AN: So I've decided to take a break from my other two fics, Topsy-Turvy and Small Miracles. I've had a hard time in the real world and needed to exercise some of my creative freedom. I'm not abandoning my fics, just a tiny break. So here we go. Let's see where the muses take me, shall we?

"And to honor our newest Alumni, we've decided to celebrate with a Ball. To be held in two weeks time for anyone of age," Albus Dumbledore held up his hands to prevent the outcry of nay-sayers. "Anyone interested in attending will be roomed within the castle for the night before the Celebratory Ball and for the night after."

Having given his annual speech, the Headmaster had felt that a party was needed to break up the atmosphere of gloom that had pervaded the castle following the end of the War and the fall of Tom Riddle. Although the war had been over for a good five years now, the constant fear was hard to dispel. Perhaps it had something to do with losing so many fine witches and wizards, perhaps the loss of Harry Potter himself had affected more people than they cared to admit.

Harry's sacrifice had paved the way for the final onslaught against He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Snape had enlisted Hermione's help with a spell that would trap the other Death Eaters and leave Voldemort defenseless. The only glitch they had discovered had been the sacrifice of a willing victim. Harry had fit that bill perfectly, against everyone's wishes.

Looking back, the Light probably would not have won if it hadn't been for the spell. The Death Eaters quickly capitulated after the fall of their leader. Most of the Inner Circle had decided to fight and lethal measures were used to bring them down. Lucius Malfoy, alone, survived that attack and had tossed down his wand in the sight of the greater numbers against him. He was currently spending 15 years in Azkaban; his son was working to get him released but it was slow-going. No one was willing to trust him again after his lies about being Imperious-ed the first time.

The lesser known and lower classed Death Eaters put up less of a fight. They were also spending the next 15 years in Azkaban. There was little chance that they would be released early as well. Most had already lost their minds to the Dementors in the last five years.

Hermione ruminated that perhaps they had been a little harsh with some of the Dark warriors, but their was little to be done about that. It was too big a risk to fight for their freedom: what if she was wrong?

Shaking her head and raising her glass in the toast to the new Alumni, she looked down on the new graduates with pride. She had personally tutored most of them in Potions, and it showed. Nearly all of this year's graduates had received O's or Exceeds Expectations on their NEWT's. Her Master wouldn't let his pride show through, but she could see it in his eyes. Giving him a small smile, she took a sip of her elf-made wine.

"And what has you looking so self-satisfied today?" Severus drawled with a sneer.

Hermione laughed, tossing her long curls over her shoulder revealing quite a bit of skin in her off-the-shoulder gown. "You damn well know why."

The Potion's Master quirked an eyebrow. "Ah, yes. Your 'proof' that being compassionate leads to higher grades?"

Chuckling, the Apprentice shook her head. "No! But close enough."

With a nod of his head, Snape excused himself from the table. He'd had enough of the clamor and was ready to be rid of the squalling students. But as he stood, Albus held him back with a hand on his arm. Severus rolled his eyes but remained at the Headmaster's side.

Standing, Dumbledore cleared his throat and rapped a fork against him goblet, calling the attention of the rambunctious crowd. "I do apologize for yet another interruption to your delicious feast, but I have recently remember something I was supposed to announce! It has come to my attention that a certain apprentice is ready and able to complete her Potion's Mastery. May I present, the newly instated, Potion's Mistress Hermione Granger!"

The announcement was met with a cacophony of applause, everyone surging to their feet.

Hermione's eyes were comically wide. She hadn't expected to reach this point in her life for several more years. But she wasn't going to argue if Severus thought she was ready. Stumbling to her feet, she gave a small bow of welcome and shook hands with both her former Master and the Headmaster.

Wrapping his arm around her waist, Severus led the still-stunned Miss Granger away from the feast and down to the dungeons. She nearly balked when she discovered they were standing in front of the portrait entrance to his private quarters.

The portrait depicted a sleeping dragons in colors of black, crimson, and gold. As they approached, the dragon raised his horned head and yawned lazily, showing an array of sharp fangs. Blinking his silver eyes, he waited for the password.

"Regrets are never forgotten."

Hermione twitched. She knew the significance to those words, and it sent a shiver down her spine.

Stepping through the portrait hole, Severus made his way to the kitchenette, studiously preparing tea. Hermione nervously paced the room, having been here before she felt no need to stare inquisitively at the warm and natural color palette of the room. Pine floors, a furry brown rug that looked soft and inviting; the walls were a darker resin-stained pine, mostly covered by the numerous ebony bookshelves. Behind the ebony desk in the corner, many awards and plaques were framed and arranged tastefully.

The last time Hermione had been here, she'd left in tears. Rejected, embarrassed, and mortified by her own behavior, she hadn't returned. And for a full week after, she had avoided the Potion's Master as much as she was able. It had been hard, but then Hermione wasn't one to just give up either. After putting the experience in a lock-box in her mind, she returned to work with full vigor. She still had very little to say and hardly spoke unless spoken to, but she did her work and went above and beyond the call of duty as always when it came to researching answers and quoting texts.

Gingerly, the witch sat on the edge of the fawn and ebony loveseat. Staring into the fire, she didn't notice Severus's return until he was placing a mug into her hands. Even then, she sipped the hot brew without much reaction to the scalding liquid.

They spent several minutes gazing at the hearth together: Hermione on the loveseat, Severus in his usual tawny leather armchair. Finally, Hermione could wait no longer.


Snape's eyebrows rose simultaneously. "How very eloquent," his voice was like liquid velvet caressing her skin. It raised goose-flesh on her arms and made her squeeze her thighs together tightly. "Why what?"

Hermione huffed. "Why did you bring me here? I'm free now, I can go where I damn well please!" She stood as her ire rose to the surface, the feelings of humiliation returning to the forefront of her mind. "What makes you think I have anything else to say?!" Turning to hide the wateriness of her eyes, Hermione swiped a hand across her face and placed her cup back upon the coffee-table. She took a deep, trembling breath and opened her mouth to bid him good day.

She never got the chance, because just as she turned her head, her chin was caught in a long-fingered hand and lifted. Her eyes grew large and doelike, she begged him not to do what she thought he was going to do. She begged him without a word. Her eyes said it all.

"I told you, Hermione. I was not going to ruin the sanctity of our Master and Apprentice vows," he whispered against her lips. His eyes reflected the light of the fire, revealing their deep brown depths which roved over her face as though memorizing it.

"And I told you, I was not going to wait for you," Hermione said quickly, her voice but this side of breathy.

Severus smirked. "You and I both know that was a lie," he drew ever closer, he could smell her strawberry and honey shampoo from here. "How long has it been since that night, Hermione?"

She shuddered in his arms, which he had wrapped around her when she looked unsteady. Briefly looking away as though trying to fight, with everything she had in her, the spell his voice kept her under. He could seduce her with a simple glance in her direction.

He had not. Until now.

Coming to a snap decision, she pressed her lips to his in a bruising, forceful kiss. She couldn't stand the ache in her heart one more moment. Pulling back slightly, she whispered hoarsely. "Two years, eight months, three weeks and two days."

Closing her eyes, she leaned back into him. With her head resting on his shoulder, she took a breath of the sharp masculine cologne that he wore.

"You only have to ask." Now his own voice sounded harsh to his ears.

Leaning back, she gazed intently into his face. "Take me?"


Severus scooped her easily into his arms, bridal style. Kicking open his bedroom door, he laid her gently upon the mattress of the four-poster bed. Her fingers spread and then clenched around the sand-colored silk. She threw her head back, feeling the wine finally making its way to her head. His hands wandered up and down her sides, the navy-blue velvet the only barrier between their skin.

"You, my dear, are wearing far too many clothes."

Her laughter was music to his ears as her arms reached up to pull him down to her. A whispered word later left them both bereft of the layers of fabric that had separated them. "Not anymore."

"Oh, Hermione," he groaned as she took an earlobe into her mouth and teased it with her teeth.

He turned his head to meet her lips with his, and the kiss that ensued left them both gasping for breath and yet desperate for more. Hands wandered across heated skin. Tongues met and battled for dominance. The room was almost steamy with their passion, filled as it was with their cries and lusty moans.

Severus crawled down her body, bathing her with kisses as he went. Finally finding the spot he was looking for, he glanced up to find her watching him with an expectant gaze, blood flooding her cheeks and turning them rosy.

"Please," she breathed. At the first touch of his tongue to her core, she threw her head against the pillows in ecstasy. "Don't stop!"

Lapping greedily at the juices that flooded his mouth, he groaned, adding vibration to the list of sensations coursing through her body. Pausing, he promised, "Only when you ask me to, precious."

She giggled in spite of herself at the pet name. Then she gasped when his teeth closed around her clit, sending pleasant shocks of pain to her brain. His tongue was back to soothing her flesh before she had time to become indignant. Melting into the bed, she let him have his way with her, promising herself she'd return the favor later.

Looking up and seeing her in a state of bliss, Severus rose to his forearms and hovered at her entrance. He stared deep into her eyes and waited.

"Are you sure?" He asked for clarification. Consent was very important to him.

"Yes," she responded, wrapping her legs around him and grinding her hips against his.

With a groan, Severus sank his cock into her, relishing the tight silken feel of her walls. She trembled and tried to relax, adjusting to his girth which was longer than anything she had had up to now. Panting, she swiveled her hips, begging him to move.

When he did, it was slow and with purpose. He thrust as deep as he could and pulled out to the head. It was an agonizing pace, meant to goad her into either begging again or taking matters into her own hands. Finally, she reacted in just the way he expected: grasping his arms and throwing him to the side, she climbed atop him and speared herself on his length.

Cross-eyed for a moment, she trembled and took a deep breath while he laughed up into her face. Glaring at him, she began to move, smirking when his breath caught in his throat. Arching her back, she placed her feet flat on the bed and lifted herself up only to slam straight back down. Over and over she impaled herself on his turgid cock. His hands rested on her waist, helping to lift her.

Eventually, he groaned and rolled them back over, proceeding to slam himself repeatedly into her. After several moments, he paused and bid her to lie on her stomach with her ass in the air. Once she was in place, he rammed her from behind and grabbed a fistful of hair. Hearing the pleased gasp come from her lips acted like an aphrodisiac to his senses.

"Hermione, I'm not going to last much longer!" He panted between thrusts.

"I'm on the potion!" she cried out after a particularly deep impact.

Some minutes later, his thrusts became erratic and he came, shuddering, with a quiet groan. He continued pumping, hoping to bring to her climax one more time. She did, crying his name.

Falling to the side, Severus pulled her still-quaking body against him. With a small show of wandless, wordless magic he waved his hand and the comforter rose to cover the both of them.

He brushed her wild hair back from her face and whispered, "Will you stay with me?"

Smiling over her shoulder, she whispered back, "Always."

AN: I know, that last line was super corny. I couldn't help it LOL. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I did writing :)