smiling at her, head tilted.

"That's great, Hermione. Do you believe that you've moved on enough from your previous lovers to fully commit to your new love interest?"

The smile fell from Hermione's face.

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16 January 2009: 10:18am

"You know I wouldn't do this unless I had to, Hermione. There's no way around it though. The Sympathizers are moving back into the UK, and you know the two of you are the best we have for this job."

"It's fine, Harry. I'll manage."

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19 January 2009: 8:01am

"Morning, Hermione. I bought your favorite."

"A vanilla latte?"


"Thank you, Draco."

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20 January 2009: 12:23am

As Hermione lay in her bed, Blaise fast asleep next to her, she couldn't help but wonder what Draco was doing right now. They'd had a fairly decent day working together, and she even managed to smile every once in a while. They would be working together indefinitely on this new case, and there were just so many unanswered questions. First of all, they hadn't really spoken since Copenhagen, aside from the usual greetings and small talk required of them as coworkers. Hermione was trying her very best to get back into Kingsley's good graces so that he wouldn't take her Head of Department title away from her. Now, having to work so closely to Draco, was only going to bring up old memories and hidden feelings. Rolling onto her side, she faced away from Blaise, a single teardrop running down her cheek, before she closed her eyes and attempted to sleep.

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3 February 2009: 1:40pm

Hermione was perusing the shelves of new arrivals in Flourish and Blotts when she first heard it, the hurtful word that would unknowingly send her into another tailspin. Unsure whether or not she was truly hearing correctly, she removed her hand from the spine of the book she'd been examining and turned around. There, standing by the end of the stacks were Daphne Goyle and Astoria Malfoy. The pair was glaring heatedly at Hermione, both with their stubby little noses lifted high into the air. Deciding a hasty retreat was necessary, Hermione nodded once at the two women in greeting before turning and beginning to walk towards the door. They weren't finished with her yet it seemed, as Daphne's smug voice echoed behind her.


Stopping suddenly, Hermione stiffened as the insult washed over her entirely, making her close her eyes and shame radiate throughout her very being. Somehow they knew—somehow they knew that she'd slept with Draco while he was married to Astoria, and now…well, now they were going to make her suffer. Opening her eyes despite the tears she felt there, Hermione squared her shoulders and resumed walking until she heard the door slam shut behind her.

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17 February 2009: 2:30pm

Sitting in the records room, Hermione hummed quietly to herself as she did research for her and Draco's case, as well as a little bit for her own project. There were a handful of other Ministry workers bustling about, returning or picking up files or conducting research like she was as the afternoon carried onward. She was just thinking about packing her things away to return upstairs to her office when the chair across from her was pulled out and Theodore Nott dropped into it roughly. He had a deep frown on his face.



"Um, what can I help you with?" Nervously, she continued packing up her papers and folders, doing everything she could to avoid making eye contact with her ex-lover.

"You need to stay away from Draco. Astoria and her sister somehow found out about what you two did in Copenhagen, and they're out for blood. I've just come from seeing Blaise, and I told him the same. Watch your back."

Before she could respond, Theo stood from his chair and walked away from her. She swallowed, fear and anxiety creeping up her spine as she wondered exactly what the two Greengrass sisters might have in store for her. Perhaps she should warn Draco, or would that be stepping over the invisible line? Having two cunning Slytherin women coming after you was not something you wanted.

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17 February 2009: 5:16pm



Hermione flinched, watching as her boyfriend undressed. She didn't say anything for a moment, attempting to come up with the right words to say. Blaise was finishing taking off his work clothes and changing into a pair of comfortable sweats and a long-sleeved shirt.

"I just—Theo told me he came to talk to you today."

"He did."

"Are you upset?"

"No," he breathed, shaking his head. "I'm not mad at you. I just wonder if this thing we have going on actually stands a chance."


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21 February 2009: 9:00pm

Headline from the cover of Witch Weekly:

"Gryffindor Princess and her Illustrious Affair!
Details on pg. 22!"

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1 March 2009: 7:00am

Headline from the cover of Witch Weekly:

"Hermione Granger beds not one, but two former Slytherins!
At the same time! More on pg. 19!"

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16 March 2009: 11:58pm

"I don't think we should go—they're going to be there."

"We have to go, Hermione. It would be rude not to."

"I didn't go last year, and neither did Harry. We could go and do something else."

"Like what?"

"I don't know. I just think with what they've been feeding the papers, it would be better if I stay away from all the drama for a while. It's bad enough having to face Draco every day at work knowing he's probably read that garbage and—"

"And what, Hermione?" Blaise snapped, sitting up in the bed. "Why does it matter what Draco supposedly thinks? And do you really believe our relationship with Theo was garbage? I thought you loved the two of us? I thought you loved me?"

"I do, Blaise… I just don't want the entire Wizarding world knowing my personal business!"

Blaise threw the blankets back and stood from the bed, facing away from her with his hands on his head. She let him have a moment before sliding from the bed herself and padding softly across the carpet towards him. Wrapping her arms around his waist, she laid her head on his back, her eyes falling closed.

"We can go to the party if it means that much to you…"

"I don't think you should cave to them. This is what they want—they want you to avoid everything and everyone. You're stronger than that, Hermione."

"Okay. We can go."

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17 March 2009: 10:14pm

Deciding to forgo the alcohol this year was probably the worst idea Hermione ever had. Having to watch her boyfriend and friends become even more intoxicated as the night wore on was starting to wear on her nerves. Who knew this party was always such a drink fest? She glared as Pansy and Ron's snogging session ended with them falling into the Quidditch pong table, sending the little red cups and hoops everywhere. Deciding it was time to seek out Blaise and convince him to leave, she never even noticed Draco until he was pulling her into the loo.

"Draco! What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?" She wrenched her arm from his grasp, attempting to step around him to get to the door. "Get out of the way!"

"Please, tell me the rumors aren't true. Tell me you didn't sleep with Theo and Blaise at the same time."

Gasping, Hermione tried to force her way around, but Draco's seeker skills were too quick for her. He captured her arms and held her still, his fingers digging into her flesh. She continued to struggle, but he refused to let her go.

"I don't see how that's any of your business! You're married, Draco! In case you've forgotten!"

"It must be true then! You only avoid questions when you're too afraid to answer truthfully or lie! Always the golden Gryffindor!" He stared down at her struggling form, his piercing, grey eyes almost glowing with pent up emotion. She stopped struggling, realizing it was getting her nowhere. Her only hope was to talk him down.

"Draco—who cares what I do in my free time? You have a wife and son. Worry about them—forget about me and whoever I'm sleeping or not sleeping with. Please!"

He continued to stare at her for a quiet moment, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he breathed. She was just starting to believe he was going to let her go and forget this encounter, when he did the unthinkable—he kissed her. His lips crashed down on her own and she moaned, wanting nothing more than to let go completely. Unfortunately, she knew it was wrong to want such a thing, and so, instead of allowing the kiss to continue, she resumed her fight for freedom. She thrashed and screamed against Draco's lips, trying to get free of his bruising kiss. Terror was starting to bubble up inside of her, her brain going into panic mode as he maneuvered her arms behind her back. She was just about to bite his tongue, which was nearly making her gag, when the bathroom door burst open.

Draco let go of her immediately, and she stumbled onto her knees. Through her tears, she saw Blaise and Ron in the doorway—both looking furious, but none more so than her boyfriend. Without even saying a word, he stepped forward and swung his right arm forward, his knuckles connecting with Draco's nose with a sickening crack. She tried to stand, but she was crying so hard it was near impossible. As Draco struggled with his bloodied nose, Ron held open the door while Blaise helped her to her feet. The next few minutes were a blur, but Hermione would never forget the look of remorse reflected in Draco's eyes as she was hurried from the bathroom.

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18 March 2009: 2:34am

"I'm so sorry, Hermione," Blaise whispered in the dark.

Instead of answering, she continued to cry quietly into her already dampened pillow.

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20 March 2009: 7:14am

Addendum to Blood Purity Laws, Draft #2,016

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30 March 2009: 6:45pm

She sat quietly, watching as everyone else smiled and mingled in celebration of Blaise passing his final Solicitor's exam that morning. He'd finally achieved his dream, and here she was, struggling to find the enthusiasm to actively participate in the festivities. Things were a bit tense between the two of them since St. Patrick's Day, but there was nothing to be done about it. He knew Draco was the one to kiss her. He knew she tried her hardest to get free. He knew she regretted going to the party, and he regretted making her. There were some regrets in life you just had to learn to deal with.

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11 April 2009: 9:12am

Addendum to Blood Purity Laws, Draft #2,045

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15 April 2009: 11:47pm

Running her hands over her tired face, Hermione couldn't believe she was here, out on a bloody mission. Again. Granted, Draco and the other Aurors managed to capture the Sympathizers they'd been tracking, but she couldn't quite believe what was happening. Removing her dirty, bloody hands from her face, Hermione watched as the Leaky Cauldron burned to the ground. To her left, Harry stood talking to Tom, the owner, about what they could do once the fire was completely extinguished. Turning away from the horrific scene, Hermione met Draco's weary eyes before she limped away, wanting nothing more than to get as far away from this as possible.

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16 April 2009: 4:22am

Blaise sat on the cold tile next to her, pulling her crying, shaking body into his lap. He stroked her back soothingly as the remnants of her nightmare faded away. Sniffling, she peered up into his face.

"How can you love me when I wake up screaming his name?"

He didn't answer.

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21 April 2009: 1:07am

Addendum to Blood Purity Laws, Draft #2,078

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25 April 2009: 6:39pm

"Why didn't you warn me that they were all going to be here," Hermione hissed, sipping on her glass of white wine as she interrogated Ginny in the kitchen. Currently sitting in the dining room, were a handful of people she would rather not have to deal with. Ginny rolled her eyes as she continued to arrange food on platters and in bowls. Frantically, Hermione glanced into the dining room, trying to see what Astoria and Draco were up to. With a start, she realized that Goyle and Daphne joined the congregation, leaving her to stare in abject horror. "Ginny! You know what's been going on. Why would you invite them all here?"

"Relax, Hermione. It's just dinner. Besides, I highly doubt they're going to call you names or bring up your stimulating bedroom activities in front of all the children." She gestured to the side where Lily was currently strapped into a highchair. "Stop worrying so much and help me carry these trays into the dining room."

Not one to argue with a Weasley woman, Hermione grabbed the nearest tray and followed her friend into the snake-pit.

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25 April 2009: 7:58pm

The dinner was a tense affair, of that Hermione could not deny. Glares and narrowed eyes were shared amongst those present and Hermione found herself unable to eat. As the last of the dessert and plates were cleared away, her heart sank knowing that anything could happen now that the children were being moved to their bedrooms to play. Hermione met Draco's eyes across the table and could have sworn he was trying to warn her somehow. If only she'd taken the hint.

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25 April 2009: 8:26pm

"Now just you wait one damn minute!" Hermione shouted, standing from the table. "How dare you come here and attack me!"

"See! See, Astoria! She doesn't deny her actions! You're nothing but a whore! Who in their right mind sleeps with a married man!?" Daphne shook her head furiously, her left hand gripping her sisters on the tabletop as if trying to comfort her. "And you," she continued, turning her attention to Draco. "How could you do that to Astoria? She's been nothing but faithful and loving, even providing you with a male heir."

Before Draco had a chance to defend himself, Harry stepped in, breaking his silence. "That's enough! I refuse to allow you to stay in my home any longer if you plan on continuing to attack my friends. You need to leave. Now!" He gestured towards the front room where the door was all the while glaring daggers at Daphne and her husband.

With a huff, Daphne stood and stormed from the room. Goyle followed behind her, waving goodbye to them as he went. As soon as the remaining party heard the door slam, Hermione burst into tears, Astoria averted her eyes, and Draco covered his face with his hands. Blaise disappeared through to the kitchen.

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25 April 2009: 10:10pm

"Blaise is gone. He's not anywhere in the house."

"Do you think he went back to the flat?"


"Do you want me to go home with you?"

"That's okay, Ron. I'll manage."

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26 April 2009: 12:44pm

The rain poured down outside the living room window. Hermione stood watching as passerby on the street below hurried to get wherever it was they needed to be. Blaise still hadn't come home, and she suspected he never would.

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1 May 2009: 5:34pm

When Hermione came through the fireplace in her flat, she immediately knew something was wrong. Setting her briefcase by the door, she kicked off her heels and hung up her robes before venturing down the hall toward the bedroom. Pushing the door open, she found what was wrong. Blaise was sitting on the edge of the bed, face in his hands and two suitcases by his feet.

"You're leaving."

He looked up from his hands, tear stains on his face. She watched as he shook his head and pushed himself to his feet. Swallowing, his throat bobbed with the force it took to hold back his tears. She waited for him to answer, unsure whether or not he could. Finally, he met her eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Hermione. I can't do this anymore. I love you, but I can't—I can't continue coming in second to memories and what ifs."

She nodded, not trusting herself to speak as he picked up his luggage and moved toward her. Her eyes fell closed as he placed a gentle kiss to her temple and then left the room. She waited until she heard the floo go off before she fell to her knees, arms wrapped around her midsection as she finally let the tears fall. Why was everyone always leaving her?

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2 May 2009: 6:00pm


"Yeah, come on, Harry. Look at her. She can't go to the Hogwarts benefit in this state."

"Gee, thanks, Ron," Hermione mumbled into her knees. She was sitting in the middle of her bed, legs pulled up to her chest and her face hidden. Her arms were wrapped around her legs, holding herself in place because, at the moment, she felt like she was falling apart at the seams.

"I wasn't trying to make a jab at you, but you do look quite awful."

"I know… I'm just a bit emotional right now. Sorry."

"No worries." Ron turned towards Harry, his face grim. "You can't really force her to go to this thing."

"Kingsley will be furious if she misses another event. Her job is on the line."

"I'll go."


"What? Really?"

"I'll go."

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2 May 2009: 7:49pm

Sipping her champagne, Hermione moved around the edge of the Great Hall, observing those enjoying the Hogwarts Memorial Benefit dinner. Even eleven years after the Battle of Hogwarts and there was still so much rebuilding being done. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were on the original committee for planning the event, but once it took off in 2000, it was entrusted to its own special team. Now they were just expected to attend the event each and every year, donate a small amount, and share in the mourning that so many of the attendees fought with on a daily basis. Like Ron and his family. Even after all this time, George and Molly were unable to come to the event.

Setting her empty glass on a table and watching it disappear, Hermione was surprised to find that Draco and Astoria were not present tonight. Normally, they would be there—at least that's what the papers always printed. She hadn't actually been to the event since she'd dated Draco, but her friends kept her informed of what went happened. She smiled as Neville and his girlfriend, Hannah, walked by, waving to her briefly as they made their way to the front of the room where McGonagall was preparing to speak.

She only had to hold it together for another hour or so, and then she could leave. She had plans to make, after all. It was time to take another trip abroad.

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11 May 2009: 8:00am

"Ms. Granger, what do I owe the pleasure of such an early morning visit?" Kingsley was seated behind his desk, and wore an expression that showed he was fairly certain what her presence foretold.

"Sir, I'm here to request some time researching abroad in Spain." She sat patiently, eyes in her lap as she awaited his response. She was fairly certain he would deny the request and immediately strip her of her Head title. After all, she really hadn't been the best or most present worker for quite some time. However, when she was here, she worked hard, solved cases, and made sure everything was in order.

"While I do wish you would stay here, I understand you have research that you're trying to finish." Hermione's eyes shot up to stare at the Minister, surprise evident on her round face. He sighed and then gave her a sad sort of smile. "Take the time you need. I'll put Mr. Malfoy in charge for the time being."

"Thank you, Minister. Thank you so very much."

"You're welcome, Ms. Granger." As she began to get up from her seat, he stopped her by asking a question. "How much longer do you think this project of yours is going to take?"

"It will be completed before the holidays. Of that I am certain."

"Very well. Safe travels."

"Thank you, sir."

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15 May 2009: 2:27pm


I've made it to Madrid safely. It really is as lovely as you and Pansy described. I'm looking forward to getting to know the locals and exploring the city. I have a meeting with the Minister of the Spanish Ministry of Magic on Monday morning. I'll let you and Harry know how it goes.

Much love,


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26 May 2009: 11:10am

Interview with Lorena Salinas (Pureblood), Mail Clerk at the Spanish Ministry of Magic

H: Mrs. Salinas—
L: Please, call me Lorena. Salinas is my married name…and I would prefer not to be called it more than absolutely necessary.
H: Of course, I am sorry.
L: Do not worry. We are here speaking casually. Please, go ahead with your question. I apologize for interrupting.
H: Oh, thank you. Lorena, can you tell me how you came to be married to your husband?
L: We were betrothed by legal contract. My
father decided to tell me the day of my twenty-first birthday. Pft! Betrothed to Carlos Salinas of all people!
H: Could you explain the details of your particular betrothal contract?
L: Si! From the start of my twenty-first year I had until I turned twenty-six to wed Carlos. If we did not marry in that timeframe, then the both of us would be imprisoned.
H: May I ask what age you were when you married?
L: It was the day before my twenty-sixth birthday. I really dragged things out for Carlos. I made him sweat, as they say.
H: Why twenty-six?
L: Twenty-five is the age at which Pureblood witches and wizards are expected to settle down and begin procreating to carry on the family line. The audacity of it all! I wasn't planning on having children until I was at
least thirty! Now I have three girls and a boy. If only the boy had come first, then maybe I'd have gotten away with only having a single child. Carlos and his insufferable family insisted we keep trying until a boy was born to carry on the family name. I apologize…I've gone off a bit.
H: It's really alright, Lorena. Is there anything else you would like to add before we leave?
L: Si…I am curious. Do you really think you can eliminate the Pureblood Laws? Do you think I'll be able to finally divorce Carlos and live my life freely again?
H: I'm going to do my very best, Lorena. You are not the only one who's been burned by a betrothal contract.
L: You let me know if you need any more information. I promise to help you see this through to the end.
H: Thank you, Lorena.
L: No, Ms. Granger. Thank you.

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30 May 2009: 3:00am

Addendum to Blood Purity Laws, Draft #2,185

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31 May 2009: 4:32pm


Harry and I would like to come and visit you in Madrid, if you don't mind. I won't lie to you…we want to check and make sure that you're doing alright. We haven't heard from you too much, and I think it's time Harry was made aware of everything that's happened these past few years. I know you've told him bits and pieces, but he's your other best friend. He deserves to know too.

Let me know when a good time to visit is and we'll make travel preparations!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5 June 2009: 1:06am

Addendum to Blood Purity Laws, Draft #2,210

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5 June 2009: 3:43am

Addendum to Blood Purity Laws, Draft #2,219

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5 June 2009: 6:14am

Addendum to Blood Purity Laws, Draft #2,231

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13 June 2009: 8:29pm

"This is delicious! Nice call, Ron." Harry dug into his tapas, a smile on his face. His current dish was a piece of fried cod with a handful of fried potatoes underneath.

"Don't thank me—thank Pansy when we get back. She's the one who suggested this place the last time I was here. Casa Alberto, she said. They have the best beer and food." Ron too was shoveling food into his mouth as fast as humanly possible.

Hermione shook her head at her two best friends. No matter what turmoil she endured in life, she knew that she would always have Harry and Ron by her side. Already, she was feeling her spirits lifted from spending the past twenty four hours with them. She knew the time was coming when she'd have to explain everything to Harry, but for now, she was just going to enjoy their company as they continued to eat, drink, and be merry.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

13 June 2009: 11:57pm

"Okay, Harry. Are you ready to hear about the secret project I've been working on?"

"Secret project? This is the one you've been researching for the past three and a half years? Sure, what is it?"

"I'm going to petition the Wizengamot to eradicate all the remaining Blood Purity laws." She watched as Harry took in her statement, blinking a few times behind his black frames.

With a sigh, he slumped in his chair, taking off his glasses to pinch the bridge of his nose. He turned to Ron when he'd returned them to their rightful place.

"You knew about this?"

"Yes. I've been helping her all this time."

"Damn it, you two. Why would you keep this from me?"

"I was afraid you'd make me stop."

"Are you doing this for him, so he'll be with you?"

"Not anymore. I was…, but now I'm doing it for myself. I need closure, Harry. I need peace. I need to be able to wake up in the morning and know that I did everything in my power to change the Wizarding world for the better. No one should have to suffer like I have."

"Can I see you research?"

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14 June 2009: 12:22am

"You've written two-thousand, three hundred and fourteen addendums since early 2006?"



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

14 June 2009: 10:42am

The trio sat quietly, eating breakfast in the hotel restaurant They were tired from being up nearly half the night discussing what Hermione's next move should be regarding her plans. Harry insisted she return to London where they could keep a better eye on her, but she'd refused. She was so close, so very close to being finished that there was no way she was throwing in the towel now. Her two friends would be returning to London later that afternoon, but she would remain behind. Ron asked her to keep in touch more than a mere letter every couple of week, and she promised she'd write more often. She tried to ignore the worried glances Harry kept throwing at her, but she couldn't help but wonder if she was doing the right thing.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

17 June 2009: 5:49pm

Mum and Dad,

I'm still in Madrid. Have you received the postcards I sent? Harry and Ron came for a visit, and we had a long talk about everything. I finally opened up to Harry about what I've been going through. You were right—I should have done that ages ago. Good luck with your knee surgery next week, dad. Make sure to rest and let yourself heal properly before going back to work. You know mum is fully capable of running the practice on her own for a few weeks. I'm starting to look into places for us to visit at New Year's. I'll let you know when I find something good!



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8 July 2009: 1:16am

Staring at herself in the mirror of her bathroom, Hermione couldn't believe she was about to do this. Hermione Jean Granger was about to have a one night stand with some random Muggle. Grabbing her wand off the sink, she cast a protection spell before hiding it in her toiletry bag. She then fluffed her curls one last time before turning toward the door and taking a deep breath. A second later, she opened the door and exited into the hotel bedroom.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

8 July 2009: 7:03am

Rolling over, Hermione observed the sleeping man still in her bed. He was sleeping on his stomach, his face smushed into the white pillow. She had hoped he would be gone by the time she woke up, but that would entail her actually falling asleep. She never did. After two rounds of lackluster sex, what's his face fell right to sleep, leaving her to toss and turn. Wanting nothing more than for him to leave, she poked him in the shoulder. Hard. Stirring, one eyelid lifted revealing blue irises that weren't quite the color she was hoping to see. As he continued to wake, he lifted his head, shaking not quite blond enough hair out of a sleep rumbled face. Oh yes. Hermione very much needed him to leave.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

17 July 2009: 5:25am

Unsent letter to DM:

I don't know what I've been thinking…finding men at random pubs that resemble you. At first I didn't realize what was happening, but the more it occured, the more I realized what I was really doing. None of them are you. None of them will ever be you. What have you done to me? It's like I can't get you out of my mind…out of my body…out of my soul. It's like we're connected more deeply than I ever imagined. I don't know how I'll ever be free of you—of this intense love I feel for you. I think I need to come home. Madrid is starting to fester, and it's such a beautiful place, I don't want it tarnished with my memories of you.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

18 July 2009: 7:32pm

Addendum to Blood Purity Laws, Draft #2,333

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19 July 2009: 4:40am

Addendum to Blood Purity Laws, Draft #2,469

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28 July 2009: 9:00am

Addendum to Blood Purity Laws, Draft #2,501

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July 31, 2009: 5:45pm

"You're kidding, right?" Ginny exclaimed as she pulled a pot roast from the oven. "You, Hermione Granger, had multiple one night stands while in Madrid?"

"Shhhhhh!" Hermione glanced around frantically, hoping neither Harry nor Ron had heard Ginny's outburst. "Do you want the entire house to hear? And, yes, in fact, I did."

"Well, that certainly is the shock of the century." Ginny carried the pot roast into the dining room, with Hermione following close behind with a giant bowl of mashed potatoes. They were still slightly chunky, of course, because Hermione was bloody awful at cooking.

"I don't see why—I'm perfectly capable of doing things that are slightly out of the ordinary."

"You are, but I think that is a tad more than slightly out of the ordinary when it comes to you."

As they finished putting the rest of the meal on the table and everyone else started to filter in for Harry's birthday dinner, Hermione couldn't help contemplating if maybe her friend was right. Perhaps she was doing things that were destructive and not good for her. Her therapist sure seemed to think so. Dr. Leonard was always chattering on about her stopping work on the addendums and random trips abroad. If she could just make it to the holidays, everything would be fine. She'd be free of this burden once and for all.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

31 July 2009: 9:46pm

After a fairly calm evening, for once, Hermione was preparing to leave out the kitchen door when Draco slipped into the room. Her eyes went wide as he stepped up to her, afraid he'd try kissing her again like on St. Patrick's Day. This time was different—he looked shaky and nervous, which was entirely out of character for him. Before she could ask what was wrong, he grabbed her hand and placed something in the center. Instinctively, she closed her palm around the crumpled piece of paper. He was gone a second later, leaving her to wonder what just happened. She decided it would be best to wait until she got home to read whatever Draco wrote, so she shoved the note into the pocket of her jeans and disappeared into the night.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

31 July 2009: 9:55pm


I need to ask something quite personal of you. I'd rather not write it here or discuss it out in the open. Can you meet me in the courtroom first thing Monday morning?


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3 August 2009: 7:40am

Pacing, Hermione waited for Draco to arrive. The courtrooms would remain empty until quarter to nine, but she suspected they would be long gone before then. Checking her watch for the millionth time, she jumped and let out a little yelp as the door finally opened and in strode Draco. He wasted no time securing the door and making his way over to where she stood in the middle of the room.

"What is it, Draco? Why have you asked me here? Is everything alright?"

He waved off her questions, his movements frantic as he glanced around as if suspecting someone might be lurking in the shadows. Hermione already checked, and the coast was clear, as they say. The silence wore on and she was starting to get angry. They did have work to be getting to, after all, and it was her first day back. Kingsley would surely be looking for her.

"I—I have something important to ask of you."

"I gathered as much."

"Here," he stammered, digging in his robe pocket before thrusting something towards her. She took it with a bit of apprehension, surprised to feel the leathery material in her hand. Taking her eyes from his pale face, she glanced downward and balked. He'd given her a sex mask, and not just a normal one—this one would cover her face entirely. It only allowed a small hole for her mouth, and a slit for her nose so she could breathe. Flabbergasted, she made to hand the garment back, but he held up his hands. "Hear me out."

"What!?" She half shrieked, shaking her head and backing away. "We've been through this, Draco. We can't have an affair. Twice was more than enough. I can't live with myself if we do it for a third time." She threw the mask at his chest, where he caught it, before turning to leave. Tears were burning in her eyes, and she just wanted to hide in her office for the rest of the day.


Hating herself, she stopped.

"It's the only way you and I can be together right now."

Turning, she narrowed her eyes at him. "What the hell are you talking about? You're not making sense?"

"I've told Astoria about the kinds of things I enjoy in bed."

Hermione felt her stomach churn at the thought of him and Astoria discussing their sex life. It made her skin crawl and her heart ache. She knew the kind of sex Draco preferred, of course. She knew because she preferred it that way too. Rough. Hard. Raunchy. Dirty. Toys. Whips. Clamps. Masks. The kind of sex where you needed a safe word just in case things went a little too far. The kind of sex that left you bruised and sated in an utterly different kind of way, both physically and mentally. The kind of sex she'd only ever been able to find with Draco. Biting her lip, Hermione tried to control her frantically beating heart as she gestured for him to continue.

"She was appalled at first…, but she realizes that our relationship is missing something. After some persuading, she agreed to allow me to try a few different activities with her. She's too timid, though, so she asked me what would help make her better."

"What did you tell her?"

"I asked her if I could bring in someone—someone who could show her how to be a submissive."


"Please, Hermione. Wear the mask. She won't even know it's you. She never has to know. We can be together. She'll let you be with us if it means we stay together. She's desperate."

"I'm desperate too, Draco!" She screamed, throwing her hands into the air and turning around to head toward the door. "I'm so desperate to be with you that it tears my heart into pieces to tell you no right now!" Frantically, she tried opening the door, but he'd sealed it shut with a spell. A strong one, and she was too upset to dig out her wand from the inside of her robes. Tugging at the handle, tears rolled freely down her face as she sobbed.

Then, he was there. His body coming up behind her and gently turning her around so he could wrap her in an embrace. She continued crying into his chest, her teardrops staining his expensive robe. As he began mumbling soothing words into her hair, she grew angrier until she tried forcing him away. Instead of allowing her to do so, he used his body to slam her into the door, his hips grinding into her own and making her falter. He knew just what to do to throw her off balance. With the distraction his abrupt forcefulness provided, he asked her again.

"Please, wear the mask."

Her body was willing. Merlin, was it willing. Even now, she felt the pooling of arousal in her abdomen and her knickers becoming damp. Her mind was another hurdle entirely. Her mind was telling her to say no. And then there was her heart. As she tried to calm her tears and her breathing, she looked up into his icy eyes, noticing how dark and sensual they were. Smirking, he ground his hips into her again, making her gasp. The smirk grew wider knowing he had her.


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15 August 2009: 10:15pm

Breathe, Hermione. Just fucking breathe.

She could hear Draco talking in a soothing voice to Astoria right behind the door. Currently, she was standing in Astoria's immense walk-in closet where Draco had stowed her earlier. At the time, she'd felt a bit smug at the fact that Astoria and Draco no longer shared a bedchamber, but then she remembered her place, and the smugness fell right away. Now, as she stood wearing nothing but a pair of lacy black knickers and the mask, Hermione felt nothing but nervous jitters. She should just leave. Right now. Just get the hell out of here before all hell could break loose because there was no way this was going to end well.

The door opened, and she felt Draco's hand grab for her own. The mask she wore had no holes for her eyes, so she was forced to rely on her other senses. Normally, that would be exciting, but in this case, it made her anxious. She could only pray to Merlin, God, and whoever else was out there watching over the universe that Astoria didn't recognize her and that this evening went according to plan. If things took a turn for the worse, well, all bets were off.

Draco stopped her with a gentle touch to her lower back, his fingers ghosting over her skin and sending shivers up her spine. She waited patiently for his next orders, and whatever Astoria would say to having a half-naked, masked woman standing in front of her. A woman her husband was clearly comfortable enough with to handle with the utmost care as he asked her quietly if she was okay. She responded with a simple nod, the both of them having decided she would not speak in case his wife recognized her voice.

"Who is she?" The inevitable question was asked, sending Hermione on high alert. She felt Draco step behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders and squeezing slightly to relax her before he answered.

"A willing participant and volunteer. That's all you need to know. She's here to demonstrate what it looks like to be a submissive and allow you to learn how to serve your Dom." Hermione inhaled sharply when she felt him press his arousal into her lower back. He was fully in control of the situation, and wanted her to know. He continued explaining the rules. "She will not speak. She will not take off her mask. Her identity will remain anonymous. Do you understand?"

"I don't see why she has to wear that thing. How can she breathe?"

Draco's right hand left her shoulder to grasp at Hermione's chin, his fingers digging into her jaw as he tilted her head backwards so that it rested on his shoulder. Hermione had to rise onto her tiptoes, her chest thrust forward, so that she could reach, but she was not uncomfortable. He was giving her what she wanted… What she needed.

"There are slits for her nostrils so she can breathe. Her mouth is also free for breathing and other activities." She knew he was smirking—she could hear it in his voice and feel it as his words settled over her skin. As he released her chin and she slid forward back onto her feet fully, her bum rubbed deliciously over his cock which was still unfortunately covered by his silk boxers. She bit her tongue to refrain from moaning aloud. A good submissive knew when she was allowed her pleasure. It was not yet her time, even if he was teasing her relentlessly. "She will be fine."

"Well…alright. What do we do now?"

Hermione pursed her lips, knowing it was time to put on their show. Feeling pressure on her left shoulder, she dropped to her knees, assuming her usual kneeling position in front of Draco. It'd been quite some time since they played like this, but her body was ready. She dropped her head forward, submitting herself to him completely. Allowing her senses to come alive, she breathed steadily through her nose, listening carefully as Draco shuffled around her kneeling form to stand closer to the bed.

"Do you remember what we discussed earlier, Astoria? The rules I explained."


"Good." Hermione heard him sit on the edge of the bed, and then Astoria too as she scooted closer to his familiar presence. Hermione's heart pounded, the sound echoing in her ears as she awaited his first command. "Our safe word is 'Troll'. Come here, my pet. It's time to play."

Hermione smiled sinfully, crawling forward on her hands and knees.

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16 August 2009: 12:29am

Hermione struggled to keep her composure while Draco thrust into her from behind as she knelt on the bed. Her wrists were bound with ribbons as she attempted to pleasure Astoria, kissing and nipping at the woman's breasts. Draco had to hold her steady by her hips to keep her from falling over. True to his word, Draco hadn't penetrated Astoria once that night, instead choosing to use his fingers, tongue, and other various toys. Hermione was aware that she was probably getting the better end of the deal, relishing the way he varied tempo as he moved in and out of her dripping core. Astoria moaned when Hermione bit down harder than intended. There would be a mark there tomorrow, but there was nothing to be done about it now.

As she fell apart, orgasming yet again that night, Hermione did everything in her power not to call out his name, or give away her identity in any way. Draco followed after her, shooting his seed deep within her as he thrust forward and ground himself against her bottom. Completely spent, she trembled, unable to continue her task to pleasure Astoria any longer. Before withdrawing from her, Draco untied her wrists, allowing her free use of her hands once more. Panting, she brought them around to her front. Her shoulders ached from being bound so long. She gently nudged Astoria so she would lie down on her back before spreading the woman's legs and crawling between them. It was her first experience with a woman, but by the way Astoria screamed earlier when Draco was tending to her, she knew that the woman enjoyed what she was about to try.

Still panting slightly, Hermione used her hands to massage Astoria's thighs, spreading them further apart so she could settle comfortable between them, her face just inches from her mound. Tentatively, she let her tongue flick out, sliding it through Astoria's slick folds. The taste wasn't unpleasant, so she tried again with a little more pressure. She heard Draco's sharp intake of breath at the same time Astoria cried out, obviously enjoying her ministrations. Feeling more confident, Hermione decided to add two fingers to the mix, sliding them in and out of her passage. Trying to remember what Draco did in this situation, she pumped her fingers in and out as she lapped and massaged on and around Astoria's clit.

Seemingly spurred on by her activities, Draco slid up behind her, cupping her breasts and massaging. The sensations made arousal burn in her belly, a moan escaping her mouth. The vibrations must have affected Astoria more than she thought, because the next instant she was crying out and Hermione found her fingers and tongue coated in her wetness. As soon as her cries calmed, Draco's hand threaded through Hermione's hair, pulling her body backwards and into his lap. Even though he came mere minutes ago, she could already feel him hardening again underneath her. Feeling adventurous, she ground her hips down, causing him to groan in response and tug at her hair as a consequence.

"You naughty minx," he rasped, his voice gravelly from the past few hours of sex. She moaned in reply, her scalp prickling from the pressure he was applying. Merlin, she loved it when he was rough. She always would. "That was probably the sexiest thing I've ever seen you do," he growled before pulling her forward and plunging his tongue into her mouth for a taste. He released her hair, much to her disappointment, as he explored every crevice of her mouth with his tongue, licking and tasting his wife. It was sexy, wasn't it? Hermione was so turned on she'd missed the implications of his words, and as he readjusted them so his cock slid back into her aching core once more, she was lost.

Riding him, she threw her head back, her hair cascading down her back as she simply enjoyed the sensations Draco was eliciting in her body. His hands cupped and squeezed her breasts, pinching her sore nipples and making her whimper under his touch. She wouldn't last long; in fact, she could already feel herself barreling towards that edge. With one hand sliding down her sweat-slick skin to rub frantically at her swollen nub, Draco mumbled incoherently in her ear, spurring her on.

"Yes, my pet. My love. Yes. You're so close. Let go. Let me see you come undone for me."

Feeling her walls starting to clench, she prepared for an Earth shattering orgasm, her stomach going taut as she bounced on his rigid cock. She was nearly there when it happened. With a jolt, Hermione was sent flying over the edge of the bed, her body landing on the carpet hard enough to knock the breath out of her. She was so disoriented from her unsated arousal and the tumble that she could barely hear what Astoria was screaming over the ringing in her ears. She must have hit her head too because there was an aching forming in her skull.

"Astoria! Calm down! Stop!" There was a crash as something was thrown across the room. Hermione cringed, recognizing the sound of broken glass. She tried to scramble to her feet, but with her eyesight blocked by the mask, she managed to smack right into the dresser, causing her to yell out in pain. This drew Draco's attention and she heard him come running over to her, his hands grabbing hold of her to help her stand. "What are you doing? What happened? You have to talk to me. Astoria! Damn it! Look what you've done! She's bleeding."

Was she? Hermione couldn't tell. She was covered in so many fluids—lubricant, wax, oils, and both her partner's emissions. The ringing in her ears was quieting just enough so she could now hear Astoria's frantic sobbing. Draco was wiping at her temple, and suddenly, she realized that her mask was gone. Her eyes shot open, the dim light of the room making her sensitive eyes burn after being in the dark for so long. She scrambled, trying to cover her face but it was too late—Astoria was looking at her in horror, but that quickly changed to anger.

"I knew it! I fucking knew it was her! The moment you said, 'my love'. How dare you bring her into this house! How dare you make me have sexual relations with her?!" Astoria made to run at her, but Draco pushed her behind his large body, shielding her from his wife.

"Astoria, stop. You really must listen." With a start, Hermione realized Draco was crying, his body convulsing as he tried to keep in control of the situation. She was too stunned to do anything but stare as he tried to talk his wife down. "I chose her to help us. She was here to help us. She knew what she was getting into. Stop. You're going to hurt her even more. Please. I'll make her leave. I'll end it. It'll be over."

I'll make her leave. I'll end it. It'll be over.

Those words resonated in her bleeding, aching head, and it was as if the world shifted. Her legs gave out underneath of her as the realization of the entire situation hit her like the Hogwarts Express. She hit the floor for a second time that night, her knees connecting so hard with it she knew they'd be bruised. All feeling left her body, leaving her numb. Draco's face appeared in front of her, and he was speaking, but she had no idea what he was saying.

I'll make her leave. I'll end it. It'll be over.

Her hand came up to cover her mouth, tears pouring from her eyes. She closed her eyes, shaking her head. It was over. He was ending it. He was making her leave. Their plan had failed. They were broken. She was broken. When she opened her eyes again, Astoria was gone, the bedroom door having slammed. What were they thinking? Why didn't they realize their connection was too strong? Their love would always bleed through. They would forever be pulled towards one another until one of them left for good, or died, whichever came first. Draco dropped to kneel next to her, a robe coming to rest on her shoulders. She chanced a glance at his face to find him still crying. Reaching out, she trailed her fingertips through his teardrops, wanting to say something, anything, but knowing there was nothing left to say.

He tried anyway.

"I'm sorry."

In response, she broke down, her body caving in on itself as his arms wrapped around her sob-wracked form. They sat there on the floor, rocking back and forth together, their heartache breaking them apart entirely until, eventually, Hermione lost consciousness.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

16 August 2009: 8:12am

She woke up slowly, her eyes blurry from all the crying she'd done the night before. Sitting up, she was astonished to find that she was in her own bed. Glancing down, someone had put her into a fresh pair of knickers and one of Ron's old Quidditch t-shirts. She was also surprisingly clean. Someone had given her a shower she determined, running a hand through her curls, the thick part underneath still slightly damp.

With a sigh, Hermione turned and tried to discover a clue as to what happened after she'd cried herself to sleep in Draco's arms. Her eyes widened at the small bottle of pain potion and glass of water on her bedside table. Sliding towards the edge of the bed, she grabbed for the potion, her head still aching terribly. That's when she remembered hitting it off the dresser. Her hand went up to her temple, but there was no wound. Someone healed her! As she wrapped her hand around the potion, she found a little note attached. Tugging it free she read:


Take the potion and drink the water. Once you've done that, give me a call. I have my mobile on. Don't do anything rash. I promise I'll explain everything once you call.


Frowning, Hermione let the note fall onto the bed before pulling out the stopper and downing the potion in one go. Gagging at the disgusting taste, she drank down the water before slumping back into her mess of pillows. Sighing, she threw out her arm, grabbing for her mobile. As she shuffled deeper into the pillow and blankets, she searched out Ron's number and hit send, the phone ringing against her ear.

"Hermione?" His answer was a frantic question, and she suddenly felt bad for worrying her friend.

"Ron. Yes. It's me."

"I'll be there in a minute. Stay where you are. Okay?"

"Yeah. Okay."

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16 August 2009: 8:26am

"Draco called me in a right panic. He said something bad happened and that you were bleeding uncontrollably from your head. Never— Never in my wildest dreams did I expect what I found, Hermione. You unconscious and in some flimsy robe on Astoria Malfoy's bedroom floor. The room full of sex toys and reeking of the act itself. Blood everywhere. Pansy said you were lucky we got to you when we did."

"Pansy was there?"

"Who do you think healed your head?"

"Ron, I'm so embarrassed. I don't know what to say."

"You! You're embarrassed?! Merlin…"

"We had a plan—"

"Fuck! What kind of bloody plan involves you having sex with Draco and Astoria fucking Greengrass-Malfoy at the same fucking time?"

She said nothing.

"Pansy, bless that woman's soul, talked Astoria out of blowing the entire thing up by going to the papers. Come on… How would she explain her involvement without making it seem like her and Draco were a bunch of hedonists?"

"There's nothing wrong with being a hedonist, Ron."

"I—fine. If you want to live that way, then fine, but you can't be doing this with Draco. It has to end with him."

"I know! I know it does!"

"Everything, Hermione. Everything with him has to end."

"I know," she whispered, tears running down her cheeks.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

23 August 2009: 7:44pm

Addendum to Blood Purity Laws, Draft #2,896

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24 August 2009: 6:14am

Addendum to Blood Purity Laws, Draft #2,923

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25 August 2009: 3:07pm

Addendum to Blood Purity Laws, Draft #2,959

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

30 August 2009: 10:23pm


Where the bloody hell are you? I thought you said you weren't going to do this again? Just up and disappeared. No note. No text or call. Nothing. Do you even have your mobile with you? Harry is losing his shit here. I told him everything. He knows. He knows about what happened at Malfoy Manor. You need to come back. You need to come back before we all come looking for you. We're worried about you. We love you. Please. Please, come back.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1 September 2009: 12:00pm


We still have no idea where you've gone off to. I hope that you come back soon. Tonight is the Ministry's September First Gala. Will you be back for that? What do I tell Kingsley? Draco and I have been covering for you, but how much longer is this going to go on? We need you here. There are more Sympathizers trying to start riots and we need you. We need you back for other reasons too, Hermione. We miss you. The kids miss you. Ron misses you. I miss you.

Come home. Please.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

8 September 2009: 2:33pm

Aunt Hermione,

DaDDy said if i wote you a letter you wuld come home. i misses you.



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

10 September 2009: 5:03pm


I am still quite uncertain why I am even bothering to write to you considering everything you have put me through these past few years, but Pansy insists. Wherever you may be, you need to return home. The MLE is extremely incompetent without you. My husband, although a skilled official, is floundering without your help. You see, my sister, her husband, and their two children have been abducted by the Sympathizers. As much as it pains me to ask, can you pull yourself together enough to come home and help us with this dilemma? After a long talk with my therapist and Draco, we've decided to put what happened in the past.

Astoria Greengrass-Malfoy

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

11 September 2009: 4:57am

Addendum to Blood Purity Laws, Draft #2,997

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

12 September 2009: 3:00am

Addendum to Blood Purity Laws, Draft #3,015

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

13 September 2009: 5:14am

Addendum to Blood Purity Laws, Draft #3,029

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

13 September 2009: 4:10pm

Addendum to Blood Purity Laws, Draft #3,050

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

18 September 2009: 1:54pm


Have you contacted your friends? They called us a few times. Your father and I send birthday wishes, although I suspect this may arrive earlier than your actual birthday. We miss and love you. Take care of yourself!


Mum & Dad

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

19 September 2009: 11:41pm

She heard the floo but didn't bother moving from her spot on the bed. Not like she could even if she wanted to. Her body felt so, so heavy, and her eyelids didn't want to stay open anymore. If she just closed them, then it could be over, right? She had no more tears left to cry. Her hands were cramped from all the addendums she'd written, her fingers stained with ink. She could hear someone moving around in the front room, presumably looking for her. Vaguely, she recalled leaving her suitcase by the door, unable to carry it any longer. Taking a deep, shuddering breath, she tried to call out, but the attempt was feeble. She was just so tired. The noise paused, and then there were frantic footsteps and someone calling out her name. She had no idea who'd come for her, but it didn't matter. She let her body succumb to the darkness.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

20 September 2009: 2:00am

"Exhaustion and malnourishment, mostly. There's one other possibility I'd like to discuss."

"What would that be?"


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

20 September 2009: 8:32am

"Hermione? It's me. It's Ron. I don't know if you can hear me or not, but you're at St. Mungo's. I found you at the flat. I thought you were dead. Pansy helped me bring you in. I hope you don't mind. Your Healer is taking good care of you. He said that your vitals are already improving and that if that keeps up, you can go home by the end of the week. Now, if you could just open your eyes and tell me that you're going to be okay…that— I need you to do that."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

20 September 2009: 10:14pm

Trying to wet her dry lips was nearly impossible. She was so thirsty from the numerous potions they gave her to bring her back from the brink of death. Peeling her heavy eyelids open, she was surprised to find her room dark, the door closed and the shades drawn. It must be late, she decided. Turning on her side, she cringed as her body screamed at her in pain. An entire month of not properly taking care of yourself will do that. Knowing she didn't have the strength to sit up, she reached out to grab the glass of water on the table by her bed. Her fingers were just barely able to touch it. She nudged at it until she was able to get her hand around it, bringing it to her lips and taking a long pull of the cool liquid. When her thirst was sated, and the cup empty, she curled into herself and decided to close her eyes for a minute before calling for the Healer.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

22 September 2009: 9:49am

"Ms. Granger, I'd like to talk with you about a treatment program."

"For my…depression."

"Yes. I feel with proper treatment, therapy, and a change of lifestyle, you will be feeling much more yourself in no time. Depression is quite manageable these days."

"What do I need to do?"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

22 September 2009: 6:20pm


She turned away from the window to see who was in the doorway. A smile formed on her chapped lips when she saw Harry and his son, James, standing there.

"Hey, you two."

She struggled to sit up in the bed, her body still sore and tired. Harry pushed his son into the room playfully, the boy running forward and jumping onto the edge of the bed, but far enough away so he wouldn't hurt her. Harry must have warned him to be careful.


"Hello, James. I've missed you. Wow, you got so tall."

"Yes! Daddy and mummy bought me my very first broom! I get to ride it this weekend when we go to gramma and grampa's!"

Harry smiled at her from where he sat next to her hospital bed. She met his gaze and knew why he'd brought James along today. It was so she could see she had a reason to live. She was this little boy's Godmother and she had to be there for him.

"That sounds really exciting, James."

"You should come too. I'll share my broom with you."

"That's so nice of you to offer, but I'm actually afraid of flying. I'd like to watch you though."


Hermione opened her arms, and James scurried into the embrace. As she held the boy, she met Harry's eyes over his son's head and was not surprised to see tears reflected there. "Thank you," she mouthed. He merely nodded, turning away to swipe under his glasses as teardrops ran down his cheeks.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

27 September 2009: 3:52am

She couldn't sleep.

Staring at the ceiling in her bedroom at the flat, she just couldn't sleep. Her mind kept replaying that night over in her head. And St. Patrick's Day. And Copenhagen. And her birthday two years ago…

She was driving herself mad from it all. She needed to get some sleep because tomorrow she'd be back at the Ministry trying to track down Astoria's family. What a turn of events?

Rolling onto her stomach, she pulled the pillow over her head to try and hide from the memories engulfing her mind.

It didn't work.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

30 September 2009: 9:40pm

"For fuck's sake!" She screamed, running and diving behind a bush on the Greengrass Estate. Harry threw himself head first on the ground behind her just before a reducto blew a hole in the where they'd previously been standing. "What do we do now, Harry? We weren't expecting more than ten and there's at least fifty Sympathizers out here!"

"Draco's already called for reinforcements, so try and calm down." Harry crawled over towards her, placing a protection barrier around them like she should have done in the first place.

"Where has he gotten to anyway?"

"Said he was going to try and infiltrate the mansion from the back. Apparently there's a secret hatch back there."

"On his own! He'll be killed." She made to dash out from their hiding place, but Harry grabbed hold of her cloak.

"Whoa! Absolutely not. We wait for reinforcements." When she opened her mouth to protest, he talked over her. "Draco knows what he's doing. How many Sympathizers has he taken down now? I lost count, but that's beside the point. If you rush in there now, he's just going to be distracted by you. Let him do his job."

Dropping back down onto the hard ground, Hermione nodded, worrying her bottom lip with her teeth. She was just about to thank Harry for stopping her making a huge mistake when an immense explosion sent them reeling. The entire Greengrass Mansion was blown to pieces right in front of their eyes. Harry dove on top of Hermione as debris sailed their way. He held her down with his body as she struggled to get free.


"Hermione! LISTEN! You can't! It's over! We have to evacuate! We have to go!"

She tore at his cloak, scrambling to get free as he tugged her to her feet. Flames swirled, eating the ancient home as they looked on in horror.

"He was in there! Harry! Harry he was in there! Oh my god! DRACO!"

She wrenched her arm free of her best friend and started running towards the Mansion. She didn't make it more than three steps before she was hit with a spell from behind, her body going rigid as she tumbled to the ground. Petrificus totalus. Inside she screamed, needing Harry to understand he had to release her from the spell. Instead, he rolled her onto her back, a look of remorse on his face as he pulled a necklace from his pocket.

"I'm sorry, Hermione. This is for the best." He slipped the necklace around her neck and then pointed his wand at the locket nestled at the base her throat. "Portus."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1 October 2009: 7:00am

Headline from the morning edition of The Daily Prophet:

"Daphne Greengrass-Goyle killed in Sympathizer Explosion at Family Estate
Details and funeral arrangements forthcoming."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4 October 2009: 10:36am

Not really knowing why she was here, Hermione stood between Harry and Ron as they watched Daphne's casket being lowered into the family plot at the Goyle Estate. Up ahead, standing around the grave, Gregory Goyle and his son and daughter cried along with Astoria and Pansy. Blaise and Theo were there as well, standing stoically by their friends. Draco stood closeby with his one arm wrapped around Scorpius' tiny shoulder. He was being the supportive friend, husband, and father. He met her eyes and nodded once, silently acknowledging her presence. She bowed her head to him, letting him know she was sorry for his loss. Sighing, she stepped backward, away from her best friends, and walked away. She shouldn't be there anyway.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

9 October 2009: 11:55am

"Ron? What are you doing here?"

"I came to see if you wanted to get some lunch. I was talking to Harry to see if he wanted to come too, but he has a meeting." Ron came into her office and sat down in the chair across from her desk. She smiled at him.

"Sure. I'd love that. Let me just finish this paperwork and we can head out."

"You sure do have a lot of those?"

"Hmmm?" She looked up from her forms to see Ron pointing at her teacup collection. "Oh! My teacups? Yeah, I get a few each time I travel abroad. They're so lovely, and they brighten up the office."

"They are kind of nice, I guess."

"I have nearly seventy I think. They're fun to collect."

"I see."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

9 October 2009: 12:25pm

"I'm moving back into the flat so you won't be alone."

"You don't have to do that. I'm fine, really."

"Are you still having nightmares?"

She hesitated.

"It's already done. My name's on the lease."

"What about Pansy? What will she say?"

"She understands."



"Thank you."

"I'd do anything for you, Hermione. You know that."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

15 October 2009: 6:15pm

Sitting at their kitchen table, Hermione was working on a new addendum (Draft #3,110) while Ron flipped through a Quidditch magazine. There was an article about Ginny retiring from the Holyhead Harpies. She was going to pursue a career writing for the Prophet now that she had three children and a few injuries under her belt. Occasionally, Ron would throw her worried glances as she scribbled furiously on her parchment, attempting to turn her research into something the Wizengamot would take seriously.

As she pushed aside yet another finished version and grabbed for a fresh piece of parchment, Ron stopped pretending to read. She felt him staring at her heavily as she wrote 'Addendum to Blood Purity Laws, Draft #3,111' across the top of the page along with the date. She knew she was scaring him and the rest of her friends, but the holidays were nearly upon them, and this needed to be done. She needed to be done.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

31 October 2009: 5:55pm

Lacing up the back of Lily's fairy costume, she watched as James and Albus chased each other back and forth, fighting with their fake pirate swords. This year, the two of them wanted to be pirates together. She wondered how much longer they would enjoy being the same thing before they discovered their own identities. Once Lily was suited up, she helped her into the wings and then patted her on the bottom. She giggled as the little girl wobbled off toward where her brothers were pretending the couch was a ship. They were all growing up so quickly. Pushing to her feet, she wandered back through into the kitchen, where Ginny was making sure everything was ready for when they returned after trick-or-treating.

There was plenty of food to go around, and Hermione was excited to spend the evening taking the kids out and celebrating with her friends and their families. The whole Weasley clan would be arriving shortly, so Hermione tried to mentally prepare herself for the evening. There were bound to be questions about how she was doing and if she was okay, and honestly, she didn't want to deal with that. She just wanted to have a good time. As the floo sounded from the living room, and Lily's peals of laughter echoed through the downstairs, Hermione sighed. Time to put on her own costume: a happy façade.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

17 November 2009: 8:39pm

Still at work, Hermione was frantically trying to get her materials in order. She'd submitted her latest addendum (Draft #3,264) to Kingsley that morning for his approval before she could petition the Wizengamot. While she waited for his decision, she had to compile and categorize the past four years of research, interviews, addendums, and her proposal so she would be ready if and when the time came to present it all. She was just stashing her box under her desk when there was a knocking on her door. Kicking the box out of sight, she called out.

"Come in!" Her face fell when she saw who it was. "Draco."

"I'm not bothering you, am I?"

"No, of course not. Come—sit down. I was just getting ready to leave, but I can spare a few minutes."

She watched as he shuffled into her office, placing his briefcase by the chair before settling into it. They were silent for a few moments, both unsure what to do or say really. He'd come for a reason though, she knew that he did, so she prompted him to speak by canting her head in inquiry.

"I heard you turned in some sort of proposal to Kingsley this morning."

"I did."

"Are you resigning?"

"What?!" Her mouth popped open in shock at his question. "Why would you think that? I love working here."

"I thought you might not want to work with me anymore," he mumbled, rubbing at the back of his head. "After everything that happened between the two of us, I thought that you'd finally had enough and were leaving for good."

"I'm not going anywhere, Draco. You can be sure of that." Her heart broke to see him look so vulnerable, so worried that she might leave her position just because of their difficulties. "I might take one more trip, for the New Year, but besides that, I'm here for good."

"That's a relief—it really is, Hermione." He let out a long breath, slumping in the chair and covering his face. His hands scrubbed at his face roughly, and when he pulled them away, she was surprised to see tears in his eyes. When he spoke, his voice broke. "I really value you as my partner—I truly do. Before this nightmare began, you and I were friends. Do you think we can ever get back to that? Can we get back to what we had before? I miss you, Hermione. I miss us so bad it hurts and I can't imagine a life without you in some way."

She tugged on her lip with her teeth as she tried to find a way to answer him without breaking his heart. She'd promised Ron she'd end everything, and she meant it. She knew there was no going back to how they were five years ago. Had it really been that long since she lost the baby? Had it really been that long since he'd found her sobbing in the Ministry loo? That's when their relationship shifted—that was when they became more than just friends. How did she and Ron manage to stay friends after separating? After he'd been unable to cope with the loss of their unborn child? She didn't know. Maybe it was because they were always best friends. He'd saved her from a troll. He'd come back to her and Harry when he realized they needed him too. He'd always been there for her first as a friend. Always as a friend.

Draco was different though. The two of them? They had passion. They had love that burned from within. The kind of love that only comes around once in a lifetime, if you're lucky. It was the kind of love people raged wars for. Killed for. The kind of love that made you do stupid things. You carved it into trees. You screamed it from the mountain tops. Poems, songs, novels, movies, plays—their love was the storyline. This love—their love—it made you insane. It made you walk to the end of the Earth to find a way to save it. They were two halves of one soul. They were the missing pieces to the puzzle. They were destined to love one another, but their destiny was broken. It was torn asunder in the blink of an eye, and there was no going back. Not now. Not ever. They would endlessly walk this Earth, loving one another, but unable to be together. It broke her very soul to have to tell him there was no going back, but she had to or they would be stuck in this never ending loop of pain and anguish forever. It was time. It was time for Hermione to break free of the chains of their love.

Taking a deep breath, she shook her head, already seeing his heart break. He was shaking his head too, almost desperately, his hand reaching out like he could stop the next words from leaving her mouth.

"No, Draco. We can't go back to before. What we had, it was beautiful. It was everything, but that's over now. We have to move forward. We have to learn from the past, and try to make the future work for us. I'll always love, you Draco. I will, I promise, but sometimes we have to accept our fate and move on."

As Draco lost himself, crying silently into his hands, she got up from her desk and headed for the door. She paused next to him, unsure what to do next. In the end she decided to place a tender kiss to the top of his head before walking out her office door, away from their love, forever.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

20 November 2009: 2:21pm

"Ms. Granger?"

At the sound of Kingsley's voice, her head snapped up from the case file she was working on. She threw down her quill and jumped from her chair so quickly that the old thing nearly toppled over. She stared at him, her eyes wide with hope and fear all at the same time. Very rarely did the Minister visit officials in their offices. Only when there was something big going on.

"Yes, Minister?"

"I approved your proposal. The Wizengamot have set your court date for December the first."

Chills ran over her body as she slowly lowered herself back into her chair. Breathing slowly and deeply, she tried not to faint. This was it. After all her hard work, all the tears, and sleepless nights, she was finally at the end of the road. Nodding, she swallowed and met Kingsley's eyes with a determination in her own.

"Thank you, Minister. Thank you, so very much."

"It is my pleasure, Ms. Granger."

Once he'd gone, Hermione stared around at her office. She'd barely been in this room over the past four years, but she would forever remember this moment. She had ten days to prepare her testimony. Ten days and this would be over. Ten days and she could finally move on. Smiling, she pulled a piece of parchment towards herself and dipped her quill into the ink jar. Heart beating erratically in her chest, she wrote the date and then, she began.

Petition for the Eradication of Blood Purity Laws Draft #1

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1 December 2009: 8:45am

"If you don't stop pacing, I'm going to lose my bloody mind."

"I can't help it. I'm nervous."

"You! I'm the one who should be nervous! I have to go in there in fifteen minutes and give the testimony of my life. The future of the Wizarding world weighs on my shoulders right now," Hermione ranted, clutching desperately at her file folder which contained her final draft. It was weird to think that. Her final draft. After 3,264 addendum drafts and quite possibly over a hundred petition drafts, she was finally here at the trial.

Harry stopped pacing, his Wizengamot robes making him look extremely distinguished. She knew she had at least one vote on her side, and probably Draco's as well when it all came down to it. So there were two. Still, Draco had no idea what she was up to, and with Ginny's help, the Prophet hadn't been able to glean any information either. All they'd been able to report on was that she was going in front of the Wizengamot to petition for something big. The news would break this evening on whether or not she'd been successful.

"I'm sorry. I just want this to go well for you. There are still a lot of Purebloods on the council, and who's to say they won't reject your petition right away?"

"I've been working with the MLE for many years now, Harry. I have all the faith in our legal system. It's not like it once was."

"You're right."

"I know."

They shared a laugh, the tension finally breaking. Harry came over and took a seat on the bench next to her, playing with his overly large robes.

"What are you going to do when this is all over?"

"I might take a vacation." He laughed at her response. "I'm serious. I've traveled all over the world researching and working towards this, but none of it was ever truly for me. My therapist thinks it would be good for me to take a break, an actual break, just for myself."

"That might be nice for you. By the way, are you feeling alright? You look rather pale."

"I'm just nervous…and to be honest, I haven't really slept much since I found out about the court date. Once this is over, I can finally rest."

Harry was going to say something else, but the courtroom door opened and they were beckoned inside. Harry gave her a quick hug before hurrying to get to his seat. Closing her eyes, Hermione prayed that she made it through this trial and that everything fell into place.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1 December 2009: 9:03am

"Ms. Granger, you have come to petition the Wizengamot today?"

"Yes, sir. I have."

"Please state your proposal."

"I am petitioning the Wizengamot for the eradication of all remaining Blood Purity laws."

There was an immediate reaction from those in attendance. Reporters began scribbling frantically, and hushed whispers broke out. Harry smiled at her encouragingly, and then her eyes found Draco. He looked just as stunned as the rest of the Wizengamot, except there was something else shining in his eyes. She knew what it was, so she looked away. She was no longer doing this for them. No, this was solely for her now. She waited patiently as the courtroom was brought back under control.

"Very well, Ms. Granger. You may proceed."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1 December 2009: 3:30pm

Headline from a Special Edition of the Daily Prophet:

"War Heroine, Hermione Granger, makes history!
Blood Purity Laws have been Eradicated!"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1 December 2009: 3:44pm

"Honestly, everyone. I'm fine."

"You collapsed."

"Right in the middle of the courtroom!"

"We won!"

Tutting, Hermione tried to get out of the hospital bed, but Ron pushed her back down. Harry was staring at her with a worried expression on his face, still dressed in his Wizengamot robes. Ginny was doing a little jig, mumbling about the win over and over again. It was all rather amusing, really. If only she could enjoy it more.

"Come on—I was in shock. I never expected nearly the entire Wizengamot to vote in my favor. I still don't know what to say. I'm dreading the reporters."

"Kingsley took care of all that. Don't worry, Hermione. He has your back in this." Harry was finally tugging off his robes, his hair and glasses getting messed up in the process.

"It was exciting though, wasn't it?" Asked Ron, his eyes bright. "Everyone cheered when the hands were counted. It was like winning the Quidditch World Cup!"

"It was exciting, until she collapsed." Harry scolded his friend. "Everyone went into a panic after that."

"Everyone but Draco."

"What!?" Snapped Hermione, her eyes wide.

"Yeah. You should have seen it, Hermione." Ginny explained, "He jumped down three rows into the middle of the courtroom to get to you. Broke his ankle, actually. I thinks he's down the hall now getting it sorted."

"He did that for me?"

"Of course he did! Sweet Merlin, Hermione. You just eradicated all the Blood Purity laws!" Ginny came over and flopped down onto the bed. "I'm surprised he's not down filing for a divorce right now."

"He's not going to do that, Ginny." Harry placed a hand on his wife's shoulder causing her to turn and stare up into his face.

"And why not?"

"Scorpius is only three years old. Do you really see Draco breaking apart his family just to—?"

"Shut up, mate," Ron hissed, punching his friend on the arm.

Hermione felt the tears starting to fall, her hands picking at the blanket covering her legs. Harry was right though…Draco had a wife and a son. Even though she'd been telling herself for ages now she wasn't doing this for him…she was, at least in some part. He may have come to her aid, but he wouldn't leave his wife for her. Sighing, she wiped at her wet face, and attempted to smile.

"It's alright. It's going to be fine. I'm going to be fine."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3 December 2009: 10:03am

Ms. Granger,

I have just seen the papers and I am ecstatic for you! Congratulations on your success! I have already gone and filed for divorce from Carlos! Thanks to you I can be free! I can find my own path to love! I will be eternally grateful to you! If ever you need anything at all, please do not hesitate to ask!

Lorena (soon to be ex) Salinas

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3 December 2009: 12:17pm


I am overjoyed to hear your hard work has paid off! I would have written sooner, but I was trapped in a pyramid. Don't bother asking because I can't tell you why. Department of Mysteries and all that. I wish you the very best.


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5 December 2009: 5:52pm


I am so proud of you. I am sorry for how things ended between us, but I hope that you know I love you dearly, and hope you find happiness now. It was because of you that I was able to become a Solicitor, my dream, and now you have achieved one of yours. I know exciting opportunities are coming your way.



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8 December 2009: 4:34pm

Mum & Dad,

I hope you received the copy of the newspapers with the story about my case. I'm still in shock. My friends have been the best celebrating with me and making me feel on top of the world. I've received so many letters from thankful friends and people around the world. I've even been approached with a book deal! A book deal! Can you believe it? They want me to write it myself, but someone wants to publish a book about my research and journey to this point. Wow! I'm still uncertain about New Years, but I will let you know what my plans are.



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9 December 2009: 8:46am

Mademoiselle Granger,

Imagine my surprise when my ex-fiancé knocked on my door yesterday afternoon! In his hand he held the paper with the headline of your name. At first I was shocked, but then I took the time to read the article. I can't believe it! You have really done what you said you were going to do. I am thrilled beyond belief. Pierre, that is my fiance's name, has had his marriage annulled! Annulled! Apparently that is an option if you were forced into marriage by contract. He and I are back together and planning on getting married in the spring! How lovely Paris is in the springtime! You will be invited, of course. Take care and congratulations!

Adeline Baudin

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12 December 2009: 8:46am


Dear, we are so very proud of you. We have framed the papers and hung them in our closet, so non-magical folk won't see the moving pictures. Don't fret about New Years, love. Your father's knee is still bothering him so we will stay home this year. Instead, you go and have that special vacation you've been wanting since this all began. We only ask that you write often and send postcards!

Love always,

Mum and Dad

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18 December 2009: 5:12pm

As Hermione packed up the last of her belongs she would need from her office over the break, she thought about all the lives she helped change over the course of the past four years. It was wonderful hearing from everyone who was thankful to her for eliminating the Blood Purity laws. She was set to leave for her personal vacation tomorrow, but there was just one last thing she needed to do before she left. Grabbing her briefcase, she glanced at her teacup collection, already anticipating adding a few more when the Ministry reopened in January. The shelves were nearly packed with the fragile little cups, but there was still space for maybe three or four more. The teacups told a story of her journey through the past four years. She learned a lot about herself, and each teacup was associated with a specific memory in the country it was from.

Extinguishing the light, she exited the office and walked the few feet to the desk she was looking for. Sure enough, Draco was still seated there, working diligently to finish the paperwork he liked to put off until the last minute. He paused when she approached, his quill being set aside as he stood from his chair.



"I thought everyone had gone home already."

"I was just tidying up my office before I left." She felt uncomfortable talking to him. He hadn't approached her since she'd won her case. He hadn't even sent a letter. "I, uh—I had something I wanted to tell you."

"No—let me go first."


"I want to congratulate you first of all… When you came into that courtroom and announced what you were doing, I couldn't believe it. Everything sort of made sense after that. The traveling. The secretive meetings you had with Kingsley. That giant box in your office that was spelled shut with wards so strong even I was afraid to be near it." She smirked when he said this. She really had kept a tight seal on her research. "I want you to know I understand. I understand why you did this, and I'm thankful to you. It means so much."

"But you won't be leaving Astoria, will you?"

He faltered, running a hand through his blonde hair. "I don't know what to do, if I'm honest."

"Look," she began. "I'm not asking you to leave her. In the beginning, I'd hoped that maybe we could stand a chance at getting together when everything was said and done, but I know that's unlikely. I've helped a lot of people by getting rid of the laws, and not just from betrothal contracts. Blood prejudice will be nearly extinct now. It's thrilling." She sighed and glanced away for a second, composing herself. "I'm going away for two weeks, Draco. When I come back, I'm going to be different. I'm not giving you an ultimatum. I haven't come here for that."

"Then what have you come for?"

"I've talked to Kingsley, and he's allowing me to name you as Second in Command. You're not just my partner, Draco. You're my second. You've been there for this department more than I have these past four years, and I want to honor you with that. You deserve it."

"I don't know what to say."

"Say 'thank you' and leave it at that."

"Thank you, Hermione. Thank you so much."

"You're welcome. I'll see you in January."


"Goodbye, Draco."

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19 December 2009: 6:00am

Hermione was up early so she could get ready for the day of travel ahead of her. Yawning, she walked into the living room only to stop short. There, by the fireplace, was a beautiful leather chair with a large green bow on top. Frowning, she looked around expecting to see Ron or someone lurking, but all was quiet. Ron was still fast asleep, actually. She could hear his snoring from down the hall. Carefully, she made her way toward the chair, wand in hand. Sitting on the cushion was a little silver card with her name printed neatly. She knew that writing anywhere.

Grabbing the card and opened it carefully and pulled out the note from inside.


I wasn't sure what to do to thank you for my new position at the MLE, so I decided to get you a gift. Your old office chair was falling apart, (Don't deny it. It was.) so I purchased you a new one, more befitting of the Head of Department. I've removed the old one so when you return from the holidays you can just settle in with this beauty. Italian leather. I know you said things would never be the same as they were before, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to try. Enjoy your trip!



Grinning, Hermione sat down on the chair, nearly letting out a moan at how comfortable it was. Maybe she was wrong. Maybe she and Draco really could be friends after everything they went through. It couldn't hurt to try.

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24 December 2009: 11:15am


Aruba is beautiful. It's like nothing I have ever seen before. White sand. Turquoise water. And there are these trees that grow twisted and curved because of the way the wind blows here. They call them divi-divi trees! I'll send you a few pictures on your mobile so you can see. Anyway, I must be going. The beach is calling my name. I've left everyone's gifts wrapped and ready to go in my closet for tomorrow. Please remember to take them with you to The Burrow! Have a happy Christmas!

Love you!


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24 December 2009: 11:22am


Please remind Ron to bring the Christmas gifts from my closet. Miss and love you!

Happy Christmas!


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30 December 2009: 4:59pm

Mum & Dad,

I'm in heaven. Aruba is stunning. I may never come home! I hope that you had a lovely Christmas, and I know I will miss you tomorrow as I ring in the New Year here on the island. I'm set to return to London on the 2nd, but I may 'pop' on over to Sydney to see you for a few days. The Ministry doesn't reopen until the 11th.



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31 December 2009: 12:00pm

Walking along the beach, Hermione watched as people swam in the beautiful water, sunbathed, and enjoyed their vacations. She too was enjoying her vacation. In just twelve hours this year would end and a new one would begin. She had no idea what would happen in the future, but she knew that she was ready for it. Deciding she'd gone far enough, she sat down in the warm sand and stared out at the sea. She still had a few days left here in paradise, and she intended to appreciate every last minute.

She'd had enough of regret, enough of crying, and enough of dwelling on the past. From here on out she was going to live for herself, and most importantly, she was going to love for herself. The past four years were some of the most difficult in her adult life, but that did not define her. Hermione knew there was something magnificent waiting just beyond the horizon for her. She could feel it in her blood, in her body, and in her soul. It'd taken her all these years to get to this point, but now that she was here, she was ready to take the dive.

Besides, if she didn't love herself, how could she expect anyone else to love her either?

Chuckling, Hermione shook her head and pushed to her feet. She brushed the sand off the bottom of her jean shorts before starting to head back towards her hotel. Stopping, she turned and stared out at the ocean again, a smirk playing on her lips. Deciding there was no reason to hurry anywhere, she removed her shorts and white tank-top, revealing her red bikini underneath. Taking a deep breath, she ran for the water, laughing out loud as the cool water splashed up onto her heated body. After carrying such heavy weights on her mind for so long, Hermione was ready to live. She was ready to be free! With one last happy laugh, Hermione dove into the water, not caring what happened next. All that mattered was what was happening now.

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