So I want to try something new. Something along the lines of a psychotic relationship.

So please enjoy and review!

Boy x Boy so a warning...

It seemed to be another depressing day in the insane asylum of Shinjuku, Tokyo. It was a very dull day; it was the same routine over and over again. Two infamous names of Ikebukuro, their minds wasting away.

It was simple, Izaya Orihara, a corrupted information broker who began to break away from reality unknowingly; which caused him to fall into a state of insanity. He was sent to an asylum to spend however long it took recuperating. All he did in his sorry excuse of a room was talk to himself and hope that the voices in his head would stop screaming. He would never admit he was crazy though, oh no, no, no, no. He was a god not a lunatic! He loved his people and they loved him!He was not normal, but he was not a lunatic!

Shizuo Heiwajima was completely different though. A monster that had brute strength. His strength would eventually be his undoing slowly unraveling even to the point of accidentally killing his own best friend. The days and weeks that followed, he broke down. Causing him to drink and smoke in the hope that the pain would die off. It was not the case however, because he began to shut down. He couldn't do anything about this pain; he was going crazy. A concerned friend and employer Tom, said it was best to get admitted into a mental asylum to help. That is what he did, for a while it seemed that he got better, but he would hinder his own progress and have anger fits. So the workers of the asylum thought it was best to keep him under supervision and he was to be kept on medication to help calm him down. Shizuo was to be given a dose of a sedative everyday in the beginning of the day which would last until it was lights out.

As of now, it was about time for the weekly exercise at the asylum. An hour of activity for all the patients to stretch and have "fun". Both of them sighed and were led outside to exercise. Then raven would stand there and wait for someone to yell at him for not participating. The blonde however, actually tried to exercise to mask the pain at least for an hour. Izaya was leaning against the wall trying to keep the voices in his head from speaking to him when he noticed the blonde and grinned. Someone to talk to!

He skipped to him and giggled "Ne~ hello there stranger! I'm Orihara Izaya. Who are you?~" He said in a singsong voice and Shizuo just glared at him. Who the hell was this and why was he speaking to him. "...go away pest."

"Now that was rather rude. Now we should convince this mutt to be our friend correct? We can all become friends, right?" Izaya nodded to himself and he tugged on Shizuo's arm "Come on tell me your name! I want my friends to know you!" Of course they weren't his friends but they talked to him. "Friends?" The blonde looked around for someone to show but saw no one. Izaya giggled and pointed to his head, "Right here! I have many friends that talk to me! Now tell me who you are!" The blonde sighed, "Shizuo...and you?"

"Izaya! You know I think we'll all be great friends! I can feel something great! No! Please be my friend please!" The raven pleaded and clung to the blonde. "Shizuo. Shizuo. Shizuo..ah no! Want to play a game?" Shizuo looked down at him, "What kind of game..?" Izaya just shrugged, "Any is fine! I don't care! I need something to do."

The blonde pried the other off his arm and growled low, "No. I don't. I don't want friends. " Of course, this mutt would say that. Ugh typical. "Why not? Did you do something awful?" Shizuo grumbled, letting out a small sigh. "Yeah..I..I did." Izaya stood there like a pesky cat that wanted you to give him more and even then he wouldn't leave. Just as Shizuo was to speak, the raven placed a finger to his lips, "Shh no need to explain. I bet I can already guess what you did to make it here."

Shizuo furrowed his brows and he noticed that Izaya's words were dripping with venom. Bittersweet was a better way of explaining Izaya. The blonde stepped back and Izaya just stepped forward. It freaked him out, if he wasn't on so many medication he would hurl this guy and hope that he died by hitting the ground once he landed.

"So Shizu-chan I was thinking that-"

"It's Shizuo dammit." He said with a slight bitter tone.

Review please love you all! (I've been updating everything so it looks better! Please tell me if it is!)