"You've been awfully quiet today," Yuuki told you in the lounging room of the Chairman's house. You looked up from your book and smiled at Yuuki, she rolled her eyes and continued, "Is this about Zero?" she asked.

You nodded and went back to your book, "I know, we shouldn't really worry about him but," you shut your book closed and stood up, "I just can't help it?" you shrugged your shoulders, tossing your book onto your seat behind you, "Anyway, let's look for something to eat and go to the main building, it's almost 8:30," you turned to the clock.

Yuuki stood up and gathered up your belongings and disappeared into another room. You made your way to the kitchen and opened the fridge. Your eyes immediately went to the breakfast supplies and you'd sulked a little. Just this morning, you we're full of assurance and determination. It felt like today was the day to feel great with Zero and Yuuki by your side. You certainly don't know why it was this day, maybe it just wasn't the right time to think that grabbed for the loaf of bread and bologna out with a pitcher of orange juice, preparing the sandwiches for the both of you.

"I keep forgetting that we don't really need to stay at the house anymore," she was still carrying your girl's belongings in her arms, "I kind of miss it here," You turned to Yuuki and saw she was also carrying two school bags with her, placing them all onto the table and putting stuff in each of them.

You laughed softly, "We do still stay here," bringing the sandwiches with two empty glasses, "Only if we're too tired to go back to our dorms," you placed them on the table near Yuuki, turning back for the pitcher.

"Yeah," Yuuki nodded, "I sometimes feel bad for waking Yori in the middle of the night but early in the morning, she doesn't seem to mind." She sat on the chair and bit into her sandwich. For the past couple of weeks, they had been spending the night at the house and visiting during the day. Yuuki wondered what was thte point of leaving this house all alone, knowing that Cross would be at the main building, cramped up in his office when knowingly that he has a private office of his own here, "Did you notice there are many night class students recently?" She asked.

You slumped against the chair, "Don't remind me," you poured the juice into the cups, "The more students there are, the more longer we have to stand there,"

"And to get everyone back," Yuuki added, "A lot of work but it's nice to see there are more students attending to the school." She bit into her sandwich again.

But a lot of work for Chairman Cross...

Yuuki downed her orange juice and stood up from her seat, "Come on, it's already 10 to 8:30, (your/name)." Your eyes quickly went straight to the plate and only saw yours in it and an empty cup beside a full cup of untouched juice.

You finished your light meal on the way to the building, shoving the empty cup into your school bag, You and Yuuki are on your way to main office to see before going out on patrol. As you neared the office, you heard a few people talking inside. Yuuki giving you one curious look before walking in. You followed after her as you closed the door behind you,

There were three other people in here, not from the school but who looked like they were in your age group. You may not recognize them but they were wearing day time uniforms with a noticeable disciplinary committee slash on their arms, "What is this?" Yuuki asked, shocked.

"Ahh, Yuuki and (your/name), nice of you to join us!" Chairman Cross spoke delightfully, standing up from his seat and going around his desk. He went behind you girls and suddenly hugged the both of you, "These are my wonderfully, caring, beautiful daughters!" He smothered them with hugs and cuddles.

You and Yuuki grumbled at the not-so-threatened attack and pushed him back at the with each of your arms. The Chairman whined and pouted at the rejection, "Yuuki, (your/name)," he straightened up and got in between you and the other three members, "This is Yeun, Umi, and Keichu," he smiled and gestured to the three, "There are the new added disciplinary pupils to patrol and protect the academy during the night,"

"New added disciplinary pupils," you repeated those words, "do we really need more gaurdians?"

The door opened behind them, having both you and Yuuki turn towards the door. Zero walked in and paused, staring at the group in front of him, "What?" He walked towards the sofa from the side of the room and say there.

"Zero had met them outside of the city and brought them over this afternoon," Cross went back to his desk and sat down, "This is only to help with the community because of the new enrollments recently as most of the night class students will start in two weeks after they're settled in,"

"We're honoured to serve for you, Kaien" the tall male spoke as he stepped forward and bowed politely.

Your eyebrows furrowed at the name calling. Not once you heard anyone call Cross by his first name. You turned to Yuuki who had an equal look on her face. You heard Zero scoff quietly, turning your head to see him. He was slumped against the sofa while looking towards the window. He looked agitated, very troubled.

"I take that you very well know, Chairman Cross?" Yuuki spoke up in a polite tone, with a smile.

A young woman with long slick dark hair who stood next the Keichu nodded, "We use to train with him a few years back," she looked at Cross, "You never told me you had children of your own, Kaien."

The older man only laughed delightedly, "I've told you so many times during our meetings, don't be so rude, Umi."

You looked at the other young woman with shorter hair who kept glancing at Zero. She looked to keep her focus on him, looking both alarmed and keen. "Well, I think we'll go about our ways since Zero had showed us around," Keichu spoke up, causing Yuuki and you to look at the taller male, hearing that hint of sarcasm.

"Go on ahead," Chairman Cross waved them off, "Remember to come and see me after your end of patrol, I still have some important matters to discuss with you three." The three new comers nodded and proceeded to leave the office.

You looked Chairman Cross after they left, "New guardians?" You asked with a surprised tone.

The older man nodded, "Yes, I'm sorry about the sudden news but we do really need the extra help around here."

"I honestly think we don't really need it," Zero rose from his spot and stood in between the girls, "I don't know how many times I would have to tell you that," He spat at his words.

You looked up towards Zero as Yuuki spoke, "Well, I think it's great," Zero looked at her with a displeased look as Yuuki met his gaze and gave him an eye roll.

"I also think it's great," you told Chairman Cross. Zero spluttered at your word as he turned to gave you a shocked look, you shrugged your shoulder.

"Oh, you girls~" Chairman Cross gushed over you too, "I wish Zero was more open-minded like you two!" With that, Zero scoffed sarcastically and turned around, making his way out of the room.

Yuuki turned to the older man, "I have a question," he smiled and leaned forward, "Do they know about Zero's situation?"

"That he was human and changed into a vampire?" He nodded, "Yes, I have. They have no problem with it but they may be on alert at times, so don't mind them." He took out a photo album from under his desk and opened it. He turned it over and slid across his desk, you and Yuuki saw a group of people in that phot album. It was Chairman Cross with the three people, along with several other people standing with them, "I've worked with them for a few years back then, as a trainee hunter."

You shot a look at him, "a vampire hunter?"

He nodded, "Yes, I've only helped train with these people to help with their main trainer." He slid the album back and flipped a few pages.

"You mean you were a vampire hunter?" Yuuki asked with a shocked tone, "Why didn't you ever talk about it?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "It never came up and it wasn't really important," he closed the album closed and slid it into his drawer. He looked up at the two shocked and curious girls, he smiled, "We can talk more about it later, go and start with your patrols. I want you girls and Zero to come back once the patrol is over." He waved you two off and pulled out his files of documents.

Yuuki was standing outside by the water fountain and you were sitting on the ledge staring at the sparkling water. It's been an hour since the meet and greet and neither of you have spotted Zero around.

"Well, should we split up and scope around the school and meet back here?" Yuuki suggested, she pulled his sleeve and looked at the time, "It should give us about 1 hour to look around, and remember to blow on your whistle if there's any trouble." She finished off as she pulled you up to face her.

You nodded and felt for your whistle that's underneath your coat, "Okay, I'll see you then." You both smiled one last time before turning and walking off. You sighed quietly as you slowly made attempts to look around, realizing that you and Yuuki just been here not too long ago. You met with the other gaurdians and had said they'd take care of both dorms, back and forth. So you three, or two, took care of the school's building area and the wooded area. Yuuki asked Zero if they seen him but they said they hadn't.

"Ah, (your/name)!" A cheery voice peered in. You turned around and spotted a noble night class student, "Lovely night, isn't it?"

You looked at your watch, seeing that it's a quarter after 12. Lunch hour. You turned and smiled at him, "Ichijo," you nodded, "It is actually," you looked up towards the lake that's into the distance and then up to the sky.

"I hope you're not too tired and you're getting enough rest, (your/name)." He continued walking into the building again, "Don't stress yourself,"

You turned to the voice and saw the door closing shut behind him. You sighed quietly, continuing walking around the building. After a few paces away from the area; you heard voices talking, two voices. You walked further towards the voices but paused.

"I don't want any of your blood," a familiar voice spat out, sounding very agitated.

Your eyes widened, "You can't fight your hunger, Kiriyu," another familiar voice was seemed to trail off. The voice furthered away and you quickly followed after them.

Kaname and Zero...

"Quit following me, you should be in class!" Zero barked at Kaname.

You stopped in your tracks, almost thinking that Zero was the one who said that to you. You sighed quietly and neared closely, "You know you need it, I can't have you go about your night with the thirst of blood," Kaname sighed quietly, sounding equally agitated, "I've made a promise to Chairman Cross that I'd help you any way I can, so can you please just..." You paused quietly, hearing something shake from a bottle and being tossed. You heard a light crack, indicating that something was caught, "Keep trying to take this,"

"I get you're trying to help," Zero spoke after several minutes, "just because of Cross but I don't really need yours."

You held your breath to hear a word from any of the two, you stayed still. "Do you remember what happened last year?" Kaname asked suddenly.

"Of course," Zero answered quickly.

You heard movements of walking, "I just don't want that to happen again," Kaname spoke sternly but in a quiet tone, "The girls may be right by your side and they could defend you so easily, but I just don't want them getting-"

"Yeah, yeah..." Zero suddenly spoke up, "I got it," and with that. Zero seemed to walk away from the pureblood.

You sighed quietly but you were alarmed, hearing footsteps approaching towards you. You quickly dashed towards the spot where you were, quietly and fast as possible. With it being dark and all, you tripped over a root. Clumsily falling over with a small thud, "Ow,"

"(your/name)?" Kaname spoke in a concerned tone, "Are you okay?"

You quickly got up and dusted off your skirt and coat, "Yeah, I'm fine..."

"You really need to watch where you're going," Kaname began walking along the path, "Otherwise you could really hurt yourself,"

You followed as you walked with him, "Yeah, but that didn't really hurt." The both of you continued to walk further down the path as you kept looking around for any mishaps. You couldn't stop thinking about the conversation you just heard. Over and Over again about needing blood and that image wandered to... Kaname giving blood to Zero but how? You shook your head and continued to look around, trying to distract your thoughts. You dreadfully wondered if the pureblood beside you could read your thoughts, which would totally be embarrassing.

"So, what are your plans for next Saturday?" Kaname asked.

You met his eyes and gave him a confused look, "What do you mean?" you felt suddenly nervous.

Kaname smiled with amusement, "The day when you first moved in with Cross, as apart of being with his family." He looked forward.

Ohyeah, my day... It's going to be soon. You sighed quietly, wondering what you planned to do. Chairman gave you an option to throw a party or even just the usual; relaxing at the house with everyone. You smiled faintly, "What I usually do, I guess..." You thought some more, "Maybe even go out for a walk afterwards,"

"That sounds lovely," Kaname turned his head to you as he gave you a pleasant smile, you returned the smile and continue forward. You were like this to Kaname, taking a short stroll every now and then. It would sometimes be with you and Yuuki, only if he were alone without his inner circle around. Maybe a chat would do when they were around.

Kaname paused, nearing an entrance to the school, "(your/name), can I speak to you for a moment before I head inside?" you turned around to face him. You looked at your watch to see if you had time; still got 35 minutes left. You met Kagame's gaze and smiled through the dark.

"Of course," you agreed. Kaname walked up to the door and opened it, gesturing you to go inside. You hesitated at that moment, you thought they'd speak right here before he goes in but it seems that he wanted a private conversation. You thought about the last private conversation you had with Kaname and it was that time that he asked if he could help Chairman Cross with his work. You then remembered about hearing that conversation earlier between him and Zero. Maybe he wanted to talk about that, just maybe. Suddenly curious, you made your way inside as Kaname followed behind you, closing the door behind him.
