The man by the fireplace lifted his head up just a little and gazed over the side, "Ah, Prongs, what do I owe this visit?" the man in the chair inquired.

James walked over and stood in front of the man a moment before responding. "I...I need your help. Lily and I think we've put our trust in the wrong people. We need your help protecting Harry if something happens to us." James explained.

"Why not come here yourselves?" the man probed and James sighed slumping down in a chair.

"The wizard that is after us would follow us here and we can't allow that to happen. We're moving to my parents place to get more time, but he will come for us eventually...and we need someone we trust to raise Harry." James relayed.

"I see, well then we need to go talk to my son. Where are Lily and Harry?" the man questioned and saw James chuckle for the first time.

"Off visiting your wife and the others." James grinned and the man nodded standing and pulling James to his side.

"Don't worry Prongs, everything will work out." the man soothed.

Halloween 1981:

Poinsettia felt someone call her and popped to Potter Manor. As she entered Master Harry's room she saw the baby fast asleep and heard a commotion downstairs. Screams and spells were being shouted and she quickly grabbed the baby and popped away. The3y had practiced what to do if this very thing happened and she was to go straight and get Master Harry out of there. As she returned to her home she noticed her family on the lawn waiting anxiously for her with tears streaming down their faces. She gently placed the child in the arms of his Godfather and then headed towards the barn to take care of the animals.

Albus arrived moments later to find all of the Potters had been killed along with several death eaters. As he headed up the stairs toward the nursery he expected to find young Harry or Riddle, but neither were there. Casting a spell he could feel that Riddle had left Potter Manor and headed towards...Longbottom Manor? Quickly he apparated away and was in shock. Longbottom Manor was in ruins.

Sirius looked up as the others flooed in covered in blood and burnt badly...what had happened out there?

July 31st 1991:

One snowflake fell and then another and another until a small mountain of snow had accumulated on his chest.

"What the? Blizzard! Frosty! Snowflake!" Harry screamed and then groaned as he realized the canopy of his bed was giving. He tried to move in time, but he soon found himself buried under an avalanche.

Then he heard chuckling from the doorway, "They got you again didn't they?" Kris laughed and Harry just stuck a hand out.

"Could you get me out of here?" Harry mumbled and Kris took his hand pulling him out. As soon as Harry was out from under the snow it rose and started to swirl blindingly toward his nightstand before stopping just on top of it. When the snow dispersed a blue package was sitting there covered in snow.

"Happy Birthday, Harry!" Blizzard, Frosty, and Snowflake yelled perched on top of his bed.

"Thanks you guys!" Harry grinned and then felt a push from behind.

"Go on and open your present." Kris nudged and Harry eagerly sat down amongst the house elves and lifted the lid of of the box. Harry's eyes widened and he hesitantly reached in and pulled out a wand holster made of ice.

"Whoa, you guys this is awesome. Thank-you guys." Harry whispered and the elves nodded accepting hugs from Harry.

"Look at the carving on the side." Snowflake urged and when Harry turned it over there was his family, every last one of them, laughing and playing together. Harry looked at the three house elves speechless and hugged them each again. Leaving home was not going to be easy.

Today was the day, July 31st, and in just a day (not even a full one) and a month, he would be coming to Hogwarts...with any luck they both would.

Harry made it to the kitchen just as food started flying (literally) onto plates.

"Happy Birthday Harry!" Sugarplum and Ginger coursed throwing powdered sugar onto his funnel cake.

"Thanks you guys!" Harry smiled back and felt someone pull him into a hug from behind.

"I cannot believe you're eleven already." Millie grumbled softly and kissed him on the temple.

"Don't worry, I'm still the same kid I was." Harry assured and Millie held him close.

"Same kid, huh? Does that mean you don't need any presents to mark you as a year older?" Kris teased coming up behind them and sitting down beside Harry.

"Well, I mean you know, at heart I'm the same kid, but presents yea...those are good." Harry explained trying to keep from breaking down laughing.

"Are you sure? I mean I could always tell everyone to keep them for you until Christmas?" Kris suggested raising an eyebrow at Harry.

"Nah, I think today's good." Harry assured and Kris started grinning as he pulled Harry out of his seat and onto his lap.

"Thought so." Kris chuckled and held Harry close. Harry allowed himself to be held and curled up.

"Now when would you like to open your presents?" Kris requested hugging Harry close.

"Um, well you know, just when you guys are ready for me too." Harry offered and everyone started laughing.

"I take it now would be a good time then?" Kris implored and at Harry's exhuberant nod everyone started piling into the living room.

Remus opened the shop doors and waited; no one knew what had happened to Harry, but many hoped he would find his way to Diagon Alley today.