Here's the beginning half of the first chapter for my upcoming sequel Avengers Like Us. It takes place during Age of Ultron and it brings back the whole gang including Milena and Thor. Please, please, please check it out if you enjoyed this fic because I plan to make it ten times better and I'd really appreciate it. Be on the lookout for it soon!

The wind blew her dark curls in front of her face, but even as they blinded her sight temporarily, she still caught a whiff from the wind traveling just under her nose. The smell was so familiar. Sokovia was the closest she'd been back to Ukraine and the forest's smells and sounds around them were all too similar to what she remembered. It felt weird to be standing on two legs, yet she knew those monsters of her past had to be set aside for now. They had work to do.

"What do you mean you're leaving me in the truck alone?" Clint whined at Natasha as he was loading the vehicle with supplies, ammunition, extra arrows….

"I've got my own ride Barton," she smirked at Clint before turning to her. Oh, Natasha… Why was it that one look from her made Milena's mind get gushy and her feelings soft? To say she had fallen was an understatement as she opened her arms up to embrace the wild redhead and felt the warmth of the back of her neck on her palm as she held them together. Their foreheads met in the middle and they smiled while gazing into each other's eyes before letting them close with full faith that they were both safe with each other.

"Are you ready?" Natasha silently told Milena through her thoughts.

"I'm ready to get this over with so I can have you to myself," she responded playfully.

She heard Natasha laugh in her head. "What happened to the little shy girl I met all those months ago who was afraid of her own shadow?"

"She fell in love…." Milena opened her eyes and smile before placing a quick peck on Natasha's plump lips. They were always so sweet to her and she had to hold back from smiling too wide as she noticed Clint watching them with a mischievous eye.

"Hey ladies, save it for the locker room," he said teasingly while climbing into the truck's front.

"Oh, you know I will," Natasha winked at Milena before nudging her head to the side, suggesting her that it was time.

All she had to do was leap forward and before she touched the ground her hands had grown into paws ten times bigger and her face protruded forward as she felt her nose shifting forwards, her eyes sharpening, and her mouth opening as her teeth grew. The hairs on her back shivered in the cold as she realized there was snow on the ground, but that only added to the formidable face she gave Clint as she showed him her teeth from behind her snarled mouth in an amusing warning that made Natasha laugh. She growled slightly, but playfully, before allowing the archer to pat her head as she came up beside his truck and knelt down slightly.

"That's my girl," Natasha beamed at how fierce she'd become before throwing herself up onto the giant wolf that had suddenly appeared in the middle of the forest.

"Romanoff, Barton, Telivola, are we in the clear?" the three suddenly heard Steve's voice in their ears.

"All set Rogers. We've got a direct route from the southwest position. Rendezvous in twenty seconds?"

"Yeah, if you can keep up," Tony's voice laughed next. "I saw Fluffy digging into the Cocoa Puffs this morning and you know dog's aren't supposed to eat chocolate."

Milena growled and her shoulders tensed before Natasha rubbed behind her ear. "Oh, you're really getting it after this is all over, Stark," she warned him.

"Great," he said smartly just as Milena could hear his thrusters revving up about five miles northeast of them. "Anyone wanna place any bets?"

"Mine's on Telivola,"Clint admitted without hesitation.

"Same," agreed Natasha.

"Hmmm," Thor chirped in from his position. The Asgardian had only recently arrived, but Milena knew from meeting him the first time that he didn't see her as a monster and that comforted her. Thor was, well, strange, but very open-minded for someone as old as he was… They had so many conversations about Asgard and he'd told her that she would love the Rainbow Bridge. He'd said that she could run it to her heart's content. "I would love to see this battle between Stark and our lady of the wolves… I will wager a hundred tarts of pop on Telivola!"

"Ah, c'mon guys," Tony whined. "No one at all believes in me?"

"I'd like to believe that you could remember why we're here," Steve criticized their side conversation. "Hulk?"

"RAAAAHHHHHH!" they could all hear the other guy beat his chest from a distance

"Alright… on my mark…. Three, two…"

Her hind legs extended from their contracted position in an instant as she shot off like a bullet into the depths of the forest at top speed. Even though she was technically a canine, she flashed a very human-like smile as she glanced back and saw Clint struggling to accelerate as fast as she had with his tires bumping up and over tree roots and hills.

"RAAAAAAAAAAHH!" the Hulk's roars suddenly grew louder as the green monster flung himself in front of the two while taking out a squad of soldiers that had been gradually approaching. Her legs began pumping harder against the snow on the ground and she saw Hulk casually ripping up a few men from the ground and they neared the summit of the base.

She easily dodged the puny bullets that flew past her as the familiar sound of Thor's hammer shot through the air above them and the Asgardian could be seen throwing strikes of lightning down bellow onto helpless Hydra soldiers.

Not far up ahead, Cap slid on his motorcycle and dragged a poor fellow beside him as his body practically shred into pieces from the friction on the forest floor. Throwing him off carelessly, he belted down hills and through trees while dodging the enemy's blue beams with ease.

Clint's truck was now nearing them as another truck was launched just above his by the Hulk who was literally tearing through any person he saw. Milena felt a hard nudge by her ribs from Natasha digging her heels into her side; she was telling her to slow down just a bit. As the wolf trotted up a hill to decelerate, the widow made her side aerial dismount off her back and landed on the shoulders of a Hydra soldier who was soon taken down.

Now Tony was flying close to the ground near all of them as they all came upon the same clearing in the forest where a couple of soldiers were defending a small fence. As the wolf flew through the air with her teammates on each of her sides, she was sure that they had just got the money shot before she sunk her teeth into a soldier she landed on.

Man she loved her job.