A/N: Hi everyone, this is my first time writing in a REALLY REALLY long time, so if I'm a bit rusty I apologize! I own nothing you recognize from Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire, I am simply a fan with an over active imagination. I picture Alessa to look like Kenna from Reign, portrayed by Caitlin Stasey. I hope you enjoy!

Ages: Robb/Jon: 17

Joffrey: 16

Alessa: 15

Sansa: 13

Myrcella: 12

Arya: 11

Tommen: 10

As the carriage bumped across the uneven road she couldn't help but think of the life that lay ahead of her. A life her father had chosen for her before she had even reached her first name day. He sought to tie his house to house Stark, something he had wanted since long before her birth. Since the woman named Lyanna stole his heart, and left him all but without.

It shouldn't have come as a surprise to her, it is what is expected of a high born lady, a princess, to marry for duty. She had never had any notions of falling in love; for she had never seen it. The relationship between a man and a wife was simply strategy, a different sort of battle, her parents detested one another. And yet, as Alessa Baratheon sat in the carriage with her mother and younger siblings she couldn't help but think of the things she would miss; Tommen's quiet and gentle nature, Myrcella's sweet innocence, her mother's fierce love for all of her children, he father's rare affection. If she was truthful he would miss her uncles the most. Tyrion had instilled in her the wisdom that came with knowledge, analyzing the world and trying to outsmart it. However Jaime had always been her favorite.

Alessa had learnt at a young age that the world was unkind. She often found herself cursing the fact she looked so little like a Lannister. While all of her siblings bore the golden hair and green eyes of her mother's house she bore the dark hair and blue eyes that came with her family name, though her mother could be seen as well, in her lovely face. It was said that her mother was the most beautiful women in all the seven kingdoms, a beauty that all her children were graced with, Alessa was no exception.

Her mother had fought against this for as long as she could remember, and truth be told that was what frightened her the most. Her father was a stubborn man and when he made up his mind not even the cunning Cersei Lannister could change it. She was to wed Robb Stark heir of Winterfell, a man she had never met, her mother's opposition the match left her terrified, what was it that made her mother so set against this man? Surely if not the Stark boy then it would be another, while Alessa knew she was not her mother's favorite child, she knew she had her love, the same could not be said for the king.

Robert Baratheon was a hard man his loathing of Cersei tainting his view of his children. For even as her Baratheon looks made her the least favorite of her mother, it made her the favorite of her father, though this was not saying much. It was her uncle Jaime who had always truly understood her, who truly favored her.

Yes, it was Jaime she would miss the most; his strong presence, his kind words, and of course the lessons he had been giving her since she was old enough to demand he teach her to wield a blade. Another trait that set her apart of her three siblings, for not even the crowned prince, the oldest of the Baratheon children, had even learnt to fight. She had put her foot down, a silly sight, a princess just shy of her seventh name day demanding to be taught to wield a blade.

"Your mother will not like it."

"Well then you needn't tell her then, nor will I. If you don't teach me I'll find someone else who will, someone not as skilled. What if I find myself immersed in a battle and my poor teachings lead to the end of me. Really Uncle, you would never forgive yourself."

"And why prey tell would a princess find herself in a battle?"

"There is always a battle uncle, and I for one would at least like to stand a chance."

Her thoughts were interrupted by her mother, and as she spoke, she felt more ill than she had in all of her fifteen name days.

"We are approaching the gates of Winterfell my love, I swear by all the Gods I will get you out of this. I will not abandon a child of mine to this frozen wasteland."

And so my future begins.