Blood and Chocolate

Chapter 1

- 2005 -


The human in the room breathed and her not-terribly-excited emotions shifted to apologetic, as if *she* had something to be sorry for, and looked up to see the seven vampires in the room stare at her as if she was Easter dinner after a full 40 day fasting.

Feeling the collective thirst get to him, the empathic vampire was overcome with it. In the time it took for the human's heart to beat once, he had crossed the room, grabber her and together they crashed on the opposite wall. Her eyes widened with fear yet the levels of thirst of the vampires increased when her fresh blood poured. The empath's mouth latched on her throat and he sucked like a newborn.

It felt like ages but was more like minutes when she was dry and he was pulled back by the rest of the vampires. He expected them to go for it and try to feed too but he was met instead of pity and hate.

"I knew we couldn't trust you"
"I failed you my son"
"You're an animal; you never should have been near her"
"Sucks bro"
"I'm sorry Jasper"
"How could you...?"

The accusations were flying and his feeling of victory turned to shame. He had killed his brother's girlfriend, his mate's best (and only) friend, the newest addition to be in his family. They were right, he couldn't be trusted, and he was a failure.

He hung his head apologetic, ready to accept his punishment. He deserved it. He almost felt hands grabbing him when it stopped and the accented voice of his father was heard

"No Edward. Don't let him drag you down to his level"

Instead of feeling worse, something snapped in the crouched vampire. How dare they? It wasn't his hunger alone that caused the human's death to happen. It was theirs. Their hunger built on his! He felt something stirring inside him. Something dangerous, lethal. Something that was tired of being beaten to submission. He threw his head back and let out a roar that ...

... that...

Woke him up.

- 1948 -

With a roar that shook the trees, the blond vampire woke up. He looked around him disoriented and lost, expecting to see the minimalist decor of the family house in Forks, Washington. Instead he saw wilderness and a full moon high above.

If he had a heartbeat it would beat fast and his senses were on high alert. He stood up in a crouch without ever realizing it. The other two vampires in the area fell immediately on their knees, their hands falling limply on their sides. The move almost sent the female underwater but neither flinched. Instead all three remained motionless. The one standing on the faded pickup truck took deep breaths in and out.

Breath one, woods and not bad, overly scented air freshener.

Breath two, only two vampires nearby and a multitude of animals and fish, instead of six and a dead human.

Breath three, he felt comfortable instead of choking. That was weird.

Breath four, his left wrist was no longer squeezed in a cuff bracelet. That was weirder.

Breath five, he realized he felt free instead of oppressed.

Breath six, and his eyes moved from the vampires, down to himself. He expected the ugly and uncomfortable grey suit he had been instructed by Alice to wear for the blasted party. Instead he had on jeans and nothing else. Cowboy boots on his feet, cuff-less wrist and no wedding ring.

"What did you do to me? Where is Alice? The Cullens? The body?"

He asked quietly. The other two vampires stood fluidly and the female left the large lake. They looked at each other and the male took charge.

"How are you feeling, brother?"

He asked. Jasper licked his lips not really expecting the taste of the human girl to linger on, but it did.

"Elated. Ashamed. Hungry. Alone. Free. Myself. Take your pick"

The silver blond male vampire laughed a low throaty laughter and relaxed.

"I had to find a way to show you what I knew. The carnival psychic you consumed last feeding did the rest"
"You've been out two days. You worried us"

The long haired female added, also relaxing.

"Sorry Char"

Jasper apologized jumping down from the bed of the truck when it hit him.

"You said carnival psychic? What... What year is it Peter?"

Peter and Charlotte exchanged another look. Peter's voice was measured again when he responded

"May 3rd 1948. We're in Pennsylvania at some lake. Have been for over a week now"

Quietly jasper repeated the date

"How? I met Alice a week after when we went to town for dinner and you two wanted alone time"
"You did and you will"

Peter's voice had returned to its casual tone. Jasper rubbed the spot behind over his right eye. That was where his headaches always began. Was it even possible for vampires to get headaches? Five minutes ago, he'd say yes. Without saying a word, he got in the lake for a swim.

Charlotte moved to hide in her mate's arms and together they sat down on the sand

"That went well"

She commented. She had been against the experiment but stayed back and kept her opinion to herself. She believed in her mate's gift but she also believed that the Major was a big boy and could make his own decisions.

Peter was a lot taller and broader than her and his shrug made her move like a stuffed toy.

"I told him how bad meeting Tiny would be. You know he didn't believe me. So when we saw those rapist carnies a few nights ago... I went back to see the psychic. She was the real deal and when Jasper ate her... He lived what she saw and I knew"

He shrugged again. He didn't say if but he hoped it'd go well and that his wish to protect his brother wouldn't ruin them.

A/N: So there you have it. My very first non crossover for the year just began! I'm tempted to point out that I don't own anything recognizable about it but, honestly, if I did, would it be a fanfic and not what did happen in cannon? Really?

A/N2: The credit (I did say I owned nothing, right?) for the "Peter knows what will happen when/if Jasper meets Alice and goes with her and that aftermath" belongs to Ryggrad and an afternoon that we were joking about it. I hope you like it miss Ryggrad :)