Hey Guys! Just a quick update, please keep reading!

I decided to write a new story for now while i repost some chapters that never went through to these stories. I will be uplading every two weeks and I'm sorry for making you wait for a long time. Let's get this show on the road.

My new story us called He's my lucky Charm to my Bad luck, and you can find it under my story

This is the first chapter:

Dear Lucky Charm,

We recently found out the identity of Hawkmoth and Chat Noir is taking it pretty hard. Let's say I don't think Hawkmoth himself wanted to find out the identity of Chat Noir either. Yet here we are. I haven't been able to write it here in my diary because i thought i lost it but i will add in what I wrote in my backup notebook. The amount of balance and concentration I had to keep up with everything that has been happening.

One year ago


I was rushing to class, thanks to an akuma attack and managed to bump into Adrien. ADRIEN the gorgeous supermodel that I can't confess my feelings to. THAT Adrien. Anyways, you know me, clumsy as ever, I bumped into him, but not before slipping and almost falling backwards. It happened so fast tat from one second to the other he ended up behind me, and when he caught me, I got a glance and saw the tiniest of blushes. I wish it was because he liked me, but let's be honest, he probably flushed.

"I- gah, you. Ah S-s-s-sorry ?" I felt so embarrassed, my tongue was so tied and I can tell you, my face got really red, just as much as the color of my alter ego's colors. I immediately snapped out when i heard his angelic voice to "-go to class, before we're more late Marinette."

All I was able to respond was in a nod. Oh well T-T (Crying face) one day but for now, rush to class. As we walked in, Alya eyed me suspiciously before wiggling her eyebrows while Nino did the same to Adrien? I must have seen wrong.

"Marinette. Adrien. Before you have a seat, I hope you have a good reason you are coming in late?"

"Yes Ms. Bustier, I had to help my parents bakery get cleaned up because one of the customers dropped an entire cake order. I'm sorry for arriving late" I explained, as I sighed for lying. I can't really tell her 'hey, I'm Ladybug and I had to save citizens like you from an akuma attack.'

Adrien seemed a bit pale, ducked his head and apologized for being late. I hope he is ok, he's been behaving really strangely lately...

I will get back to writing miraculous reaction so don't worry. The next chapter will be updated in 2 days!

So stay tuned!

~Queen Got Swag